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Awakening Localized Name Discovery Thread

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Just saw Ced's Spotpass quote. Looks like his Magi group is still called Magi. Though I don't know if that's the full name now or something.

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Don't know how I could have missed this thread. Anyway...

I agree, I blame it on the hanging out on GFaqs I've been doing while Serenes was down. Selena was like, most popular child character. I'm half expecting an angry mob to rise up and burn everything

It wouldn't be right to call her Selena again. As we already have that name to a character from FE8. Same with Sonia(FE2) being named the same as to Sonia in FE7.

Loran -> Laurent (so his Japanese name is retained. That's a first)

I wouldn't say that exactly. As he would otherwise be named Roranto instead of just Roran.

It's fitting for him to be called that. As he is somewhat a petulant person.

I don't hate the names, I just want to play. <3

Uh huh. <3

Ichival is now Yewfelle


Yewfelle sounds like You Fell as in, you fell to my arrows!

Yewfelle sounds good.

who singlehandedly tried to revive dead names like Loren or are willing to allow completely made up ones for Tiamo - failed to think about these things and added an 'e'.

So why would they change it to Inigo? Why not? They kind of have to change it to something - they can't just call him ??? the whole game (although Tripquest is the best nickname ever.) If they're going to change a name, it's best that they do with to a semi-uncommon one that the Japanese would probably never pick out for their own names to avoid conflicts down the line (e.g. Celina/Selena/Serena, but on a larger scale.) With this in mind, they next need to choose a name that's meaningful. Cordelia, for instance, is the name of a tragic heroine in King Lear who could not make a big enough spectacle of her love. It's really quite a perfect name for Tiamo, no?

I think Tiamo is retarded. Cordelia is perfect for her with her empress-like personality. Tiamo "Meaning I luv u" in French just sounds retarded to name someone that.

Jugdral is still Jugdral

Sophia is Zofia

Judgral is actually Judgrali.

And I think Zofia is good. As again we made another translation error as they were meanting to say Zofia.

Aw, no Silezha?

Nice catch; I totally forgot about that list : P


Like serously. What the hell? Same thing as to Shiida being named that in SSBB sticker, but they went with Caeda later.

Yuria is Julia.

Yuria always has been Julia as well as Yurius being Julius. Those fan translators made a mistake till Twikitri fixed it.

Don't have 100% verification on this, but I think "Spirit Talisman" (refering to the recruitable DLC) has been renamed to Einherjar.

Einherjar is more appropiate for Valkyrie Profile reference to commanding dead legendary warriors.

Divine Dragon Tears is now called Naga's Tears.

Naga's Tear is perfect for her.

As your getting a touch from a beautiful Manakete. ^-^

Posted in the main thread, but...

List of VAs from GFAqs

Chrom - Matthew Mercer

Avatars - Dave Vincent / Brandon Karrer / Chris Smith / Michelle Ruff / Wendee Lee

Lissa - Kate Higgins

Emmeryn - Erin Fitzgerald

Frederick & Validar - Kyle Hebert

Flavia & Miriel - Tara Platt

Basilio - Patrick Seitz

Say'ri & Cynthia - Stacy Okada

Sully & Cherche - Amanda C. Miller

Stahl & Donnel - Sam Regal

Vaike - Michael Sorich

Kellam & Gerome - Orion Acaba

Ricken - Yuri Lowenthal

Gaius - Gideon Emery

Panne - Jessica Gee

Cordelia & Severa - Julie Ann Taylor

Nowi - Hunter Mackenzie Austin

Gregor & Laurent - George C. Cole

Libra - Cindy Robinson

Tharja & Kjelle - Stephenie Sheh

Olivia & Anna - Karen Strassman

Henry - Bryce Papenbrook

Owain - Kaiji Tang

Inigo - Liam O'Brien

Morgan(M) Todd Stone

Morgan(F) Nicole Karrer

Yarne - Chris Smith

Noire - Michelle Ruff

Gangrel - Anthony Jenkins

Aversa - Cindy Robinson

Walhart - Richard Epcar

Yen'fay - Kirk Thornton

Excellus - Spike Spencer

For Cordelia's voice, she also did Princess Peach's voice in SSBM.

