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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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And the tears of the Chrom x Cordelia fans taste absolutely delicious.

Geez, I'm a jerk today.

oh u Rey

Whoops, almost forgot I had the claim for this.

[spoiler=Cordelia>Avatar (M) (Spouse)]Cordelia: My, isn't this a beautiful shell! Look how the waves have polished away its edges... This beach is filled to overflowing with lovely treasures. It truly is paradise!

Avatar: Cordelia?

Cordelia' Oh! Robin! Is...is everything okay?!

Avatar: That's what I came to ask you! I saw you crouching in the sand here and was worried you'd been wounded!

Cordelia: Oh, no. I'm fine. But thank you for your concern. I was just...checking my bindings. We do have to watch our footing in this sand!

Avatar: That's very prudent of you, Cordelia. But if you ever get hurt, don't be afraid to let me know, okay? You can be so stubborn, you know? I worry sometimes... Anyway, you carry on. I'd better be getting back toHuh? Why are there so many seashells piled up behind you?

Cordelia: Hm? Oh, these? Umm, maybe the brigands were gathering them for some reason... I'll just put them safely over here. We, um... wouldn't want anyone to trip over them.

Avatar: Okay, thanks. I'll leave that to you.

Cordelia: Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!

(Avatar leaves)

Cordelia: ......Phew, that was close... Waitwhat was close? What am I hiding? Robin is my husband. I shouldn't have to hide things from him. I could have just admitted I was collecting seashells... Ooh, isn't that one a beauty! And that one... And that one too!

[spoiler=Avatar (M)>Cordelia (Spouse)]Cordelia: Aaand...it's perfect! Just the right amount of exotic flair!

Avatar: What are you doing with all those lances, Cordelia?

Cordelia: Oh! Robin! There are, uh, um... I wasn't goofing off, it that's what you're implying!

Avatar: Huh?

Cordelia: In fact, I was... Oh! Yes! I was testing new ways to increase a throwing lance's range! Specifically, attaching these seashells for their...aerodynamic properties. Let's give it a try! Hii-YAH! See!

Avatar: Wow! You hit the tree dead center! And from this far away too. It totally worked!

Cordelia: Um, yes! Just as I theorized! So...it's luck I made so many shell enhanced lances!

Avatar: I'm really impressed, Cordelia. Hey, do you think this one will fly as far?

Cordelia: Th-that one? Uh...

Avatar: The shells make it really pretty too! Here, let me have a throw...

Cordelia: Robin, no! Stop! Don't throw that one, please! It's...it's my favorite.

Avatar: Your favorite?

Cordelia: I'm sorry. All of that was a lie. I wasn't developing new aerodynamic lances... I just really like seashells. So I was using them to decorate my weapons.

Avatar: You were? But that lance you threw flew really far!

Cordelia: That was just...adrenaline.

Avatar: Adrenaline?!

Cordelia: Yes. The shells don't help at all. It was just brute strength. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't waste time like this in the middle of a battle. For me to be playing like a child while my husband frantically drafts battle plans is... You must be so disappointed in me... If you want to annul our marriage, I...I'll understand.

Avatar: Calm down, Cordelia. You're blowing this way out of proportion. I'm not disappointed in you at all. In fact, this only makes me love you more.

Cordelia: It...does?

Avatar: Yeah. You always seem so serious, you know? Sometimes I worry that you don't know how to relax and let off steam. So I'm happy I was able to see a whole other side of you today.

Cordelia: ...Thank you, Robin.

Avatar And look at you, playing like a kid on the beach! Who knew you could be so cute?

Cordelia: C-cute?! There is nothing "cute" about me!

Avatar: Wait, are you blushing? Ha! You're getting cuter by the second!

Cordelia: Damn it, Robin! Stop teasing me! You know I hate that!

Avatar: Oh ho! Coming at me with your lance? Sloppy formI saw that a mile away! Look how easy I can just side step it, and

Cordelia: Right into my trap!

Avatar: Huh?! Umm-ah!

Cordelia: ...... Heh. Some master tactician you are! You left your lips wide open!

Avatar: C-Cordelia... I can't believe you'd just...

Cordelia: ...I'd just kiss you in front of the whole army like that? Then you underestimate me. Now who's getting sloppy?

Avatar: Damn it!

Cordelia: What's this? You've gone beet red! Is that all it takes to make you blush? My, myyou're getting cuter by the second!

