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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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Y'know, I think he actually did say "Oh, come on!".

Ok, here's the next: Noire and her parents Henry and Tharja!



Noire: M-Mother?! Y-your here?! B-but...how? Did...did you ressurect yourself with some kind of curse?

Tharja: Hee hee...And what if I did?

Noire: It wouldn't matter one bit!

Tharja: ...It wouldn't?

Noire: Of course not! I'm used to your curses! And I don't care If you're a zombie! I'd put up with anything just to be with you again...You don't know how lonely I've been since you sacrificed yourself to save me. I don't care if you stink of death or your insides have turned to goo...I'm just happy to see you---alive, undead, or whatever else. Oh, Mother! Please don't ever leave me again!

Tharja: Noire...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have led you on like that. Your mother hasn't come back to life. I'm not her.

Noire: B-but...

Tharja: I'm a different Tharja on a brief visit here from another world. I'm not the one who raised you. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

Noire: Oh, you...Oh...I...I suppose I should have known. Death is permanent, after all...But I meant what I said. I am happy to see you, even if you're not...you. Even if you are from another world...Even if you're here only briefly...

Tharja: Good. Then I'm happy too. You were saying earlier that they took your talisman, weren't you? Let me make it up to you by helping you get it back.

Noire: Really? You'd do that? Oh, thank you! *Sob* Mother...

Tharja: Tears? Really? What am I supposed to...? Listen, I don't have much time. But while I'm here, I'm going to make the creatures who tried to hurt you pay. Out of respect for your real mother, if nothing else.

Noire: ...Thank you.

Tharja: Now, let's pick out the perfect curse for your vengeance, shall we? And let's make it a real humdinger. After all, what's the point in coming to another world if I can't let my hair down? Hee hee hee...

Noire: Oh, Mother...This is just like old times!


Henry: Hey-o, Noire! Good to see you're still alive!

Noire: Wh-what?!

Henry: Don't freak out on me! Just listen. I'm not your enemy---I'm your dad. Sorta...Naga sent me here from another world to protect you.

Noire: I...I don't think so! This is another trap, isn't it? You're some sort of illusion!

Henry: What? You don't believe your own flesh and blood?! Mmm, blood... (..........Henry, are you a vampire or something???)

Noire: No, I don't believe YOU! My father is dead!

Henry: Hmm...I guess it is a pretty tough story to swallow. And a healthy sense of skepticism is a sign of a sharp mind, after all...That's my girl!

Noire: It's just...how is Naga supposed to help us if we don't even have the Fire Emblem yet? That's not how it works! You must be an illusion or a shape-shifter or...under some kind of resurrection hex!

Henry: A hex? Nya ha! You really are your mother's daughter! Fine----resurrection curse it is! I'm Henry the Risen----rawwr! Nya ha ha!

Noire: Huh...?

Henry: If believing that helps move things along, then so be it. You go right ahead and think I've been all Risened up by some curse! I just wanna get past this so I can start saving you from peril!

Noire: ......

Henry: If it helps me protect my daughter, I'll be anything she wants me to be!

Noire: F-Father...*sob* I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I doubted you...I believe you---really I do! I'm sorry I thought you were cursed!

Henry: Huh? So now you believe me? You're a strange kid...

Noire: It's just...no impostor could ever talk the way you do, Father...So...about that offer to protect me...Will you help me get out of here alive?

Henry: Of course I will! Hexed or not, I've got your back, come hell or high water! Nya ha!

I have to say, my opinion of Tharja has greatly improved. She's still not the best mother in the world, but she's a true mother; I'm glad that she and Noire really seem to care about each other.

.....And then, there's Henry. Can I just take this time to say that Henry should be nominated for best daddy in the world? He's just all kinds of awesome! :3

Tharja is really is a good mother. :)

Post-Battle, if all children are defeated:


Damn it...


...Welcome home, warriors. You fought valiantly. However, the children have all died, and the Gemstones have returned to the enemy. Without the stones, their world is doomed to fall.


But...there must be something we can do! Oh, gods, forgive me...


Do not punish yourself. Their world simply met with the end destiny prescribed.


I don't care what destiny prescribed!


I understand. But you must not linger on what is already done. Be glad that you gave the children one last glimmer of hope. It was more than they had. And you can still save your own world. The departed would want you to fight with every bone in your body...as I trust you will.



And their deathquotes:


I thought...I was ready for this, but...now I wish I...could've gone...home...


Mother... Father... Come for me... I d-don't want to die...alone...


No... It can't...end here... We needed to...save the world...


No! I...I won't give...up... I still believe...this world...can...

Well shit... That's some deep incentive to assure they all survive.

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Hopefully it's alright to post this without a claim (I didn't see a spot for it anywhere on the list so far):

[spoiler=FoD 1 Virion!Kjelle]

Virion: My dear Kjelle, it is you! I thought I caught the scent of nobility when first I arrived...

Virion: What a joy to encounter a beauty of your caliber in so dreary a place as this.

Kjelle: Father...?! Is it really you? But...but you're dead!

Virion: Dead? What force could possibly stay a man of such matchless vigor as I?

Virion: A jealous god in a fit of pique, perhaps... But certainly no mortal hand.

Kjelle: Gods, it really IS you... Who else talks like that?

Kjelle: But...how can you be alive?

Virion: Alas, I am no man of this world, my dear. Unfortunately, I cannot call you my child.

Kjelle: Huh? You're from a different world?! Will you...be staying?

Virion: I am afraid my time here is fleeting.

Virion: Like a flower that reveals its vivid majesty only to be scattered to the four winds...

Virion: Indeed, perhaps it would have been kinder had we never met at all.

Kjelle: I...I see.

Kjelle: But before you go, there's something I always wanted to say to my father...

Kjelle: I know you aren't him...but I'll never have a chance like this again, so...

Kjelle: Can I say it to you instead?

Virion: But of course, my dear.

Kjelle: Father...

Kjelle: What lord has ever fought harder or more bravely in defense of his subjects than you?

Kjelle: I will never forget the courage you showed in defending your people against the Risen.

Kjelle: And when it cost you your life, I only admired you more.

Kjelle: It was your example that inspired me to become the person I am--the warrior I am.

Kjelle: All my life, I have only ever wanted to protect people as you once did.

Kjelle: I know you aren't really my father, but... thank you for letting me say that.

Virion: ......

Kjelle: Are you...crying?

Virion: Wh-what? Men of nobility never cry! I...simply had dust in my eye.

Virion: ...Yet I will not deny there was a rare beauty in your sentiment.

