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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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Oh~ I can do Gerome/Henry too~ Doing all these convos on my Normal run cause it'd be a lot easier. Still US version. I wish I was fluent with Japanese enough to play that copy. And I can probably do the post-prep-screen script and their post-battle script for the FoDs.

Before I forget, for the Summer Scramble, after prep-screen script: (I kinda typed it up like how I would for the wiki at first, so I had to change the format a bit for the thread. ^^; )

[spoiler=After Prep-screen Script]
This is some resort they've got here. No wonder people come here to relax. I should let the troops rest up here once the fighting is done. After all, they were kind enough to send us an invitation...
*Click* *hiss* IS THIS EVEN WORKING?
Ack! What giant is this that addresses me from beyond the sea?!
OH... Sorry! I just lowered the volume. I'm using a Megaphone tome to talk to you long distance. It's an Anna original. Sometimes kids get lost at the resort. Their parents freak out... You know. ...And when you reply, would you please speak clearly into those seashells?
These ones here? Huh. So that's what they're for... Anyway, what's this special announcement?
Well, remember how I mentioned you were celebrities? The Hotrealm put it to a vote, and we picked our four favorite Shepherds!
You...voted on us?
Sure did! Oh, don't worry, though—you're all loved. ...Just not equally. Anyway, the four winners will receive a very special prize! For the men, the winners are... Drumroll, please... Chrom aaaaaand...Gaius! Big round of applause! And for the ladies, we have... Tharja aaaaaand...Cordelia! Aren't they just lovely? Now which of you four are here with us today?
[The spot where the units should stand sparkles]
Wait right here at this winners' circle to claim your prize! By the way, today's poll was just for the elder generation. The fruits of their loins will get their shot at glory another time!
Elder generation...? I think I need to sit down...
Uh-oh! Hope it's not heatstroke, old-timer! You'd better drop by the winners' circle and cool down! *click* *hiss*
Well, my name was called... I suppose I'll go see what this is all about.

Edited by Cordelia
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Dammit, I wanted to claim Gerome/Henry >_> Oh well. :P:

Also, U.S. version for me. I'm hoping that FoD doesn't come out until sometime near end of May, which is when I'll actually be able to get new DLC again.

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... Da fudge. I'm mad at all of you for taking my males! Anyway:

FoD claims:



Milly(femaleMU)X Morgan(F)


... All of my others are taken, also, ill grab Sully, Vaike, Kellam, Panne, Nowi, Basilio, and Flavia for Hot Spring Scramble and compile them with the harvest scramble when I get around to posting it, as I do have it done.

Edited by Pikayoshi
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I'll claim the Summer Scramble enter battle quotes for Cherche and Gregor... to post them again. Eh, no big deal.


Look at these nincompadres, having too much fun to listen to reason.

OY! IS TIME TO VACATE BEACH! ...See? No listen to reason.


You poor, darling brigand. Would the other beachgoers not play with you?

Minerva will join you for a swim. Won't you, my sweet. Yes you will!

... That is, assuming she CAN swim. I'm not sure we've ever tried!

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What the fuck... My mind is blown. I don't understand what's happening here...

Pikayoshi, please post what you have, or someone will end up posting them before you because of impatience.

Perlia, why did you feel the need to repost something you already posted?...

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Here are my quotes for Death's Embrace and Five Anna Firefirght. My Roster Rescue quotes, and hopefully my Harvest/Summer Scramble convos, will be done tomorrow.

[spoiler=Death's Embrace]

Chrom: I wish I had the power to give you back your lives... But now that you're Risen, all I can do is fell you again—hopefully for good. Forgive me for not reaching you sooner…

Frederick: Never in my life have I weathered a battlefield so treacherous. What torture, to watch so helplessly as my comrades suffer at every step… Gods, give me the strength to tear up every one of these spikes at the root!

Sumia: We were too late… It’s no wonder no one survived. I know what-ifs are a waste of breath and all, but still… I can’t help but wonder what might’ve been if we’d only arrived sooner…

Ricken: Hmm… If only there were some kind of magic that could revivify Risen… It’s a shame to have to put you down like this, but I promise it’s for the best.

Henry: The spikes here remind me of the ones back in wizard school. Whenever I did something naughty, they’d put me in a room like this. …I almost died! It was neat. Still, nonstop pain is no fun for anyone, so I’ll try to make this quick!

Cynthia: In the future, they taught us never to think about our foes’ former lives. No matter where a monster’s origins lie, it’s a hero’s duty to see it vanquished! So please…don’t make this any harder. If my resolve were to falter, I…I’d be lost.

Laurent: Even in death, you continue to suffer. I sympathize with your plight. But an enemy is an enemy, and no amount of pity will stay my hand. Come. Perhaps I can help put an end to your torment once and for all.

Noire: Just look at this place… It’s like Mother’s dream home. “So dark and sinister! What a marvelous place to weave a horrific curse!” If you poor things want to avoid more suffering, I’d stay far away from her…

Brady: In the future, our wounded often turned to Risen just as we were tryin’ to heal ‘em. It really stinks havin’ to kill the very people you’ve been fightin’ to save… Ya gotta remember these folk ain’t turnin’ back, no matter what.

Donnel: Gosh, if these spikes ain’t scary… They’re like upside-down iron carrots! I sure hope the Outrealms don’t get much worse’n this… Otherwise, we…*gulp*…we might be stayin’ longer than expected…

Olivia: This is terrible! What vicious, horrible death did that man put you through? These wounds… You poor thing… It hurts me just to look. We’ll try our best to end your suffering. I hope this will finally give you rest.

Lon'qu: Even now, my stomach turns at the sight of an innocent slain. A thousand battlefields of experience cannot still this tremor in my hands. I must destroy you…and erase this sight from my mind!