Avatar: It's bad enough that I underestimated younow I've lost the initiative as well. This is not going according to plan...

Cordelia: Is that a problem? Haven't your heard strong wives make for happy marriages? But if you're that upset, I guess you'll have to plan a counterattack. I'd suggest a surprise romantic offensive of overwhelming proportions, personally...

Avatar: I'm way ahead of you! But I'll make sure the specific plan of attack is one you'll never see coming!

Cordelia: I'll be looking forward to it! But know that I'll always be watching you...and only you. I love you, Robin. I always will.

My feels...all of them...

They are so cute. makes me want to make a MaMU on next playthrough and marry her
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Awwwww... the conversation between Cordelia/Male Avatar is adorable too. The first one was kinda like Cordelia/female Avatar with the last line or so added on... but so cute! <3

...Wow. Male Avatar/Tharja... wait. Wooow, every married couple (at least for the four selected in this Scramble) ends up kissing in the middle of battle?

Hey, since married couples in this game do wind up saying "I love you" on the battlefield, it wouldn't be that big a jump to kissing on the battlefield (well, IMO, anyways) :newyears:

oh u Rey

They are so cute. makes me want to make a MaMU on next playthrough and marry her

*reads* I totes agree on the cute part. :newyears:

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[spoiler=Cordelia > Maribelle]

Maribelle: You and Sumia sure do seem to spend a lot of time together, Cordelia.

Cordelia: Now that you mention it, I suppose we do. Is that a problem?

Maribelle: Ha! Can you not bear to leave her alone for fear she might trip and brain herself?

Cordelia: O-of course not! There may have been one or two…incidents, but she’s a capable girl! And if you want to talk about inseparable couples, what of you and Lissa?

Maribelle: Why, Lissa and I are the dearest of friends! There’s nothing peculiar about wishing to spend one’s time in such pleasant company! She’s a soothing and pleasant presence—unlike that addlepated butterfingers!

Cordelia: H-how dare you?! Sumia is kinder and funnier than anyone else in this army!

Maribelle: Ha! Unintentionally, perhaps? Lissa’s wit is both deliberate AND exceptional! It saddens me that you have yet to fully experience her joyful gaiety of spirit!

Cordelia: W-well…Sumia’s smile is brighter than the very sun itself! One glimpse of it is enough to make amends for any blunder!

Maribelle: And Lissa’s smile has precisely the same effect… The only difference being that she doesn’t MAKE any blunders!

Cordelia: Oh, really? Not even the blunder of choosing YOU as a friend?

Maribelle: My, but you are a stubborn one!

Cordelia: ME, stubborn?! You are the most obstinate, contrary…so-and-so I have ever met!

Maribelle: Hmph! This is far from over! You will pay for you pigheadedness!

Cordelia: Ha! We’ll see about that!

[spoiler=Maribelle > Cordelia]

Maribelle: So are you finally ready to accept Lissa’s superiority to Sumia in every respect?

Cordelia: Never! I’ll stop at nothing to make you appreciate the beauty of Sumia’s soul!

Maribelle: Gah! What will take to convince you once and for all…

Cordelia: …that my beloved friend is the most wonderful person alive?

Maribelle: …Fine. Fine!

Cordelia: Huh?! You’re conceding defeat?

Maribelle: If that is what you insist on calling it, yes! My time would be far better spent enjoying Lissa’s company. Besides, what if something were to happen to her while we were here bickering? I would never forgive myself. Her well-being is all that matters to me in the world.

Cordelia: …I know just how you feel.

Maribelle: You do?

Cordelia: We may have our differences, but we both care deeply for our friends. Sumia’s happiness is the only thing that matters to me.

Maribelle: Cordelia…

Cordelia: Listen, I have a plan. When this battle is over, the four of us will go for tea together. We can settle the matter of whose friend is the most wonderful once and for all.

Maribelle: Very well. I accept your offer. And I accept that…I may have underestimated you…

Cordelia: …And I you.

Maribelle: Hm. Suddenly I am rather looking forward to our little tea date.

Cordelia: Hee hee. It’ll certainly be an event to remember!

"My girlfriend's cuter."

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

Why must I find romance everywhere? Why can't I ever treat a friendship as just a friendship?

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I'll claim these FoD convos:











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"My girlfriend's cuter."

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

"No, mine is!"

