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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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Ok, so since I just had something really awful happen to me IRL, I figured the best way to ignore it for now is to go on a conversation dump. So I'm first gonna be putting up my long overdue Summer Scramble convos and eventually my Hot Springs convos to follow after. I hope you enjoy, as always, even though you've all probably already read these....

Here's my first set! I'll come back and update as I get them....


Nowi: Wooow! Just look at that big blue sea! It goes on forever!

Panne: Have you never seen the ocean before?

Nowi: Pfft! What are you talking about, silly? Of course I have! My parents used to take me to the beach all the time when I was little! I just...don't remember it that well. I was really young. Like, tiny!

Panne: Hmm.

Nowi: Or maybe...I mean, I think I remember them taking me to the beach...? But all that kid stuff was so long ago now, it gets kinda mixed up with my dreams...

Panne: Do you dream of your parents often?

Nowi: Oh yeah! Those guys are ALWAYS popping by to see me in dreamland! I just wish I could see them in real life too...

Panne: I pray that one day you do.

Nowi: Actually, you know what? Forget I said all that!

Panne: Hm?

Nowi: C'mon, I can't get sad about not seeing them all the time, can I? That would make them feel awful! I need to show them that I'm super happy and totally okay on my own!

Panne: Your parents would be very proud of you, Nowi. I'm sure they are watching over you from beyond the sea.

Nowi: Huh? You really think they're on the other side of this big ol' puddle? In that case, I've gotta tell 'em! I'll speak real loud so they can hear me. *Ahem* HEEEY, MOM AND DAD! IT'S ME, NOWI! I'M TOTALLY FINE, OK? YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ME! EVERYONE HERE'S SUPER NICE, AND I'M NOT LONELY AT ALL! OKAY, I BETTER GO BEFORE I LOSE MY VOICE! BYE FOR NOW!

Panne: Nowi...

Nowi: *Cough* Whew! That's better. Feels like a real weight off my shoulders! Huh? Panne, you're crying! Are you hurt? Why are you sad?

Panne: I am not sad, Nowi, I just...Thank you.

Nowi: Huh? For what? I didn't do anything!

Panne: Sometimes your innocence alone is enough to heal an aching heart...


Panne: Nowi...Like you, I once had a family. A big one. But they were all killed.

Nowi: Yeah, I heard about that...Murdered by humans, right? ...Do you still hate humans because of it?

Panne: I do.

Nowi: I see...

Panne: But only some of them. I have learned that not all man-spawn are bad.

Nowi: Thanks to the Shepherds, right?

Panne: Heh...Yes, I suppose so. The Shepherds have taught me that I cannot hate based on species alone. Now I focus more on individuals. Human, taguel...it matters not.

Nowi: Erm...I'm not really sure if that's all that much better...

Panne: At least you still have other manaketes in the world. I envy you that.

Nowi: Huh? That doesn't make any sense.

Panne: Why not?

Nowi: You basically just said it doesn't matter if someone's a human or a taguel. So why should it matter if they're a manakete, either?

Panne: I'm not sure I follow.

Nowi: Well, I'm not lonely or sad, because I have you and all the other Shepherds. And just like you, I don't care if they're humans or taguels...OR manaketes. So what is there to be jealous about? I don't need other manaketes to be happy----I've got all of you!

Panne: Nowi...

Nowi: What's the matter, Panne? Did I say something stupid again?

Panne: No...Quite the opposite...

Nowi: Hey, don't cry! Oh! You know what helps? Whenever I was sad, my mom used to let me sleep with her. You wanna try that? Why don't you sleep over?

Panne: "Sleep over"?

Nowi: Yeah, it'll be super-duper cozy! I'll get into my dragon form, you get into your rabbit form, and we'll snuggle up!

Panne: I suppose it does sound rather comforting...

Nowi: You bet it does! You'll be as snug as a bunny-shaped bug in a big ol' dragony rug!


Nowi: Check it out, Sully! It's the OCEAN!

Sully: Sure is. Full of swaying palms and a crapload of gold sand. It's kinda like looking at a postcard from a holiday resort, eh?

Nowi: Holiday resort?

Sully: Yeah. Don't tell me you don't have resorts in the manakete world? Resorts are these vacation spots people go to when they wanna relax. They've usually got eateries and shops and lots of other little diversions.

Nowi: Wow, that sounds like SO much fun!

Sully: They're not bad. Hell of a lot better than a normal seashore, anyway. Some of the guys were saying that we should take a vacation here when the war's done.

Nowi: Oh man, that would be amazing! We could collect shells, build sand castles...Oh, and eat fruit! Lots of delicious, tropical fruit! Hee hee! I can't wait! Actually, scratch the vacation---we should just come live here instead!

Sully: Live here, eh? Lemme ask you something, Nowi...

Nowi: Ooh, lemme guess! You wanna know why the ocean gets angry sometimes, right?! Well, it turns out there's an old manakete king sleeping far beneath the sea. Whenever he snores, it causes big waves to come crashing into the sand! Isn't that crazy?

Sully: Uh, yeah...sure is. Who told you that story, anyway?

Nowi: Um...gosh. Who told me that one...? Ohh, I remember! It was a wise old manakete I once knew. He was a friend from a long, long time ago.

