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What is up with women on social media sites

Esau of Isaac

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What's up with people who have ovaries and their endless de-friending and re-friending of people? When I de-friend somebody on Facebook, that's pretty much a sign that I think you're probably Hitler secretly wearing the skin of some douchey person. I'm not going to be sending you another friend request unless you, like, save the world from hunger. But women seem to have this endless fascination with removing people they only associate with once a week instead of every minute of every day as though they're long lost dead people and then deciding to resend friend requests like a week later, only to repeat the whole thing over and over again.

Things that people do on social media sites that bug you general.

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What's up with people who have ovaries and their endless de-friending and re-friending of people? When I de-friend somebody on Facebook, that's pretty much a sign that I think you're probably Hitler secretly wearing the skin of some douchey person. I'm not going to be sending you another friend request unless you, like, save the world from hunger. But women seem to have this endless fascination with removing people they only associate with once a week instead of every minute of every day as though they're long lost dead people and then deciding to resend friend requests like a week later, only to repeat the whole thing over and over again.

Things that people do on social media sites that bug you general.

Sometimes it'll depend on race(trust me, the girls at my school do a lot of that and even tell the person in their face >_>). I think it's just because of all the trash they see and hear on T.V and decide that they need something else to entertain themselves.

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People on Facebook, and probably other sites like it, put way too much importance on friend requests. In the years I've been a part of Facebook, I've gotten probably two hundred friend requests. It got to the point where I ignored it. So, when people I actually know sent me requests, and I didn't accept, they called me and freaked out, as if I'd insulted them by not accepting a meaningless request on a website.

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What's up with people who have ovaries and their endless de-friending and re-friending of people? When I de-friend somebody on Facebook, that's pretty much a sign that I think you're probably Hitler secretly wearing the skin of some douchey person. I'm not going to be sending you another friend request unless you, like, save the world from hunger. But women seem to have this endless fascination with removing people they only associate with once a week instead of every minute of every day as though they're long lost dead people and then deciding to resend friend requests like a week later, only to repeat the whole thing over and over again.

Things that people do on social media sites that bug you general.

nice casual sexism and social ineptitude way to go fucktruck

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It it my opinion that if any disagreement I have on facebook causes me to consider ending a friendship for real, unless it's a truly divisive impasse that cannot be joined again even by the likes of a natural disaster, I probably need to go the fuck to sleep and resolve it elsewhere.

I don't get unfriending in general, but usually it's none of my business and to say I'm not quick-thinking socially would be an understatement so it's not exactly a pet peeve

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Yay sexism! I definitely know just as many guys who are like that.

nice casual sexism and social ineptitude way to go fucktruck

People making sweeping generalisations about certain groups of people (women, different races, etc) annoy me

Life is super serious don't take situations lightly being flippant is always worthy of death

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people who say problematic things then try to pass them off as jokes annoy me

People who take clearly sarcastic commentary as serious statements masked as jokes annoy me.

Also black people. And Jews. And Asians. God I hate people that aren't exactly like me.

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I make carefully aimed judgments of a specific individual, and they are always correct. Such as, "I am not human." I have an absolutely robust, coherent and systematized explanation of why this is true, that will endure any test. The key component is that a test of my limits which shows me lacking does not prove my humanity, b/c I am something less.

But ya also, once I was on FB and someone said "if you love jesus defriend me" and I thought about defriending him, but eventually I didn't, because I was pretty sure he didn't even know I was on his friend list, even though he friended me.

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