Virion: The thought of having to abandon so precious a child is truly heartbreaking...

Kjelle: Thank you, Father. For coming here. For everything.

Kjelle: I promise I'll never forget this.

Did that one already ;)

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Here it is, Female Avatar's conversation in Hot Spring Scramble if she is Lucina's mother.

[spoiler=Female Avatar > Lucina(Child)]

Lucina: This place has such a wonderful atmosphere. Even crawling with Risen, it feels so strangely relaxing.
Robin: Doesn’t it? I can’t wait to be done with them so we can get to enjoying the springs.
Lucina: You took the words right out of my mouth, Mother. Say, what do you suppose that building is?
Robin: Going from the sign, I’d say it’s a mixed bath.
Lucina: Oh? What do they mix it with?
Robin: Er, no… It’s not the water that’s mixed—it’s the clientele. A mixed bath is one that men and women can enter together.
Lucina: What?! S-such a thing exists? Goodness… This place is certainly progressive. Hmm, but that would mean that you and I would be able to join Father! How wonderful it would be to spend quality family time together in the bath…
Robin: Yes, that’s—NO! Absolutely not! PLEASE promise me you won’t suggest that that to him! If your father were to charge into the bath with us, we’d have chaos on our hands… Spending time as a family is all well and good, but bath time is an exception.
Lucina: …Huh? W-well, all right. If you say so. So…what about that building there?
Robin: A souvenir shop, I’d wager. You should go take a look once the fighting’s done.
Lucina: How charming! They have wood carvings that bear your face, Mother.
Robin: They what?! Whoa, they do! But why?!
Lucina: Judging from what I’ve heard, we’re minor celebrities in these parts. I suppose it’s not so strange to see our likenesses being used so.
Robin: Still, that’s a little…you know…
Lucina: Indeed. It must be mine, by any means necessary!
Robin: What? Wait, what?
Lucina: My apologies, Mother. As soon as we’ve cleared the immediate area, I’ll be leaving the front for a moment.
Robin: To go souvenir shopping?! I’m pretty sure they’re not going to leap off the shelves anytime soon!
Lucina: One cannot take any chances. A greed-addled mob may be on its way to buy out the entire stock as we speak.
Robin: Lucina, you’re scaring me.
Lucina: Yes…I, too, am gripped with fear! I must make haste! Hold on, tiny, wooden Mother! I’m coming! *Lucina leaves*
Robin: H-hey! Lucina, wait! There’s a whole pack of Risen that way! …Uh, I mean there was. Yeesh, she’s even fiercer than usual… Just how badly does she want that thing?

[spoiler=Lucina > Female Avatar(Child)]
Lucina: Apologies for my absence, Mother. But the mission was a success! Feast your eyes on the sheer craftsmanship!
Robin: That’s, um… That’s lovely. I’m a little concerned about what you plan to DO with it, but… Hm? Was that not the only thing you bought?
Lucina: Yes, this caught my eye, and I couldn’t pass it up. Doesn’t it take you back?
Robin: Wait, is that… That’s the same mask you wore when we first met you!
Lucina: Well, a wood replica, but yes! I fear I left the original in the castle courtyard. It’s probably still there.
Robin: Ha ha, that does bring back a few memories… Back then, I would have never imagined you were a woman. With that mask on, you were so dashing and manly and cool and collected. Not that you aren’t still, of course. Er, well, not manly, exactly, but…you know.
Lucina: Ha ha. Well, thank you. I’m pleased to hear you saw me that way. To tell the truth, I’ve been half in a panic ever since I arrived in this time.
Robin: Really? Then you’ve done a remarkable job of hiding it.
Lucina: Masks are good for that. The moment I saw you and father, it was all I could do not to leap into your arms. That, or break down in tears at having seen you alive again after so many years. I couldn’t have gotten through it if not for that mask…
Robin: Lucina…
Lucina: No doubt I would still be a wreck now, had I given in back then. And I wouldn’t be standing here today with you and him…
Robin: Then I suppose we owe a great deal of thanks to that mask.
Lucina:…I may have need of it again before long.
Robin: Oh?
Lucina: There is no guarantee that I’ll be able to return to the future once peace is won. If I’m to live out my days in this era, I can’t allow myself to linger at your side. It would only raise questions. Cause confusion…No, it’s best I lived in shadow.
Robin: Don’t be ridiculous, Lucina.
Lucina: Shame I’ll have to content myself with a replica then, eh? Heh, it seems half ready to splinter in my hands right now. …I worry it won’t long conceal my loneliness.
Robin: I don’t see any reason why we should lose you to the shadows. I know I certainly have no intention to part company with you. I’d wager good money your father would tell you the same.
Lucina: Yes, he would say that. You both would… But I cannot put you in that position. A mysterious woman clinging to the exalt’s side, neither his wife nor his daughter? One who bears the Brand that proves her of the exalted bloodline, no less! Surely you can imagine what the people would think.
Robin: Perhaps…
Lucina: Then the answer is clear.
Robin: …I’ll fix it. Somehow. I’ll think of something. Some way that you can stay with us without arousing any strange suspicion. What better test of a tactician’s skill than concocting a plan to convince a nation? You need not worry about a thing, dear. I’ll make it right, whatever it takes. You’re my daughter!
Lucina: ……
Thank you, Mother. For all your love. Being with you again is one of the greatest gifts this era has afforded me. I… Mother, I love you so much.
Robin: Stop. You’re going to make me cry.
Lucina: I’m sorry, but I truly believe that. Now, shall we rejoin the fray? All this steam is making the mask swell and get soggy. I doubt it can take much more.
Robin: Ugh, no kidding! All right, then. Guess we’d better hurry. *Robin leaves*
Lucina: Mother… I’m touched that you would craft a strategy for my sake. But there’s no need. Even if I cannot return to my own time, and even if I cannot stay with you, I’ll be fine. The time I’ve shared with both of you and all we’ve done together will keep me. It’s a treasure I will cherish all my life…

All my feels...Lucina...

