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Yiiiikes, RR1 is a freakin' doozy. ((((;゚Д゚))))))) I actually forgot to get the battle quotes, I will do them tomorrow. For now, here is Ephraim's recruitment dialogue.

Ephraim: Thank you. We couldn't have won without your help. The world is bigger than I thought if warriors like you have eluded my attention. I can tell I have much to learn from you. I am Ephraim. Do the people of your world know my name?

[spoiler=Have you heard of Ephraim?]


Ephraim: Tales of my exploits must have spread far, then. I don't know whether to feel proud or embarrassed. They don't say anything...strange about me, do they?


Ephraim: Right. It was a silly question. I still have a ways to go. But one day, I'll perfect the art of war and do battle with great heroes... Then people of your world will whisper my name during their campfire tales.


Ephraim: You said your name was Robin, yes? Can I ask you something? Are there many great warriors like you in your world? I seek a place where I can fight the mightiest heroes alive. ...What's that? Yes, I suppose I do come across as something of a warmonger. My sister already gives me an earful about "kingly behavior". But what can I say? Something in my heart drives me to fight. I don't mean to glorify war, and I desire peace for my people... But I also enjoy testing my limits and pushing my enemies to theirs. Surely this hunger resides in any man with strength enough to sate it? In the heat of battle, there is no hatred, no morality, no profit or loss... There is only that moment. And sometimes, that is enough... Don't you agree?

[spoiler=Have you ever fought just for the fight?]


Ephraim: You see? I thought I saw a little of myself in you. Your tactics suggest that you take pleasure from the fight. There's a vexing contradiction there-- enjoying the war that leads to the peace. But up until now, I could speak of this with only my sister. You're a unique man/woman... Robin, why don't we fight right now? Sate our hunger? No words, no reasons. Just a fight for fighting's sake. Let's go!

(time passes)

Ephraim: ...Whew. I can't seem to beat you, Robin. But for the first time in a while, I've had my fill. I'll challenge you again once I'm stronger. You can count on that. I'm glad we've met. I needed a healthy rival. I promise to be there for you on any battlefield. Just say the word.


Ephraim: Really? Then maybe it is just me. I suppose the best tacticians must be able to fight impassively. Robin, do you think you could teach me strategy? ...What? Is it strange for me to ask? I'm not JUST about bashing heads. You won't make a bookworm of me, but I can find time to study battle. And what better teacher than you? Do we have a deal?

(Recruit Ephraim?)


Ephraim: I'd appreciate your help.


Whew. Man that took an hour to type with an iPhone. I'm off to bed, I will do the rest of my claims tomorrow. 8D;

EDIT: Changed "Maeve" to "Robin", I typed My Unit's name without thinking. 8D; I will also add the "Yes" answers at a later point. Like, if I can clear this a second time. It is SO MUCH HARDER than I imagined it would be.

EDIT 2: Added the "yes" dialogues. I'll put the battle and talk quotes on another post later on. But sheesh, may I say again how HARD RR1 is? D8; It's like "how bad do you want that Limit Break" when the time comes, yikes. I never realized how much a pain in the neck Pavise and Aegis is when the enemy has it. "OTL

Edited by Faye
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[spoiler=Before Battle Script]

Old Hubba: Oh huzzah! You're back! You're back to save this Outrealm once and for all! So I've got good news, and I've got GREAT news! What'll it be?

Chrom: Well that's a switch... What's the good news?

Old Hubba: I managed to gather all the Einherjar you defeated back in those ruins. Beat them once last time, and I can finally seal them back in their calling cards!

Chrom: Excellent. And the great news?

Old Hubba: There's no army relying on you this time! No allies to get in your way or die on you! It's just you and your party against allllll those legendary soldiers! Isn't that great?!

Chrom: ...Fantastic

Begin battle:

Soren: All of our soldiers are in position.

Ike: Then let's commence the attack. Give Micaiah the signal.Tell our other units to wait until their doors open.

Soren: Consider it done.

Mia: It's not like you to be so cautious, General. Wouldn't it be more satisfying to just storm at them the way we usually do?

Soren: Not if we want to assure victory. It's said there's an expert tactician among the enemy ranks. This way we can keep our movements secret until it's too late for them.

They won't know which doors will open or where to expect an attack from. First we sow fear and confusion-- then we move in for the killing blow.

Ike: Right. We may outnumber them, but we still have to be smart about this. Soren's strategy will work. Understand, Mia?

Mia: Yes, sir.

Sothe: Micaiah, Ike's given us the signal.

Micaiah: Then let's move on to the attack. Ready, Empress Sanaki?

Sanaki: Of course. Come, everyone! The final battle is upon us!

Chrom: I sense trouble behind those doors...

Robin: Chrom! Enemies to the south! They're heading this way!

Chrom: What? Then if there ARE enemies behind the doors here...

Robin: We'll be trapped between a rock and a hard place.

Chrom: Damn...We're surrounded? Why wouldn't they attack us en masse?