Sully: "He"? I didn't know there were any male manaketes. Figured you were all girls---Wait, why are we talking about this? That's not what I wanted to ask! When you were listing all that stuff to do on vacation, you forgot the best thing of all...Swimming! If you're hanging around the beach, you gotta go for a swim, right?

Nowi: Tra-la-laaaa! The beach is so much fun! All the sand and palms and sun!

Sully: ...And suddenly she bursts into song. I think I get it now. You can't swim, can you?

Nowi: WHAT?! That's CRAZY talk! ME? Not able to SWIM?! I can't believe you'd even say something like that! That's just so...MEAN! *sniff* *Nowi disappears*

Sully: Yeeeep. It's as I expected----she can't swim. Poor kid...


Sully: Nowi! Hold up.

Nowi: Oh. Hello, Sully.

Sully: Listen, I want to apologize about earlier. I didn't mean to upset you.

Nowi: .......

Sully: Fact is, there are lots of ways to enjoy the beach. You don't HAVE to go swimming. Hell, lots of people don't go in the water, but it doesn't stop 'em having fun, right?

Nowi: I guess so...Thanks, Sully....But actually, I thought about it a bit, and I think I agree with what you said. What's the point in coming out to the seaside if you don't go in the actual sea? That seems like a total waste, right? So...I came up with a brilliant idea! I'm going to learn how to swim...and YOU'RE gonna teach me!

Sully: What? The hell I am! ...Er, that is, I, uh, I meant everything I said just now. If you don't wanna swim, you don't have to. It's not like it's the law or anything! If the gods wanted us in the water, they would've given us flippers and gills, right? But nope, not us. Just two legs. Er, and in your case, a tail, I suppose...

Nowi: Waaait a minute. Don't tell me---!

Sully: Don't tell you what? Wh-why are you looking at me like that?!

Nowi: ......

Sully: S-stop staring at me, dammit! I mean it! ...Aw, crap, FINE! All right, I confess: I can't swim either!

Nowi: Ha ha! I KNEW it! ...But why did you pretend that you could?

Sully: Well...I've been searching around for someone who could help me learn. I figured if I could get you into the water, I could paddle alongside, pick up some tips.

Nowi: Hey, that gives me a great idea! Why don't we learn together?! Don't worry---it'll be totally safe! If it seems like we're about to drown, I'll turn into a dragon and rescue us both!

Sully: Har! Talk about overkill. Can't deny I'd welcome the peace of mind, though...All right, you're on. Let's clear out the rest of these brigands and then go for a swim!

Nowi: Yippee! We're gonna make a great swim team, you and me!


Virion: *Slurp* Ahh, nothing quite stirs the soul like a fine cup of tea on the battlefield.

*Gaius appears*

Gaius: Crivens, Virion, are you seriously drinking tea in the middle of a fight? What's wrong with you?

Virion: Ah, hello, Gaius. Even in the throes of battle, one mustn't neglect life's essential pleasures. Though I regret to note that on this occasion, my pleasure is incomplete. Why, you ask? Because I lack a suitable confection to accompany this excellent infusion!

Gaius: Yeah? Well, boohoo for you, I guess. This isn't the time nor the place. Now if you're done waving your pinky in the air, how about getting back into formation?

Virion: Why, from whence comes this unseemly haste? I simply must have my sweet, sir. And I believe that you are the very man to provide it. Bring hither a cake!

Gaius: Are you serious? I think you've confused me with your kitchen boy, fancy man.

Virion: Come now. The entire army knows your pockets are ever abrim with delights!

Gaius: And what if they are? Maybe you missed this the first time; we're in a BATTLE. I don't have time to stand around serving you cakes out of my secret stash. And even if I did---I wouldn't. Sweets as good as mine don't come cheap!

Virion: ...Oh? So you're saying your cakes are of an exceedingly fine quality?

Gaius: You bet your arched eyebrows they are. I've got agents all over, buying up only the very best of the best sweets. It took a lot of hard work to build up those contacts and figure out all the logistics. Not that a pampered noble like you would understand the meaning of hard work...

Virion: Hah! Fair enough. But hmm...How much would it take, I wonder... *Gaius disappears* *Gasp* Where are you going?! Gaius, wait! Come back here! I haven't told you my offer! *Sigh* And with that, he was gone, depriving poor Virion of his just deserts...


Virion: Ah, Gaius, my good man. Might I have a word?

Gaius: Huh? Oh. You again.

Virion: The very same! I was hoping we might resolve the matter of my confection.

Gaius: This again? Look, Your Lordship, I'm not your servant. Find another lackey!

Virion: Now, now, Gaius. Don't be so hasty. You have yet to hear my offer.

Gaius: Offer? As in...you give me something I want in exchange?

Virion: Precisely! You present me with a sweet, and I present you with cold, hard coin. Come now. Name your price, and we'll see if the contents of my purse are sufficient.

Gaius: Seven hells, but you nobles are all alike. You think money can buy you anything.

Virion: Well, to be fair, it has seldom failed me in the past...But tell me, Gaius: Are you always this ill tempered?

Gaius: Only when I'm dealing with highborn fools who think they can buy anything they like.

Virion: But highborn or low, where is the harm in offering value for value? You have something I want, yes? I offer to pay you, and you name your price. When someone asks a favor of you, it's only reasonable to expect something in return.

Gaius: All right, fine. You want one of my sweets? Then give me that drool bib of yours. I could do with one of those to keep the jam and crumbs off my clothes.

