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Nah: I pride myself on my fortitude, but this heat is taking its toll on even me... Still, that Anna's counting on us to bring her sisters home. I can endure a bit more. I've got enough company in the lost-family club. We don't need any new members!

Maribelle: You brutes have some nerve materializing in an inferno like this! Why, I can hardly breathe, let alone fight comfortably! Has no one forewarned you of what happens when I lost my temper?!

Emmeryn: Keep your...filthy hands...off those girls... Chrom and Lissa...have already seen...enough loss...for one lifetime... Now... it's your turn...to expire... The merchant girls... must live...

Lissa: You like picking on Annas, huh? Let's see how you handle a Lissa! I was all set to pick out a nice, new staff before news of YOU showed up!

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Emmeryn: Keep your...filthy hands...off those girls... Chrom and Lissa...have already seen...enough loss...for one lifetime... Now... it's your turn...to expire... The merchant girls... must live...

Wow, Emmeryn's talking business here! ...Hmm. I wonder if I should do extra The Red/The Golden tomes for her... And what can I use for her "The Blue", seeing it's a Brave Sword...

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Phew, busy weekend XD School holidays now, so should get a week or two off~

Death's Embrace

Battle Quotes


Look at all these piteous souls crying out for salvation... Be at ease- your toils are over. You needn't struggle any longer. I shall end your worldly torments...and this time, death will bring you peace.

Five-Anna Firefight

Pre-Battle Text


There's another armory...and another. And another... Wait, that one too?! Wow, what is with this town? Every other shop is an armory! Are you seeing this, Chrom?


I am. The people don't seem particularly warlike... I wonder what it could be. In any case, it seems a perfect opportunity to restock our weapons.


Ooh, good idea! I could use a new staff... Come on. Let's start with this shop here...


Oh, hey there, travelers! What can I get for you two today?


Ah, just looking for now, thank you. With all the armories about, we figure a little comparison shopping is in order.


Well, you've come to the right place- this is the weapons capital of the Outrealms. And no wonder- the mountains around here are chock full of the purest ore you'll find! Everything you see here has been crafted by hand too. No magical shortcuts, no, sir!


Do you carry any staves? This one just doesn't feel, I dunno...'me.'


Do we carry staves?! Why, it just so happens staves are our specialty, sweetie! In fact, this week we have a special on Rescue staves: buy two, get the-


Ack! Oh, gods! Oh, gods, it's horrible! They's comin'! Oh, gods, they's comin'!


Huh? What's wrong? Who's coming? ...It's not a rival weapons outlet, is it? With wholesale prices?!


Ngah! Oh, gods, we ain't got time! We gotta run! Run! Oh, gods, oh, gods!


The gods have heard you by now, friend. Why don't you calm yourself and tell US what happened? Perhaps we can help.


W-we was minin' up in the mountains...when there was a terrrrrrible shakin'! The earth just RIPPED right open, and then lava splashed in, all red-hot-like! Oh, gods! And then THeY attacked! Terrible beasties with dead eyes and r-razors for claws! They tore up five men without breakin' a sweat! They's comin' fer the rest of us!


Hmm... Sounds like Risen to me.


What?! But my sisters were up mining in those mountains today too! Anna and Anna! Anna too! And little Anna! ...Was there one more? ...Oh, yes, Anna! I have to save them!


What, are ya gonna bargain 'em to death?! Ain't no way you'd last two seconds!


He's right- let us handle this.


What? You'd...you'd do that for me?


Sure! Helping total strangers out of sticky situations is kind of our thing. Plus, I know what it's like to worry yourself sick about a sister... We'll chew those Risen up and spit 'em right out! I mean...so to speak. Ick...


Indeed- we will not rest until Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna and...what was the last one? ...Ah yes, Anna- we will not rest until all five of them are safe. You have my word.


Oh, I cannot thank you enough! Please, is there anything I can do to help?


How about a few of those Rescue staves you mentioned earlier? They might come in handy.


Oh, yes, um... About that... So the mountains around here are actually Rescue-proof... The staves won't work. We used to have a problem with thieves using them to steal ore, you see. So we magically blocked the use of any staff that facilitates transportation of matter. To be honest, that's why they were on sale. Not much demand for them around here.