[spoiler=Walhart > Basilio]

Basilio: If it isn’t the beacon of happiness, Walhart. With a grimace like that, you’ll have even your comrades running for the hills. …Oh, right. I forgot. You don’t NEED any comrades.
Walhart: If only your weapon received half as much practice as that glib tongue of yours.
Basilio: Uh-huh. So why are you here again? You look more out of place at the hot springs than these Risen do.
Walhart: …Hmph. How strange. I had thought that eyepatch simply hid some old battle scar… But I see now it just prevents you from assessing the world twice as poorly.
Basilio: You’re one to talk, beady-eyes. Can you even see through all this steam?
Walhart: A feeble salvo of words against the man who nearly killed you. Shall I dismiss your remarks as the madness of a weakling and a craven?
Basilio: You could try—
Walhart: Careful. If you draw your weapon, I must take it as a challenge. I would have no choice but to crush you where you stand.
Basilio: Rrgh… Forget it. You’re not worth it. I didn’t come here to cross blades with a lunatic like you.
Walhart: Well, if you’re done singing, cricket, hop, hop away.
Basilio: I WOULD if you’d stop trying to get in the last word!
Walhart: Like this?
Basilio: ARGH! NEVER MIND! I hope you fall over and drown before the battle is done! *Basilio leaves*
Walhart: Heh…

[spoiler=Basilio > Walhart]
Basilio: Walhart!
Walhart: Ah, cricket. You come with weapon drawn. Have I given offense? What with this steam and my beady-eyes, you may yet stand a shred of a chance.
Basilio: HAAA! *Hitting sound*
Risen: …Mmrrf!*Falls*
Walhart: HRYAAAH! *Hitting sound*
Risen: …Ooohhh… *Falls*
Basilio: …They thought they could get the drop on you? How stupid are they?
Walhart: I was in no danger.
Basilio: Heh, yeah. No danger at all. You had at least, what, half a second before that Risen skewered you? I was trying to warn you, and you act like I was out to kill you.
Walhart: Little difference it makes. Whoever challenges me shall crumple by the wayside in defeat. And I might point out that you, too, were moments from parting with your head.
Basilio: You talk too much.
Walhart: No man could talk as much as you.
Basilio: You know what? I think we need to settle our differences once and for all.
Walhart: Come at me then, cricket. I will snap your bones like matchsticks.
Basilio: Actually, since you’re so confident, why don’t you let me choose the rules?
Walhart: Bah… There is no arena beneath the sky in which you can surpass me.
Basilio: So I get to pick? Good! I challenge you to a drinking contest.
Walhart: …What?
Basilio: Ah, ah, ah. No backing out of it now! You don’t know what you’re up against. They call me the Walking Cask of Ferox!
Walhart: Hmph… I accept your challenge.
Basilio: Oh, you are so doomed. I’ll meet you right here after the battle is over. Let’s see if I can make your face match your armor with a few kegs of Feroxi mead! *Basilio leaves*
Walhart: …So he means to avoid a fight to save face but bond with me at the same time? That Basilio is cleverer than he looks. His slow destruction by ale shall be most satisfying…

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Such a touching conversation... :3

But I'm not sure I understood why she can't stay with her family. Is it because people would think Chrom had a bastard child? Or did I not get what was implied???

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Such a touching conversation... :3

But I'm not sure I understood why she can't stay with her family. Is it because people would think Chrom had a bastard child? Or did I not get what was implied???

Or maybe that he has a mistress? I probably got it wrong, but that was my own impression...

Walhart/Basilio was interesting to read. XD drinking contest, huh...

Edited by Cordelia
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Or maybe that he has a mistress? I probably got it wrong, but that was my own impression...

Walhart/Basilio was interesting to read. XD drinking contest, huh...

Wonder who would win? I have my money on Basilio, simply because he must be pretty skilled if he can keep up with Flavia...

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Whew, my last Hot Spring Scramble convo, Owain/Gerome.

[spoiler=Owain > Gerome]

Owain: Heh… Were you aware, Gerome?
Gerome: …Of?
Owain: Of the ruins of yore whispered to lie cloaked in the steam of these baths! Within them slumbers the dragonsbane blade, named for a raging god of chaos… My blood boils hotter than the geysers that feed these pools… The sword calls to me!
Gerome: I ought to have known better than to ask. Leave me out of your pathetic delusions.
Owain: My delusions are NOT pathetic! …Wait, that didn’t come out right. Anyway, I came to ask a favor.
Gerome: Go look for your fantasy sword alone, Owain.
Owain: It’s not that. Give me your mask!
Gerome: Excuse me?
Owain: Surely even you must feel it in your bones as I do. I am far worthier of donning that ebon visor!
Gerome: Forget it.
Owain: All right, fine. Then I’ll take the pitch-black dragon armor instead. Its onyx wings are a fitting match for my--
Gerome: No.
Owain: Urgh… You drive a hard bargain, sir, I’ll grant you that. Very well. I suppose I’ll content myself with your wyvern. Cede her unto me! I swear by the blood of heroes coursing within me I will see the dread beast tamed!
Gerome: Take that back! There’s nothing dreadful about her! Minerva is just a great big cuddle monster. What’s more, she’s like an extension of my body. I’d no sooner lose her than an arm. She is not some animal to be tamed.
Owain: You’ve driven us to impasse, my miserly cohort! Now is the time to be reasonable—stop idly idolizing me and contribute to my glory!
Gerome: I cannot begin to fathom what that’s supposed to mean.
Owain: Heh… Come now, Gerome. You’ve clearly glimpsed my true form in your mind’s eye. Your raiment is but an attempt to emulate my shadow-clad guise. Admit it!
Gerome: Well, this has been a colossal waste of time. *Gerome leaves*
Owain: Heh, are you truly so afraid of the awesome power silently seething within my breast? …Gerome? Wait, where’d he go?! Heh, I knew it. The man is obviously terrified!

[spoiler=Gerome > Owain]
Owain: Hey, Gerome. Can I ask y—
Gerome: No.
Owain: I didn’t even finish the question! Yeesh, someone’s prickly today… You’ll drive all your friends off with that attitude.
Gerome: Then so be it. I have no need of them.
Owain: All right, then… Um, anyway, I had a question. Why do you wear that mask? There’s not much point when everybody already knows your true identity.
Gerome: Hmph. I wouldn’t expect you to understand. I see no reason to reveal myself to my foes. Hiding one’s emotions in battle can grant a significant advantage. Not that I have need for such trickery. My true reasons run far deeper…
Owain: All right, then what about the all-black outfit? Is that so you don’t stand out?
Gerome: It’s a reflection of my innermost psyche, nothing more. The enhanced stealth it grants me is merely a happy coincidence.
Owain: And why the lone-wolf act? You’re always running off on your own. Can’t trust other people? Are you worried we’re all out to get you?
Gerome: I simply see no worth in fraternizing. …No. Perhaps I’m merely afraid of losing anyone else.
Owain: O-oh yeah? Well…fine. Last question. Does your blood ever get to boiling? Any old vendettas or suspicious amnesia?
Gerome: This isn’t one of your fantasies, Owain. …Though there are nights I am gripped with a sense of…foreboding. Heh…Laugh if you will. I fear even I don’t fully understand the darkness that dwells within me…
Owain: Man, this is SO unfair!
Gerome: Huh? What now?
Owain: When YOU say all this stuff, it sounds amazing. But me? Oh no, not me! Nobody takes ME seriously at all. Ugh. You…you show-off!
Gerome: Show-off?!
Owain: Just you wait! I’ll show you one of these days! I’ll show everyone! *sob*
*Owain leaves*
Gerome: What in the…? I don’t understand that boy, and I don’t think I want to…