Miriel: These Risen lack vim—even as dead things go. They wear a plaintive look, as if death could not take them soon enough. But…despair is a human emotion… Do these walking corpses still retain a modicum of humanity? …This tinge of sympathy I feel is most distressing and highly unproductive.

Yen'fay: ‘Tis a dark fate indeed to end one’s existence as something less than human… I haven’t the power to restore your humanity, but I can at least grant you rest. Please, Say’ri, guide these poor souls to the eternal peace you have found.

Say'ri: Forcing people to fight like this is an unforgivable desecration of the dead! The pain must be excruciating to both body and spirit alike… Forgive me, tormented soul, but this is the only way I know to end your pain…

[spoiler=Five Anna Firefight]

Chrom: A tremor, followed by a surge of Risen… It’s just like what happened in Ylisse. And that was just the beginning of all our troubles… I’m not about to let the same or worse happen here!

Frederick: Some battlefield this is. The gravel is scorching, and the lava burns like wildfire! Once again, nature makes us little men seem so insignificant and powerless… I need to see those merchants and my friends through this, no matter what.

Avatar (M): It’s like a furnace in here… Not even our fliers will last long above the lava like this. Hmm, but if I oculd just position our units to keep the enemy off of solid ground… It’s certainly worth a try. But first, we need to take down these Risen!

Miriel: I find lava simply riveting. How does it retain its heat? What chemical changes occur, and how quickly? Could its power be harnessed? …Ah, a Risen. I’d nearly forgotten I was in battle! Hold still while I slay you.

Lon'qu: Damn this heat. It messes with my concentration… ……Rrgh… Starting to get…dizzy… I’d better finish this quick…

Ricken: Man, look at this lava! I never dreamed we’d ever fight in a place like this. I’ll have to write my parents as soon as we get back. They won’t believe it! Of course, first we have to finish this rescue and get out of here alive…

Olivia: Ouch! That last lava spurt singed my dress! Those sisters picked a dangerous place to mine for their livelihood… I wish my dancing was enough to whisk them right out of here!

Donnel: Gosh, look at this place. One false move, and it’s Donny soup! Whoever rustleed up all this lava can kiss my rustic grits! I’d better step lively, else I won’t live to rescue any of them nice merchant ladies…

Henry: Wow, just look at all this lava! It’s like a river—no, a LAKE of blood! If I toss you in, which part of you do you think will turn to mush first? …Aww, no pouty faces! I’ll make sure you’re dead before you splash down!

Laurent: I procured a tome that produces miniature tornadoes to mitigate the heat, but… Well, in the end, all it did was blow hot air. So much for that idea. It seems the only way we’ll beat this heat is by fighting out way out of here…

Noire: Gosh, it’s so hot… How can anyone fight in this heat… Everything’s…getting hazy… I think…I think this might be the end… OF MY PATIENCE! NOW BATHE IN HELLFIRE FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!

Inigo: I’ve fought in my share of deathtraps, but none as hot as this… Still…better I suffer the heat than one of these fair maidens gets burned. Hold still, ladies! Inigo is coming!

Tiki: My, this is hot. It reminds me of the boneyard where fire dragons go to die. Not that I remember where that is anymore. Nor the temple where I slept for so long… Still, I musn’t let my age keep me locked in the past. This fight is about today!

Say'ri: Seeing all this makes my mind wander back to the volcano in my homeland. ‘Twas a place much like this where my brother taught me the ways of the sword… Ah, but this is no time to get lost in reverie. Come. Let us do what we must.

Anna: Other Anna’s sisters are my sisters too. You’d better believe I’ll save them all! Funny, though—it seems like they all live and work together, huh? I’m not that close with any of my sisters. I admit I’m almost a little jealous!

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Golden sand... Swaying palms...

Could anything be more romantic?

If only we could be here alone,

just the two of us...

Oh, but listen to me. I promised myself

I'd stop dreaming about him...


Dreaming about who?


*HACK!* C-Chrom?! Did I say dreaming?

I don't think I did! No, d-definitely not!


Huh. Guess I must have misheard.

What's wrong, by the way?

You seem unusually... tense.


T-tense? M-me? N-no, not at all!

See? No tension here! *gasp*


Er, if you say so...

Anyway, it's pretty hot here, huh?

Are you holding up okay?


H-h-hot? Oh, er, yes, it is, isn't it...?

*Pant* *wheeze* *choke*


Cordelia, are you all right? You sound like

you can hardly breathe! Is it the heat?


I...I AM feeling flushed and hot...but it's

nothing to do with the weather...

This...this heat is in my soul! I'm overcome

with emotion and drowning with joy!

To be blessed with a rare opportunity

to speak with Chrom himself...

Why, it's almost more excitement

then my poor heart can stand!

Chrom: Er...

Cordelia: ARGH! Did I just say that out loud? Oh, GODS, this is mortifying!

Chrom: ...Rare opportunity? I do try to talk to the troops whenever I can, you know...

Cordelia: Oh! Oh, no! No, that's not what I-- I wasn't criticizing you!

You're a WONDERFUL leader, and you ALWAYS take time to talk to your people!

When I say "rare", what I mean is...I just wish we could speak more often, and then...

Argh! I'm doing it again! Cordelia--these silly fantasies have got to stop!

Chrom: I'm becoing increasingly confused by this conversation...

Cordelia: I'm SO sorry, Chrom. I really don't know what's come over me...

Perhaps this heat IS getting to me...I'm feeling a little light headed...

Chrom: What? Why didn't you say so earlier?! Can you walk?

Here, take my arm, and I'll escort you to that shade over there.

Cordelia: Y-your ARM? You want me--Cordelia--to...to touch your ARM?!

I...I can't take this anymore... I feel so...happy...I could die...

Chrom: Cordelia, no! Don't close your eyes! If you see a light, don't go near it! Stay with me!

Cordelia: Ohh...I will, Chrom... I WILL... I wouldn't miss this moment for the world...