What?! That's crazy! There's no way we can- Er, fail? No way we can FAIL! That's what I was saying just now! Um, right, Chrom?


Er...right. Who needs indispensible magical items? We'll rescue them by hand! I'm certain Avatar will come up with something...


Oh, thank you, thank you so very much! I feel better already... Out of all my sisters, I'm closest with those five, you know. Together we've run this monopoly- er, CHAIN of armories for years and years. If anything should happen to any one of them, I...I just don't know what I would do. Promise me you'll rescue them all? Promise you won't leave anyone behind?


I promise we'll bring them back safe.


Then good luck and gods' speed!

Enter Map Text


Those must be the five Annas we're here to save... How did they end up back there? You couldn't pick a worse spot if you tried... Well, no helping that now. We must do all we can to keep them safe. You hear me, troops?! Protect those Annas at all costs!'

Battle Quotes


According to Say'ri, the Yen'fay of her time met his death in a place like this. How did it feel to fall in this dreadful heat? What final thoughts crossed his mind? Perhaps fighting here now will bring me closer to the answers I seek...


I can handle hot, but this place is a stewpot! Mmm... A huge, piping stewpot filled with big, juicy chunks of lava... Gods, did my stomach just growl? Seriously, what is wrong with me?


Little could be harder than outliving the rest of one's race. This I know. Not that Annas are a 'race,' mind you, but still... The pain is similar. And that is why these sisters must be saved!


What sick sadists would force me to fight in this insufferable heat? Look- my clothes are already drenched in sweat! The stickiness is utterly revolting. I need a bath and I need it now, so could you please die as quickly as possible?


All they wanted wwas a little ore to keep their business going. Instead they got monsters, magma and mayhem. It's a damned travesty! It's time to escort these Annas home to their sister, where they belong.


C'mon, did you really need to materialize in a lava field? You've caused all my sweets to melt! This stuff isn't cheap, you know. My gingersnaps cry for blood!


Oy... Gregor has heard of jobs where woman is tossed INTO fiery pit, yes... But taking OUT of fiery pit? Is first time! Good thing Gregor is thickly skinned. ...As for you, get out of way before Gregor stabs you in toasty face.


Ouch! The Vaike- oof!- does not fight well in- aieee!- hot places! Still, I can't be whinin' like a baby while the others are pullin' their weight. ...C'mon, you roast Risen! Let's see if ya got any pink in the middle!


I wonder if any of the Annas found dragonstones while they were mining... Not that I'm against helping for helping's sake, but just saying!


Anna's not the only one with lots of siblings, you know... And there's nothing sadder than an empty chair at the dinner table. That's it. I don't care if it goes unnoticed. I'm going to fight doubly hard today!


Why is it so blasted hot here?! And this rocky path is giving me blisters! Does some cruel god wish for me to fall ever gracefully to a fiery death? ...Oof! Who was that? Did someone just bump me? You did that on purpose!

Anna Death


Oh no, Chrom! Anna down! Anna down!


We couldn't protect her... What will we tell Other Anna?


There'll be time to decide later, milord... Preferably when we don't have lava and Risen closing in!

Post Battle (Anna Death)


Milord, we have won the battle...


...But we couldn't save all the Annas. Damn!


We did what we could... We must venture on. There are others counting on us.



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OKAAAAAAY wow, took me long enough. 8D; My claimed Death's Embrace and Five Anna Firefight quotes will come later this afternoon. I've also updated Ike's Recruitment dialogue, all of it is finished. Find it here -> http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37426&p=2354555

Now onto my RR3 quotes. Sorry it isn't divided into spoilers, the new method of grabbing the spoilers BBC code is was too cumbersome to deal with. "OTL The alternating colors are for ease of reading.

Battle: I'm halting your advance here and now!

Battle w/ Frederick
Eldigan: Tell me. If you prevail here, what comes next?
Frederick: Peace for this land, sir. That would be my hope.
Eldigan: Ha! What nonsense. If you want peace like us, then why have you brought war instead?

Deathquote: I'm finished... It seems...nngh...that you've won...

Battle: Heh. I've scraped worse things than you from my teeth!