[spoiler=After battle script]
Chrom:…Tell me we’re done.
Merchant: You’re done! Thank you so much for driving those icky things away. And, uh…sorry your fabulous hot-spring vacation didn’t go as planned.
Chrom: It’s all right. I feel relaxed just knowing we helped keep you safe.
Merchant: Well, that’s very sweet of you. You know, it’s not too late to soak in the water for a bit. What do you say?
Chrom: Okay, why not? I’ll go get ready. *Chrom leaves*
Merchant: ……
…Is he gone? Okay… My sisters are counting on me to turn a profit on this. After all, we didn’t invent this Snapshot tome for nothing. All I have to do is get a few pictures of the Shepherds taking a dip in the spring… If I can pull it off, we’re in business! Instant bestseller! Mm, I can smell the piles of gold already. I’d better go find a good angle!
*Scene change*
Merchant: Heh heh… They say a picture’s worth a thousand words… But these landscapes I just took look more like a thousand GOLD to me! Now I just need to snap a few pictures of the Shepherds without their fleece. Knock knock. Is everyone indecent? I’m coming in!
Robin: …Finally. I’ve been dying for a nice, hot bath. I’ll just slip these off and… Oh, hello, Other Anna. Aren’t you going to bathe with me and the others? You’re still dressed.
Merchant: Ooh! What impeccable timing! The famous tactician, Robin, ready for bathing action! Now just pretend I’m not here, and go about your usual business.
Robin: I don’t understand. If you’re not here to bathe…
Merchant: To bathe? Oh, no—I’m just here to record this moment for posterity. Now hold still, baby. We don’t want the important bits to get blurred.
Robin: Hey, are you SPYING on us? Oh my gods, that is low!
Merchant: And what are you going to do about it? You’re not so buff in the buff.
Robin: Here’s how it’s done! *splash*
Merchant: …HEY! You splashed my tome, you hag! So you want to play dirty? All right, then… Ready to get gouged? *splash*
Robin: Rrrgrrph! Why, you little—T-time to tip the scales! *splash*
Merchant: *Gurgle* Pfffft! Not bad, tiny… But I’m just getting started. Here’s a freebie!
Robin: Grr… I will destroy you, peeper. Count on it!
*Two blackouts later*
Chrom:…You passed out?
Robin: …Yup.
Chrom: Well, that wasn’t very tactically sound. Especially when the others in the bath say you were playing with that merchant.
Merchant: We weren’t playing. We were fighting.
Robin: Oh, gods, she’s back…
Merchant: Lovely to see you too. You should be ashamed of yourself for wrecking my precious tome like that. There goes my nest egg… Though at least you had to say something nice to me at the end.
Chrom: Really? What did she say?
Robin: I thanked her for giving us all a chance to relax and have fun. After all, it’s not very often we get to show our true colors.
Merchant: That’s not all she showed…
Robin: *Sigh* …Can we go now?
Merchant: Heh. You’re kinda cute when you blush, Robin. Anyway, dinner is ready, so why don’t you all scurry over to the dining hall? A hearty meal after a nice, long soak in the springs really hits the spot.
Chrom: Great. I’m starving. See you there.
Robin: Yeah, see you there…
Merchant: *Ahem* Robin.
Robin: …Yes?
Merchant: Just so you know, if I ever get you alone in the bath again, I WILL annihilate you.
Robin: Ha! You can try!

Done with Hot Spring Scramble, Future Past 1 is up next.

Edit: [spoiler=Future Past 1, After Prep screen script]