Why must I find romance everywhere? Why can't I ever treat a friendship as just a friendship?

Huh. I guess I'm not the only one who has that issue - I always thought Lissa and Maribelle could be interpreted as more than just friends - and let's just say the Harvest Scramble conversation didn't help that any.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Man, this makes me wish Avatar had these special summer conversations with EVERY spouse. But no, it's only with Chrom, Cordelia, Gaius, or Tharja... ;_;

Still cute that they're kissing and stuff though lol.

But, I'd kill to see Frederick suddenly kiss my Avatar or vice versa. <3

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*sees Fred convo with Chrom*

Oh gods, Frederick. XD

This is why I love you! lol

*sees another Freddy convo with Virion*

Aha, I was right! Frederick's family DID serve the Ylisse royal family for generations! I had hypothesized that for ages. I know Freddy Bear oh so well. ^^

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[spoiler=Roster Rescue]Enter Battle Quotes:

Chrom - Faye

Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay - Faye

Laurent - Faye

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

Tiki > Nowi - Faye

Brady > Yarne - Faye

Cynthia > Nah - Faye

Morgan (M) > Yarne - Faye

Morgan (F) > Noire - Faye

Laurent > Yarne - Faye

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Lucina - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Before Battle Script - Ace Tactician

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Lissa - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Stahl - Levant Fortner

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Sumia - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Maribelle - Levant Fortner

Panne - Pikayoshi

Gaius - Cordelia

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Cordelia - Levant Fortner

Gregor - Ultimafangirl

Libra - Faye

Tharja - Faye

Anna - Levant Fortner

Olivia - Faye

Cherche - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Say'ri - Faye

Tiki - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Gangrel - Sweq32

Walhart - Sweq32

Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Yen'fay - Sweq32

Aversa - Sweq32

Praim - Sweq32

Lucina - Faye

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Kjelle - Ultimafangirl

Cynthia - Faye

Severa - Faye

Gerome - Cordelia

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye

Nah - Levant Fortner


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (child) - Ace Tactician

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (spouse) - Tsamimi

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Inigo (spouse) - Tsamimi

Avatar > Inigo (child) - Drgnquester

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Avatar > Severa (child) - Naui

Chrom > Emmeryn - Levant Fortner

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Say'ri > Yen'fay - Drgnquester

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Basilio - Ace Tactician

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Lissa - Levant Fortner

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Gerome - Ace Tactician

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

Post-Battle Script - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Future of Despair 1]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

VS Boss

Boss Defeated

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

Sumia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Frederick - Silver Lightning

Gaius - Wheels

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

Tharja - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Virion - Ace Tactician





Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Wheels

Gregor - Tsamimi

Libra - Faye

Henry - Silver Lightning

Donnel - Drgnquester


Kjelle - SniperGYS

Sully - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl


Virion - Drgnquester

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - 春閣下


Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Ace Tactician


Libra - Wheels

Henry - Tsamimi

Donnel - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

Nowi - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye



Vaike - Drgnquester

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - 春閣下

Lon'qu - Cordelia

Ricken - Silver Lightning


Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Levant Fortner


Donnel - Wheels

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

Avatar (M) - Drgnquester

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

VS Boss

Boss Defeated

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels


Virion - Ultimafangirl


Stahl - Cordelia


Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi


Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif



Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi


Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下



Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels


Ricken - Faye


Gregor - Wheels


Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

[spoiler=Future of Despair 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script

Misc. Script

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels


Vaike - Wheels


Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye


Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl




Libra - Faye

Henry - Cordelia



Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia


Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye


Post-Battle Script - Cordelia

Edited by Tsamimi
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I can take care of the Hot Spring Scramble enter battle quotes for Virion, Gregor, Cherche, and Kjelle.

I'll also claim:

Chrom > Kjelle (FoD1)

Virion > Inigo (FoD2)

Future of Despair 3
Sully > Lucina
Donnel > Laurent
Lon'qu > Gerome
Libra > Severa

Edited by Ultimafangirl
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Just posting to let you all know that I might take a little more time getting my claims up due to some exams and such. I'll try to get them up a soon as I can.

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Ditto. And it sucks that both Hot Springs AND Future of Despair come tomorrow; I am going to have so much to type this weekend... XP

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For Future of Despair 1 I can do the after prep screen script and the Misc script.

Although I might be delalyed a bit in posting it due to my schedule this week.

