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You know what sucks?

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I'm going to Austin (the capitol of Texas), on Feb 4th at 9 in the morning...

Gamestop does not open until 10am. I cannot go get my game until Wednesday!

Oh man I hate this. grrrrr....

anyway... aside from my lamenting, say what you think sucks.


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It sucks that I work Mondays. Now, I could ride the bus to the Mall it stops by, since my job is on the same route. But I'd have

to leave earlier than usual just so I won't be late. It's even worse when people are against me getting a liscense so I could drive myself anywhere.

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I know your pain, komrade.

But but my case might be different. See, no one will let me practice so I won't miserably fail the driving test. It's obnoxious when they(I'll say it, my sisters and mom) even get on me about not having a liscense. It's quite backwards.

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But but my case might be different. See, no one will let me practice so I won't miserably fail the driving test. It's obnoxious when they(I'll say it, my sisters and mom) even get on me about not having a liscense. It's quite backwards.

Nope, actually that's pretty much my situation. I have friends that let me practice with their cars (also learning to drive stick), but the times I get to see them and practice are really far and few between. It's pretty damn embarrassing. But I'm slowly but surely getting there, but still I know how much it sucks. Best of luck.

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