Virion: ...Drool bib? Are you referring to my velvet cravat? If you are, I'm afraid I must refuse. I cannot part with this.

Gaius: Suit yourself. Then we're done here.

Virion: How unfortunate...*sigh* All I really wanted was to sit down with you for a cup of tea...

Gaius: Huh?

Virion: Though we fight side by side, we've had little time to speak face-to-face. What better occasion than this to rectify such a regrettable omission? What better place than here, on the golden beach, shaded by the swaying palms...

Gaius: *Sigh* If that's what you wanted, why didn't you just say so?

Virion: Am I to take it by your tone that you would look favorably on such a proposal?

Gaius: ...I might.

Virion: Excellent! I have your word then. We'll take tea at the earliest opportunity! ...But not before we've driven away these bothersome brigands. Fair?

Gaius: *Sigh* All right, all right...You've talked me into it.

Virion: Wonderful. Then let us join forces and vanquish these foes!

Gaius: Right with you, Your Lordship.


Vaike: Cripes, this heat is stiflin'...Makes ya wanna hop right in the drink, don't it?

Ricken: Uh-huh...Sure...

Vaike: Hey, are you even listenin'?...Wait, yer readin' a book? Here?!

Ricken: I've got a lot of studying to do! I can't afford to fall behind.

Vaike: Lemme tell ya, kid---readin' books ain't gonna cause no sudden growth spurts.

Ricken: Huh? What's that got to do with anything? Reading won't stunt my growth, either!

Vaike: Yeah, maybe not. But you could be usin' that time to pump iron!

Ricken: And I could be using THIS time to study! Would you let me study in peace?

Vaike: Fine, but don't come cryin' tome when your brain boils over!

Ricken: Forunately, my head's not filled with soup like yours.

Vaike: Hey! I happen to like soup!

Ricken: *Sigh* But I do know what you mean...I know I won't get to be like Chrom just by reading books all the time. Books won't make me as strong or as handsome or as kind...

Vaike: Its always Chrom, Chrom, Chrom with you, ain't it? Don't you have any love for the Vaike?

Ricken: Huh? Well, I mean...you're pretty buff, I guess? That's kinda admirable...

Vaike: Gee, thanks, kid. I'm touched. But all right, let's see...If ya wanna get stronger, why don't ya try liftin' that big 'ol book while you read it? You can work your arms while ya work your brain---two birds, one stone!

Ricken: That's actually not a bad idea...especially coming from you!

Vaike: See? Maybe Teach's head ain't so full of soup after all!...Wait, whaddya mean especially comin' from me?!

Ricken: Heh heh. I'm just messing around. Come on, why don't we both give it a try?

Vaike: ...All right. Gimme one of them fancy books of yours. Somethin' heavy. Maybe Teach can learn a thing or two while he's doin' reps!

Ricken: Sure! We can both try to make up for our respective shortcomings. I'll work on improving my strength...and you can focus on fixing your mental deficiencies!

Vaike: Sounds like a pl----HEEEY, wait a minute!


Ricken: Eleven...Twelve...*pant* Phew...Working out while reading is a lot harder than I thought it'd be. The words all blur together...Just looking at them is giving me a headache! Hmm...Oh, I know! I'll just lay the book flat on the ground and do push-ups over it! Okay...One, and...Two...No, this is even worse. My sweat is dripping all over the pages. *Vaike appears*

Vaike: Greetings, dear Ricken!

Ricken: Hey, Vaike. Man, this whole reading-and-working-out thing is a real pain. Hey, wait a second---why are you talking like that?

Vaike: Why, whatever do ya mean, my good lad?

Ricken: A-are you okay?

Vaike: Me? I feel wondrous! I assure you there is no cause for alarm.

Ricken: I think there is----you sound like you've swallowed a dictionary!

Vaike: Ha! The Vai---I mean, I----have educated myself by reading the book you lent me. Did you know that the three fundamental types of magic are fire, wind, and thunder?

Ricken: Of course I knew that!

Vaike: Additionally, there is dark magic, which cannot be cast be conventional sorcerers. It is said that the people of Plegia are especially adept at using dark magic.

Ricken: Yes, it is---by everybody who knows anything! But, hmm....It does seem like you've been studying hard. If you keep this up, soon no one'll need me around anymore... It is indeed true that I have found great stimulation in the world of scholarship. Why, I may even be tempted to lay down my axe and pursue a life of study! Heh he----Ugh! * Vaike disappears*

Ricken: Huh? Vaike? Vaike! He...he just collapsed! Vaike?! Speak to me! *Vaike reappears*

Vaike: Unnnnngh...Head...hurts...Like wakin' from a nightmare...

Ricken: Whoa. Maybe your brain got overloaded by the sudden rush of activity...Like, it shut down from having absorbed more information than it can process...

Vaike: Huh? The Vaike's what did what, now? You sayin' you know somethin'?

Ricken: Umm...No! No, I...I have no idea. I just found you lying here....Really.

Vaike: Huh! Well, whatever. Ol' Teach is feelin' right after that little nap! Let's get back to kickin' brigand butt, shall we?

Ricken: S-sure, let's do that! (I think I'll just keep this little episode to myself...)


Sully: I've never told anyone this, but...I love rabbits. Big fan.

Panne: That was...out of the blue. What is this about?

