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How Old Are FE13 Players? Will you ever "Quit"?



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This has been bothering me for quite a while... as life goes on and as I age I'm beginning to wonder whether I'll ever have to give up gaming for good or whether there will be an age where my interest in games will decline. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I just turned 22, finished an intern and now finishing my final stretch of my University degrees. I guess what comes next is whether I want to pursue a graduate degree or go straight into work. But the problem is that work takes up A LOT of your time. Waking up early and coming home late and this will repeat for the majority of any year. Not including the need to socialize etc.

Thinking about things, I started gaming when the GameBoy Color came out... truth be told I think for myself and for my friends and for people around my age the 3DS/PSVITA/PS4/WII U will be our LAST generation of TRUE dedicated gaming. Think about this... by the time this gen "ends" that will probably be 2018? That's 5 years from now... I'll be nearing the end of the 20 stretch... who knows how much stuff will be going on then and more importantly whether one will be able to immerse oneself into gaming that much at that age - I don't know.

A little sad to think. But that said I'm going to truly try to enjoy what little years of "freedom to game" is left in my life and 2013 is a great year to have a 3DS XL! (With all those 3DS coming out this year and Big N's recent comments on Siliconera strong show of support for localizations to USA and Europe) gee_wiz_emoticon.gifEspecially anyone around 18-25, I think, is PERFECT to insert yourself as the Avatar in FE13. Just because the characters all seem to be around that age and we're talking about proposals and eventually marriage 2-3 years down the track (ingame timeline of course).

What do you guys think? Any words of inspiration? Any palpable feelings or words of wisdom? Feel free to share your thoughts because I'd appreciate it a lot to hear what the community thinks of this.

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I read somewhere that the average age for gamers is 38 or something like that. The idea that gaming is for children is plain wrong. It's just like saying. "Will I enjoy films or music less as I get older?"

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Especially anyone around 18-25, I think, is PERFECT to insert yourself as the Avatar in FE13. Just because the characters all seem to be around that age and we're talking about proposals and eventually marriage 2-3 years down the track (ingame timeline of course).
But, but... Self-inserts are terrible, though. Dreadfully boring, at least.

Well, mostly I'm just a little frustrated that people assume that custom character = you're supposed to make yourself. I personally find it much more fun to just make my own character to insert into the game world, because if it were supposed to actually be me that'd feel incredibly awkward.

To me.


What do you guys think? Any words of inspiration? Any palpable feelings or words of wisdom? Feel free to share your thoughts because I'd appreciate it a lot to hear what the community thinks of this.
Maybe this is will be seen as tacky by others, but it's my opinion that being too old for a particular interest just isn't a thing that actually happens. If you're interested in something, you're interested in it until you yourself cease having interest, not until society tells you to stop liking it. Of course, the inverse is also true, in that there's no need to just bend to what society tells you to like, either.

Basically, if you like something, continue to enjoy it and more power to you! There's no reason to stop enjoying something just because the number of times Earth has made a complete round trip 'round the sun since you exited your mother's womb exceeds a certain amount.

That's not to say you won't occasionally get judged for it, depending on what it is that you like, because you will, but my point is not to let others' opinions ruin things for you.

Of course, there are some "interests" that are just plain bad and shouldn't be held by anyone, but...

My point stands, I guess.

By the way, I'm currently 18. I doubt I'll ever stop playing games, and if I do it will be to free up time to make them, since video game designer is my dream career.

I am also hopelessly optimistic most of the time, so I apologize for being extremely cheesy about this whole thing.

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Well, mostly I'm just a little frustrated that people assume that custom character = you're supposed to make yourself. I personally find it much more fun to just make my own character to insert into the game world, because if it were supposed to actually be me that'd feel incredibly awkward.

That's the angle NoA is pushing for at least though. The "avatar" name, the "you" description in the official site... I don't know if the original pushed that idea so strongly, but it's certainly what NoA is going for.

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I see what you're trying to say there... that our age is just an artificial number... I guess at work I feel that there's not a lot if any people I know that is into gaming let alone OWNING a 3DS. XD

The only people I know who still games is friends from high school and of course the awesome peeps on SF forums! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Yea, although we can't assume that Avatar is DEFINITELY you the player, its definitely a choice that it seems more than half of the players who responded on that thread on SF forums made... but yea I think its awesome to have a character ingame that is you, represents you, reflects the choices you'll make and fight along other characters. I mean isn't it cool to be able to "live" in different mediums... to alternate between reality and fantasy?

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When people say "you are too old to play videogames" thats retarded. You cant "be too old" for TV, movies, the internet, or reading books so why are videogames any different? Theyre not. They are all forms of entertainment.

You will not grow up and be too old for videogames. You might have less time to play, but if its something you really enjoy doing you will never stop. And dont let society ever make you think that you "should" stop playing once you reach a certain age.

Im 23, I will never stop playing videogames.

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Of course they do. The industry doesn't really act as if it wants gaming to be taken seriously. Awakening itself is a pretty good example to demonstrate that the industry only cares about targeting horny teenage males.

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A lot of people still see games as children's toys, basically.

The same goes for Manga and Anime.

These hobbies are less popular among adults so someone thought they're childish hobbies.

not to mention that game is even less popular amoung female (not count the time-killer games in smartphone/facebook)

I maybe too old to play some game genre that I love when I was a kid but I don't think I'll quit gaming.

and my work allowed me to have much more free time than when I studied.

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I'm 16, I'll never quit video games until Nintendo does.

