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Wait, wrong game series. Although a Pokemon x Fire Emblem crossover would be interesting to see.

Anyways, I first found out Fire Emblem existed via Super Smash Bros. Melee, but it wasn't until the 3DS Ambassador Program that I played my first (and so far only) Fire Emblem game, Sacred Stones. I loved the game, and with Awakening releasing soon (it looks amazing!!), I decided to join these forums. Very few people that I know, both offline and on, play Fire Emblem, and I always enjoy a game a lot more when I can talk to others about it.

I'm a biology major two classes away from graduation and currently afflicted with a horrible case of senioritis. I don't have many hobbies. I spend more time than I should on the internets, often just having my cursor and fingers follow the random turns my thoughts take. I also read (when not tired of reading after reading for my classes) and play videogames (right now I'm playing through Pokemon White Version 2). I find languages of all sorts interesting: at one point I considered majoring in linguistics. Finally, I've been thinking about taking up cooking (I can use a microwave!), writing poetry (I enjoyed doing it in a creative writing class I took for an elective), and something outdoorsy like hiking (I need to get outside more).

So howdy! I'm looking forward to getting to know people here :)

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Welcome to Serenes Forest! I'm sure you'll gets tons of recommendations for Fire Emblems to play, my advice is to just take them one at a time lol gets a bit messy if you try to get into multiple fe's at once xD.

Also cool a Biology Major. What got you interested in it?

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First, Pokemon Conquest exists. Second, do your homework. :P:

Hi~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

Yeah, which is why it'd never happen haha. And will do (the homework and reading rules)!

Welcome to Serenes Forest! I'm sure you'll gets tons of recommendations for Fire Emblems to play, my advice is to just take them one at a time lol gets a bit messy if you try to get into multiple fe's at once xD.

Also cool a Biology Major. What got you interested in it?

I wouldn't want to imagine the headache I'd get if I tried to tackle multiple ones xD Thanks for the heads up!

I'm continually amazed at the diversity of organisms, how they are related to one another, how they interact with each other (provided they are part of the same ecosystem), and how each are adapted (and continue to adapt!) to their environments. There are still so many species yet to be discovered and so much more to learn about the species we already know of. Not to mention that we still have much to learn about the past via the fossil record.

Thanks for the welcome :)

Edited by Alpha Cygni
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I wouldn't want to imagine the headache I'd get if I tried to tackle multiple ones xD Thanks for the heads up!

I'm continually amazed at the diversity of organisms, how they are related to one another, how they interact with each other (provided they are part of the same ecosystem), and how each are adapted (and continue to adapt!) to their environments. There are still so many species yet to be discovered and so much more to learn about the species we already know of. Not to mention that we still have much to learn about the past via the fossil record.

Thanks for the welcome :)

I see! I've only took Biology in my High School years lol, I can see why it would be interesting to some though now that you say all that [love your avatar by the way I love frogs.. Something I got from my Mother lol]

And your welcome for the welcome :D

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Biology was something that interested me greatly. Oh, but all the chemistry I'd have to take to major in it... Bleh

I've heard horrible terrible things about organic chemistry (I'm not sure if it's a requirement to major in biology everywhere, but it is where I'm at...)

Anyway, welcome to SF!

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I see! I've only took Biology in my High School years lol, I can see why it would be interesting to some though now that you say all that [love your avatar by the way I love frogs.. Something I got from my Mother lol]

And your welcome for the welcome :D

I love their faces, that permanent 8I expression that they seem to have xD

Unfortunately, the frog in my avatar (Panamanian golden frog) is critically endangered, and it may be extinct in the wild. Amphibians as a whole are one of the most vulnerable and threatened groups of animals :(

Welcome to the forest. Enjoy your stay!

Thanks for the welcome :)

Biology was something that interested me greatly. Oh, but all the chemistry I'd have to take to major in it... Bleh

I've heard horrible terrible things about organic chemistry (I'm not sure if it's a requirement to major in biology everywhere, but it is where I'm at...)

Anyway, welcome to SF!

Haha, I like chemistry theory (actually it comes easier to me than biology theory), but I don't like doing lab work (pretty much because I suck at it).

One semester of organic chemistry is required at my school, and I think it's required at most (if not all) schools. I liked coming up with ways of synthesizing various chemicals, but doing synthesis in the lab was meh. I'd lose so much of the product when trying to isolate it from the stuff I didn't want lol.

Thanks for the welcome!

Welcome to the Forest, Alpha!

*Throws Master Ball* gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Don't burn the Forest :b

*ball shakes once, twice, three times, and a click can be heard*

Let me out once and a while will ya?

I'll be sure keep my Flamethrower under control, and thanks for the welcome :)

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Will you nickname your Cygni?

White 2 was a pretty big game to me in terms of playing value, I got about 70 hours in and a full team leveled in the low 80's, so have fun with that.

Tried out the Awakening Demo yet? It's in the 3DS store for free, so go get that if you haven't already. Have fun in the forum!

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