Sully: It's true. I used to have one for a pet when I was a kid. She kicked the bucket, though. Nothing crazy---just got old. It was like losing family, though. Real tough. After that, I made do with a stuffed rabbit. I'd take her to bed with me every night.

Panne: ...I still don't understand why you're telling me this. Are you trying to convince me of something? Perhaps that under that bluff, mannish exterior, you're as girly as the next woman?

Sully: What? No, nothing of the sort! Where'd you get that fool idea?

Panne: Then what AM I supposed to make of your ridiculous story? Are you saying you want me to take the place of your pet rabbit?

Sully: NO! Dammit, why does there have to be a reason?! I was just feeling nostalgic, that's all. When I saw you, I thought of my bunny. It popped into my head all of a sudden, so I went and blurted out the story. Needless to say, I wish I hadn't...

Panne: I suppose you meant no harm...But remember, we taguel were hunted to near extinction by your kind. And one reason we were hunted was to be given to young man-spawn as pets. Loved for a while, then disposed of when we grew too large... *Panne disappears*

Sully: ...Damn, I had no idea. No wonder she's ticked off. I hope there's some way I can make it up to her...


Sully: Mmph...So soft and cuddly......Bwa? Where am I?! Was I asleep? Last thing I remember, I was standing on the beach...The sun beating down...I started feeling dizzy, and--- *Panne appears*

Panne: Good, you're awake. I became worried when you suddenly keeled over.

Sully: Panne?! Have you been here with me this whole time?

Panne: I have. Did you enjoy your dream? Was it about rabbits, by any chance?

Sully: Huh? How did you---?! Waaait a sec. You didn't turn into a rabbit and snuggle up into my arms, did you?

Panne: ...I thought it might help.

Sully: You did that for me...even after I said all that insensitive crap earlier?

Panne: ...After I considered it for a spell, I realized that you meant no insult. Your face lit up when you talked about your pet rabbit. I saw that, yet I was harsh with you. For that, I apologize.

Sully: N-no way! Water under the bridge! ...And thanks for comforting me.

Panne: Heh. It was terribly hot being clutched in your arms under the blazing sun, you know. I came close to abandoning you on more than one occasion.

Sully: Hey, I was hot too. Holding on to that ball of fur was like cuddling a baked potato....But it was nice, too, and I didn't wanna let go. It was like I had my old bunny back.

Panne: I'm glad I could help.

Sully: You know, the thing that bugs me is that she died without ever saying a word to me. Yeah, yeah, I know...she was a rabbit, and she couldn't talk, so duh. But that didn't stop me from wishing she could. I always wondered what she thought of me. Did she like being with me? Did she like being my pet? Did I make her happy?

Panne: Well, look at it this way: Did you enjoy your time with her?

Sully: Of course I did.

Panne: Then you have nothing to worry about. Rabbits are sensitive animals, and they can pick up on your emotions very easily. When she looked you in the eye, she knew she was loved. Of that I'm certain.

Sully: ...Ha! I like talkin' to you, Panne. You know how to cheer a girl up. Let's do it again sometime, okay? Like right after this fight, maybe.


Gregor: Stahl! What is reason for standing still with such blank expression?

Stahl: Hm? Oh, hello, Gregor. Did I look blank? I was just staring out over the horizon. I like to do that sometimes. It's kind of a habit of mine...

Gregor: You have habit of staring into space? Since when is Stahl becoming old man? Why look at boring line where ocean meets sky? Look instead at beautiful lines where sunshine meets girls!

Stahl: Uh, which girls are these exactly? The only girls I see are head-to-toe in armor, brandishing bloodied weapons...

Gregor: ...Ah, yes. Now you are mentioning it, Gregor can see this. Is bad timing.

Stahl: And besides, for all your talk, you haven't exactly been embracing the beach life. I'd imagine you'd be doing more to take advantage of this beautiful resort!

Gergor: What? No! Gregor is too old for frolicking in surf! Gregor is content to be sitting and watching youthful antics from afar. Give delicious ice cream and cold mug of mead, and Gregor is happy man!

Stahl: Well, there you go. I'm the same way. I'd rather sit back and relax than splash around in the waves like a child. *Sigh* Listen to me...I DO sound like an old man.

Gregor: To Gregor's ears, yes. But if Stahl is fan of such things, then why not? Everyone is having own way to enjoy pleasures of holiday, yes? Some chase girls and splash in ocean, and others stare into space like zombie.

Stahl: Hmm...I guess you're right. Say, you wanna grab an ice cream when this battle's over?

Gregor: Hah! Now you are speaking language of Gregor! We'll show youngsters there is more than one way to have wild and crazy time!


Gregor: Unngh...Woe is Gregor...Feeling sick like dog from too much ice cream...

Stahl: You do look a bit off color there. Here, I have some medicine that might help...

Gregor: But why are you not also groaning in uncompromising, horrible pain? You are eating from same bucket of ice cream as Gregor! For skinny man, you have strong stomach. Maybe stomach of iron...Unfortunately, Gregor has no such iron stomach, urrrgh...

Stahl: Well, my mother always did say I could pack it away...

Gregor: Bah, if Gregor was same age as you, he could be eating twice as much ice cream! But now he is aged, and having indigestion, and feeling like taking a nap...

Stahl: Taking a nap?! In the middle of a fight?