Robin: They're probably waiting for the right opportunity. Perhaps they plan to send wave after wave to whittle away our morale...

Chrom: And our strength in the process. This will be a tough fight.

Robin: True. But look at it another way... They're committing a major tactical error by funneling their forces. As long as we stay calm and focused, we can pick them off one unit at a time.

Chrom: Good point. And we might be able to get the drop on them by opening the doors first.

Robin: Now you're thinking.

Hector-battle with Kjelle

Kjelle: Sir, might we put this battle aside for a moment and speak of armor? I never dreamt that chain mail and plate could go so well together.

Hector: Are you mad? If you won't leave this land, then you will fight me now!

Kjelle: ...Very well. But try not to squirm! I don't want to put any unnecessary dents in that lovely armor of yours!

Eliwood-battle with Tiki

Tiki: Please, stop this madness. You have no hope of winning.

Eliwood: I'll stop only once we have driven you from our realm!

A little present from me: Basilio versus Karel

Basilio: Ho! This guy looks bloodthirsty. Maybe I'll just slink out of sight...

Karel: Not so fast. Once you stand in my path, you don't get to run away. Not when the feast is just about to begin...

Basilio: "Feast," huh? Scary. All right. But don't cry to me later. I tried to spare you!

Elincia-battle with Sumia:

Elincia: Stranger from afar, I demand that you leave this place! Answer now, or we will settle this with steel!

Sumia: As you c-command, milady! ...I-I mean, no! We can't!

Elincia: Very well. Steel it is, then!

Ike-battle with Chrom:

Chrom: We will defeat you and restore peace to this world!

Ike: I believe that's my line. Come on! (lol Chrom, you silly^^)

[spoiler=After Battle Script]

Robin: Finally...That's the last of them.

Chrom: Gods, I thought it would never end. I was almost ready to give up...

Robin: Me too. It was a pitched battle... We're lucky to have even survived.

Chrom: Perhaps now this realm can finally enjoy a little peace and quiet... Let's go home, Robin.

Robin: Wait, Chrom. I found this where their main force had assembled.

Chrom: An Einherjar card? "Lyn, Noblewoman of Sacae"... This must be Lyndis from the Elibean legends. We could use someone like her on our side!

[spoiler=Lyn Convo]

Lyn: So that's it. I lost. It feels so unfair... Are you the enemy's tactician? ...Wait, what?! It can't be... Are you... No, that's impossible... I'm sorry. It's just...you remind me of someone very dear to me.

A tactician, like you, who came to my aid time and again. This might seem like a silly question, but... Have you ever awoken in a strange place, uncertain of how you got there?

Have you ever awoken in a strange place? Yes:

Lyn: I knew it! It happened three times to the woman/man I knew. This can't be pure coincidence. ...Unless, of course, all tacticians are known to collapse by the wayside.

I am Lyn, of the Lorca tribe. Would you tell me more about yourself? Where were you born? Have you been to my world? ...What? You can't remember? Now I'm even more certain that you're the woman/man I know. Look at me carefully, and really try to think back. We met on the Sacae plains. We fought with Eliwood and the others... Does none of this sound familiar?

Does Lyn's story sound familiar? Yes:

Lyn: Really? Then you remember! It's really you! Oh...I'm so happy! I thought... I thought we'd never met again. ...I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry. I'm just...overwhelmed. Give me a moment...

...Thank you. I feel better. Listen. Come back to Sacae with me! Can you just picture the others' face's? ...What? Unfinished business? All right. Then please, let me join my strength to yours.

I'll cut down any foe who dares stand in your path!

[spoiler=Rouges and Redeemers 1]

[spoiler=Before Battle Script]

Old Hubba: Ahh! You came! You're here again! ...Wait, why are you here again?

Chrom: The Outrealms, Old Hubba...? The Einherjar with minds of their own...? You asked us to keep defeating them until you could... You don't remember this?

Old Hubba: What? ...Ohh, yes, right! Saw this all years ago! I just...forget things sometimes...

Oh! I got you allies this time! Bamboozled 'em into thinking they summoned you! Heh. At least...I think I did? Memory's been a bit fuzzy lately, to tell the truth...

Chrom: Yes, I noticed...

Began Battle:

Ares: We have them trapped in the castle ruins.

Camus: And the exits?

Ares: Guarded by our forces on all sides. The enemy has no means of escape.

Camus: Then all that remains is to rally our might and crush them.

Ares: It may not be so simple.

Camus: What do you mean?

Ares: More enemy soldiers just...appeared inside the compound. They bear peculiar weapons and armor...

Camus: They just appeared? Summoned here from some other realm?

Ares: It seems so, as mad as that sounds. We still outnumber them, but against these mysterious new soldiers...

Camus: An all-out assault could prove disastrous... All right. Let's feed the fire gradually, then. Poke at them. Test their skills and defenses. Spread the word.

Ares: Right.

Chrom: The enemy has blocked all the exits. How will we fight our way out of this one?