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I'll also apologize for how long my quotes are taking. "OTL We'll be getting a new home internet later this week, so hopefully I won't take longer than I already have.

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Hot Spring Scramble:


The haze of sunset... Vermilion leaves... This place is just stunning! But I'd better be extra careful walking around here. I trip enough already WITHOUT the rocks being slippery...


They say these waters do wonders for the skin... I wonder if it's true. I suppose I could make time to soak later, but... No. I am a knight. I am sworn to higher ideals than smooth, beautiful... *sigh*


Suddenly a silhouette emerges from the steam. Who is this striking figure?! *Gasp* Could it be? The Spitfire of the Springs? The Beauty of the Baths? YES! 'Tis Cynthia, and thy doom has come! Ooh, I got the whole line out for once!


It's been eons since I've had occasion to visit a hot spring... Humans have sought their curative properties since time immemorial. But perhaps their greatest strength is their ability to being people together...


We get it already. Everywhere we go, you guys attack. The shtick is old now. Where did you all come from, anyway? I never even saw you arrive... Wait, don't tell me you rose up out of the water? UGH, that's GROSS!


Surprise, surprise. More icky Risen... You guys really can't take a hint, huh? Well, I'm planning to take a nice, long soak once you've been soundly beaten. If any of your nasty Risen goo drips into the springs, I'll...kill you even harder!


Hot...springs...? The water... So warm... Is everyone...going in...after the battle?


Yippee! I love hot springs! Nothing like one big, outdoor bathtub! The girls can all soak in the water together once this is over. It'll be fun! We can share girl stories and gossip about all the guys... Heh heh.


Oh my... Not even the manor had a bath this spacious. Something about being wrapped in this steam makes me want to hum a tune... How about "The Ballad of the Bashed-In Risen"? I devised it but seconds ago.


How lovely! Gods bless the good folk who found this land and tamed it. It was surely no easy task to build in a cold, harsh frontier like this one. But such endeavors bring people closer together. For that we must be thankful.


Bathing together in the springs seems to be a tradition in this land as well. The thought alone brings me back to my beloved Chon'sin... *sniff* I'm...I'm not...It's just... Oh, fie! 'Tis just the steam in my eyes, I swear!

[spoiler=Emmeryn > Lissa]

Lissa: Hey, Emm!

Emmeryn: ...Lissa?

Lissa: You want to pop into the hot springs once we finish kicking Risen carcass? We can have water fights and see who can hold her breath longer - just like old times! The springs are so huge, we could probably have swim races too. And we won't tell Chrom because he's a big grump and will say we need to behave.

Emmeryn: Chrom...won't be there?

Lissa: What?! Emm!

...Brother or not, Chrom can't come into the hot springs with us! They're for bathing. The men and women have to use separate areas.

Emmeryn: Won't he be...lonely?

Lissa: Liusten - a lady needs to have her privacy, so don't you dare invite him, I mean it! He'd do anything for you, you know? And I really don't want to picture him diving into a pool of naked women, shouting- "Hold on! I'm coming!" *complete with Chrom's voice clip*

Emmeryn: You sound...just like him...

Lissa: Hah! I know. I should start charging people for the act. Anyway-you, me, hot springs. It's a date. Okay?

[spoiler= Lissa > Emmeryn]

Emmeryn: Lissa...

Lissa: What's the matter, Emm? Trying to beat me to the hot springs, is that it?

Emmeryn: Do you...hate Chrom...?

Lissa: WHAT?! ...Seriously, what? Oh, you mean because I said I didn't want to take a bath with him? Don't worry, I love Chrom a bunch. Just not in a wierd, creepy way.

Emmeryn: You... mean it?

Lissa: Of course! You know, it wasn't too long ago that I thought you were...you know. I cried my eyes out every single day. Trust me, it was a mess. There were even days I wished I was dead just so I could be with you. But you know who pulled me through it? Chrom.

Emmeryn: ......

Lissa: The sadness must have been tearing him up even more. But he held all of that in check because he wanted to help me cope first.

Emmeryn: Chrom is...so nice...

Lissa: He sure is. And I'll tell you a little secret.I saw Chrom come back from visiting your sickbed one of those first nights. He was crying and thanking Naga for sending you back to him. It was like everything he was holding back opened all at once, like a floodgate. You set him free... Oh, Emm... *sniff* I'm so glad you're back.

Emmeryn: Lissa... Are you...crying?