Gregor: Gregor is old man! Is needing snoozes to be keeping up with young folks! *Yawn* See? Cannot be keeping eyes open. Ahh, Gregor is so very, very, aged...

Stahl: Don't be so hard on yourself---you're not THAT old. You're just...mature!

Gregor: Bah! Try to console Gregor as much as you like, but Gregor knows truth! He is old! Old as dirt! Soon as he finish eating, fat is instantly upon his belly!

Stahl: But that's...Um, maybe it's just your metabolism, or...uh...

Gregor: You are nice boy, but is no use. Gregor is knowing he is old and crusted. But your kindness is pleasing. We shall eat ice cream again.

Stahl: Sure, that sounds great! How abut tomorrow?

Gregor: Tomorrow?! Oy! Gregor is still reeling from today's bucket! *Sigh* If only Gregor was still spritely spring chicken of years past...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Omg, I hope everything will be okay... D:

And Nowi sounds so cute and innocent... even though she's supposed to be old... but that's so adorable.

FoD2 is coming out tomorrow! I sorta wish children's spouses could speak to the NPC children... but I guess it'd be too weird...

Edited by Cordelia
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On the Summer Scramble note:

[spoiler=Avatar (M) > Owain (child)]

Owain: The steam, a veil of ghostly white... Trees, a riot of fiery crimson... My heart burns with a longing for home in the face of this nostalgic idyll.

Levant*: I'm anout to make a sweep of the area, Owain. Come and join m-.

Owain: No doubt that parched world cries out in anger and sadness at our abandonment. Heh... It would seem some sliver of frail human sentimentality yet lives within my breast.

Robin: Seems I'm interrupting. In that case... HEY! OWAIN!

Owain: Waugh?! Wha-Father?! S-sorry. Did you have some need of me?

Robin: I came to talk strategy. Will you help me take care of the Risen in this area?

Owain: Yes, of course! It would be an honor to assist you, Father! We strike at once!

Robin: No, we don't. Hold a minute, Owain.

Owain: Huh?

Robin: It's too dangerous to rush them head-on. I'll brief you on the assault strategy I've prepared.

Owain: Assault strategies? Briefings?! This...is....AWESOME! Blood... raging! Leave it to my old man, legendary tactician and sire of the world's last hope! So! What are my directives?

Robin: I'll have you stand by, concealed in the shadows of that edifice there. I'll serve as a lure to draw them near, then you leap out and strike them from behind.

Owain: You're giving me the juicy part?! At...at long last, you've acknowledged the vast power hidden within your son! Understood! I will see to it your words are made fact. You shall be made a prophet! Henceforth, this operation shall be known as Code Bloodleaf Shadowstalker!

Robin: ...What?

Owain: Now, to get into place. Formation Missing Link is go! You see, the missing link is between us. They won't think we're working together... But we ARE!

Robin: Yes, that's...that's wonderful, Owain.

Owain: Rragh! My sword hand is writhing! Straininng against my iron will, thirsty for action! Yet if I indulge its destructive apppetite now, Code Bloodleaf etc. will be compromised! Be calm, arm! Soon... Soon you will have your fill! So for now, be calm!

Robin: Rgh, no! The Risen have heard us! Change of plans, Owain.

Owain: What?! B-but Code Bloodleaf! Well...so be it. My blade is ever at your command. I await your next strategy!

Robin: No strategy. Now that they've spotted us, we'll have to try our luck head-on.

*Robin leaves*

Owain: Whaaat?! But that's so much less awesome! Why don't we- Hey, wait! You said it was too dangerous to charge in alone! At least let me join the vanguard! Um, the rear guard? ...Honorable mention?! Father! Don't leave meee!

[spoiler=Owain > Avatar (M) (father)]

Owain: They were a fearsome adversary. For a brief moment's time, I was tempted to unleash my true power...

Robin: Hey, Owain?

Owain: Ah! Yes? Ready to discuss out next strategy?

Robin: Oh, no. It's actually something I've been wanting to ask you about for a while. Why do you always speak like you're delivering lines in a stage play?

Owain: This is no mere act, Father. NO part or hollow deception... This is my true self. Aye, when the power hidden within me surges, it erupts forth in prophetic speech.

Robin: Er, right. Of course... And what is this hidden power exactly? I guess you are of the exalted bloodline, so it's entirely possible you've got something.

Owain: Y-yes, of course...Were I to bring my full force to bear, it would surpass even that of my uncle...

Robin: Wow, really?! I had no idea! Your mother will be thrilled to hear it. I'll have to speak with her once we're done.

Owain: ......

Robin: Um, Owain?

Owain: ...... ...I lied. Please don't tell Mother. I'm sorry, Father. I know perfectly well I don't have any special power... Uncle Chrom and Lucina are fit to bend the world to their whims, and I've not nothing...

Robin: What?! Owain, that's not...

Owain: But I'd do anything to be like them. Any time I saw someone die in that world... when Mother was killed...I thought that. When you died, it fell to me to protect her, and I failed... I wasn't strong enough. So I begged and prayed for strength. In the end, I thought maybe if I started acting like I had some power, then maybe...

Robin: I see. So that's your reason...

Owain: You're welcome to laugh at your fool son. But that sort of senseless hope was the only way to survive in that world. It was either believe I was special or give up on living altogether.