Lucina: What? No! …No, it can’t be.
Chrom: What’s wrong, Lucina?
Lucina: This is just like MY future. Where I came from! It’s all so similar…
Chrom: What?! Are you certain?
Lucina: I could never forget. That enmity in the air—like the fell dragon threatens to crush us with every breath. I fear we’ve made a terrible error… I barely escaped that world with my life. How could I have brought you here?
Chrom: Lucina, calm down. We chose to come here. And I think it’s a good thing we did.
Lucina: But, Father, you could die!
Chrom: I know. But I also know you survived a world of death just like this one and came to us. You braved it all so that you might change OUR future.
Lucina: Yes, but…
Chrom: Put yourself in my position. In the future you came from, I was already… I couldn’t protect you. But in this version of the future, if you’re here…it’s like getting a second chance. Even if you and her aren’t the same… I need this catharsis. For once, I’ll be able to say I was there to keep you safe.
Lucina: But…what’s the point if you end up dead?!
Chrom: Lucina, I promise you: I won’t die here. I’ve got two worlds to save now. I intend to get the job done.
Lucina: Father, please…
Chrom: Lucina, sometimes you just have to have faith. Would I lie to you?
Lucina: …No. All right, Father. I believe you. I know you’ll do whatever it takes to save the people of this world.
Chrom: That’s more like it. Now, come on. Let’s find those children!
Noire: Oh no! W-we’re surrounded?! This is the end, isn’t it…
Nah: After all we suffered to claim Gules and Azure, we’ll never even get them home…
Cynthia: Noire! Nah! What are you saying?! We have to stay strong! A true hero knows it’s always darkest just before the dawn! We’re just building up to the big comeback, right, Kjelle?
Kjelle: I suppose it is a bit premature. Our defeat isn’t inevitable yet. I can’t count how many times we’ve faced certain death since coming to Plegia…and every time, the four of us managed to make it out alive. Surrounded or not, we can’t fall here… Not to chumps like these.
Cynthia: Exactly! If we all work together, these fiends won’t stand a chance. Justice will not be denied!
Noire: Wh-what’s going on?! These Risen! I’ve never seen them move like this…
*The children are separated*
Cynthia: Wha…?! H-how did they separate us so easily?! Hey! G-get back! Don’t you touch my lance! That belonged to my mother! It means everything to me! Give it back, you creep! You…you have to! Please, not the lance… You can take anything, but not that!
Nah: Damn! One of them got my dragonstone! How am I supposed to fight now? Give that back! It doesn’t belong to you!
Noire: They were lying in wait for us… They must have known we’d try to resist… They even got my talisman… Now it really is hopeless…
Kjelle: Get away, you filthy craven! You really need two of you to disarm one of me?! Of course you do! You’d never stand a chance of defeating me in a fair fight!
Cynthia: Guys, we can’t fight them like this! And those flames are spreading fast! Everyone, find a way to break through and then regroup at—
*Bars come up*
Cynthia: What…?! Barricades?! You’ve got to be kidding me! We’ll never be able to regroup now…
Nah: So this is the end, then… We’ve no cards left to play. Very well. If you plan to kill us, please just get on with it. I made my peace with that the day we left Ylisse…
Cynthia: Nah! What are you saying?! We can’t give up! What about the five Gemstones? We’ll never get them all if we quit now! And if we can’t perform the Awakening, the entire world is doomed!
Nah: Do you think I don’t know that? Do you think any of us doesn’t know that?! I don’t WANT to die here, Cynthia, but I don’t see very many other options! Do you honestly think someone’s going to swoop in and rescue us? That some great warrior is going to appear and spout one of your heroic introductions?
Cynthia: I…I don’t…
Nah: I know what you’re feeling, Cynthia. When things get bad, I’m the same way. I pray that somehow Naga will hear my pleas and come to my rescue. That I’ll hear her voice whispering in my ear, and then suddenly everything will be okay. But even after all we’ve been through, I’ve never heard her voice even once! I think it’s time for us to face the music. There’s just no such thing as miracles.
Nah: Listen, Cynthia. I’m sorry… I don’t want my last words to you to be angry ones. Even after everything that’s happened, I’m still so glad I met all of you. I love you guys. Every last one of you. Thank you…for everything. Maybe we’ll be reborn into a kinder world. And we can all meet again one day…
Cynthia: Nah, please! Don’t say good-bye! There’s still a chance!
Noire: I, too, feel privileged to have known you all. I’d have been so lost without you… I’m sorry I was always such a pessimist. But even so, I never gave up hope… I always knew in my heart that as long as I had all of you, we’d make it through. But…I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. This time we truly are finished… I suppose I’ll never know what it means to lead a normal, happy, teenage life… *Sniff* I…I’ll just stop there… The more I say, the harder this all gets… *sob*
Cynthia: Come on, Noire! You know I can’t stand to see you like this!
Kjelle: It’s been an honor to fight beside you all. True, I was a little worried at first… But you proved stronger and braver than I ever expected. You always had my back. It got to the point that I honestly thought the four of us would never be defeated. So much for that, huh? This time I just don’t see a way out… I hate to pass our duty onto the others, but…maybe they’re still alive? Maybe they’ll figure out some way to save the world without these two Gemstones? If I’m going to die here, I’d at least like to die with some small shred of hope… A hope that somehow, some way, the good guys can still win this…
Cynthia: Kjelle…
I guess you’re right… Without weapons, we have no hope of fighting through this… It kills me to say this, but…I don’t think I’m gonna be able to save us after all… But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up. We can’t die here, not like this! We HAVE to take the Gemstones back. We HAVE to defeat Grima! We have to fulfill our dream of bringing peace back to the world… We…we have to! I want to believe there’s still some way out of this… I want to believe there’s still some way to get home… Maybe Nah’s right, and there’s no such thing as miracles… Heck, maybe the gods don’t even exist at all… But I’m praying all the same. So please, gods, if you’re out there… Please…send us a miracle!

Wow that was long.
Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=Female Avatar version]Merchant: Heh heh… They say a picture’s worth a thousand words… But these landscapes I just took look more like a thousand GOLD to me! Now I just need to snap a few pictures of the Shepherds without their fleece. Knock knock. Is everyone indecent? I’m coming in!

Robin: …Finally. I’ve been dying for a nice, hot bath. I’ll just slip these off and… Oh, hello, Other Anna. Aren’t you going to bathe with me and the others? You’re still dressed.

Merchant: Ooh! What impeccable timing! The famous tactician, Robin, ready for bathing action! Now just pretend I’m not here, and go about your usual business.

Robin: I don’t understand. If you’re not here to bathe…

Merchant: To bathe? Oh, no—I’m just here to record this moment for posterity. Now hold still, baby. We don’t want the important bits to get blurred.

Robin: Hey, are you SPYING on us? Oh my gods, that is low!

Merchant: And what are you going to do about it? You’re not so buff in the buff.

Robin: Here’s how it’s done! *splash*

Merchant: …HEY! You splashed my tome, you hag! So you want to play dirty? All right, then… Ready to get gouged? *splash*

Robin: Rrrgrrph! Why, you little—T-time to tip the scales! *splash*

Merchant: *Gurgle* Pfffft! Not bad, tiny… But I’m just getting started. Here’s a freebie!

Robin: Grr… I will destroy you, peeper. Count on it!

For posterity! ...Uh, I mean, for comparison!

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble ending dialogue - Male Avatar version!]Merchant

Heh heh... They say a picture's worth a thousand words... But these landscapes I just took look more like a thousand GOLD to me! Now I just need to snap a few pictures of the Shepherds without their fleece. Knock knock. Is everyone indecent? I'm coming in!


...Finally. I've been dying for a nice, hot bath. I'll just slip these off and... WHOA! Wh-what are YOU doing in the men's bath? Get out! Out out OUT!


Ooh! What impeccable timing! The famous tactician, Robin, ready for bathing action! Now just pretend I'm not here, and go about your usual business.


H-how am I supposed to do that when you're peeping?! Get out of here!


I'm afraid I can't go anywhere until I've recorded this moment for posterity.


Am I going to have to MAKE you leave?!


Ha, whatever. You're not so buff when you're in the buff.


Here's how it's done!


...HEY! You splashed my tome, you creep! So you want to play dirty? All right, then... Ready to get gouged?


Rrrgrrph! Why, you little— T-time to tip the scales!


*Gurgle* Pfffft! Not bad, short stuff... But I'm just getting started. Here's a freebie!


Grr... I will destroy you, peeper. Count on it!

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I expected a difference in the merchant's behavior for the male version... Is a snapshot of the avatar so important that she'd sneak into the men's bath just to get it?

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Pictures of naked people.

Robin was the first victim that Merchant Anna found... xD


Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-VS Boss - Cordelia

-Boss Defeated - Cordelia

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Cordelia

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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Here it is, Female Avatar's conversation in Hot Spring Scramble if she is Lucina's mother.