Now, I'll just put my hands here... on your muscular forearm...



Chrom: What's wrong? Are your hands too weak to grip?

Cordelia: I...I can't do it! I can't bring myself to touch you!

Just the thought of it makes me...makes me... ARRRGH!

Chrom: Cordelia! What's wrong? Can you hear me? Cordelia! DON'T GO!

Hot damn! That was long!

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My copy is Japanese.But anyways...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGQhNPPX930Geez, that "For Ylisse!" when "Evil Sumia" is about to "erase" Miriel... doesn't fit. xDIt's "Kakugoshitekudasai!" in Japanese for "Prepare Yourself!" xD

Sumia's quite the smart actor, isn't she?

I still believe that she's saying that to freak Miriel out. Or Sumia was possessed.



Golden sand... Swaying palms...

Could anything be more romantic?

If only we could be here alone,

just the two of us...

Oh, but listen to me. I promised myself

I'd stop dreaming about him...


Dreaming about who?


*HACK!* C-Chrom?! Did I say dreaming?

I don't think I did! No, d-definitely not!


Huh. Guess I must have misheard.

What's wrong, by the way?

You seem unusually... tense.


T-tense? M-me? N-no, not at all!

See? No tension here! *gasp*


Er, if you say so...

Anyway, it's pretty hot here, huh?

Are you holding up okay?


H-h-hot? Oh, er, yes, it is, isn't it...?

*Pant* *wheeze* *choke*


Cordelia, are you all right? You sound like

you can hardly breathe! Is it the heat?


I...I AM feeling flushed and hot...but it's

nothing to do with the weather...

This...this heat is in my soul! I'm overcome

with emotion and drowning with joy!

To be blessed with a rare opportunity

to speak with Chrom himself...

Why, it's almost more excitement

then my poor heart can stand!

Chrom: Er...

Cordelia: ARGH! Did I just say that out loud? Oh, GODS, this is mortifying!

Chrom: ...Rare opportunity? I do try to talk to the troops whenever I can, you know...

Cordelia: Oh! Oh, no! No, that's not what I-- I wasn't criticizing you!

You're a WONDERFUL leader, and you ALWAYS take time to talk to your people!

When I say "rare", what I mean is...I just wish we could speak more often, and then...

Argh! I'm doing it again! Cordelia--these silly fantasies have got to stop!

Chrom: I'm becoing increasingly confused by this conversation...

Cordelia: I'm SO sorry, Chrom. I really don't know what's come over me...

Perhaps this heat IS getting to me...I'm feeling a little light headed...

Chrom: What? Why didn't you say so earlier?! Can you walk?

Here, take my arm, and I'll escort you to that shade over there.

Cordelia: Y-your ARM? You want me--Cordelia--to...to touch your ARM?!

I...I can't take this anymore... I feel so...happy...I could die...

Chrom: Cordelia, no! Don't close your eyes! If you see a light, don't go near it! Stay with me!

Cordelia: Ohh...I will, Chrom... I WILL... I wouldn't miss this moment for the world...

Now, I'll just put my hands here... on your muscular forearm...



Chrom: What's wrong? Are your hands too weak to grip?

Cordelia: I...I can't do it! I can't bring myself to touch you!

Just the thought of it makes me...makes me... ARRRGH!

Chrom: Cordelia! What's wrong? Can you hear me? Cordelia! DON'T GO!

Hot damn! That was long!

oh u Cordy

Still can't control her fangasm but at least she didn't faint?

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Cordelia: I cannot BELIEVE I fainted like some ridiculous romance novel heroine...

And in front of Chrom, no less! Gods, what would Phila say?

Actually, I know exactly what she'd say.

She'd tell me to stop feling sorry for myself and make amends on the battlefield.

Chrom: Cordelia! What are you doing, rushing around under this blazing hot sun?

Cordelia: C-Chrom! What a coincidence... We keep running into each other today...

Chrom: Running into each other? I'm staying close because I'm worried about you.

What if you passed out again? We haven't cleared out all the enemies yet.

Cordelia: That's very kind of you, Chrom... I cannot tell you how happy it makes me.

But if you think I'm going to lounge under a palm tree while everyone ele fights...

Chrom: Point taken. I know you're not the type to shirk a battle. But listen--you have to promise me that you'll take better care of yourself.

Cordelia: Er...

Chrom: You're your own worst critic, and that's part of what makes you so strong...

But sometimes you take it too far. If you're feeling ill, it's imperative that you rest.

Would you at least consider it? For my sake?

Cordelia: T-truly, Chrom... I'm grateful for the concern, but--

Chrom: But nothing. Go on, find a shady spot and let us finish this battle.

If you collapse a second time, I'm not going to carry you to safety again.

Cordelia: Y-yes, sir... If you insis--

...Wait a second. Did you just say that you CARRIED me?

As in...lifted me off the sand? Swept me up in your manly arms?

Chrom: Er... I'm not sure I'd put it like that, exactly. But yes.

Cordelia: ARRRRRRRRRGH! Oh, gods, I am SOOO sorry!

I can't BELIEVE I made you do that! It must have been such a chore!

Was I heavy? Did I hurt your back?!

Chrom: Well, you WERE wearing armor...

Cordelia: UGH! I knew it! This has to be the single most embarassing thing I've ever done!

Gods, Chrom, how am I ever going to make this up to you?

That's it! I'm returning to battle! No more of this damsel-in-distress nonsense!

Chrom: Are you sure you can handle it?

Cordelia: Absolutely. If I run and hide in the shade now, I'll die of shame...

Instead, I'm going to take down twice as many foes to make up for what I missed!

So, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to restoring the seaside peace here.

Chrom: Well, if your mind's made up...

Cordelia: You bet it is! Now if you'll excuse me...

Chrom: ...Huh. Every time I try to talk to her, the conversation ends up turning weird.

She takes her role as a pegasus knight so seriously... Maybe I make her nervous?