Battle w/ Miriel
Miriel: Forgive me, sir, but I see no merit in trading blows with you. Now, step aside and allow me to seek out an opponent of worth.
Raydrik: I'll punish you for that insult, you--you woman!
Miriel: Ugh. Must you demean yourself with every utterance? Now I must squander precious seconds to eradicate you.

Deathquote: No... There must be some mistake...

Battle: Go home! You have nothing more to gain from this!

Battle w/ Sumia
Sumia: Milady, work with me. Help me find some way to avoid this fight.
Julia: I don't want to avoid it. I'm tired of running!
Sumia: That's a shame... I would have rather not come to blows.

Deathquote: Why do you persist... Is there some...purpose?

Battle: You seem to have woefully misjudged your limits... But I promise at least to spare you a lengthy death!

Battle w/ Donnel
Donnel: I hereby challenge ya to man-to-man combat!
Zephiel: Ha! And where's the man I'll be facing? You've got a death wish, boy.

Deathquote: Agh! You...have ability... But you will still crumble...before our army...

Battle: I'll never lose. Not until the day I surpass my father.

Battle w/ Lon'qu
Out of my sight.
Marisa: Why? You don't want to see your own death coming?
Lon'qu: Hmph. I can look death in the eye. Just not a woman.
Marisa: Well, today you get both.

Deathquote: Next time...just wait...

Battle: You want to fight me that badly? All right. But it may be quick...

Battle w/ Ricken
Don't even think about treating me like a child!
Raigh: Really, now. Who BUT a child would say that?
Ricken: But I--you-- ...Rrgh!

Deathquote: Nngh... I thought I was better than this...

Battle: You poor wretches. You can't even imagine the hell I'll visit upon you!

Battle w/ Libra
Arvis: Ha! You could confuse a man, sir. Do I need to be delicate?
Libra: Whatever you make of me, you'd be wise not to trifle with my gods.

Deathquote: You may have stopped me...but your trials...have only just begun...

We can win this. I feel it!

Battle w/ Tharja
Lilina: There's something very sinister about you. But I'm not afraid!
Tharja: You should be. I can get frightfully creative with my curses. Hee hee...

Deathquote: It's all right... The others will do what I couldn't...ahh...

Battle: What do you hope to gain from this fight? Will defeating you finally yield some answers?

Battle w/ Anna
It's just you and me.
Sephiran: Aren't you going to strike a bargain? You're a merchant.
Anna: True. Which is why I can tell when there's no use haggling.
Sephiran: Ah. Then you've a keen insight indeed.

Deathquote: I'll never...understand...

Battle: Leave in peace, or leave in pieces.

Battle w/ Olivia
Navarre: A woman? It's a shame you serve the enemy. I would rather not do you harm.
Olivia: It's all right. I mean, I'm a bit frightened, I admit... But it beats not being taken seriously at all.

Deathquote: Am I...not good enough?

Battle: You looking for a fight? Don't expect an easy one.

Battle w/ Olivia
Olivia: Um...I challenge you...
Sothe: "Um"? You don't sound too keen on the idea.
Olivia: Ah! Get back! Like, fifty paces. Please... I'm shy.
Sothe: Then how do you expect us to fight?!

Deathquote: Damn... I was so sure...

Battle: You won't shake my confidence. I'm going to end this here and now!

Battle w/ Henry
Henry: Hey, it's not too late to avoid being splattered all over the grass. ...I just thought I'd mention that. Seems like it'd be a shame to waste you...
Micaiah: Very kind of you. But I've managed to avoid getting "splattered" so far.
Henry: All right then... I wonder what happens if I do...this...

Deathquote: I was powerless to stop it...

Battle: You cannot best me. Blame ill fortune, if you must, in your final moments...

Battle w/ Lucina
Camus: Why do you dress like Prince Marth, young lady? Do you think you can decieve us?
Lucina: Certainly not. I have my reasons... But none of them involve avoiding a fight with you!
Camus: Good. Then have at you!

Deathquote: A shame...I had to make an enemy of one as stong as you...

Battle: Tell me... Are you afraid to die?

Battle w/ Inigo
Come closer, my dear.
Ursula: Why? Are you flirting with me?
Inigo: Actually, in this case, it's more of a threat.
Ursula: Ah...my favorite kind of flirting.

Deathquote: Nngh... What?

Battle: Prepare to feel the bite of Ares' blade...