[spoiler=Female Avatar > Lucina(Child)]

Lucina: This place has such a wonderful atmosphere. Even crawling with Risen, it feels so strangely relaxing.
Robin: Doesn’t it? I can’t wait to be done with them so we can get to enjoying the springs.
Lucina: You took the words right out of my mouth, Mother. Say, what do you suppose that building is?
Robin: Going from the sign, I’d say it’s a mixed bath.
Lucina: Oh? What do they mix it with?
Robin: Er, no… It’s not the water that’s mixed—it’s the clientele. A mixed bath is one that men and women can enter together.
Lucina: What?! S-such a thing exists? Goodness… This place is certainly progressive. Hmm, but that would mean that you and I would be able to join Father! How wonderful it would be to spend quality family time together in the bath…
Robin: Yes, that’s—NO! Absolutely not! PLEASE promise me you won’t suggest that that to him! If your father were to charge into the bath with us, we’d have chaos on our hands… Spending time as a family is all well and good, but bath time is an exception.
Lucina: …Huh? W-well, all right. If you say so. So…what about that building there?
Robin: A souvenir shop, I’d wager. You should go take a look once the fighting’s done.
Lucina: How charming! They have wood carvings that bear your face, Mother.
Robin: They what?! Whoa, they do! But why?!
Lucina: Judging from what I’ve heard, we’re minor celebrities in these parts. I suppose it’s not so strange to see our likenesses being used so.
Robin: Still, that’s a little…you know…
Lucina: Indeed. It must be mine, by any means necessary!
Robin: What? Wait, what?
Lucina: My apologies, Mother. As soon as we’ve cleared the immediate area, I’ll be leaving the front for a moment.
Robin: To go souvenir shopping?! I’m pretty sure they’re not going to leap off the shelves anytime soon!
Lucina: One cannot take any chances. A greed-addled mob may be on its way to buy out the entire stock as we speak.
Robin: Lucina, you’re scaring me.
Lucina: Yes…I, too, am gripped with fear! I must make haste! Hold on, tiny, wooden Mother! I’m coming! *Lucina leaves*
Robin: H-hey! Lucina, wait! There’s a whole pack of Risen that way! …Uh, I mean there was. Yeesh, she’s even fiercer than usual… Just how badly does she want that thing?

[spoiler=Lucina > Female Avatar(Child)]
Lucina: Apologies for my absence, Mother. But the mission was a success! Feast your eyes on the sheer craftsmanship!
Robin: That’s, um… That’s lovely. I’m a little concerned about what you plan to DO with it, but… Hm? Was that not the only thing you bought?
Lucina: Yes, this caught my eye, and I couldn’t pass it up. Doesn’t it take you back?
Robin: Wait, is that… That’s the same mask you wore when we first met you!
Lucina: Well, a wood replica, but yes! I fear I left the original in the castle courtyard. It’s probably still there.
Robin: Ha ha, that does bring back a few memories… Back then, I would have never imagined you were a woman. With that mask on, you were so dashing and manly and cool and collected. Not that you aren’t still, of course. Er, well, not manly, exactly, but…you know.
Lucina: Ha ha. Well, thank you. I’m pleased to hear you saw me that way. To tell the truth, I’ve been half in a panic ever since I arrived in this time.
Robin: Really? Then you’ve done a remarkable job of hiding it.
Lucina: Masks are good for that. The moment I saw you and father, it was all I could do not to leap into your arms. That, or break down in tears at having seen you alive again after so many years. I couldn’t have gotten through it if not for that mask…
Robin: Lucina…
Lucina: No doubt I would still be a wreck now, had I given in back then. And I wouldn’t be standing here today with you and him…
Robin: Then I suppose we owe a great deal of thanks to that mask.
Lucina:…I may have need of it again before long.
Robin: Oh?
Lucina: There is no guarantee that I’ll be able to return to the future once peace is won. If I’m to live out my days in this era, I can’t allow myself to linger at your side. It would only raise questions. Cause confusion…No, it’s best I lived in shadow.
Robin: Don’t be ridiculous, Lucina.
Lucina: Shame I’ll have to content myself with a replica then, eh? Heh, it seems half ready to splinter in my hands right now. …I worry it won’t long conceal my loneliness.
Robin: I don’t see any reason why we should lose you to the shadows. I know I certainly have no intention to part company with you. I’d wager good money your father would tell you the same.
Lucina: Yes, he would say that. You both would… But I cannot put you in that position. A mysterious woman clinging to the exalt’s side, neither his wife nor his daughter? One who bears the Brand that proves her of the exalted bloodline, no less! Surely you can imagine what the people would think.
Robin: Perhaps…
Lucina: Then the answer is clear.
Robin: …I’ll fix it. Somehow. I’ll think of something. Some way that you can stay with us without arousing any strange suspicion. What better test of a tactician’s skill than concocting a plan to convince a nation? You need not worry about a thing, dear. I’ll make it right, whatever it takes. You’re my daughter!
Lucina: ……
Thank you, Mother. For all your love. Being with you again is one of the greatest gifts this era has afforded me. I… Mother, I love you so much.
Robin: Stop. You’re going to make me cry.
Lucina: I’m sorry, but I truly believe that. Now, shall we rejoin the fray? All this steam is making the mask swell and get soggy. I doubt it can take much more.
Robin: Ugh, no kidding! All right, then. Guess we’d better hurry. *Robin leaves*
Lucina: Mother… I’m touched that you would craft a strategy for my sake. But there’s no need. Even if I cannot return to my own time, and even if I cannot stay with you, I’ll be fine. The time I’ve shared with both of you and all we’ve done together will keep me. It’s a treasure I will cherish all my life…

All my feels...Lucina...

I just noticed how fitting it was for you to post this on Mother's Day 8]

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Looks like no one's claimed the Frederick and Nah conversation for Future Past 1, so here ya go~

[spoiler=Frederick/Nah, Future of Despair / Future Past 1]

Nah: You look familiar somehow... Wait- are you my father?

Frederick: You must be the Nah of this world. I've come through the Outrealms from another world. I am here to save you.

Nah: Another world? So you're not my real father?

Frederick: Alas, no. But I shall protect you as ferociously as if I were!

Nah: Then... where is he? Where's my real father?

Frederick: Oh, I... I'm afraid I, uh...

Nah: It's okay. I know he's dead. I know he's not... here. It's just seeing what he looked like in the flesh got me thinking. "Is this what my real father looked like?" "Is this how he sounded?"

Frederick: I see. Why would it matter to you how he sounded?

Nah: Well... I was raised by strangers from a very young age. I always thought they would like me more if I spoke the way my father used to. So I asked the people who knew him how he talked, and I tried to talk the same way. Oh, Father... *sob* Will I ever meet him...? Will I ever learn if we really do sound alike?