Robin: I would never laugh! No one would after hearing that story! And if anyone dared to, your father would knock them senseless! I'm incredibly proud to call you my son, Owain.

Owain: Father...

Robin: So you don't have any mystical power or hidden secret. You still crossed time as one of a chosen few to wage a war to save the world!

Owain: ......

Robin: So you should feel-

Owain: A chosen few... Crossing timeto...save the world...

Robin: Er, you all right?

Owain: You...you're right! This whole time I'd been describing myself in those termsbut I never had someone else validate them. I think I'd begun to lose confidence... But I AM a chosen warrior, fated to spare the world from its cruel fate! I knew it! Heh... Thank you, Father! I feel ready to take on te entire cosmos!

Robin: What, already? I just berely said anything... W-well, so mucht he better? Besides, I probably should have seen that coming. Nothing keeps you down for long. You get that from your mother.

Owain: Ah! Father!

Robin: Wh-what now?

Owain: Rejoice, my genius patriarch, for yonder lurks a pack of Risen. The time to recommence the late Operation Bloodleaf Shadowstalker is nigh!

Robin: Heh... All right. Then come, my knightly son! The hour has come to see inspiration give way to action! But the foe we face is powerful. If you wish it, I shall draft us an even better stratagem!

Owain: Yeesh, what was that supposed to be? I sound way less goofy than that. But... thanks, Father.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Just blitzed through Future of Despair / The Future Past 2 and the conversation between Female Morgan and Male MU is almost the exact same as the one between Male Morgan and Female MU.

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Since I still have a day off from work, I was able to get the DLC from the moment it was released so I'll post the pre-battle and after prep-screen script first... I'll get to the others later, by editing my post or just posting it separately.

[spoiler=Pre-Battle Script]


Well met, Outrealm warriors.
Uh-oh. If it's you who summoned us, then this must be about that alternate future.
Correct. Thanks to your aid, those first four children manage to survive their ordeal. Shortly thereafter, another four succeed in retrieving Argent and Sable. However, their victory is all too brief. Unable to stave off their Risen pursuers, they are soon overwhelmed and killed... Alas, the Gemstones they recovered fell back into the fell dragon's hands.
Without all five Gemstones, their world has no hope. You must intervene.
I understand.
Thank you. Then I shall send you now to the brink—the moment in time before the world falls. Again I offer the same counsel. The world you are about to visit bears a great resemblance to your own. You may encounter people you know or people you love... If you do, fight by their sides. It will give them great courage and strength. Now go, warriors. Let destiny once again be reshaped by your hands!

[spoiler=After Prep-screen Script]


*Huff, huff* Infernal Risen! Have we lost them yet?!
I hate to tell you, but they're right on our tail...
What? Y-you're kidding! I can't run another step... Ahh, it's all over... I guess this is extinction...
Would you can it already? We need to keep movin'! If we don't deliver Argent and Sable to Ylisse, this entire world's hosed!
Eek! All right, all right...
Blast! More Risen up ahead! Heh, a pincer attack... Clever...
Here! There's a bridge... But if the Risen box us in...
Never mind that. Brady, Yarne, go! Inigo and I will hold this side of the bridge while you secure the other!
You got it!
B-but I'm afraid of heights...
They're here, Inigo. Stay vigilant!
Don't worry. I'm not letting a single Risen get across!
How's it lookin', Yarne? You see any of them dastards?
Hmm... Yeah, I see a few down south. We could probably outrun them. But...there's a whole horde of those things closing in on us from the west. If we're gonna run, we need to go now!
All right, thanks. We better move. HEY! Owain! ...Inigo! You need to get down here...NOW! We got a whole army of dead flesh marchin' in from the west!
You hear that, Owain? We'd better cross the bridge.
...If we cross the bridge now, these Risen are gonna follow us. Right?
Right. Almost definitely.
That's if we're lucky. If we're unlucky, they'll rip us to shreds the second we turn around.
True. We'll need to back our way across.
But that'll take too long, especially if we have to hold them off as we go. Brady doesn't even have a weapon. How are you, me, and Yarne going to protect him once we're surrounded?
The odds are not good, I agree, but...we have to try.
No, I've got a better idea.
I'll hold off the Risen while you cross. Once you make it to the other side, cut down the bridge.
And strand you here? Are you crazy?! What are you talking about?
Just shut up and go! We don't have time to argue about this! Do you want me to die, or do you want ALL of us to die?!
Ugh, I'm sorry... I don't mean to shout. But you KNOW what's at stake here!
You're serious.
And you're sure there's no way we can fight and survive this together?
...I'm sure.
...... *Sigh* All right.
I'm sorry to make you do this, Inigo. But...I'm glad I got to spend my last moments with you. Now cross that bridge and go! The fate of the world is in your hands!
Um... This is the part where you go.
Sorry, Owain. I can't do it.
What?! B-but...my epic speech...
BRADY! YARNE! Go on without us!
[bridge between the children is cut]
Yeep! The bridge!
What the hell are those stupid jackfarts doing?!
Inigo, you idiot! We didn't both have to die!
I'm not the one being an idiot!
Maybe your plan is the best way to get the Gemstones back to Ylisse. But what am I supposed to tell Lucina and the others? "Oops, sorry! Owain sacrified himself!" Your parents DIED for you, Owain. I don't care how smart you think it sounds. You're not throwing your life away.
But if I don't do this, this world is gonna—
Stop. We can save the world together. Don't you want to be there to see it? I'm not leaving the Gemstones OR my friends behind, Owain. You want to fight? We'll fight. BOTH of us. And in case you hadn't noticed, I'm not taking no for an answer.
...... Heh. All right, fine... I suppose I was too legendary to die anyway. Very well, then. Let's crush these Risen and head home to Ylisse!
Now we're talking!
Brady, come on! We have to help them!
...... No, let's press on.
I said we're going back to Ylisse! You wanna sit around and wait for those Risen to come tear us apart?
B-but...you can't MEAN that?! They'll die without our help! We'll never see them again! Don't you care about them at all?!
Of course I do, you...s-stupid rabbit!
If I could, I'd run over there right now and fight to the death! But that's not what they want. Why do you think they cut down the bridge? They know we have the Gemstones. They want us to escape. Once we get them back to Lucina, we can destroy Grima. End of story. A messy, heroic death for us won't solve anything, you dummy!
I know, but... *sniff*
Look, Owain and Inigo will be fine. You know what they're made of. I'll be damned if the last we see of them is some hellhole like this. ...Now come on, Yarne. We need to go.
...... ....... ...Fine.
Good man. ...Bunny. Whatever.
HEY, OWAIN! INGIO! If you can hear me... I promise we'll deliver the Gemstones to Ylisse! Everything will be okay! B-but don't you dare die on us! I mean it! There's nothing a taguel hates more than a quitter!
Heh. Don't you worry! We won't quit. We'll catch up!
That's right. See you in Ylisse—I promise!
...You better. ...... They'll pull through. They have to...