She seemed particularly off kilter today, though. Maybe it IS the weather?

In any case, I think I'd better leave her alone--give her some breathing room...

Cordelia: *Sigh* It was so nice to talk to Chrom... And it actually went well, for a change.

But I know his affections lie elsewhere... He and I... It'll never work.

I know that someday I'm going to have to give up on these foolish dreams of mine...

Someday... But perhaps not today. ...All right, Cordelia. That's enough pining. It's time to slay some brigands!

...Phew. Glad that's done.

Roster Rescue:

Sumia: I don't care one bit what saucy tales are written about me... But I won't stand for you spreading nasty rumors about my comrades! Now return the roster or face my wrath! I mean it!

Miriel: How opprobious of me to overlook a book while cataloguing our library. And how utterly vexing that YOU be privy to its knowledge and not me! Once we have recovered this "roster," I intend to see it managed more carefully.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Awwww! Are these Cordelia and Chrom conversations still part of Summer Scramble? >.> That's kinda...cute... it makes it up for the lack of supports between the two in the game. And Chrom is so dense... although I guess that might not be the point than Cordelia going completely fangasm. Sounds like what I'd do if I met and talked with Jaejoong.

Too bad Cordelia is already married for me....oh wait... I should look at their conversations on my hard run.

Edited by Cordelia
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Awwww! Are these Cordelia and Chrom conversations still part of Summer Scramble? >.> that's kinda...cute... it makes it up for the lack of supports between the two in the game. And Chrom is so dense... although I guess that might not be the point than Cordelia going completely fangasm. Sounds like what I'd do if I met and talked with Jaejoong.

They are (however, they're only accessible if Cordelia isn't married yet).

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Not in the thread, but I've been compiling them in WordPad documents, to put onto the wiki. ...Speaking of which, I need to add them soon. >_>;

...Why do I not have a link to the page in the list? -smacks self-

Edit: The following FoD convos have been opened for claims:












Just so you all know they're available.

I can take Inigo/Lon'qu and Brady/Ricken with the US (NA) version


Btw, awww the conversation of Cordelia with Chrom, it's a bit cute and sad

Edited by SniperGYS
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Btw, awww the conversation of Cordelia with Chrom, it's a bit cute and sad

And the tears of the Chrom x Cordelia fans taste absolutely delicious.

Geez, I'm a jerk today.

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Roster Rescue]Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay - Faye

Laurent - Faye

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Lucina - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi


Stahl - Levant Fortner

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner

Panne - Pikayoshi

Gaius - Cordelia

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Cordelia - Levant Fortner


Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye


Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye


Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Gerome - Cordelia

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (spouse) - Tsamimi

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Inigo (spouse) - Tsamimi

Avatar > Inigo (child) - Drgnquester

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Avatar > Severa (child) - Naui

Chrom > Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Say'ri > Yen'fay - Drgnquester

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Lissa - Levant Fortner

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Future of Despair 1]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

VS Boss

Boss Defeated

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

Sumia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Silver Lightning

Gaius - Wheels

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

Tharja - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Virion - Ace Tactician





Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Wheels

Gregor - Tsamimi

Libra - Faye

Henry - Silver Lightning

Donnel - Drgnquester


Kjelle - SniperGYS

Sully - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye



Virion - Drgnquester

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - 春閣下


Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Ace Tactician


Libra - Wheels

Henry - Tsamimi

Donnel - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

Nowi - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye



Vaike - Drgnquester

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - 春閣下

Lon'qu - Cordelia

Ricken - Silver Lightning


Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Levant Fortner


Donnel - Wheels

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

Avatar (M) - Drgnquester

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

VS Boss

Boss Defeated

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels




Stahl - Cordelia


Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi


Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif



Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels


Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi


Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下



Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels


Ricken - Faye


Gregor - Wheels


Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter


Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels


Vaike - Wheels


Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye


Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye



Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels





Libra - Faye

Henry - Cordelia



Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia



Henry - Faye


Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

Edited by Tsamimi
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Here's the Pre-battle Roster Rescue quote from Cherche:


My, my... You Risen might be the most adorable I've yet seen. But it's not very lovable to run off with other people's secrets, now is it? I'm afraid Minerva and I may just have to get stern with you...

Edited by King Marth 64
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Chrom x Female Avatar fans, brace yourselves. Here comes the special Summer Scramble conversation you get if your female avatar is married to Chrom.

[spoiler=Chrom > Female Avatar (spouse)]

Robin: The Outrealms’ hottest resort, huh? I don’t doubt it. This place is amazing! If only Chrom and I had this beach to ourselves—what fun we could have! We could swim, and collect seashells, and chase each other through the surf…

Chrom: It’s true we don’t get very many chances to relax in our own world.

Robin: Ack! Chrom?! You heard all of that?

Chrom: If you’re going to talk to yourself so loudly, I’d suggest moving farther down the beach.

Robin: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be daydreaming like that in the middle of battle.

Chrom: Not at all. Everyone needs to unwind now and again. You should enjoy yourself. I see how tense you tend to become in the heat of battle, Robin… If this isn’t the place to let your hair down a little, I don’t know where is. And I admit, the thought of being alone here with you has crossed my mind as well…

Robin: Oh, Chrom… I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve never been anywhere this beautiful before. It’s so relaxing… Or perhaps I’ve been here hundreds of times and I just don’t remember…

Chrom: Robin…

Robin: Sorry. Didn’t mean to get all somber on you there. If my commander’s ordered me to let my hair down, who am I to argue? Of course, it wouldn’t do to monopolize the army’s leader during a battle… I promise I’ll be quick! I’m just going to poke around in that tide pool over there… *Robin leaves*

Chrom: Heh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Robin so excited. This place is really everything it’s cracked up to be. I owe it to her to help her enjoy it as much as she can while we’re here. I only wish I knew how to go about it… Should I spoil her like Frederick does me? Maybe I’ll help her gather seashells.