Basilio is Frederic Chopin.

I cannot hold all of this excitement.

And Basilio's voice is done by the same VA that did


This character. =3

Chrom is Leon Kennedy

Not the Resident Evil 2 Leon though. xP

By the way, no-one seems to have commented on this Thor Hammer and Holsety being localized as "Mjölnir" and "Forseti", so I'll give my thoughts.

"Mjölnir"... I think it's safe to say literally EVERYONE called this. Guesses of this as a localization have been floating around even before Awakening existed. Plus, it just sounds cooler, and it's really the same thing.

"Forseti". Okay, I know there are going to be outcries of "They-Changed-It-Now-It-Sucks". But you know what, not only did I call this too, I really like it. Firstly, 'Forseti' is actually CLOSER to the original Katakana than 'Holsety' was. Holsety was just mistranslation, really, (I know it's technically the "official romanization", but really, they're not the most reliable of thinks. After all, they read ヴェイク as Wyck, ソール as Sort, and プラスル as Prasle on a Pokemon that CLEARLY has + motifs!) that happened to satch on with the fandom because it was the only thing they had to go on. Iteventually became so well-known few wanted it changed, despite it being wrong.

Sencondly, and more importantly, it's derived from the Norse god of justice. Which is awesome. Now I'm pucturing Levin saying Objection...

And regarding the Deadlords, I kinda like the change. German numbers might sound "exotic" in Japanese, but not so much to a westerner. My only gripe is that Draco isn't a Wyvern Lord, which is kinda silly. Equus being a Paladin is genius though. Some of them got the short end of the stick when it comes to cool animals though. To wit:

Mus (Rat), the General. [uhh... not exactly fitting for something huge.]

Bovis (Ox), the Bow Knight. [interesting]

Tigris (Tiger), the Warrior. [This one kinda makes sense.]

Lepus (Rabbit), the War Cleric. [Not a Taugel??]

Draco (Dragon), the Sniper. [Not a Wyvern Lord??]

Anguilla (Snake), the Dark Knight. [They have a draining skill, and they're "dark", so okay.]

Equus (Horse), the Paladin. [Perfect]

Ovis (Ram literally, though the zodiak says Goat), the Sage. [uhh...]

Simia (Monkey), the Swordmaster. [i guess they're agile]

Gallus (Rooster), the Sorcerer. [lol]

Canis (Dog), the Valkyrie. [um... what?]

Porcus (Pig/Boar), the Assassin. [Apparently pigs can be surprisingly deadly, so, uh, yeah?]

So not all really suit their classes, but they couldn't really switch them around, so I guess that's understandable. Funnily enough, another game I'm a fan of, The World Ends With You, also used zodiak theme naming. (In its brand names, though it's not quite as obvious as it is here, and also a few of its bosses. Ovis Cantus, Tigris Cantus and Angius Cantus come to mind.)

Zechs was changed to Anguilla.

Lepus was Elf.

Holsety was a mistranslation.

Forseti is an awesome name! As cool as Holsety looks, Forseti just really gives that Nordic vibe.

Upon the weather forecast. =)

Actually, I don't even care because it's just a game, and these are just names. And if I didn't know about the name changes in FE9, I would be confused about who Tiamat is, just like I wouldn't know who Kilroy, Senerio, Chap, Stella, Dalahowe, or any of the other people are, because I simply didn't go to any fansites back when the game came out.

I didn't think that Stella was bad. It's actually prettier than Astrid.

NoA rarely disappoints with their localizations. Almost every change is a big improvement, and those that aren't (Seliph is weird) are still okay anyway.

Celice is actually the same as Seliph that Seliph is actually an angelic boy with a halo on his head. Seliph is perfect for him in every aspect.

This is gonna be good. I'll bring all of the popcorn. Only one I'm hoping for is Cyas -> Scias, so that I can think of this every time I see him.