Lissa: Not really, no... But when I remember Chrom's face... The tears... It was just a lot to process.

Emmeryn: Do you...always cry when...you're happy?

Lissa: Only for a special kind of happy.

Emmeryn: I love you, Lissa... Chrom too.

Lissa: Well, we love you back a hundredfold! ...But Chrom still can't come into the bath with us, and that's


Emmeryn: O...okay...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Hot Spring Scramble:


The haze of sunset... Vermilion leaves... This place is just stunning! But I'd better be extra careful walking around here. I trip enough already WITHOUT the rocks being slippery...


They say these waters do wonders for the skin... I wonder if it's true. I suppose I could make time to soak later, but... No. I am a knight. I am sworn to higher ideals than smooth, beautiful... *sigh*


Suddenly a silhouette emerges from the steam. Who is this striking figure?! *Gasp* Could it be? The Spitfire of the Springs? The Beauty of the Baths? YES! 'Tis Cynthia, and thy doom has come! Ooh, I got the whole line out for once!


It's been eons since I've had occasion to visit a hot spring... Humans have sought their curative properties since time immemorial. But perhaps their greatest strength is their ability to being people together...


Hot...springs...? The water... So warm... Is everyone...going in...after the battle?


Yippee! I love hot springs! Nothing like one big, outdoor bathtub! The girls can all soak in the water together once this is over. It'll be fun! We can share girl stories and gossip about all the guys... Heh heh.


Oh my... Not even the manor had a bath this spacious. Something about being wrapped in this steam makes me want to hum a tune... How about "The Ballad of the Bashed-In Risen"? I devised it but seconds ago.


How lovely! Gods bless the good folk who found this land and tamed it. It was surely no easy task to build in a cold, harsh frontier like this one. But such endeavors bring people closer together. For that we must be thankful.


Bathing together in the springs seems to be a tradition in this land as well. The thought alone brings me back to my beloved Chon'sin... *sniff* I'm...I'm not...It's just... Oh, fie! 'Tis just the steam in my eyes, I swear!

[spoiler=Emmeryn > Lissa]

Lissa: Hey, Emm!

Emmeryn: ...Lissa?

Lissa: You want to pop into the hot springs once we finish kicking Risen carcass? We can have water fights and see who can hold her breath longer - just like old times! The springs are so huge, we could probably have swim races too. And we won't tell Chrom because he's a big grump and will say we need to behave.

Emmeryn: Chrom...won't be there?

Lissa: What?! Emm!

...Brother or not, Chrom can't come into the hot springs with us! They're for bathing. The men and women have to use separate areas.

Emmeryn: Won't he be...lonely?

Lissa: Liusten - a lady needs to have her privacy, so don't you dare invite him, I mean it! He'd do anything for you, you know? And I really don't want to picture him diving into a pool of naked women, shouting- "Hold on! I'm coming!" *complete with Chrom's voice clip*

Emmeryn: You sound...just like him...

Lissa: Hah! I know. I should start charging people for the act. Anyway-you, me, hot springs. It's a date. Okay?

[spoiler= Lissa > Emmeryn]

Emmeryn: Lissa...

Lissa: What's the matter, Emm? Trying to beat me to the hot springs, is that it?

Emmeryn: Do you...hate Chrom...?

Lissa: WHAT?! ...Seriously, what? Oh, you mean because I said I didn't want to take a bath with him? Don't worry, I love Chrom a bunch. Just not in a wierd, creepy way.

Emmeryn: You... mean it?

Lissa: Of course! You know, it wasn't too long ago that I thought you were...you know. I cried my eyes out every single day. Trust me, it was a mess. There were even days I wished I was dead just so I could be with you. But you know who pulled me through it? Chrom.

Emmeryn: ......

Lissa: The sadness must have been tearing him up even more. But he held all of that in check because he wanted to help me cope first.

Emmeryn: Chrom is...so nice...

Lissa: He sure is. And I'll tell you a little secret.I saw Chrom come back from visiting your sickbed one of those first nights. He was crying and thanking Naga for sending you back to him. It was like everything he was holding back opened all at once, like a floodgate. You set him free... Oh, Emm... *sniff* I'm so glad you're back.

Emmeryn: Lissa... Are you...crying?

Lissa: Not really, no... But when I remember Chrom's face... The tears... It was just a lot to process.

Emmeryn: Do you...always cry when...you're happy?

