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Launch Day Plans

Crimson Red

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The GameStop I ordered it from says the 5th, but my friend who works there might be able to cheat for me.

Anyway, I took the day off work because said GameStop is an hour away from school, so I'll have to drive there to get it. After that... I probably want be able to play at all because my s.o. will want to cuddle. I am always asking myself why I don't date gamers.

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You know what? Scratch what I said earlier out about the pudding. I'm pretty sure the whole day will consist of on and off arguing by my mother about the bundle price and how it's expensive as shit and how I never take care of anything.

And THEN I play Awakening, but this time with several layers of guilt on my shoulders throughout the night.

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not even bothered pre-ordering it, just going to walk over and pick it up from Best Buy (got a gift card)

dunno if I'll play it all day or anything, but I'm sure I'll have difficulty putting it down >.<

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teh pln

1. become fatally ill

2. wait till parents leave

3. un-become fatally ill

4. take the 3rd car to gamestop buy games

4.5 avoid the police in charge of getting the kids who cut school

5. build an over sized barricade around my house like the ones in les mis

6. wave a fe themed flag overly dramatically atop the barricade as i play fe, sing, and fend of the people trying to stop me becuase i'm am likely insane, and have literally sprouted a 4th arm and 2nd head so as to be able to do all of this at once

7. still finding something sufficiently silly

Sit through school, drive myself to gamestop, purchase game&bundle then play the cartridge on my zelda 3ds sitting in the car in the parking lot until i get a few game overs and then go home and play all night.(all while screaming with girlish delight unbecoming to any male)

Edited by Corellon Larethian
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Since I'm a night owl... Gonna have to stay up and pester people for transport

pick up my pre-order(the bundle, if applicable)... then by some food, candy, basically rations for my bomb shelter-esque room

Then go to sleep, it'll probably be a wasted effort, yes I'm gonna sleep with it

Ah, and I planned on recording my unboxing, too, but it'll be a gimped unboxing, cuz I'm gonna open it, put the physical copy I bought in there, reseal it, then reopen it

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Okay, I've changed my game plan for what I'm doing slightly.

I've decided to download the game from the eShop or whatever it's called, and my dad will pick up a physical copy for my brother. I'm mainly buying it from the eShop so I can get it faster, and it will always be with me. And, we've pretty much decided that we're each going to buy the DLC that we actually want, but I'm probably going to get all of them, while he's probably going to skip out on a few.

Edited by Konnor97
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Enjoy turning 20 and hopefully pick this up at GameStop. If I'm really lucky I might go to my sister's apartment to borrow her 3DS, as I still don't have one of my own. ;-;

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I'm going to pick this up on Release day....Then I'm going to play it all day and forgot that I have assignments due the next day, Then rush through them in a sorry attempt to get a passable grade....Yep, seems like a good day.

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I'm going to either:

Miss the first quarter of my Calculus lecture to pick up my pre-order, carry it in my backpack for classes all day, and go home and do homework while Specta plays it


Get out of my Physics lecture at 1800 and dash to Gamestop to pick up my preorder, take it home and do homework while Specta plays it.

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On Mondays I have a morning class and an evening seminar so I've got a huge break where I can buy the bundle and playthrough a bunch of it.

Who am I kidding. 3 more hours of playing Awakening or 3 hours of Contemporary Issues in Law? I know which one I'm choosing.

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1: Bug my mom to wake up and take me down to gamestop ASAP.

2: Get console. Start setting up the clock, etc. Adjust settings to not have 3D on the top screen.

3: At home, get my FC, that swap note app and give the FC to emi before she flips

4: Get spammed with swap notes

5: Start playing the game. Spend forever being fickle about what I want My Unit to be, then finally pick one by random and get on with the story.

6: Flaunt my stylin' new 3DS to all.

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Gaaah. The GameStop I live near opens at 10AM. Unless there's a midnight release, I'm going to be forced to go when I get back to my hometown from college that day.

Sooo, suffer through class, then return home, bug my mother for a ride to get my paycheck and go to said GameStop, finish paying the game, get the game, then hide in my room and (maybe) play the game.

But it says "February 4th" for the release day, which is a Monday. Don't new releases come out on Tuesdays, unless it's a midnight release, or something?

You can tell that I've bought new releases often, clearly.

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Gaaah. The GameStop I live near opens at 10AM. Unless there's a midnight release, I'm going to be forced to go when I get back to my hometown from college that day.

Sooo, suffer through class, then return home, bug my mother for a ride to get my paycheck and go to said GameStop, finish paying the game, get the game, then hide in my room and (maybe) play the game.

But it says "February 4th" for the release day, which is a Monday. Don't new releases come out on Tuesdays, unless it's a midnight release, or something?

You can tell that I've bought new releases often, clearly.

Nintendo doesn't care about anybody else's release schedule. They release stuff at atypical times often.

Also I'll probably skip classes on Monday depending on when Gamestop opens.

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First, I'm going to lock my door. Then, I'm going to disconnect my phone lines and ignore any and all post. Then I will seal myself into my room and play the game.

Once people catch onto the fact that I have vanished, I'm going to throw a specially prepared puppet of myself out of the window of a nearby hotel, put on my specially prepared wax mask of a suitable celebrity and book myself into another hotel while the investigation into my faked death proceeds. I will then continue to play the game.

Once it becomes clear that I must announce my presence or be declared legally dead, I will hire a gang of thugs to beat me up and leave me unconscious on the middle of the high street. Here, I will be found and taken to hospital, where I will recuperate. While playing Awakening.

At this point, I will contact a lawyer and find someone to sue for my beating/the failure of the investigation to find me etc etc. I will then use this money to take an extended leave from University. To play Awakening.

So nothing much really, no.

This post just won the thread.

I will also plan on playing it as much as possibru, marrying Cherche, and maybe bringing about some names, since I don't have a schedule restriction that day.

Edited by Diortem
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Also I'll probably skip classes on Monday depending on when Gamestop opens.

SHAME TO FAMIR--- who am I kidding?

Asians do it too.

I remember there was a law in Japan that they couldn't release certain series titles on weekdays because so many people would skip work or school to wait in those super long lines.

First, I'm going to lock my door. Then, I'm going to disconnect my phone lines and ignore any and all post. Then I will seal myself into my room and play the game.

Once people catch onto the fact that I have vanished, I'm going to throw a specially prepared puppet of myself out of the window of a nearby hotel, put on my specially prepared wax mask of a suitable celebrity and book myself into another hotel while the investigation into my faked death proceeds. I will then continue to play the game.

Once it becomes clear that I must announce my presence or be declared legally dead, I will hire a gang of thugs to beat me up and leave me unconscious on the middle of the high street. Here, I will be found and taken to hospital, where I will recuperate. While playing Awakening.

At this point, I will contact a lawyer and find someone to sue for my beating/the failure of the investigation to find me etc etc. I will then use this money to take an extended leave from University. To play Awakening.

So nothing much really, no.

I've watched Gargoyles... and I have to say, fitting with your avatar and member title, this sounds like a freaking Xanatos Gambit/Roulette. (I don't know the difference, I just know it's EXACRY AS PRANNED)

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Since I'm way out in Asia, my plan for February 4th is...

All of Feb4th --- Wish it was Feb5th, sleep EARLY.

Feb5th 3AM --- Login to eShop and purchase FE13, watch the download to keep resetting the connection whenever it hits the dreaded Download Error Code 0007-####

Feb5th, after download --- play all day until time for grad school. Play all night after grad school.

Feb8th --- Play instead of paying attention to cousin's wedding.

This is the perfect plan.

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