Battle w/ Brady
Brady: You, in the black armor... Guess who's about to destroy you.
Ares: You? I might die of laughter first.
Brady: Oh yeah? You have no idea what I can do. Especially when you're my ticket out of here!

Deathquote: What an unfitting end...for the knight in black...

Battle: There's no way to resolve this amicably, is there? I thought not...

Battle w/ Cynthia
Cynthia: Hold it right there, infidel! The mighty Cynthia has come to--
Eirika: Hyaaa!
Cynthia: Wh-whoa! What are you doing? I'm still monologuing!
Eirika: But...wouldn't it be faster to just clash and be done with it?
Cynthia: Faster ISN'T better!

Deathquote: It feels like every road...ends in battle...

Battle: This is not your world to conquer! Go back whence you came!

Battle w/ Severa
Deirdre: This is not your world to conquer! Go back whence you came!
Severa: Like I even care whose land this is! Look, it's simple... We're not going anywhere until we defeat you! Got it?

Deathquote: Will you just keep fighting...forever?

Ha! You're just a roach beneath my boot!

Battle w/ Laurent
Nergal: Ha! You're just a roach beneath my boot!
Laurent: Oh dear... How do I even begin to dissect that statement?

Deathquote: I...lost? No...I refuse to accept it...

Battle: Run home, or die in this foreign world!

Battle w/ Noire
Noire: I ch-ch-challenge you...
Jamke: Earlier, I saw an audacious woman resembling you--your twin sister?
Noire: No, we're, uh...sort of the same person. Sorry to disappoint...

Deathquote: Don't let this...go to your head. One wrong move, and you'll be next…

Edited by Faye
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Knew I forgot something... Updated with Faye's newest additions.

Roster Rescue is probably going to be released tomorrow, so go ahead and claim if you want. Though, can someone please inform me tomorrow if this one is like the first two? ^^; Just to make sure.


Claims Lists:

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Lost Bloodlines 2]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/Priam

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 1]Enemy Quotes:

Geoffrey - Wheels

Battle w/Gerome


[spoiler=Smash Brethren 2]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Priam

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 3]Misc. Script (If there is any.)

Enemy Quotes:

Innes - Wheels


Battle w/ Ricken


Soren - Wheels


Battle w/ Henry



Battle w/ Priam

Sothe - Wheels


Battle w/ Owain


Edward - Wheels


Ephraim - Wheels


Battle w/ Morgan (M)


Raigh - Wheels


Battle w/ Laurent


[spoiler=Rogues and Redeemers 1]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Panne - Big Klingy

[spoiler=Rogues and Redeemers 2]Ally Quotes:


Talk w/ Priam - Ace Tactician

Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Priam - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Rogues and Redeemers 3]Enemy Quotes:


Battle w/ Priam

[spoiler=Death's Embrace]Enter Battle Quotes:

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Yen'fay - Faye


[spoiler=Five Anna Firefight]Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Anna - Faye


Inigo - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

[spoiler=Roster Rescue]Pre-Battle Script

Misc. Script

Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye




Miriel - Faye


Sumia - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye





Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Donnel - Faye

Gangrel - Faye


Yen'fay - Faye




Morgan (F)


Laurent - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

Do not complete objective

Bonds/Scramble DLC Set:

[Note: Claimed items not crossed out have not been recently confirmed.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Wheels

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Lissa - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Virion - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Pikayoshi


Miriel - Pikayoshi

Sumia - Pikayoshi


Donnel - Wheels

Lon'qu - Pikayoshi

Ricken - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi


Gaius - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Cordelia - Levant Fortner

Gregor - Pikayoshi

Libra - Wheels

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye

Cherche - Pikayoshi

Henry - Pikayoshi

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Pikayoshi

Owain - Wheels

Inigo - Wheels

Brady - Wheels


Cynthia - Wheels

Severa - Wheels

Gerome - Wheels

Morgan(M) - Wheels

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Wheels

Laurent - Wheels

Noire - Faye

Nah - Wheels


Chrom > Frederick - Ace Tactician

Frederick > Henry - Wheels

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Virion > Frederick - Faye

Stahl > Kellam - 春閣下

Vaike > Chrom - Ace Tactician

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Sumia > Sully - Ace Tactician