Sigurd: That's why we summoned you. We need your help to break the enemy siege.

Chrom: So all we need to do is secure you an exit?

Sigurd: That is our immediate goal... But this land will never know peace with men like them on the loose.

Chrom: So we need to wipe them all out. Understood...

Seliph: Father! The enemy is mobilizing for an attack!

Sigurd: This is it, then. Seliph, make sure every soldier knows: we make our stand here! Our otherworldly comrades will lead us to victory!

Seliph: Yes, Father!

Sigurd: We're counting on you, friends.

Chrom: We won't let you down.

[spoiler=Pr. Marth-talk with Tiki]

Pr Marth: Beg pardon... Do I...know you?

Tiki: Ah! Y-you must be mistaken, sire.

Pr Marth: I see... Forgive me. It's just--you remind me so much of a girl I know.

Tiki: Do I?...What sort of girl?

Pr Marth: Well, she's younger than you--just a child, really. But she's so kind and innocent-- she beams when she smiles.

Tiki: So does that mean she...

Pr Marth: Hm?

Tiki: Well, is she important to you?

Pr Marth: Of course. She's like...Well, like a little sister to me, I suppose. I could not bear to lose her.

Tiki: Do you mean that?

Pr Marth: With all my heart. The girl has been through terrible hardships despite her age. The least I can do is stand by her until she finds a happy future.


Pr Marth: But listen to me. What a bore! I shall leave you here, my lady. Good luck in the field.

Tiki: Thank you, Mar-Mar. For standing by me...

Petrine-battle with Lissa

Petrine: The enemy must be desperate if they're using little things like you.

Lissa: I'm not little and I'm not being used! Fight me and see for yourself!

Linus-battle with Morgan(M)

Linus: Pray. I'll give you that much time. All the evil you've done up to now... Repent it, and sleep.

Morgan (M): Well, I can' t think of any evil I've done, but I may as well pray.


Right, that takes care of that. I can give you that thrashing now!

Ishtar-battle with Tiki

Tiki: I see the pain in your eyes. Why do you put yourself through this struggle?

Ishtar: Silence! What I do, I do for Lord Julius!

Katarina-battle with Female Avatar

Katarina: You...

Robin: ...Yes? Me?

Katarina: I'm sorry. It's just...for a moment, you reminded me of someone dear to me. It's probably just in my head. Forget I said anything. You're the enemy tactician, aren't you?

Robin: That's right.

Katarina: Then you're an important target. I'm sorry, but I have to take you down.

Robin: What?! ...Why did you even start this conversation?

Camus-battle with Lucina:

Camus: What? Prince Marth? ...No, you're a girl. (lol, Camus)

Lucina: No, I'm the warrior who will take you down, General. Count on it!

[spoiler=After Battle: Sigurd was ko'd]

Chrom: That's the last of the enemy. But our allies here took heavy causalities... We should have fought better. It was close. Too close. Next time we'll need to be more careful.

Hmm? What's that stuck to the wall there? An Einherjar card... "Ephraim, Restoration King"? The one from Magvelian lore? I bet he has a story to tell...

[spoiler=After battle: Sigurd survived]

Chrom: Did we get them all?

Sigurd: It seems so. And we owe it all to your intervention, sir.

Chrom: We're happy to be of help. Now if there's nothing else, we should be going...

Sigurd: I understand. Thank you again.

Oh, but wait. You should have this, sir.

Chrom: It's an Einherjar card. "Ephraim, Restoration King"... The one from Magvelian lore.

Sigurd: Here. I trust you know how to make use of it.

That Bad ending in Rouges and Redeemers 1 made me feel so awful for being too wary of Jaffar.

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OKAAAAAAY here are my claims, all filled out. I swear, the ally units died when I needed to talk to them, and they dodged blows when I wanted them to die. :| My goodness. Here we go.


Talk w/ Frederick

Alm: Tell me: What does your commander do back in your world?

Frederick: What does he do? That's a rather complicated question. It might be difficult to explain.

Alm: But he leads an army, isn't that right?

Frederick: Yes, more or less.

Alm: Then he must be a king of general. And you are his lieutenant?

Frederick: Precisely.

Alm: As lieutenant, do you ever wish your commander did things differently?

Frederick: Why do you ask?

Alm: Well, I've been known to lead forces myself...and I often wonder what my men wish of me.

Frederick: Hmm... I'm sure one could make a list... But I imagine what they'd want most is for you to not care.

Alm: Huh?

Frederick: If you're a leader, lead. Don't look to your men for a critique. Sweating the details is their job.

Alm: ...Really?

Frederick: Really. If you care for your men, then believe in the path you choose for them. Do that much, and you'll find they won't ask for much else.

Alm: Interesting. I appreciate the advice.

Frederick: You're quite welcome.

Deathquote: Damn...it's too soon...


Talk w/ Miriel

Miriel: Are you commander of this army?

Sigurd: Yes. Is something wrong?

Miriel: Fascinating... Would you mind if I observe you for a while?