.... I'm thinking I need to reclass some people cause of this map. >_>; So I'll leave this here first.
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I've wrapped up recording Future Past 2, and I'll upload it (and give my transcription of Libra/Inigo) after I'm back from class. Or maybe I can just give the convo in the cafeteria in about 20 or so minutes.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Future Past 2:

[spoiler=Maribelle > Brady]

Maribelle: Brady? Is that you, darling?

Brady: ...M-Ma? No way!

Maribelle: No, young man. I am not YOUR mother, strictly speaking. I've come from another world to lend you my considerable assistance.

Brady: Another world? Um...right. ......

*Brady leaves*

Maribelle: Wh-what?! Where are you going? Stop running, young man!

Brady: Ow! Let go of my ear! What do you care if I haul it out of here? You're probably s-some enemy ruse!

Maribelle: I most certainly am not! If I were some artifice of the enemy, then you would already be dead. I or someone else would have struck you down the moment you hesitated.

Brady: Well...yeah, but...

Maribelle: But nothing! Stand up straight! Did I raise you to run for the hills at the sight of your ownmother's face?

Brady: You didn't raise me period! Ugh, I give up. So what do you want, Ma?

Maribelle: At last, some respect! Naturally, I have come to make sure my son in this world carries himself with dignity.

Brady: ...... BAWWW! *sniff* *sob*

Maribelle: Brady, whatever has come over you? You usually cry after my lectures, not before them...

Brady: I just can't look at you a second... *sniff* longer... I never thought I'd see you again, Ma! *sob*

Maribelle: So that's it. It was not a ruse you feared. It was that I might see you shed tears.

Brady: Shaddap! I was only... Rrgh... Gods! All right! So WHAT if I didn't want to look stupid in front of ya?

Maribelle: My dear, sweet child. You have your silly moments. But stupid? Far from it. You helped your friends by keeping the Gemstones safe. I think it was dashing. And if people daresay otherwise, I shall have to reprimand them...with my boot!

Brady: ...Pfft! That's not exactly genteel, Ma.

Maribelle: Of course it's genteel. It just won't be GENTLE.

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Gah....I'm trying to decide whether I should finish my scramble stuff first or go on to Future Past 2....

And wasn't I supposed to get Maribelle/Brady for Future Past 2???

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Shirley

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Pre-Battle Script - Shirley

After Prep-screen Script - Shirley

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Shirley

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Shirley

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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And wasn't I supposed to get Maribelle/Brady for Future Past 2???

Sorry 'bout that - I just happened to be playing the map now is all.

[spoiler=Olivia > Inigo]

Olivia: Inigo!

Inigo: M-Mother?! No, that's impossible... My mother died before my eyes. I know what I saw.

Olivia: I'm not the Olivia you know. I've come from another world. Look at you. You've been through hell... And all this time you've held strong... I should have been there for you! I'm so sorry, Inigo... Please forgive me...

Inigo: Another world? No wonder you look so young. But what are you apologizing for?

Olivia: Because the me from this world... She shouldn't have left you alone! What kind of mother am I to abandon my son like that?

Inigo: That's not my fault. It's not even my real mother's fault. Please, don't fret...

Olivia: I can't help it! I just... Ahh... *sob*

Inigo: Heh. Stop it, Mother. A lovely lady like you should always wear a smile. Especially when your son hasn't seen you in so long!

Olivia: I'm sorry...

Inigo: I'm the one who ought to be bawling. Had to beat me to the punch, huh? ...Well, I'm still glad. Your tears give me the strength and courage to fight on.

Olivia: You won't have to fight alone. I'll be right by your side doing what the other Olivia couldn't!

Inigo: Thank you, Mother. But I don't want you to put yourself in danger. Stay where it's safe.

