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Original 8 Only...



101 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you best with of these 8?

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I always liked Pikachu the best out of the originals, followed by Link. Samus is probably ahead of Link in the original because her charge beam was OP, but she steadily declined to near uselessness in Brawl, where none of her moves have a suitable amount of knockback (disregarding ZS Samus who is pretty good).

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[09:43:04] <FreohrDatia> It's like some of the members named themselves after which character they are best at

[09:45:26] <FreohrDatia> NinjaMonkey is best at Donkey Kong, BrightBow is best at Link, Emerald used to be Emerald Yoshi and he is best at Yoshi, MarioKirby is best at Kirby, Red Fox is best at Fox, DaimThunder is best at Pikachu


(well of course that or in some cases they named themselves after the character they liked most, and in SSB they play as that character~)

My username is a TimeSplitters: Future Perfect reference (which was released WAY after SSB64 did), though...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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My username is a TimeSplitters: Future Perfect reference (which was released WAY after SSB64 did), though...

Heehee I said it was like SF members did that~ I wasn't claiming you that did do so xb

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Out of those, Pikachu, since he's one of my secondaries. But my mains are Toonie and Marth in brawl and Marth/Sheik in melee. I'll be pissed if one of my brawl mains doesnt make it to smash 4.

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Oh yeah, I played SSB64 recently and I've found that I'm suddenly quite good with DK. I'm not sure when that happened...

Out of those, Pikachu, since he's one of my secondaries. But my mains are Toonie and Marth in brawl and Marth/Sheik in melee. I'll be pissed if one of my brawl mains doesnt make it to smash 4.

Bwhahahaha. Deep down we both know that little snot isn't making it into the next smash. Toon Link doesn't stand much of a chance either. :P

In all seriousness, I hope all of the characters make it to the next smash game too.

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Pikachu in 64 and Brawl, Fox in Melee

I only pick the very best

but seriously, I'm probably best with Kirby out of those guys, though i mostly use Marth/Falco in Melee/Brawl anyway hey look I still pick only the very best

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I'm amazing with Pikachu. He's easily my best ssb64 character, but I enjoyed Link more. Im better with Link in Brawl since he got buffed up a crapload.

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I'm best with DK of those 8. Anyone who's played SSB64 should understand just how fun it is to toss characters around, walk around and jump with barrels and crates, and GIANT PUNCH everything.

Fox in Melee

Fox in Melee=King of the game

Fox in Brawl=What the hell happened??

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Fox in Brawl=What the hell happened??

His falling speed was increased

My best character in the original game is Link(for some reason), but I'm more consistant with Mario throughout the series.

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  • 2 months later...

In Melee, when I was younger, I thought Kirby was cute, so I kept playing as him, and eventually, I became good with him.

But then, in Brawl, you could play as Zero Suit Samus, and now she's my best.

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