Lissa: Only for a special kind of happy.

Emmeryn: I love you, Lissa... Chrom too.

Lissa: Well, we love you back a hundredfold! ...But Chrom still can't come into the bath with us, and that's


Emmeryn: O...okay...

AGH. That was just... :sob:

Finally. I've wanted a conversation between those two for the longest.

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Here's my pre-battle quotes for Hot Spring Scramble


Risen, here? How curious. Did you think your presence would somehow improve upon the vista? Oh, such boorish taste. I fear it cannot go unpunished.


Why must Risen always gravitate toward places with many peoples? All Gregor wanted was a little relaxing time in hot springs... Gregor is very good at humming in bath, yes? Also good at drowning Risen!


What a marvelously large bath! House Virion never had anything like this. But it seems rather lacking in terms of privacy... Won't people spy on us? ...I know! I'll just put Minerva on watch. That should frighten any Peeping Toms.


I've made good progress in my training regimen. Should I shake things up? The terrain here is terrible, but it might make for a decent agility course... I'll have to dispatch these Risen first. That should be worth half a lap or so.

I'll put up the future of despair conversation just as soon as I, well, stop dying.
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The spouse convo with Inigo... KYAA! Damnit, and that's exactly how I would break down crying. D: Not helping! ...I'll just...leave...and continue squee'ing like a silly fangirl...

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spoiler - Avatar (Father) > Inigo (Son)

Inigo: Hrm... Nothing. There's nothing good!
MU: Looking for something, Inigo?
Inigo: Oh! Hello, Father. I was just searching for a momeno.
MU: A momento?
Inigo: Yes. Some little token or trinket to remind you of the places you've been. Seashells from the shore, that sort of thing. Wherever I go. I try to find some souvenir to keep the memory fresh whenever I see it.
MU: What a charming idea. I seem to recall your mother saying something similar before. Is this something you picked up from her?
Inigo: Heh, yes. And why am I not surprised that you knew about it? You two were always so cute.
MU: What can I say? So what have you found?
Inigo: Absolutely nothing! At first, I thought to collect up some of these red leaves. But unless I keep them pressed in a book or the like, they'd be shredded in days. Anything I take will be jostled around in a pack on the road. I'd prefer it were durable.
MU: A, good point. What about some springwater, then? That CAN'T break.
Inigo: Is that a joke, Father? You'd have me haul a skin of springwater everywhere I go for the rest of the war? Sloshing away as we march the roads? In combat?! Does that sound like fun to you?
MU: ...No, it doesn't.
Inigo: No! It doesn't! I'd be the son of our army's tactician and its biggest laughing stock. Yeesh. I'm mortified just imagining it. ...Besides, I already have thought of that, and I don't have any empty skins.
MU: But you thought of it!
Inigo: Ha ha ha. Wellm sure. It's the most obvious thing to pick, isn't it? I also tried to shave a few shards off of some of these giant rocks.
MU: Oh?
Inigo: But they're awfully hard.
MU: Er, yes, well... Boulders are like that. I'm impressed the thought even crossed your mind to try.
Inigo: Didn't do me much good. I'm this close to conceding defeat. Maybe I'll just settle for a little chunk of a Risen or something...
MU: What? Ew! No! Augh! Besides, your mother would burst into tears at the sight! There's got to be SOMETHING better than that. Let's keep looking, yeah?
Inigo: All right... I'll think on it as I fight. And thank you for helping, Father.

spoiler - Inigo (son) > Avatar (father)