Or maybe not. I feel ridiculous. I’ll think of something…

Robin: Chrom, check it out! I caught this weird creature! Isn’t this thing just bizarre? I wonder if we could put it to any tactical use…

Chrom: ……

Robin: What’s wrong, Chrom? Don’t you like it? I know it’s not the cuddliest critter, but it’s kinda cute in its own way!

Chrom: Hmm? No, no it’s fine. I was just distracted, sorry. Don’t worry about me. Go frolic with your weird little friend to your heart’s content.

[spoiler=Female Avatar > Chrom (spouse)]

Robin: Hey, Chrom! How goes the battle on your-- …Huh? What’s up with all those seashells?

Chrom: Oh, hello, Robin. I was trying to fashion a necklace out of them. It didn’t go well.

Robin: You were fashioning a necklace…? Has this been a hobby of yours for long? It looks as if they’ve been completely pulverized. What went wrong?

Chrom: Well, I can at least say I have a talent for smashing things in frustration…

Robin: So it seems… And what’s that behind you? What are all those charred lumps?

Chrom: Those are…er, WERE fish. I was trying to cook them. They got burned.

Robin: That’s putting it kindly…

Chrom: Yeah, it didn’t exactly pan out as I’d intended.

Robin: Huh. Well…I guess even the greatest of chefs burn things now and again… And I’ll pretend I haven’t noticed the collapsed sand castle or the half-built raft… And what is that? A bug-infested tropical fruit salad? …I’ll just ignore that too.

Chrom: That would probably be for the best.

Robin: Listen, Chrom, I’m sure my excitement for the beach earlier was infectious, but… Well, maybe it’s best you save these…activities…for after the battle’s done.

Chrom: No, you’re right. But first, there’s one more thing I want you to see. Now that it’s done, I think it might’ve been a terrible idea, but…

Robin: Really? There’s more? What is it this ti—Oh my!

Chrom: So…what do you think?

Robin: C-Chrom…Just look at this great big message in the sand… “Chrom & Robin 4 Ever.” How did this…? Why would you…?

Chrom: Does it make you happy?

Robin: I…I don’t know if I should be happy or embarrassed or…what, exactly… But it’s certainly a sight I’ll never forget, I can promise you that.

Chrom: Then I’m glad. Maybe I didn’t make you happy, but I at least helped you make a new memory.

Robin: Wait, Chrom… Is that was this was all about? The sand message, all the failed projects… It was all to help me make new memories?

Chrom: I guess it wasn’t as obvious as I’d hoped it would be, huh? I know that you didn’t mean what you said before. Of course it bothers you that you don’t have any memories from before we met. I wanted to make sure you were able to form at least a few happy memories here.

Robin: Oh, Chrom… Thank you. Thank you so much. But you didn’t need to go to all this trouble. Just being with you has given me an endless supply of happy memories!

Chrom:…It has?

Robin: Of course! The day we first met… Our first battle together… That time you peeked in on me in the bath… The day you confessed your love to me… I remember it all so vividly! I could never forget a single thing about you. Even if death were to tear us apart… Even if I lost my memories again…

Chrom: Robin… Why would you even say such a thing?

Robin: What? I’m just speaking hypothetically. Why are you making that face?

Chrom: Robin…

Robin: Huh? What are you--?!

Chrom: ……

Robin: Mmmmmph! C-Chrom! Y-your lips… We shouldn’t…

Chrom: Did you not enjoy that?

Robin: N-no, it was wonderful! But…we’re in the middle of a battle here!

Chrom: I know. But the way you were talking… I couldn’t help it.

Robin: I understand, Chrom, but you’re the commander of this army! Look, I’m going back to my position now. YOU stay and fight here, okay?

Chrom: Robin, wait! *Robin leaves*

*Sigh* She’s gone. I’ll have to apologize for that later…

Robin: Right in the middle of a battle? What was he thinking?! I’ll have to scold him for that later…


Well, I suppose he’s at least given me one more memory I’ll never forget. The big dolt!

Chrom...you're so sweet.

[spoiler=Vaike > Stahl]

Vaike: Ain’t over there… And it sure ain’t over here… Did it get swept out to sea…? Nah, it couldn’t have—I had it when I sliced that brigand! Man, this is drivin’ me nuts… Did it get buried in the sand? Like, so covered I can’t even see it? I know you’re somewhere on this beach, baby! The Vaike’ll find ya somehow! Man, Teach ain’t got time to waste… Time to break out the ol’ Clearcutter!

Stahl: Vaike, there’s a battle going on! What are you doing over here?

Vaike: I lost my better half! She’s gotta be buried here somewhere…

Stahl: Oh? You lost your axe again, huh? Did you try looking—

Vaike: Quiet! The Vaike can handle this! Just gotta get rid of this sand with the Clearcutter…

Stahl: Clearcutter… That’s one of your special moves, right? And how does it go again?

Vaike: Huh? Well, I just grip the ol’ axe low, like this, and start a-spinnin’!

Stahl: You grip your axe, huh? And what was it you were looking for again?

Vaike: You take a blow to the head, Stahl? I just told you! My beloved-- …Oh.

Stahl: You’ve been holding it the entire time.

Vaike: I have, huh… Uh, I mean—whoa! Where’d ya come from, baby?

Stahl: I just told you, you were holding it the entir—

Vaike: Then why in the seven halls didn’t ya say so in the first place?

Stahl: I didn’t think I needed to! It was right there in your hand!

Vaike: You don’t get it, huh? This axe is like a part of the Vaike! How’s a guy supposed to notice somethin’ that’s always there? I mean, I bet you just never up and think, “Whoa, here are my arms!”

Stahl: Uh…no. No, I don’t… But I think I get what you’re saying. Sometimes my weapon feels like a part of me too…

Vaike: It does, huh? Then how come you ain’t holdin’ it?