Sigurd: Observe me? Whatever for?

Miriel: You are clearly cut from different cloth than our leader. And the more references I study, the better my picture of leadership.

Sigurd: Why study it at all?

Miriel: Do I need a reason outside of the accumulation of knowledge?

Sigurd: Hmm... I grant you permission to study me, under one condition.

Miriel: What is that?

Sigurd: You will report your findings to your commander. I'm not handing out wisdom just to see it go to waste.

Miriel: You want to see it leveraged... Very well. You have my word.

Sigurd: Then let's begin.

Miriel: You have my full attention.

Deathquote: You can break me, but someone will always carry on...in my stead...


Talk w/ Yen'fay

Eliwood: Hold, sir.

Yen'fay: What is it?

Eliwood: It's been bothering me... You seem different from the other visitors.

Yen'fay: How so?

Eliwood: You just seem...distant. Out-of-body, if I had to describe it.

Yen'fay: Apt words for a ghost.

Eliwood: Ghost? You look alive enough to me.

Yen'fay: Aye, sir. 'Tis just an expression. I erred in the past and failed to protect someone I love. I fear my heart died with her.

Eliwood: Forgive me for intruding on a matter I don't fully understand... But wouldn't she want you to move on instead of dwelling on the past?

Yen'fay: It sounds very simple when you put it like that.

Eliwood: And I know it's not. You need to find those answers yourself... But you won't get that far if some enemy cuts you down first.

Yen'fay: Verily so. Then I shall try harder to keep myself alive in spirit.

Eliwood: A wise choice, sir.

Deathquote: I thought it was a certain win...


Talk w/ Severa

Sothe: Huh? Oh, it's one of them.

Severa: Hey, get back here!

Sothe: What do you want?

Severa: Don't play dumb with me. You took one look at me and then pulled the disappearing act. That is so disrespectful!

Sothe: Look, I just don't think your kind and mine should mix.

Severa: As long as we're fighting together, we have to mix. So what if we come from another world? Shape up!

Sothe: I don't want to get friendly. Today you're my ally, but tomorrow you could be my enemy.

Severa: ......

Sothe: See? I need a clear conscience if you and I stand on opposite sides one day. I already had to take down one "friend" in my last battle. So let's keep the faux camaraderie to a minimum. All right?

Severa: Stop that! You're making all these assumptions! You can't enjoy life if you're constantly worrying about how it'll all go wrong.

Sothe: Live each moment, huh?

Severa: That's right. You're not the only one who's been through hell, you know.

Sothe: Fair enough.

Severa: Now can we be civilized or not?

Sothe: ...I'll think about it.

Deathquote: I failed...

Now onto the battle quotes!


Battle: One step closer, and you'll feel the pain of regret!

Battle w/ Frederick

Eldigan: One step closer, and you'll feel the pain of regret!

Frederick: Get in my way, and I'll step as close as I like!

Deathquote: You can defeat me...but my army will still...triumph...


Battle: Come to strike me down? Ha! It will never happen, fool!

Battle w/ Miriel

Raydrik: Surrender now, woman, and there may be a place for you at my table.

Miriel: A quick analysis of your words, bearing, and actions makes one thing clear: A man of your diminutive ability is hardly worth my time.

Raydrik: What! How dare you!

Deathquote: I was the fool...


Battle: All of your futures are about to be cut short!

Battle w/ Donnel

Zephiel: Run home, boy!

Donnel: Boy? I'm as much a man as you! Watch and see!

Deathquote: Hrrgh... I gave myself...too much credit...


Battle: Walk away before you get hurt. I have no business with you.

Battle w/ Ricken

Raigh: Go away. I don't want to fight some child!

Ricken: What?! Well, how old are YOU?

Deathquote: Don't tell me...I'm useless like the rest...


Battle: You're next.

Battle w/ Olivia

Navarre: I'll turn no blade of mine on a woman.

Olivia: That's kind of you, but the feeling isn't mutual. Sorry.

Deathquote: Damn...


Battle: You look lonely. Shall I give you some attention?

Battle w/ Inigo

Ursula: You look lonely. Shall I give you some attention?

Inigo: Oh! Er...um...I'm sorry, but aren't you just a bit old for me?

Ursula: ...I don't think you catch my meaning.

Deathquote: But I can't be... Impossible...


Battle: I'll never lose to dogs like you who answer only to the call of war!

Battle w/ Brady

Brady: Look at this guy, struttin' around on his high horse. You wanna fight?

Ares: I'm no better than any man, but if it's a fight you want--

Brady: That's right! Let's go!

Deathquote: No...this is all wrong...


Battle: Heh heh... You can writhe against fate, but you will never be free of it. This world was meant to be ours!

Battle w/ Laurent

Nergal: Heh heh... You can writhe against fate, but you will never be free of it. This world was meant to be ours!

Laurent: Fate's far too loose a principle to rattle me. Perhaps you might impress me with actions rather than words?

Deathquote: No! Fate is on...my side...


