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Okay, i'm going to be the first one to say it. Virion saying "Ravishing!" is hilarious to me. Still I like everyones voices. Chrom sounds alot like Chris Redfield to me, which is pretty awesome. I suspect Chrom will punch a boulder.

I for one, am totally okay with this. Chrom is the man.

The more I mess around with the demo, the more I enjoy the 3D effects. Works so well and it just looks damn amazing.

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So I cave in, downloaded the Demo, and ended up with a testament of my wild luck streak.

My first level up in Awakening: a Perfect one.

That bodes well for you.

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The fact that they got that lucky for their first level is good enough.

Else it means they've exhausted their luck and will not be getting any more perfect level ups. ...I hope I didn't jinx you, AstraSage. Uhhh... good luck! ^_^

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I find that especially funny, given that the town is currently on fire.

Too soon, Frederick. Too soon.

I need to record that eventually. Like when we get the full game. Because casual mode gives me saves and I keep saves for everything in my dropbox.

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So, good news, guys. I frequent another really big gaming forum, and they have a thread for the FE Awakening demo, and there's a large number of people posting in that thread to say that this demo is the first Fire Emblem experience they've had, and they're already sold on the game. The demo actually worked! Maybe Fire Emblem won't die in the west after all!

Edited by The Awesomest
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So, good news, guys. I frequent another really big gaming forum, and they have a thread for the FE Awakening demo, and there's a large number of people posting in that thread to say that this demo is the first Fire Emblem experience they've had, and they're already sold on the game. The demo actually worked! Maybe Fire Emblem won't die in the west after all!

This is good. Fire Emblem Awakening deserves all the recognition it gets.

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This demo thoroughly wet my whistle for the full game. I didn't even know I had to buy this until playing that. THANKS NINTENDO
I stated earlier in the thread that I have tried to convince my friend to play FE since Sacred Stones, I pestered him to download the demo yesterday, today he called me telling me he is getting it day 1, and wanted to talk about the game and mechanics.. Intelligent Systems has a new fan, and hopefully if this goes well, Nintendo will see the importance of a well designed demo and word of mouth. I have a good feeling about this game!!
OK, first time playing Fire Emblem, just did the demo, and all I gotta say is DAY ONE.

Well, I'll elaborate a little and say the characters are effortlessly charming, the map movement and battles are quick and fun, the writing and VA is very well-done, and I really dig the graphics on every level: the character portraits, the polygonal maps (dat burning building in 3D <3), the chibi-esque character models (the peg legs are cute! and they -do- have pointy lil' feet, if you look), and especially the drop-dead gorgeous cutscenes, which are like Valkryia Chronicles 2.0 -- and in autostereoscopic 3D! I'd glad pay for an entire movie rendered in this fashion.

Oh, and the music makes your heart swell! I'm definitely going to download this come launch day. If demos are meant to sell one on a game, then MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, Nintendo!

This is my first FE game with no real interest in the series before (I always liked advance wars better), but playing the demo has completely sold me. Pre-ordering as post this.

Hard seems like the "sweet spot" difficulty for me, but insane seems like it would be a lesson in frustration for almost anyone, haha.

And many more! And who knows how many lurkers, and people from all over!

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And again, as Fire Emblem becomes mainstream. My "speshulness" dries up and I cry in a corner being unable to be an elitist anymore.

Shame, isn't it? Now how will I be able to know what it is like being the only person who knows what FE is in the places I frequent?

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My quick and easy playthrough. Also LOL at boss of CH1

Do you have that cable that loopy includes with the 3DS Capture boards? Because the whizzing sound is there on your video without the noise reducing cable.

And wow. 1% crit on the Chapter 1 boss. Nice.

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I'm using the ground loop isolater, but I'm also using an audio splitter so I can listen to it seperately from my headphones. There is lag between the 3ds and the computer and I hate desynced audio. The splitter may be causing a bit of a hum, or it may be that I upped the volume in vegas without taking it to an equalizer first.

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I'm in Europe, so I don't have access to the demo. I would be thankful if anyone could check out if the game has subtitles available for the cutscenes. The few youtube LPs I've watched didn't use subtitles, but I don't know if it's because of native english speaking people who don't need it or if it's because there's no option for that.

Thanks :)

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Else it means they've exhausted their luck and will not be getting any more perfect level ups. ...I hope I didn't jinx you, AstraSage. Uhhh... good luck! ^_^

Would the opposite be true, or will bad luck run with me through the full game as well? :C

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Pfft, you can still be "elitist" when you've played the other games in the series!

But anyway, it's totally awesome that so many new people are getting into Fire Emblem. You know, if things go well, Awakening might be the first million-selling game in the series. It's already sold half a million in Japan, so it shouldn't be tooo hard.

Although I dunno if Nintendo counts sales from all regions when making their million-selling list...

I'm also a bit stressed knowing there might be lots of new fans visiting my site. TBH, I've never been good at explaining stuff.

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