Stahl: Huh? It’s right—Hey! My lance!

Vaike: See? I bet it’s buried in the sand somewhere! Hah!

[spoiler=Stahl > Vaike]

Stahl: Vaike, I found it! I found my lance! See that umbrella over there? Look familiar?

Vaike: Huh? The brigands are usin’ it as an umbrella pole? Wish I thought of that…

Stahl: That lance has saved countless lives! It can’t be used to prop up an umbrella!

Vaike: Well, that’s why ya gotta respect your weapon! Ya can’t let it outta your sight!

Stahl: Huh? You’re one to talk! *sigh* Anyway, what are we going to do?

Vaike: Whaddya think we’re gonna do? Bash some heads and get it back, of course!

Stahl: I guess so. I’d never be able to look you in the eye again otherwise…

Vaike: Huh? What’s this got to do with the Vaike?

Stahl: Come on, Vaike! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten? Don’t you remember the promise we made? Right after we joined the Shepherds?

Vaike: Oh, that? Yeah, some sappy junk about always bein’ there for each other, right?

Stahl: Uh, no… Has the heat gone to your head or something?

Vaike: Nah, ol’ Teach is just messin’ with ya. Of course I remember! I crossed my axe with your lance, and we vowed to become great warriors together!

Stahl: Exactly! So to lose the very weapon I swore upon would be to fail completely in my vow.

Vaike: Hey, if you’re a failure for losin’ a weapon once, what does that say about me?

Stahl: Heh. It says we both still have a long way to go…

Vaike: Exactly. So let’s get started by moppin’ up these chumps!

Stahl: Good point. This great warrior stuff comes one victory at a time, after all.

Vaike: From your lips to Naga’s ears, hah! Now let’s go crack some skulls!

Stahl: I’m right behind you!

[spoiler=Cordelia > Maribelle]

Maribelle: You and Sumia sure do seem to spend a lot of time together, Cordelia.

Cordelia: Now that you mention it, I suppose we do. Is that a problem?

Maribelle: Ha! Can you not bear to leave her alone for fear she might trip and brain herself?

Cordelia: O-of course not! There may have been one or two…incidents, but she’s a capable girl! And if you want to talk about inseparable couples, what of you and Lissa?

Maribelle: Why, Lissa and I are the dearest of friends! There’s nothing peculiar about wishing to spend one’s time in such pleasant company! She’s a soothing and pleasant presence—unlike that addlepated butterfingers!

Cordelia: H-how dare you?! Sumia is kinder and funnier than anyone else in this army!

Maribelle: Ha! Unintentionally, perhaps? Lissa’s wit is both deliberate AND exceptional! It saddens me that you have yet to fully experience her joyful gaiety of spirit!

Cordelia: W-well…Sumia’s smile is brighter than the very sun itself! One glimpse of it is enough to make amends for any blunder!

Maribelle: And Lissa’s smile has precisely the same effect… The only difference being that she doesn’t MAKE any blunders!

Cordelia: Oh, really? Not even the blunder of choosing YOU as a friend?

Maribelle: My, but you are a stubborn one!

Cordelia: ME, stubborn?! You are the most obstinate, contrary…so-and-so I have ever met!

Maribelle: Hmph! This is far from over! You will pay for you pigheadedness!

Cordelia: Ha! We’ll see about that!

[spoiler=Maribelle > Cordelia]

Maribelle: So are you finally ready to accept Lissa’s superiority to Sumia in every respect?

Cordelia: Never! I’ll stop at nothing to make you appreciate the beauty of Sumia’s soul!

Maribelle: Gah! What will take to convince you once and for all…

Cordelia: …that my beloved friend is the most wonderful person alive?

Maribelle: …Fine. Fine!

Cordelia: Huh?! You’re conceding defeat?

Maribelle: If that is what you insist on calling it, yes! My time would be far better spent enjoying Lissa’s company. Besides, what if something were to happen to her while we were here bickering? I would never forgive myself. Her well-being is all that matters to me in the world.

Cordelia: …I know just how you feel.

Maribelle: You do?

Cordelia: We may have our differences, but we both care deeply for our friends. Sumia’s happiness is the only thing that matters to me.

Maribelle: Cordelia…

Cordelia: Listen, I have a plan. When this battle is over, the four of us will go for tea together. We can settle the matter of whose friend is the most wonderful once and for all.

Maribelle: Very well. I accept your offer. And I accept that…I may have underestimated you…

Cordelia: …And I you.

Maribelle: Hm. Suddenly I am rather looking forward to our little tea date.

Cordelia: Hee hee. It’ll certainly be an event to remember!

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Whoops, almost forgot I had the claim for this.

[spoiler=Cordelia>Avatar (M) (Spouse)]Cordelia: My, isn't this a beautiful shell! Look how the waves have polished away its edges... This beach is filled to overflowing with lovely treasures. It truly is paradise!

Avatar: Cordelia?
Cordelia' Oh! Robin! Is...is everything okay?!
Avatar: That's what I came to ask you! I saw you crouching in the sand here and was worried you'd been wounded!
Cordelia: Oh, no. I'm fine. But thank you for your concern. I was just...checking my bindings. We do have to watch our footing in this sand!
Avatar: That's very prudent of you, Cordelia. But if you ever get hurt, don't be afraid to let me know, okay? You can be so stubborn, you know? I worry sometimes... Anyway, you carry on. I'd better be getting back to—Huh? Why are there so many seashells piled up behind you?
Cordelia: Hm? Oh, these? Umm, maybe the brigands were gathering them for some reason... I'll just put them safely over here. We, um... wouldn't want anyone to trip over them.
Avatar: Okay, thanks. I'll leave that to you.
Cordelia: Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!
(Avatar leaves)
Cordelia: ......Phew, that was close... Wait—what was close? What am I hiding? Robin is my husband. I shouldn't have to hide things from him. I could have just admitted I was collecting seashells... Ooh, isn't that one a beauty! And that one... And that one too!