Again, it was a translation error. As the Japanese writings actually said Saiasu.

Since the Lost Bloodlines 1 map will be released in just a few more minutes, just wanted to say that I'll take up posting all of the new localized names in this post. I'll edit it once I've downloaded the map and got to the preparations screen.

Okay, here's the localized names.
























Ulster (Skasaher)

Legion (Roro)

I think I love the localization team for making Roro Legion.

Ethlin is a mistake also as i is actually pronounced y in our area. Like r is with L. R in Japan is used either as that or L. Like Lin is Lyn. =3

For Malice being named Maris before is yet another translation error that we've made.

Interesting. I like them

I'm kinda surprised that Eyvel stayed the same, also QUAN, now I can call him Sun Quan for lols

Cuan sounds stupid anyway.

Ced being Sety is probably the one thing I will never get over

And Ced being named that is a mystery. As he is not an automobile. -.-


Also, you missed Ethlin, who is now officially Ethlyn.

Aless is Ares.

Ethlin is retarded. It should have been Ethlyn in the first place.

And Ares being named that doesn't seem right for him as he's not a god. Aless was more perfect, but I'm fine with it being Ares.

Some other translators actually named him Ares before. Those translators were correct.

Quick question, will the old translation patches be updated to reflect the namechanges?

Probably not.

Just downloaded the map. Wow, localized names are better than I thought. A lot of them were retained.

So happy Mareeta is still Mareeta.

It's the best thing to do in history. Since it actually tells us what they actually would be named if these games were localized and to fix all of our translation errors that we have made for the past ten years.

Lol you totally should. If you want the complete list:

Celice- Seliph

Lakche - Larcei?

Skasaha- Ulster

Leaf- Leif

Nanna- Nanna

Julius- Julius

Julia- Julia

Altenna- Altena

Arthur- Arthur

Phee- Fee

Aless- Ares

Sety- Ced

Ethlin- Ethlyn

Cuan- Quan

Sigurd- Sigurd

Diadora - Deirdre

Lachesis- Raquesis

Levin- Lewyn

Fin- Finn

Jamka- Jamke

Ardan- Arden

Ayra- Ayra

Alvis- Arvis

At least I think that's everyone in FE4 that's in the DLC.

And Arvis was correct. We made an error to making it Alvis when Arvis is actually the name of a Gargoyle avater. His power is like an Avater. =]

1. Roro being renamed Legion seems good, with his clones and all.

2. (If localization is doing so much work to research on the past games' elements, why didn't they localize FE12 in the first place?)

1. He actually has THAT many brothers. It is never unheard of.


2. Ever since the year 2010 of never being told why, nobody knows.

NoA stick with Serlis from their ancient FE7 site in this game's translation.

That's the third time that they've decided on something else.

I mean, I could maybe grind Renown by buying Mist's services over and over and over again, but I'd need to be watching a movie or something while I do, otherwise the boredom will kill me XD

I'm about 6-7k right now, so I'd need to buy her services...at least 1880 times.


The only thing that you should bother with Renown is to get the Boots. As you do want to have two pairs in every run once you reach 50000. The Supreme Emblem is nothing more than a souvenir which also can be sold for 99999G which having "The Golden Gaffe" makes it obsolete. It's better to be kept for a souvenir than anything else.

May is Mae, from Boey's death quote.

One of my favorite localization changes ever. The "i" in the end of a name is actually e in our areas name end makes it perfect.

By the way, what does Mae's real Japanese version name is if anyone knows (was it actually May or was it a different name?

It was actually Mei. But Mae makes it more appropiate in our area.

Shanna (Thany)

I did just checked in Wikipedia that Raigh is a real existing name.

And I am pretty sure that Shanna might have changed her name since they might want to avoid with the light tome that Micaiah wields "Thani" in Radiant Dawn.


The Jap writings actually said Sha. We just went with Thany beforehand as to have thought that her name pronounciation was just at that.