Frederick: Forgive me, Nah. It seems my presence has forced you to recall painful memories...

Nah: No. I'm sorry for bursting into tears over something so trivial. Even if you aren't my real father, I'm still glad you came. It's proof that miracles really can happen. That we should never give up the fight.

Frederick: Your courage is admirable, Nah. I cannot undo the pain I have caused, but please allow me to ensure your safety. It's the least I can do for my would-be daughter.

Nah: Oh, Father... Thank you.

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Did that one already ;)

Ahh, alright. Sorry about that, then!

Got permission from Wheels to post this one:

[spoiler=FoD 1 Gregor!Nah]

Gregor: You! You are Nah of this world, yes?

Nah: Huh? Who are y--

Nah: Wait a sec... I know you from somewhere. Are you...are you my father?!

Gregor: Ah, how Gregor wishes to be saying yes... But alas, no. This is different Gregor.

Gregor: This Gregor travel here from other world. From Outrealms!

Nah: Another world? If that's true, it would have to be some kind of miracle...

Gregor: *Sigh* Gregor was hoping daughter of this world look at least little bit like him...

Gregor: But no, same as in other world. Little Nah looks just like Mother...

Nah: You really don't think I resemble you at all?

Gregor: Gregor sees no resemblance! This is probably for best, of course...

Nah: Well, so what if we don't look alike!

Nah: I heard my father fought unflinchingly for justice and always took care of his friends.

Nah: I at least resemble him in that way, if nothing else.

Gregor: ......

Gregor: Uh, yes, something like that...

Nah: Hm? Hey, don't turn away! Why are you staring at the ceiling like that?

Gregor: *Sniff* Is...is nothing! Please be paying Gregor no mind.

Gregor: Most important thing right now is for Nah to get to safe place.

Gregor: Your job is to take Gemstones back to Ylisse, yes?

Gregor: So you worry about that, and let Gregor handle the squashing of monsters!

Gregor: And remember, Nah--even when things look bad, never give up the hoping!

Gregor: Keep believing until end, and maybe you see true miracle after all.

Nah: Father, you're...

Nah: You're absolutely right. I'll, uh... I'll never give up the hoping again!

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Okayyy,...Heading into surgery in a few hours, so if anyone has my quotes for FoD and wants to post them, go ahead, I'll be down and out for a few days

Good Luck with your surgery, get well soon!

Well, I can post Donnel-Nah in your place:

The Future Past 1

Donnel - Nah

Nah: I can't believe it's gone... Damned Risen! Now what am I supposed to do?!

Donnel: This here stone what yer lookin' for?

Nah: Oh, uh... yes. Yes, it is.

Donnel: One of them critters dropped it a bit ago. I had me a notion it might be yours, Nah

Nah: ... Thanks. It was a gift from my father, so it means a lot to me.It isn't as powerful as a dragonstone or anything, but... Hey, wait a minute- who are you? And how do you know my name?

Donnel: Whoops! I plumb forgot to explain! Here, take a look- see at this...

Nah: It's another stone... Hey, it's exactly like mine!

Donnel: Sure is. And one day, I'll give it to ya. I'm your pa, see- here from the Outrealms.

Nah: What are you talking about?

Donnel: Naga used her power to send us here for two shakes so we could save y'all.

Nah: Naga sent you?! But... why are you so young?! I din't even recognize you!

Donnel: My world's just a smidge farther back in time than this one, is all. But I'm still the man who becomes yer pa.

Nah: Father... It really is you, isn't it? I never imagined... It's a miracle! Oh, father, I'm so happy to see you! *sob*

Donnel: Ya done good, survivin' against the Risen like this. I can't stay long, but I'll protect ya while I can. I swear it on this here stone.

Nah: *Sob* Th-thank you... *sniff* And I swear on the stone too- that I'll never give up hope again!

Edited by SniperGYS
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[spoiler=Noire x Gaius]

Noire: F-Father?! How is this possible?

Gaius: Hey, kiddo. Listen, this is probably gonna sound weird, but... I'm not your father. I'm a different Gaius from another world.

Noire: Y-you're right- I don't believe it! I know an enemy ruse when I see one!

Gaius: Not convinced? Well... would an imposter bring a bag of candy onto a battlefield?

Noire: Hmm... My father was very fond of candy. And cookies. And cakes... But it's not like they're hard to come by- any two-bit con man could just buy some!

Gaius: Okay, how about I pick the lock on that door? Could any two-bit con man do that?

Noire: No, but any two-bit thief could!

Gaius: Geez, Noire- you're not exactly making this easy for m- Hm? Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have eaten that tray of tarts earlier! Damn nosebleeds...

Noire: ...You ARE my father!

Gaius: Huh? A nosebleed? That's what it took to convince you?

Noire: My father always used to get nosebleeds from eating too much sugar!

Gaius: Crivens... Well, at least you're on board. Now I'm gonna help you get outta here. Okay, kiddo?

Noire: Thank you, Father. Even if you're not him exactly, I'm still really glad to see you. But... maybe you want to plug that nosebleed before you head back out there?

[spoiler=Kjelle x Donnel]

Donnel: Huh? Well, shuck my corn! Kjelle, is that you?! Ain't you a sight for sore eyes!

Kjelle: F-Father?! B-but you died! This... this is impossible!

Donnel: Yeah, above that... I reckon ya won't believe a word of this, but... I ain't ya pa, Kjelle. I'm a different Donny, come here from a whole 'nother world!

Kjelle: ...Another world?

Donnel: That's the long and short of it. Trust me, it don't make much sense to me neither. All I know is, once this battle's done, we're headin' right back to where we came from.

Kjelle: I see... It's a bit much to swallow, but... I think I understand. Regardless, I'm just happy to see you alive and in one piece...

Donnel: I'm glad ya didn't just turn up and run! I knew my kid would turn out bright. Say, did the me of this world ever take ya back to the village, show ya the farm?

Kjelle: No... He talked about it constantly, but... he died before he got the chance.

Donnel: Well, that's a darn shame. Once this war's over, I'd like ya to go see the homestead. I reckon the me of this world's up in the sky over the farm, hopin' you'll drop by. It'd be mighty kind of ya to swing on by and pay him a visit!

Kjelle: I'll do that. I promise.

Donnel: Thank ya kindly, Kjelle! The least I could do in return is to help ya outta this little rhubarb here. You go find a safe place to rest up, ya hear? And I'll get to protectin' ya just like your real pa woulda done.