Inigo: Father!
MU: Hm? Oh, hey, Inigo. Did you find your momento?
Inigo: I think so! There was a pebble in the shallows. It has a purplish hue that really evokes the springs and foliage. I think it's perfect!
MU: It's lovely. I'm glad you were able to find something.
Inigo: Me too! I'll not forget this trip as long as I have this. I'll treasure it. Always...
MU: Oh...? I didn't realize these momentos meant quite so much to you, Inigo.
Inigo: They do. Well, not the mementos so much as the memories behind them. I'm still rather shy on fun memories, you see... The future wasn't exactly a happy place. Even after coming here, the stretch of time before I met up with you all was... difficult.
MU: Y-yes... Of course.
Inigo: Plus, once peace is won, that's it. Whether I can return to the future or not, it will still mean good-bye to you and Mother. I'm eager to tuck away all the good memories I can bfore that happens.
MU: What do you mean it's good-bye even if you can't return?
Inigo: It won't be much longer till I'm born in this world. The real me, I mean. I have no place beside him. Who knows what sort of influence it might have... It wouldn't be right. Which puts a pretyy tight limit on the time I have together with you two. Heh, it's going o get awfully quiet...
MU: Inigo...
Inigo: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ramble on. I'll be just fine. I've got this stone! I'm sure it'll see me through any lonely nights when I get to missing you. Really, I'm just happy I was able to find something!
MU: ... Can I see it for a moment? The stone.
Inigo: Hm? Oh, sure. Here you go.
Inigo: Whaaat?! D-did you just...? What, is this some new game where you make me go fetch my prized posessions?
MU: That's no prize, Inigo! You don't need it.
Inigo: I'm sorry?!
MU: You think you can lock away all your happy memories in a rock and stew in solitude? If so, I think you need to think again!
Inigo: Father, that isn't your--
MU: If you feel lonely, or if you want to see us, then just do it--come and see us! If time or circumstances ever split us up, it's our job to come back together again.
Inigo: Father...
MU: Or what? You think we'd treat you like some kind of inconvenience? Some burden? Is that the sort of parents you think we are? That the bonds we share are that flimsy?
Inigo: I don't think that. I don't think either of those things! I could never feel that way about you two...
MU: Then it's simple, isn't it? You can come back to us whenever you like. And don't ever talk about making memories "while you still can." We've an amazing future ahead of us. full of all kinds of fun experiences. In fact, it's our responsibility to MAKE that future for our family. AS a family! That's why you came here. Isn't it?
Inigo: ..... ...It is. You're right, obviously. I shouldn't be thinking about bottling up my happiness to drown out my sorrows later. I should be making memories as a record of how we built a future where I can be happy! All right. Seems like we've got our work cut out for us... For starters, we'll have to make the most of these springs after the battle's through! You'll join me, won't you?
MU: You couldn't stop me if you tried. You can even let your old man scrub your back. ...Considering I'll be bathing you in a few years, this can be a practice run.
Inigo: Ha ha, true! And thank you, even if that is a touch weird... Um, Father? Even if our paths should part someday, I feel as if today's emories will keep me... I'll be able to live with a smile, knowing I got to share in all this with you and Mother. But... if I still get lonely from time to time, I'll come knocking on your door. I hope that whenever that is, no matter how many times it happens, you'll let me in. ...That you'll be there to say "welcome home."

Awwww, I actually felt something, there

Edited by Drgnquester
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And here's my only claim for this set

[spoiler=Avatar > Severa (child)]Severa-Mmm, this steam feels incredible! AND it's good for the complexion? This place is too good to be true.

Avatar-Severa, what are you doing?

Severa-Ooh, perfect timing, Father! Check out this spring. The waters are supposed to work miracles on your skin!

Avatar-Oh yeah?

Severa-Yup! Just one soak, and you'll be smooth as a baby's butt! You should give it a try! Here, I'll waft some of this steam at you.

Avatar-Er, thank you, Severa, but this isn't really the time. We're in the heat of battle here!

Severa-Oh, a few minutes won't hurt anyone. Besides, I don't see any Risen around.

Avatar-Yes, which probably means they're hiding. You can spend as long as you like in the baths after this. Try to focus for now?

Severa-Gawds, all right, all right. Fine. Yeesh, you and Mother are always so serious. Can I at least dip my hand in for a minute? It's colder than you'd think out here, and my grip is starting to suffer...

Avatar-Sure, I think we can spare one minute.

Severa-Woo! Hot spring, here I come! ...Wooow, it's sooo waaarm! Aaah, I can't get over how good it feels! Oh, my achy knuckles! My poor joints have never felt better! I feel alive again!

Avatar-You sound like an old man...

Severa-Who cares? It's not like there's anyone around but you to hear me. I see no reason to bother acting cute with you when we're not out shopping...

Avatar-What's THAT supposed to mean?


Avatar-What's wrong?! Risen lurking in the water?!

Severa-My hand is so smooth!


Severa-SO SMOOTH. MY HAND! Look! I just soaked the right one, and my left hasn't touched the water. Look how rosy my weapon hand is! How perfectly soft and supple it's become!

Avatar-Uh, yes, very impressive. Not worth the heart attack you just gave me, but great. Though it's hardly a miracle for hot water to improve circulation and rinse away dirt.