[spoiler=Avatar (M)>Cordelia (Spouse)]Cordelia: Aaand...it's perfect! Just the right amount of exotic flair!

Avatar: What are you doing with all those lances, Cordelia?

Cordelia: Oh! Robin! There are, uh, um... I wasn't goofing off, it that's what you're implying!

Avatar: Huh?

Cordelia: In fact, I was... Oh! Yes! I was testing new ways to increase a throwing lance's range! Specifically, attaching these seashells for their...aerodynamic properties. Let's give it a try! Hii-YAH! See!

Avatar: Wow! You hit the tree dead center! And from this far away too. It totally worked!

Cordelia: Um, yes! Just as I theorized! So...it's luck I made so many shell enhanced lances!

Avatar: I'm really impressed, Cordelia. Hey, do you think this one will fly as far?
Cordelia: Th-that one? Uh...
Avatar: The shells make it really pretty too! Here, let me have a throw...
Cordelia: Robin, no! Stop! Don't throw that one, please! It's...it's my favorite.
Avatar: Your favorite?
Cordelia: I'm sorry. All of that was a lie. I wasn't developing new aerodynamic lances... I just really like seashells. So I was using them to decorate my weapons.
Avatar: You were? But that lance you threw flew really far!
Cordelia: That was just...adrenaline.
Avatar: Adrenaline?!
Cordelia: Yes. The shells don't help at all. It was just brute strength. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't waste time like this in the middle of a battle. For me to be playing like a child while my husband frantically drafts battle plans is... You must be so disappointed in me... If you want to annul our marriage, I...I'll understand.
Avatar: Calm down, Cordelia. You're blowing this way out of proportion. I'm not disappointed in you at all. In fact, this only makes me love you more.
Cordelia: It...does?
Avatar: Yeah. You always seem so serious, you know? Sometimes I worry that you don't know how to relax and let off steam. So I'm happy I was able to see a whole other side of you today.
Cordelia: ...Thank you, Robin.
Avatar And look at you, playing like a kid on the beach! Who knew you could be so cute?
Cordelia: C-cute?! There is nothing "cute" about me!
Avatar: Wait, are you blushing? Ha! You're getting cuter by the second!
Cordelia: Damn it, Robin! Stop teasing me! You know I hate that!
Avatar: Oh ho! Coming at me with your lance? Sloppy form—I saw that a mile away! Look how easy I can just side step it, and—
Cordelia: Right into my trap!
Avatar: Huh?! Umm-ah!
Cordelia: ...... Heh. Some master tactician you are! You left your lips wide open!
Avatar: C-Cordelia... I can't believe you'd just...
Cordelia: ...I'd just kiss you in front of the whole army like that? Then you underestimate me. Now who's getting sloppy?
Avatar: Damn it!
Cordelia: What's this? You've gone beet red! Is that all it takes to make you blush? My, my—you're getting cuter by the second!
Avatar: It's bad enough that I underestimated you—now I've lost the initiative as well. This is not going according to plan...
Cordelia: Is that a problem? Haven't your heard strong wives make for happy marriages? But if you're that upset, I guess you'll have to plan a counterattack. I'd suggest a surprise romantic offensive of overwhelming proportions, personally...
Avatar: I'm way ahead of you! But I'll make sure the specific plan of attack is one you'll never see coming!
Cordelia: I'll be looking forward to it! But know that I'll always be watching you...and only you. I love you, Robin. I always will.

My feels...all of them...

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Ahhhh, thanks so much! Now I have yet another place to come read that awesomely beautiful conversation!

Chrom and Female Avatar 4 EVER!!! :newyears:

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Oh! Also Tharja's one is not claimed...well I can do that one too so I'll post that up since I have it.

[spoiler=Tharja > Avatar (M) (Spouse)]Tharja:......

Avatar: Hey, uh...Tharja?
Tharja: Oh? You're talking to me, Robin? What a delight! How can I help you?
Avatar: Well...I was wondering why you've been following me around all day. I mean, even when you run off to fight a foe, you come straight back to me.
Tharja: Is it so strange for me to want to be by your side every moment of the day?
Avatar: Well, no, but...aren't we always together? What's so special about today?
Tharja: I suppose it's because I'm so glad to be in such a beautiful place with you. I've been in absolute bliss ever since we got here, Robin. Needless to say, if you weren't here. I'd be bored out of my skull. But with you, it's just paradise, pure and simple. I don't want to miss a moment!
Avatar: Oh, uh...okay. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. But be careful, okay? Next to me might not always be the safest place to be.
Tharja: You're so kind, Robin. That's what I love about you. Can I ask you a favor?
Avatar: Uh, sure. What is it?
Tharja: I want you to slather my body with oil.
Avatar: S-slather you? With...oil?
Tharja: Well, you wouldn't want my skin to dry out in this heat now, would you? And I can't reach my back and, you know...other places.
Avatar: Well, I guess this climate must be pretty harsh on the skin. But wife or not, I can hardly stop to rub you down with oil in the middle of a battle. Sorry, but if it's urgent, maybe you could ask one of the girls to help you?
Tharja: No! It has to be you! I won't let anyone touch me but you!
Avatar: I'm thrilled to hear that, but think what it would look like...
Tharja: Tee-hee...
Avatar: H-hey! What are you picturing in that head of yours? Anyway, we're in the middle of a battle. Sorry but your oil will have to wait.
(Avatar leaves)
Tharja: Robin, wait! Where are you going? Oh, why must he always be so difficult? Still, he can't evade me for long on this beach. There's literally no where to hide! Hee... Hee hee hee!

[spoiler=Avatar (M) > Tharja (Spouse)]Tharja: Hee hee... There you are, Robin!

Avatar: Th-Tharja?! Is this about the oil again?