Battle: Leave, unless you want me to decorate you with arrows!

Battle w/ Noire

Jamke: Why do you insist on lingering in this world, damn you?

Noire: Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Jamke: Spare me your apologies! If you are truly sorry, then leave!

Noire: I'm sorry...but I can't do that.

Deathquote: Why...am I not strong enough? Ahh...

PHEW. I think that is all my quotes! Man, thank god that's over, I'm not sure I'll go back to that stage. "OTL I wonder how much harder RR2 and RR3 will be...

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PHEW. I think that is all my quotes! Man, thank god that's over, I'm not sure I'll go back to that stage. "OTL I wonder how much harder RR2 and RR3 will be...

I don't even have it yet, and I'm already sweating bullets. As for how hard RaR3 will be, I guess you probably don't even want to think about it.

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Have you heard of Ephraim?


Ephraim: Tales of my exploits must have spread far, then. I don't know whether to feel proud or embarrassed. They don't say anything...strange about me, do they?

Okay, this is just fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

The translators definitely had sooooo much fun doing this. :c

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^That made me laugh, too. xD

Pew. Updated lists below.

Erm, I'll claim more RaR1 stuffs:

-Leif's talk with Virion

-Roy's talk with Cordelia

-Ike's talk with Kjelle

-misc. script during the battle

edit: Done these^


Talk w/ Virion


What remarkable qualities you exhibit!


...Are you talking to me?


Of course. I have been watching you very intently. You pretend to be rough-hewn, but I know character when I see it. You are highborn, but you were raised amongst commoners.


That's right. My father's kingdom was destroyed, and I was raised in a country village.


I knew it! Nothing gets past Virion.


Do you have a point?


Not a point, per se. But many of late seem to doubt my gifts of keen perception. I felt the need to put them to the test.


You could find a better place than the middle of a battlefield.


Tsk tsk, so naive. Sound judgment has a place everywhere—in and out of battle. If you intend to be a king one day, at least remember that.


I will try.


Splendid. Carry on, then.


...Why do the sensible ones always come across as the strangest?


Talk w/ Cordelia


Do you mind if I ask you something?


What is it, milord?


Are battles here any different from the ones in your world? If so, I'd like to know.




I might be able to use that knowledge to improve our tactics here.


Well...if I had to pick one thing—our fighters often pair up.




Yes. By covering each other, we're able to fight more effectively.


Interesting... In my world, we usually fight man-to-man. I'll have to try your way. Thank you.


You're welcome.


Talk w/ Kjelle


You're the one!


I'm the "one" what? Where did that come from?


Please! Make me your disciple! Teach me everything!


You want me to teach you?


Yes! I've been watching you—how you move, how you fight... Phantom or not, you're perfect.




Uh, nothing... Anyway, please. Will you take me under your wing?


Sorry, but I'm going to have to decline.


What? Why? Am I not worthy?


Look, I'm just not the take-under-my-wing type. All right?


But, sir!


If you want to learn, you don't have to be my disciple. Just stay close and fight by my side. You'll pick up on stuff.


You'd permit me?


We're allies. You don't need my permission.


Oh! Thank you, sir!

[spoiler=Misc. Script]End of first Player Phase

Black Knight

Hmph... The reinforcements seem to have bolstered the enemy's spirits. But in the end, it matters not. We will crush them.

End of first Enemy Phase


We can't let rogues like them overrun this land. Now is the time to fight back with all our might!

End of second Player Phase


Heh heh... Why do they still squirm? They haven't even a sliver of hope!

End of third Player Phase


Ha! They just don't give up! But that's fine... The more they struggle, the sweeter the victory in the end...


Claims Lists:

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Lost Bloodlines 1]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Aversa

[spoiler=Lost Bloodlines 2]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/Priam

[spoiler=Lost Bloodlines 3]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Aversa


Battle w/ Praim (This one may or may not exist.)

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 1]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/Aversa


Battle w/Gerome - Fayt

Deathquote - Fayt

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 2]Ally Quotes:


Talk w/ Aversa - Ace Tactician

Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Yen'fay


Battle w/ Priam

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 3]Misc. Script (If there is any.)

Enemy Quotes:



Battle w/ Avatar (M)











Battle w/ Frederick






Battle w/ Stahl




Battle w/ Vaike









Battle w/ Kellam




Battle w/ Donnel - Big Klingy




Battle w/ Lon'qu


Innes - Fayt


Battle w/ Ricken




Battle w/ Panne - Big Klingy




Battle w/ Gaius






Battle w/ Gregor




Battle w/ Nowi




Battle w/ Libra






Battle w/ Anna




Battle w/ Olivia


Soren - Fayt


Battle w/ Henry







Battle w/ Say'ri










Battle w/ Flavia






Battle w/ Walhart






Battle w/ Yen'fay




Battle w/ Aversa - Ace Tactician




Battle w/ Priam


Sothe - Fayt


Battle w/ Owain




Battle w/ Inigo - Wheels




Battle w/ Brady







Battle w/ Cynthia


Edward - Fayt




Battle w/ Gerome


Ephraim - Fayt


Battle w/ Morgan (M)