Severa-If a quick dip of the fingers does this much, just imagine a full-body soak...

Avatar-Severa... Please don't jump in. Please, please don't jump in. Don't. Do. It.



Severa-Hwuh?! O-oh... Father. D-don't be silly. I would never dream of jumping in fully clothed! Besides, we may be family, but I'm not about to bathe with you watching! Anyway, we better get back to the fight. Don't make me leave you behind!

(Severa leaves)

Avatar-Hurricane Severa sweeps through again...

[spoiler=Severa > Avatar (Parent)]Severa-Father... You have anything I could use to dry off?

Avatar-Gah, what happened, Severa? You're drenched! You didn't actually...

Severa-No, I did NOT jump in! Show me the girl who wants to leap into a pool fully clothed! ...I slipped. A pack of Risen flanked me out of nowhere, I got startled, and I slipped...

Avatar-Well, I'm glad you're only soaked, then. Hold on, I'll get you a cloth.

Severa-That'd be great, thanks. And please. I left a lot of them floating facedown in the water. Trust me, I made sure they got what they deserved.

Avatar-Hah! That's my Severa!

Severa-Amazing, aren't I? *Sigh* But if I'm going to fall into a spring, it could at least be one good for my skin... Instead, I wound up dunked in a pool meant to help backaches and stiff shoulders! Between that and my pruned fingers, I feel like an old lady...

Avatar-Hah! That's kind of ridiculous.

Severa-It is, isn't it? Hee hee... Totally...completely...*sniff*...r-ridicu...*sniff*...lous... *Sniff* Oh, gods... *sob* Waaaaaaaaah!

Avatar-Severa?! What's wrong? Are you hurt?

Severa-N-no, I'm just.... I'm just... *wheeze* I'm just so HAPPY!


Severa-I mean, think about it. *sniff* We're fighting off hordes of monsters, yet we're cracking up over a silly spring? There was never any laughing like this in the future. Ever. I like to think I haven't gone totally soft since coming to this era, but still... *sniff* Back then, you always had to wonder if you wouldn't be better off dead. Every time a battle ended, you knew there was nothing but more bleakness ahead. There was never any talk about "after this battle" or "after the war."

Avatar-That sounds more hopeless than I can possibly imagine...

Severa-But here, we're all abuzz about what fun plans we have waiting for us, you know? Soaking in the springs... Taking in the sights... Going shopping for souvenirs... It seems so unreal. We didn't dare to dream about that sort of thing back in our time. But it's waiting for us. Actual free time. No one to bury. No new battle to prepare for. And I get to spend it with my mother and father. That just... It made me so happy, I...

Avatar-...... Life has thrown so much at you, Severa, but look at you. You're still standing strong. After all that hard work and perseverance, I'd say you've earned one heck of a day off.

Severa-I...I should hope so... All right, it's settled, then. After this, I'm headed straight to that bath, and I'm not leaving till I'm positively aglow!

Avatar-That's the spirit. Though I'd say you're already glowing pretty bright as it is.

Severa-Wha—?! C-cut that out... You don't need to make stuff up. Save your flattery for Mother. And besides, daddy compliments don't count! I could be uglier than these Risen and you'd still tell me I was the prettiest girl alive!

Avatar-I've thought you were the prettiest girl alive since before I knew you were my daughter.

Severa-W-well, flattery will get you nowhere! And rightfully so—you're my father! Ick! Anyway, here's your cloth back. No more chatter. I want as much time in those springs as possible!

Avatar-Well, all right. Just be safe.

Severa-...... But, um...thank you...

Avatar-Huh? For what...?

Severa-F-for the stupid towel, of course! Don't think for a minute it's because you called me radiant or let me cry at you. This and that are completely separate!

Avatar-Heh heh. Duly noted. I guess I should be thankful you're so awful at hiding the way you feel.

Severa-It's your own dumb fault for picking a wife who's just as bad at it...

Avatar-What was that, honey?

Severa-Nothing. I just said I love you, Daddy.

Avatar-What?! R-really?

Severa-Hee hee. Time to go!

First Cordelia, now Severa? Dammit, why can't Morgan and I share a scene here?!

Edited by Naui
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Awww... these are all so sweet.

I always thought being married to the second generation (save for Lucina) is a bit on the... odd side. But I'm really tempted to try it out for this DLC.

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