Tharja: You really are clever! How did you know? Well then, please begin rubbing it in when you're ready. And don't be afraid to put plenty on—you'll be hearing no complaints from me.

Avatar: B-but I told you, I can't! Listen, Tharja, did I not make myself clear? I can't be doing this right now!

Tharja: ......

No. No, of course you can't. How selfish of me. You're always SO busy. Even your wife can't be allowed to monopolize your time. I should have known better...

Avatar: Um, Tharja? What are you talking about?

Tharja: When the battle's over, you'll run off to join everyone else... And I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time together in this...ugh...beautiful place. I know we're always together, but it's not enough just to be in the same place. You're always surrounded by people while your wife waits in vain. Not that anyone but me seems to care that I am your wife...

Avatar: Th-Tharja...

Tharja: I'm sorry for being so direct. But asking you to rub oil on me was just an excuse to spend time with you. You've made it perfectly clear that you don't have time, though. You must have strategies to plan. I'll leave you to your important business.

Avatar N-no! Tharja! Wait!

Tharja: Hmm?

Avatar: I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. I didn't realize that you'd been so lonely this whole time.

Tharja: ......

Avatar: We're married now. Your needs come before everything else. After this battle, I'll make some time for us. I don't want you to be lonely any longer.

Tharja: ...Really? So after this battle, you'll spend the whole day alone with me?

Avatar: I will. That's a promise! And if I break it, you have my permission to curse me to death!

Tharja: That makes me very happy, Robin. But I would never curse you. Well, not to death... Instead, you may seal your promise by kissing my hand.

Avatar: Um, right here and now?

Tharja: I've been waiting a long time for you. This is the least you can do.

Avatar: Well...if you insist. ......

Tharja: Mmmmph?!

Avatar: Was that okay?

Tharja: Those were my lips. I told you to kiss my hand.

Avatar: Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You're just too adorable...

Tharja: There's no need to overcompensate you know...

Avatar: I'm not overcompensating. I mean it. But I'm sorry for not doing what you asked. I was supposed to kiss your hand, right? Let me try again.

Tharja: ...No, there's no need. You disobeyed me, but I'm feeling generous. I'll let this slide once. Maybe when the battle's done...you can do it the wrong way again...

Avatar: Your wish is my command. Now, let's dispense with these brigands so we can be alone at last!

Tharja: Agreed. If I have to wait longer, things are going to get ugly...


All right, go. But be careful out there. I'll be with you every step of the way.

Avatar: Thanks, Tharja. You be careful too.

Well there you have it folks...Tharja's was better than I expected...

Edited by Naui
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Awwwww... the conversation between Cordelia/Male Avatar is adorable too. The first one was kinda like Cordelia/female Avatar with the last line or so added on... but so cute! <3

...Wow. Male Avatar/Tharja... wait. Wooow, every married couple (at least for the four selected in this Scramble) ends up kissing in the middle of battle?

And uhh... I could do the post-battle script along with the pre-battle one for the FoDs, btw. Although I'll update if anything happens.

Edited by Cordelia
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And here is the After Battle script for Summer Scramble

[spoiler=After battle script]

Chrom:…Did we get them all?

Merchant: Did you ever! You Shepherds are lifesavers. Sorry your day at the resort turned into such a chore.

Chrom: It’s all right. Just knowing that you’re safe because of us is relaxation enough.

Merchant: Thanks. …That’s a little strange, but thanks. Well, the sun’s starting to hang lower than a wet bathing suit… Feel free to spend the rest of the day swimming or beachcombing or whatever. We could build a fire pit or have a clambake or something tonight? I’m game!

Chrom: That sounds like fun. I’ll let the others know.

Merchant: Just tell me what you need, and I’ll be at your service. You’ve earned it!

Chrom: Thanks, Anna. I’ll do that. *Chrom leaves*

Merchant: ……

Are they gone? All right, baby, time for me to rake in some serious moola! I knew this Snapshot tome me and my sisters invented would come in handy. Now I’ve got pictures of the Shepherds wearing nothing but--*snicker* People will pay an arm and a leg for these! Should I make a calendar? Hmm…

Frederick: Pardon me, but I have a question.

Merchant: AIEEE! …You, uh, weren’t listening just now, were you?

Frederick: No, milady… Why?

Merchant: Uh, no reason… Anyway, what’s your question?

Frederick: You mentioned we could build a fire pit… Do you know where I could find some tinder?

Merchant: Oh! Of course. There’s some right over there. Help yourself. Just make sure to leave some for the next guests.

Frederick: How much is “some,” exactly?

Merchant: Um…significantly less than “all” would be a good place to start?

Frederick: Thank you, milady. You have been most helpful. *Frederick leaves*

Merchant: Yeesh… That was weird. I hope he doesn’t burn the whole place down. Maybe suggesting a fire pit wasn’t the best idea. But then again… catching the great Frederick in an act of pyromania would make a great snapshot! Let me just grab my tome… …Huh? Shoot, it’s gone! And all my pictures with it! What could’ve happened to it…? …Oh NO! There it is! It’s getting washed out to sea! I must have dropped it when that oaf asked me his stupid question…

Frederick: I am so sorry to bother you again.

Merchant: …Um, yes?

Frederick: I just realized I never took the time to properly express my gratitude.

Merchant: …Your gratitude?

Frederick: Yes. You went out of your way to treat us like honored guests today. As a result, we’ve had a splendid time. I’ve never seen the others so happy. You truly have a wonderful heart.

Merchant: Erm…

Frederick: On behalf of my lord Chrom and all the Shepherds. I thank you. And now I will get out of your hair. …Good day, milady. *Frederick leaves*

Merchant: …Ugh. And now my Snapshot tome is just a tiny speck on the horizon… So much for my grand enterprise. …Oh well. All things considered, today could’ve ended much worse. If I can’t roll in gold, I may as well take the silver lining…

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