Kjelle: Thank you, Father... for everything. I'll never forget this day as long as I live.

Edited by 春閣下
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Here is one my claims for Future Past 1,


Virion: Greetings, Your Grace! Oh? Forgive me. I simply assumed this elegant creature before me was royalty… What a pleasure to discover that the lady in question is in fact my very own daughter!

Noire: What? F-Father? Can it really be you?!

Virion: Indeed it can, my dear! For I am a different Virion—one hailing from the Outrealms! But fear not. Though I may not be your true father, I shall protect you as though I were!

Noire: I…I don’t care if you’re from another world… I’m just happy to see you! Oh, Father! *sob*

Virion: There, there, my love. Your dear daddy is here now to soothe your sorrows away… Now, am I to understand that these noxious oafs purloined your precious weapons? The insolence! Rest assured, my child, that they will pay dearly for their effrontery!

Noire: It’s true… They took our weapons… Please, you have to get them back! They even took my bow! My most precious memento of you…

Virion: I am truly honored to hear that you’ve treasured it so, my dear. Worry not—your father shall return it to its rightful place by your side.

Noire: I’m sorry, Father. You come all this way to save me, and all I’ve done is ask for more… But when I hold that bow, nothing can break my spirit, you know? It’ll help me to keep on fighting. Even…after you return to your world…

Virion: Oh, my precious Noire… You are as perceptive as you are beautiful. You have guessed at the truth I found too painful to utter—alas, I cannot tarry long. But, my brave princess, know this… Though I may depart, no force may break the bowstring that binds my heart to yours. As painful as our parting may be, can I trust in you to stay strong?

Noire: …Yes, Father! You can!

Virion: Then I shall dispatch these Risen with a grace and beauty worthy of my daughter! Behold now my martial majesty, that your father’s valor may inspire you forevermore!


Gaius: Kjelle?
Kjelle: *Gasp* Father?! What…what are you doing here?!
Gaius: Me? Just visiting from another world. We heard you guys were in trouble, so we came to lend a hand. I’m not your old man from this world, though, kiddo. I’m afraid he’s still gone. You’re looking at a different Gaius.
Kjelle: A different Gaius…?
Gaius: Yeah. But you’re still my daughter—no matter what world you’re from. And I’m glad to see you’re alive.
Kjelle: Well, the feeling is hardly mutual! How dare you show up out of the blue like this?!
Gaius: Wha--?! What did I do?
Kjelle: I know it’s pointless even asking, since you’re not the same man, but… Well, I need to ask you anyway. Why did you leave us alone for so long? Why didn’t you stay to protect Mom? Why did you go and…die on us like that? Argh! I…I hate you!
Gaius: Kjelle, I…
Kjelle: *Sniff* I…I’m sorry… That was a lie. I don’t hate you. When I was little, I thought you weren’t around because you were out stealing… I dreamed of growing up to be strong enough to capture you myself! But then after you died, they told me… you hadn’t been stealing at all… You’d had been traveling the realm, protecting people from the Risen… They told me how you’d cheer up kids who lost their parents by giving them candy… How you’d done all these kind and noble things…
Gaius: ……
Kjelle: But I wished you weren’t some hero! I wished you really were just a thief! If you were saving people, why not Mom? If you were cheering up kids, why not me? I loved you! I wanted you to be with me!
Gaius: Crivens… That must have been rough. …I’m sorry, kiddo.
Kjelle: No…No, that wasn’t even you. I shouldn’t have said those things. But I felt like if I told you, my real father would hear them somehow… I’m sorry.
Gaius: Don’t be. Any father who’d leave his little girl behind like that had it coming. I know I can’t make up for what you went through when you were growing up, but… As your father, I can at least try to do right by you now and keep you safe.
Kjelle: I…I understand. Thanks, Dad.

And that is the last of my claims for this DLC.
Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=Donnel > Noire (The Future Past 1)]

Donnel: Well if it ain't my little sugar beet! How ya doin', Noire?


Donnel: Whoa there! Easy, girl! I see yer just as fierce, even without yer talisman. Just like my own Noire... Anyhow, listen up—I ain't yer real pa. I'm another Donny, from the Outrealms. Seems we ain't got long here, but I'm fixin' to do whatever I can to save y'all!

Noire: OUTREALMS?! I CARE NOT A WHIT FOR YOUR OUTREALMS! You dare to speak with such flippancy?! Why do you not beg for forgiveness? You who forsook your wife and child for the easy peace of death! You shall pay for the sorrow and torment you brought upon us!

Donnel: Hey now, are those tears? Don't cry, sweetheart.

Noire: C-cry? Shed tears for a deserter? Never! I... I just have s-something in my eye... I... Y-yeah... That's all it is... I, uh... *sob*

Donnel: Aw, shucks. Look at you, all sad. I'm awful sorry, truly I am. Now listen—the me of this world might've up and left y'all up a tree... But not this Donny! I ain't goin' no place until y'all are safe and sound, y'hear?

Noire: O-okay... *sniff* Th-thank you, Father... Just... don't die again, okay?

Donnel: Ya got my solemn word on that, little lady. Cross my heart!

And that does it for all of my FoD1 claims

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Huh? Is that you, Cynthia?

F-Father?! How in the world...?!

Crivens...what a pit! Never thought I'd find you in a place like this...

A place like this...? I never thought you'd find me anywhere! I thought you were dead! I waited so long for you to come home, and when you didn't, I told myself not to hope... But you've been alive all this time, Father! Gosh, I'm so...so HAPPY! *sob*

Ah...yeah, about that... It's true I AM Gaius...but I'm not the same Gaius as your old man. I came here from another world to rescue you guys. I mean, take a good, close look. The Gaius you knew must've been way older, right?

Oh... I...I suppose so...

Sorry to get you all excited over nothing, anyhow.

No, it's...it's okay. I'm sorry too. It was silly of me. It's too bad that you're not my father...but I'm happy to see you all the same.

And I'm happy to see you too, kiddo. The least I can do is take care of you and keep you safe. Consider it my apology. Here. Let's seal the deal with a candy. This one ain't cheap, so savor it, all right?


What's wrong? No daughter of mine would ever refuse one of these beauties!

Could you hold on to that? Like...as a reward for if we make it out of here alive? My father always gave me candy as a reward for working hard at something... It taught me to keep on going till the end. It made me believe I could do anything.

Huh. Your father was pretty smart. ...And no doubt incredibly handsome too. All right, then. You got yourself a deal. No candy till the battle's won. Just...try your best to stay out of harm's way, you hear?

I will. Thanks!

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