EDIT: I was confused with topics for a second, changed my answer.

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I'm feeling pretty young here XD I'm one of the 18 year olds, I started playing FE back when I was...I must have been 11 or 12, I borrowed my friend's copy of Sacred Stones, and spent the next few years looking for a copy of my own. I've been a gamer since I was 5, when I was given a Gameboy Colour and Pokemon Yellow for my birthday. I've been self-sufficient game wise since I was 8-10 (Which I think was a pretty great achievement, cause Australian video games generally cost $70 for portables, and $100+ for consoles (Yes that's in USD)) and I've been self sufficient completely (So games, consoles and accessories) with my gaming hobby since I was 13-14. My Mum doesn't really get the appeal of gaming, but she knows I like it and it makes me happy, so as long as I pay for it myself, she's got no problems. In more recent years, I've been surprising her with the amount of knowledge I've gleaned from video games, and I think she's more accepting of them now then she was back when I was a kid.

What I basically just want people who don't game, and have no real experience in what they're like, is to know that video games, are basically interactive movies or books (Especially RPGs). And the interactive part is actually shown to improve memory, reaction times, hand eye coordination, eyesight, etc. And, for some people, video games allow them to connect to others in a way books and movies just can't do. Video games aren't inherently bad, in fact, I'd say they'd do a lot more good than bad for the community as a whole.

Because I'm quite integrated into the otaku scene in my state, most of the serious gamers I know are much older than me, fully grown adults, who juggle their paid work, volunteer work, social life, and gaming all at once. I do say though, most of them have moved from consoles to PC gaming, mostly I think because of wider range, for a less constant price. By wider range, I'm referring to emulators, which if you have a high end gaming computer, run nicely, and you don't have to clutter the house up with consoles, hog the TV when you have housemates, and your computer can probably run it better than natively. I'm really the only Fire Emblem fan in my friends though, so I can't say whether FE was a long lasting series for them. It has been for me, so far at least :)

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Of course they do. The industry doesn't really act as if it wants gaming to be taken seriously. Awakening itself is a pretty good example to demonstrate that the industry only cares about targeting horny teenage males.

You've obviously never played a game made outside of Japan.

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I find that from all these posts, a lot of people who are into FE including FE13 don't really know a lot of real life friends who ALSO are into FE. I wish that was untrue. Because I really wish one of my friends can enjoy FE as much as I do.

Wait. FE13 IS my first FE game. I've been playing Advanced Wars before this.

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You've obviously never played a game made outside of Japan.

Considering that I started playing games with Tomb Raider III and Lara is pretty much legendary for her sexualisation, I beg to differ.

Among other things, I also played a lot WarCraft 3, which has a whole faction of women dressed in their underwear.

The American video game industry is not any more mature then the Japanese one and never had been. Though that might change.

The only reason one might think differently is because of the market dominance of military shooters, who more often then not feature no female characters at all.

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Of course they do. The industry doesn't really act as if it wants gaming to be taken seriously. Awakening itself is a pretty good example to demonstrate that the industry only cares about targeting horny teenage males.

Some of the artworks look as if that's the case, but to me it seems that they put a good amount of time in the gameplay. When I was playing the demo, little things like analyzing the map, unit data, and such was much improved. I don't think this game is just a bunch of fanservice≤, it's a real game.

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Some of the artworks look as if that's the case, but to me it seems that they put a good amount of time in the gameplay. When I was playing the demo, little things like analyzing the map, unit data, and such was much improved. I don't think this game is just a bunch of fanservice≤, it's a real game.

I'm not questioning that but the subject is it's presentation. I mean how does it look like from the perspective of someone who has not much to do with video games? What would that person think about it? And what would that person think of the whole video game culture?

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm not questioning that but the subject is presentation. I mean how does it look like from the perspective of someone who has not much to do with video games? What would that person think about it? And what would that person think of the whole video game culture?

Yeah, I see what you're getting at. It's quite odd for a first-party Nintendo title, you never see Mario or Link surrounded by sexualization.

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I just turned 30.

also this is worth a watch:

just a guy clearly enjoying playing games. As long as i enjoy games i will play them and if im lucky enough to reach the age of 84 i hope i can have as much fun with anything as that guy in the video seems to be having

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You guys got asome parents ... I'm 23 (24 by the time this comes iut in EU). And my parents absolutly hate the idea of me (and my bro) gaming.

(and all they do is warch TV, hypocrits -.-)

I got friends who are into FE (both like pretty much everything I like, from nintendo games to series and movies to animes) but I don't know how much time I'll invest in FE13 (mh3u comes out in march :3)

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I'm not questioning that but the subject is it's presentation. I mean how does it look like from the perspective of someone who has not much to do with video games? What would that person think about it? And what would that person think of the whole video game culture?

Why would a person in this situation base their entire opinion of the video game culture off of a singular video game? That's like seeing a pornographic picture somewhere and basing their entire opinion of art off that. Or, even better, watching a single R rated movie and deciding that all movies must obviously be like that.

Perhaps I'm reading your post wrong but if not, this isn't the kind of person you'd trust to make a sound judgement off anything anyway.

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I'm not questioning that but the subject is it's presentation. I mean how does it look like from the perspective of someone who has not much to do with video games? What would that person think about it? And what would that person think of the whole video game culture?

If they were a reasonably intelligent person, they wouldn't be basing their opinions on the entire industry off of something like that. With that kind of mentality, you might as well say all books are terrible because of Fifty Shades of Grey or all movies are terrible because of those parody films.

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