Battle w/ Morgan (F)




Battle w/ Yarne


Raigh - Fayt


Battle w/ Laurent


Black Knight


Battle w/ Noire




Battle w/ Nah


Lyn Recruitment:

Question 1 > No

Question 2 > No

Recruit Lyn > Yes

[spoiler=Rogues and Redeemers 1]Ally Quotes:


Talk w/ Say'ri - Wheels

Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Lon'qu - Wheels


Battle w/ Maribelle - Big Klingy


Battle w/ Panne - Big Klingy


Battle w/ Gangrel - Wheels


Battle w/ Walhart - Wheels

Edited by Tsamimi
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Micaiah's normal battle quote in SB3 is "Begone from this realm, outsider! You have no future here!"

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Bah! If I would make up my mind about these things at one single time instead of bits and pieces all over the place...!

I CLAIM... I...CLAIM...uh... These ones in RaR1:

-Travant battle w/ Stahl

-Black Knight battle w/ Kellam

-Gharnef battle w/ Nowi

-Sephiran battle w/ Anna

-Ashnard battle w/ Cherche

-Julius battle w/ Nah

Here we go:


Battle w/ Stahl


I should withdraw now...but then again, I was well compensated... I suppose I have time to crush one weakling like you.


I get the feeling you could aim a little higher, but have it your way...

Black Knight

Battle w/ Kellam


My gods! Just looking at you overwhelms me! ...Do you think you could give me some tips? I lack presence.

Black Knight

No advice, but you can mull it over more later...if you manage to survive.


Battle w/ Nowi


Ah, a manakete... Heh heh... You'll make a fine replacement for Tiki.


I'm not anyone's replacement! I'm me!


Battle w/ Anna


Hi! Want to take a look at my wares?


Wouldn't your comrades disapprove of you selling to the enemy, merchant?


Hey, I'm allowed to cut a profit, as long as I cut down my share of foes.


Let's see how good you are at the latter.


Battle w/ Cherche


Why do you ride your wyvern like that? Have you no concern for your mount?


I'm concerned with winning.


Then you do not deserve to stay aloft!


Battle w/ Nah


Have you gone mad? You cannot even touch me.


I don't want to touch you. I want to destroy you!

edit2: Haha... Arvis/Libra battle convo cracked me up. "Move aside, woman." PFFT... xD So predictable, when it involves Libra. Yet still funny.

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edit2: Haha... Arvis/Libra battle convo cracked me up. "Move aside, woman." PFFT... xD So predictable, when it involves Libra. Yet still funny.

Speaking of Arvis/Libra....

Arvis: Move aside, woman. Stay well enough hidden, and I might spare you.

Libra:...Except I'm a man. You're not very observant, are you? And besides--you're the one who needs to run and hide!


Owain: Ha ha ha! At long last, my nemesis! After millennia of searching, I have...Um, are you ignoring me?

Jaffar: I don't like theater.

Owain: Theater?! That's it! Now you really ARE my nemesis.


Selena: Nice mask.

Gerome: Thank you. A shame you'll never learn anything more about it.

Selena: That's fine by me. I'm here to fight, not write a book.

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Yen'fay's quotes for:

[spoiler=The Golden Gaffe]What was stolen can be returned. Were that stolen life worked the same... But I prattle on. My name is Yen'fay of Chon'sin, and I will be the end of you.

[spoiler=EXPonential Growth]So, you are the dogs responsible. No crime is graver then eating another man's lettuce. Aye, may the weight of your crimes crush you in your dying breath.

[spoiler=Infinite Regalia]Wherefore do you continue this fight? Will you press on, undying and unremembered, so long as fate bids it? Yes, 'tis a sad fate, the one we share. But for you, I shall end it.

The EXP one is silly... xD

I'll get his battle convos in LB2 and 3 now, then update the list.

edit: And here they are:

LB2, Horace vs Yen'fay:


Surrender now! You will receive no mercy while you still hold a weapon.


Nay, sir. While far from perfect, I am no craven. Strike me down if you can!

LB3, Horace vs Yen'fay:


I will not retreat. My traitor's life belongs to these—my comrades!


Well spoken, sir. If only I did not feel the same...

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Does this mean Magvall happened later than the other tales?

Chrom: A card? Hmm... "Eirika, Restoration Queen." She's the queen from the old Magvelian tales, isn't she?

Elincia: ...Sir, I must confess that I have no idea what you are talking about.

Apparently not...

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Apparently not...

Not? It sounds like she basically confirms Tellius happened before Magvel if she's never heard of Eirika. Someone in her position should know of these tales if they'd happened already.

So, uh, that means it's second-to-last in the timeline unless Elibe has anything to say about it, no?

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On the subject of Lost Bloodlines, I've been told that Avatar (M and F) can both converse with Leif, but can anyone tell me if it's the same for Nanna?