Sumia > Cordelia - Levant Fortner

Donnel > Stahl - Faye

Donnel > Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu > Vaike - 春閣下

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Ricken > Henry - Wheels

Maribelle > Lissa - Levant Fortner

Maribelle > Olivia - Faye

Panne > Olivia - Ace Tactician

Gaius > Chrom - Ace Tactician

Cordelia > Panne - Silver Lightning

Gregor > Ricken - Faye

Libra > Virion - Wheels

Libra > Gaius - Faye

Tharja > Nowi - 春閣下

Anna > Tiki - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Nowi - Ace Tactician

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Tiki > Lucina - Silver Lightning

Tiki > Say'ri - Silver Lightning

Tiki > Nah - Ace Tactician

Owain > Inigo - Wheels

Inigo > Brady - Wheels

Inigo > Gerome - Wheels

Brady > Owain - Wheels

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Kjelle > Lucina - Ace Tactician

Kjelle > Severa - 春閣下

Cynthia > Lucina - Ace Tactician

Cynthia > Severa - Wheels

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Gerome > Laurent - Wheels

Morgan (M) > Owain - Silver Lightning

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

Noire > Severa - 春閣下

Nah > Morgan (F) - Silver Lightning

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye





Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye


Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner




Cordelia - Levant Fortner


Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye


Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye


Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye


Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye


Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Chrom > Avatar (spouse) - Ace Tactician

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Stahl > Vaike - Ace Tactician

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Ricken > Vaike - Silver Lightning

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Avatar (spouse)

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Cordelia > Avatar (spouse)

Cordelia > Chrom - Faye

Cordelia > Maribelle - Ace Tactician

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Avatar (spouse)

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Hot Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye





Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye


Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner




Cordelia - Levant Fortner


Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye



Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye


Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye


Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye


Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (spouse)

Avatar > Owain (child)

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Inigo (spouse)

Avatar > Inigo (child)

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse)

Avatar > Severa (child)

Chrom > Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Say'ri > Yen'fay - Big Klingy

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Lissa - Levant Fortner

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

Edited by Tsamimi
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For Roster Rescue, I can cover Avatar (F), Lucina, Kjelle, Owain, Brady, and Inigo.

I can also cover the after-battle and Palla recruitment scripts.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Knew I forgot something... Updated with Faye's newest additions.

Roster Rescue is probably going to be released tomorrow, so go ahead and claim if you want. Though, can someone please inform me tomorrow if this one is like the first two? ^^; Just to make sure.

I'd assume that tomorrow will see the release of both Roster Rescue and Harvest of Bonds, seeing as how they've been doing it like that for a while. (If that's what you were asking)

Besides, just a random question. Is there any reason that the 3DS Facebook hasn't been updating with what DLCs will be released? I haven't seen any as of late.

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Quick question, for SB, there's a lot of claimed quotes by Fayt, it's been a while since they released, and they haven't come and regrabbed their Scramble quotes either. Would you like me to cover the quotes after the Harvest Scramble map comes out in NA? EDIT: Talking both Harvest and SB quotes here

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 2]



I have lost...but WE have not...

[spoiler=Five-Anna Firefight]

Battle Quotes


Gushing lava streaks across the land like blood spilt upon the earth... Its presence resonates with my very soul... What is this strange exhilaration I feel?! Ah! My sword hand! It's...tingling! Flee, wicked ones! Flee while you still can!


I know how it feels to lose a loved one to these horrific creatures.I won't let anyone else know that pain. This is precisely what I've trained for! Now we'll see if all that work was in vain. Ready yourself, dead man!


Looking at the lave is like watching the clouds. I see all kinds of shapes! See? That patch there looks like a face. Could it be one of your friends...melting? ...Oh, listen to me saying such gruesome things! Don't take it to heart, my sweet.


This heat is intense. Even the smallest movement leaves me short of breath. Hmm... You know, Feroxi warriors often train in subzero temperatures... Perhaps next time we should try bringing them out to a place like this as well!


For crying out loud, couldn't you dastards find a cooler place to cause trouble? It's too damned hot in here. How about you just jump into the lava and melt away? Go on! I SAID JUMP! ...... Oh, fine, we'll do it your way. Anything to get out of here sooner...