Like Thany was another mistake when in her Jap writings it was actually Shani. And I never called her Thany, ever. Shanna is perfect to leave out the "Ni" as Ni is a Japanese pronounciation.

it's a good thing you're specifically talking about grinding for Renown lol cool.gif

It would take countless playthroughs otherwise to get 50000 renown without the Golden Gaffe episode installed. Without recruiting spotpass characters, you averagely don't get more than 700 Renown per playthrough.

Not specifically. We'd heard in the past that someone had gotten to 99,999 Renown, and said it was the Supreme Emblem, but I was a bit skeptical at the time. But having full confirmation like this is good.

Ugh, I wouldn't bother.

But it is the only way to get this now since "The Strongest One's Name" isn't out yet.

Since nobody got to this, they're "Mystery of the Emblem (JP)"

Yeah, by seeing JP to that really ticks me off. Especially after they've localized Shadow Dragon leaving us with yet another cliffhanger like with FE7 of not bringing 6 over. But by putting music tracks of FE12 in our copies makes me think that they actually DID want to localize this game. But they decided not to as nobody ever knows why they didn't.

While I know the EU audience is excited to finally get the demo, of course we can't overlook the last of the Legacy characters in Rogues and Redeemers 1. Anyway here they are.

Narshen is now Narcian

Trabant has become Travant

Narcian. Hmmm....

Travant. Good.

Makes me wonder how many people other than me have been calling him that.

Just like I never called "Shani" Thany.

I like the official names to Trabant and Narshen. Travant sounds really cool, and Narcian probably comes from "narcissism", which, from what I've heard and seen of the guy, fits him.

Sames with Alvis being Arvis. As Arvis sounds like he's an avatar winged dragon and is much cooler than Alvis. His power is actually that of a


winged pterdon.

Celica's Title is "Blessed Maiden"

Um...her DLC isn't out yet.


It's also weird that Darksphere's name got changed. It gets mentioned in one of the DLC's. Don't remember the name and can't find that name anywhere. Nah is like the greatest idea ever next to Leif instead of Leaf. I think Thor Hammer being Mjolnir is the best translation change ever!!!!! It represents powerful thunder magic being used by arch sages!

So Darksphere is now Sable? What does that mean for Camus the Sable and the Sable Order?

That's it!

It was Sable. =D

Edited by ポーラ
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It was actually Mei. But Mae makes it more appropiate in our area.

Um... I did checked Mae's NOJ name in the legacy name chart that it said "May" not Mei in the NOJ section.

For Cordelia's voice, she also did Princess Peach's voice in SSBM.

No, Princess Peach's previous voice actress was Jen Taylor, not Julie Ann Taylor.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Considering that the name appears to be a mixture of the word 'violet' (which is a bad word obviously) and 'drake', yep.

There's actually a place in that game called purple dragon mountain? That sounds like something straight out of a kid's show. :x I don't know if I like Violdrake but it definitely sounds a lot more dangerous.

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On that note, obligatory part where I enquire: I don't suppose anyone could check Saias, Raydrik and Olwen's parley lines? I guess it's unlikely that Saias will mention anything new in terms of translated names, but I'm curious if the latter two mention Freege or Manster (or in Saias's case, Velthomer). Sorry for the nuisance in constantly asking this sort of thing every week; I do wish I was able to check this myself instead of constantly foisting this onto others.

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Well, the SpotPass is up, and the Locale is "Wellspring of Truth"

The FE6 team is "Binding Blade (JP)" I think you need to change the tab on the front page Vincent.

the enemies on the map before they become you are called "Mirage"

Also the "Demon Army" Double Duel team has been renamed the" Army of Shadow"

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Not so much a discovery as it is a correction.

The name of the final, cap-boosting DLC skill is, in fact, Limit Breaker.

It was previously believed it would simply be Limit Break.

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Oh dear, this has kind of gone full circle.

When I translated the skill as Limit Breaker, I thought for sure it'd be called Limit Break in the English version.

I thought I was right when the promo materials referred to as Limit Break.

So, um, my initial translation was right? o__o

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