LB1: Leif has both genders, Nanna has female.

LB3: Leif has male, Nanna has female.

edit: A note: I just checked again before posting this. Double checking ftw.

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Thanks : )

That's kind of weird Avatar (F) loses an option in LB3. I figured the developers probably programmed the same set of conditions, but I guess not!

I think the female Avatar wasn't meant to have a convo with Leif in LB1? That's my interpretation, at least.

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Apologies for the lateness, feeling better today (well, sort of, just ragequit from my Lucia cosplay XD Annnywaysss)



>Vs Yen'fay


Are you mad? Challenging me is tantamount to suicide.


...Alas, death is one thing I do not fear. I will earn this second chance of mine through battle. By defeating you!




No words. Let's just fight.


Nngh, no... Why?



Let's see what you're capable of.


I see now why you fight...If I were that strong...I would seek battle, too...



I gave it all I had... I just hope that...it was enough...



Bow before our superior might!



What are we really fighting for? Are we truly defending our realm here? ... Should we be defending it?


My doubts have been my undoing...



You're mistaken if you think a Black Fang like me will die today!



We'll never give up. You can never break our spirit!



You had your chance. Now I'm hitting you with all I've got!



You don't stand a chance against me. I'm simply cut from better cloth.



I hope you know how to hit harder than I do!


Damn...I thought I had more fight in me...than that...



I temper my blade by taking down strong warriors like you.


Defeat...is just another path to greatness...



Leave, or I will drop you where you stand.


Nngh... You win... What else can I say?



Why are you even trying? You're just another feather waiting to be placed in my cap.


My illustrious career...ruined...



You outsiders may be strong, but you'll never break us!


I know my comrades will...carry on in my stead...



I know a threat when I see it. Still, I cannot allow you to pass!


You're...more powerful than I imagined... If we were allies...



I won't let you ravage this land as you please!



You can't beat me- so why not just go back to your own world?


Was that...the best I can do?



Leave this place, trespassers- for all our sakes!


So this is the end... Such strength...



Can we please stop this? Just go back to wherever it is you came from.



I may not be the man to do it, but you must be dealt with!

>Vs Nowi


Are you sure we can't work this out in a nonviolent way, lass?


We could be playmates.


Uh...that might be going a little too far.


Fine. Violence it is!


That was...disappointing...Maybe I was...the wrong man...



This is our land, our kingdom! You can return to your own.

>Vs Flavia


This is our land, our kingdom! Return to your own.


Sorry, love, but this isn't musical chairs.We have a duty to fulfil, and part of that is defeating you.


It's not fair...This is our land...Why can we not defend it?



You are greater fools than most men if you seek this misery in other worlds!

>Vs Yen'fay


I was a ghost of a man when my comrades found me...But by striking down their foes, I can atone for my errors!


Atone? Aren't you a sad sight. A strong man does not lament the past. He makes the future!


One fool...defeated by another...



You wanna fight me? Now that's just plumb crazy. What do ya hope to gain from takin' ME down?

>Vs Gregor


Why not put weapon away and go home? You...not seem very much like warring type, yes?


But I gotta fight! ...Unless you're gonna pack up and go home first?


Sorry, this Gregor cannot do. Well...nice to be knowing you!


All right... You win...

Black Knight


Have you come all this way to dance at the end of my lance?

>Vs Noire



Black Knight:

Bold words. You had better hope that's not empty courage.


So...there are still warriors out there...strong enough to defeat me...



Withdraw your forces, or face the might of our army.

>Vs Cynthia


Withdraw your forces, or face the might of our army.


Oh yeah? Well I'll... I'll... Rats. I used up all my witty retorts in the last fight.


...Your what?


I see now there are powers out there...beyond what a man like me can know...



See now the strength of our hearts!

>Vs Olivia


Listen, if you'd rather fight someone more capable, I understand.


Oh, not at all. You'll do just fine. Are you ready?


Yes, thank you.


You're quite welcome!


You can break us in battle...but not in spirit...



Imbecile! You cannot even scratch me!

>Vs Yarne


Come, thug! Let's see you tackle a taguel!


Ha! As if I have anything to fear from some mangy half-man!


Rrgh... Damn me for...underestimating you...




>Vs Morgan (F)




Um...doesn't your face cramp up from glaring at people like that? Look, you want to really scare me? Smile. I'd die from the shock. ...Or at least say something before we fight. It's tradition!




Hey! You did it! NOW this fight's official. I was starting to worry...





I ask you now: leave. I would do anything for this fighting to stop.

>Vs Gaius


I ask you now: leave. I would do anything for this fighting to stop.


'Anything,' huh?


Yes! Just name it.


...Nah. I can't take advantage of such an easy mark. Look, the truth is, we have to defeat you. End of story. Sorry.


Brother...I fear I need more lessons in the sword...



If you defy us, we must strike you down. It's nothing personal.

>Vs Stahl


Look, I just want you to know that we're not here to conquer you.