I know the fear and anguish of having to pray for a loved one's safe return. I also know the agony of losing one's family. I know it all too well... I've never been the rescuer type... But this time, I'll do what I can.


Steaming hot and full of scorching lava... I could get used to this place! If only we could hold the champions' tournament in a place like this... Hey, Risen! Next time you fall from the sky, try to aim for Arena Ferox! Ba ha ha!


It's not my problem if some stupid merchants wandered into a deathtrap. But Avatar has me twisted around his/her little finger... *sigh* If he/she says 'Leap over a pit of hot magma,' what can I answer but 'How high?'


Hey! Those poor Annas are completely defenseless out there! Extinction's bad to, b-but at least I have the option of fighting back... All right, no more hesitation... It's time to show you what a taguel's made of!


That poor merchant must be tearing her hair out over her sisters. We must answer her prayers and eradicate these Risen posthaste. Gods above, grant us the strength to keep these Annas safe!


Blazing heat, unstable footing... These types of conditions stifle lesser men. But terrain is meaningless to me. Strength is all a conqueror needs! And when they see the strength I command, my foes will yearn for a fiery death instead!

Morgan (F):

Man, these Risen are tough! Looks like Father's decided this one's for me. Gotta hand it to him- even in this heat, he manages to keep a cool head. Me, though? I think my brain is melting... I'll never be a master tactician at this rate!

Edited by Wheels
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On the subject of ungrabbed stuff, I'm taking Maribelle > Lissa and Sumia > Cordelia - the guy who had them was a no-show and didn't bother to regrab them, so it's fair to say he's lost his claim to them.

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"I will be as your Vincent milord, and you, my Victor!"

Harvest Scramble is the best! XD

EDIT: My goodness, ChromxFrederick bromance is strong in the Harvest Scramble. XD

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The next time we meet, I hope it's under peaceful circumstances. That's if there IS a next time...



You've no right to be here. ...So die!



I ask only that you fight me with the same honor I afford you.



Right now, we end this- once and for all!



You dare oppose Gharnef? Perhaps you need a demonstration of my power!



How can you not see the madness in seeking wars outside your world?



There are no more words to be spoken- only strength to be tested.

Black Knight


You were brave to challenge me- but in the end, foolish!



If a battle is at hand, then I will fight it with all I've got!



I am strong. I am wise. I am lovely. And most importantly, I am right! ...Me! No one else!



Ha ha! Yes... Strike with all your power! Let me delight in it!



Strange... I feel as though I've fought you before... But this time shall be the last.



I cannot stop now. I have yet to earn my gold...



I've already lost one kingdom. I refuse to lose another!



Damn these doubts. I believe in the path I've chosen!


Nngh...I lost...



I'll never give up. Not while this realm is counting on me!



Ha! You think you stand a chance? I'll crush the arrogance out of you!

Edit: also, confirming I'll do all of Fayt's Harvest stuff if Harvest comes out today.

Edited by Wheels
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Hmm, I just noticed. I didn't buy the pack last week, but, I still had an update to go onto existing DLC content. I wonder if they fixed Basilio's quote from Death's Embrace?

It also happens to Inigo (And others?) in Roster Rescue. You can still read the text by pressing R.

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Roster Rescue

Cynthia: So my foes know all my secrets, huh? Wow! Having secrets is so totally hero-like! Wait, what am I talking about? I don't have anything to hide! Um... Well, whatever. Prepare to face justice, dastardly secret thieves!

Cordelia: So what fascinating secrets have you uncovered about me? It says I'm compensating with this breastplate, doesn't it? ...Well, that's one secret I'm afraid you're going to have to take back to the grave!

Lissa: Hey! Does that book really say I snort? Come on, you don't honestly believe that stuff, do you? HAH! *snort* ...... ...Okay, now you have to die.

Maribelle: I am, of course, far too noble to have any embarassing secrets. I sleep quite soundly knowing that I am the absolute pinnacle of propriety! ...What is that look? Don't tell me the book suggests otherwise?!

Anna: Trust means everything in my business. A couple of bad rumors could ruin a girl! Say, handsome...have you read the roster? What does it say about little old me? ...Wait, why am I even asking? I'll just waste you and check it myself!

Severa: Are you the one with the roster? Leaking a maiden's ssecrets is despicable! The idea that filth like you might have dirt on my dear mother... UGH! ...By the way, did it say anything about any of her former lovers? Wait, what am I saying? DIE, thief!

Noire: Eek! Wh-what do you know about me? What was written in that book?! Did it say anything about destroying my mother's cursing implements? It...it did? THEN YOUR FATE IS SEALED! I WILL HAVE YOUR SILENCE AND HAVE IT FOREVER!

Nah: I know that look. "You're that girl with the weird name in the roster," right? Ugh... Now even monsters think my name is ridiculous. This is so humiliating! Well, you'd better remember it well, 'cause it's the last name you'll ever hear!

Morgan (M): Hey, so was there anything written about me in that roster?! I kind of have amnesia, you know, so if there was, I'd love to hear it! I'm not budging until you tell me everything! Even if it's embarassing... I have to know!

Edited by Levant Fortner
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OKAY let's rock and roll in Roster Rescue:

Avatar (F)

Why'd they have to take the roster? Of all the rotten luck... Our enemies could use that information for any number of nefarious purposes... Well, I'm going to get it back. And from now on, I'm taking better care of it!


Are you the wretched thief who stole my father's most intimate secrets? How could you? I'm his daughter, and I barely know anything about the man! Sorry. That's...my issue, isn't it. Anyway... I'll have that roster or I'll have your life!


Wait, so my foes could know something about me that I don't even know myself? Argh, what a devious distraction... What could that roster say about me?! No...I'm being silly. It's time to put these fears aside and lay you to rest!


So what'd that thing say about me? That I'm nowhere near as strong as I look? That I update my dream journal every day? ...That milk gives me horrible gas? Aw, whatever. Go on and laugh it up. You can die with a smile!

Inigo (okay what the fuck happened with this one? his full portrait showed and I had to click R to see what he was actually saying)

You...you read my secrets? Did it have the one about...? Oh gods, it did, didn't it? And that's just the tip of the iceberg... Any one of them could destroy me! If you were to tell anyone... No. No way. Those secrets die with you, fiend!


So you saw the roster and think you know all about me? Well, think again! The only place you'll find MY secrets inscribed is in the Manual of Justice! W-wait, what are you doing? Put that thing down! Don't you try to read that! HEY!

All seven down! Now just to kill the last reinforcements...

After battle script (all seven Revenants defeated)


What a relief...


I'll say... If word had gotten out, we'd have been the laughingstock of the entire realm!


Well, one thing's for certain: it's high time I read that roster cover to cover.


Me too! I want to know all of Robin's and Frederick's juicy little secrets... Especially since they knew ours and didn't even tell us!


Pardons, did I hear my name?


Ah, Frederick! Just the guy I'm looking for. What'd you do what that roster of ours?


I returned it to Robin, milady. Why do you ask?


Okay. Bye now!




Heh, I think Lissa is planning to read up on you, Frederick. Revenants aren't the only ones who love to gossip, apparently.


Heh, well, as she pleases. I have nothing to...hide... Oh, dear gods, wait. That... Wait, milady! WAAAAAAIT!

>scene change


Poor Robin... Keeping the roster from those two won't be much fun.


...You don't know the half of it!


Huh? ...Robin! What happened to you? Are those...bite marks?!


It's this damned roster! No one will leave me alone! The ones who aren't demanding revisions are trying to peek at the others' entries. I have to carry the blasted thing everywhere I go just to keep it safe! How did all of this fall on me, anyway? I didn't even write it!


Well, you are our tactician. People just assume you're in charge of that sort of thing, I suppose. They'll get over the initial wave of curiosity soon enough. In the meantime, you might want to keep a low profile. And I mean Kellam low.


Heh... Sound advice... Oh, by the way, I found this pressed in the roster once we got it back.


An Einherjar card?


Yes. This one says "Elder Sister Palla." She could be a useful ally.


Looks like she's a flier. Perhaps you might hide the roster in her saddlebag.


Heh heh. Well, I suppose the card makes all this nonsense worth it. I'd best keep moving, though. I'll catch up with you later, Chrom.


Oh, but, Robin...?




Er...might I check the roster before you go? Just for a moment. It seems there's a mistake about me breaking things I'd like to correct...



Recruit Palla? (Yes):


I am at your bidding.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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