Why else would you come armed to the teeth? Spare me your lies.


...Well, it was worth a shot.


Forgive me, my comrades...I've failed in my duties...



Perhaps this endless fighting is what the gods have ordained for us...

>Vs Brady


So long as the gods grant me breath, I will not tolerate your foul language!


Oh yeah? Well, go kiss a wyvern talon, you long-winded bag of prayers!


It seems I've...finally taken on a fight...I can't finish...



I didn't obtain this power for nothing. Get in my way, and your life is forfeit.

>Vs Libra


We were meant to rule this land. Do not interfere!


I beg to differ. The cards have something else in store for you


No... How can my power not be enough?



Just give it up. You're hopelessly outnumbered and you know it!

>Vs Nah


Just give it up. You're hopelessly outnumbered and you know it!


I'm not battling the numbers. I'm battling you!


How can anyone...be this good?



You may be strong...but I cannot stand idly by...

>Vs Kellam


Sorry to have to do this, but you're all that stands between me and home.


That explains why you're fighting...but why are you picking on me?


Oh! I, er, guess because you're the only one who actually noticed me? Sorry...


Better to fight and lose...than to make no difference at all...



Where did you COME from?

>Vs Avatar (M)


Why do you trouble this land? You have your own realm!


Actually, I'm fairly certain it's you who- Ugh, what's the point. Only force will sort this mess out!


I underestimated your valor, outsiders...



Doesn't anyone want to protect me? I'm a sweet, helpless cleric!

>vs Anna


So, i've got this sweet arrangement with a dashing noble... Why don't we stop fighting and go rub noses with the rich and handsome?


R-really? How handsome? ...Wait. how dare you play with my emotions like that!


Just hold on! You're not...supposed to be this strong...



No hard feelings... Fighting is just what I do.

>Vs Vaike


Hey now, who's this tough guy? You want to go a few rounds with Teach?


Not really. Leila wouldn't approve of me toying with you while I'm on the job.


I couldn't get the job done...I'm sorry, young master...



You'll never defeat us. Never!

>Vs Lon'qu


Away, woman! Come no closer!


You have a problem with women? It's about to get far worse!


No! I haven't lost... I can't...lose...



You want to face me? I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into.

>Vs Frederick


As lieutenant of the Shepherds, I cannot allow you to stand in Chrom's path!


Second in command, are we? Let's see if you're worthy of your title!


Ahh... Must it end here, with my fight unfinished?



Mm, I can tell already this will be a memorable fight. Let's get right to it!

>Vs Say'ri


Warrior! I challenge you to a test of blades. Do you accept?


Now that's how you start a fight! I accept!


Well...I guess this was meant to be...



The luck of the day decides who prevails. May the best warrior win!

>Vs Gerome


Masked warrior, return to the world you came from. Free yourself from a life of shame- a life of hiding who you are!


You've got it all wrong. I chose this life!


No... I have failed the queen...



Heh, I think you need a lesson in how powerless you really are.

>Vs Walhart


A man as lost as you will never turn me from my path.


Really? Nonsense like that requires more persuasive evidence!


Heh heh... Yes! Finally a battle...worth fighting...

Lyn, Post Battle

>Question 1, no

Really? That surprises me. I thought I was on to something... The tactician I knew often tended to pass out and wake up elsewhere. That's how she* and I met. It was strange, to say the least...

>Question 2, no

That's...too bad. Maybe you're not the person I thought. But still...you know what? I want to help. Take me with you. Even if you claim you aren't the woman* I knew, I want to judge for myself. I'm good with a blade. Keep me by your side, and none shall harm you.


You'd let me travel with you?



>Talk with Say'ri


Tell me, visitor. Is it easier to fight in your world or ours?


Yours, I suppose. Fewer obstacles.


...Fences and walls, you mean?


Nay, sir. Fewer doubts and reservations. Here, all enemies are strangers. In my world, I had to fight my own brother.


I see... Then I understand. I once had to take down my own best friend.


Mm... Strange, isn't it, that war can overpower love so easily? That must be a universal truth, if it holds true in your world and mine...


I hope not. I don't want to feel that pain again.


Who would?


>Vs Walhart


What I am doing is just. It is right!


Trying to convince yourself? You won't convince me, you filthy cur!


>Vs Gangrel


Bwa ha ha! Look at that pathetic expression! Did you wake up this morning and realise your life went all wrong? Or did some woman leave you for another man?


Silence! I have only one answer for a dog like you!


>Vs Lon'qu


A woman?


...Yes? So?


Fight somewhere else. ...I don't care for women.


Well, speaking for all of us, I'd say we don't think too highly of you, either!

*Female Avatar used

I'll be updating this post as I go, SB3 wise I have a few specific battle quotes and generic quotes to go, and then I'll move onto R&R

Apologies if there's any typos, I just cracked open some apple cider (Had a bad day) so blame it on the alcohol if there is.

EDIT: That should be all unclaimed available SB quotes. I'll take a quick break, then start on R&R

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