Olivia: What are you saying, Inigo? I came here to watch over you!

Inigo: You are watching over me. You know, I often practice dancing and fighting near your grave... And when I do, I always feel you there gently pushing me along.

Olivia: Inigo...

Inigo: Since your passing, I've gotten much stronger. Watch and see. IF I know you're watching, not even a hundred Risen can stop me!

*Inigo leaves*

Olivia: Huh? Inigo, wait! ...Heh. He's really got his heart set on doing this alone. I know, son. You're scared of losing me again. But don't push me away. You might find that I'm stronger than you remember too. No harm will befall you while your mother is here - I swear it!


Lissa: Owain: It's you, isn't it? I'm so glad you're all right.

Owain: M...M-M-Mother? That's impossible! You've been dead for years! And...I remember you being bigger.

Lissa: Well, maybe YOU were just a shrimp! Ugh. Anyway... I'm not the Lissa you're thinking of. This is going to sound insane, but I've come from another world to rescue you. After all, you are still my son... in some weird, cross-dimensional way.

Owain: ...Oh.

Lissa: "Oh"? That's it? Usually a word like "cross-dimensional" sends you into spasms of nomenclature. Aren't ypou going to shout "My sword hand twitches!" or something?

Owain: ...... *Sniff* You're alive...

Lissa: Owain, are you...are you crying?! Did the Risen bonk you on the head? Let me see the bump. Come on...

Owain: I'm fine! I'm n-not crying! It's like you said... M-my eyelids twitch in rapture!

Lissa: Owain, I-

Owain: Behold! Like a whetstone of hope, you have crossed the planes to sharpen my b-blade... M-my ethereal blade of...of... Baaaaaah! *sob* *whimper*

Lissa: Oh, Owain... There, there. Everything's going to be all right. You're such a brave boy-always putting up a bold front. I'm really, really proud of you. So you go ahead and have a good cry in your mother's arms. You earned it.

Owain: BAAAAAAAAAAH! Mother, I'm so, so sorry! I shouldn't have let you die! And I shouldn't have given up like I did at the bridge. You didn't save me just so I could throw my life away! I'm sowwy, Mubba... *sniff* I'm a *sob* h-howwible berson... *wail*

Lissa: Hey. Wipe your nose, mister. You're dribbling. You are certainly NOT a horrible person. You're my son. All that matters is that you're safe. Now... If you're done sobbing and sniffling, we've got work to do. These Risen will be the ones crying when WE'RE done with them. So what do you say, kiddo? Ready to save your future?

[spoiler= Misc. Script - Other]

Brady escapes

Brady: ...Looks like I managed to ditch those Risen. Now to get those Gemstones to Ylisse!

Yarne escapes

Yarne: Owain, Inigo... Stay safe. I'll be waiting for you in Ylisstol.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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OKAY Libra/Inigo:


Inigo, is that you? Praise the gods for keeping you safe.


Father?! You're alive?

Listen to me. It is true I am your father, but...not in this world. I came here to help you.


You're from another world? ...Really? Then there's a world where you survived?! Oh, that's wonderful! Praise the gods indeed!


You're happy for me even though I am not your real father? What a kindhearted young man I raised.


You know, there's something I never had the chance to ask you. Do you mind?


Ask away—although I cannot promise my answer would be the same as your father's.


That's all right. Listen, I really want to follow in yours and Mother's footsteps and be a dancer.


Oh? Not just Olivia's dancing, but my ceremonial dance as well?


That's right—both. Dance that pleases the heart, and dance that pleases the gods. I've always dreamed of combining them into a new form of dance... a symbol of peace and faith I can spread throughout the world.




Do you think it's silly?


Of course not. Not at all! And I take back what I said before. On this point, I am certain your real father would agree. Inigo, I came all this way to save you. And you have just given me all the more reason to do it. Let me join what modest strength I have to your own. Let me fight with you.


You do me a kindness, but I would rather you stay out of danger. I have already lost one father. I doubt I could bear to lose another.


Heh. You worry just like your mother. Don't worry. I would never do anything to bring you grief.


Swear to the gods?


I swear.


...All right then. Thank you, Father. For returning to me like this, and for supporting me. Now it's time to get through this mess so I can see make those dreams come true!

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Okay, finally beat the map... Somehow, this map was easier than the first one... but yeah. Uh, first order of business is the VS boss and boss defeated. I'm not sure if it's any different if someone else faces Grima!Morgan(F), but I just...kinda happened to have my Avatar (F) in her range and she actually headed towards me. >_> I'll re-enter the map and rush to the boss with someone else to test it, then edit my post accordingly.

[spoiler=VS Boss]


Master Grima, I'll never betray you. I'll stay by your side no matter what form you take. I swear that all who stand against you shall fall by my hand!

[spoiler=Boss Defeated]
Forgive me...master... I promise...to study harder... Please...teach me...new tactics...

[spoiler=Inigo -> NPC Inigo]
So that's the me of this world... I can't believe I cut down the bridge like that... I can see I'm playing it tough, but last time I checked, I'm not crazy. I wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that unless the situation had gotten truly dire. I had best lay low to avoid traumatizing myself any further. ...It's strange, though. I remember crossing this valley in my own future when I returned with the Gemstones. But there was no horde of Risen on our tail. And no one had to cut down the bridge—we stayed together the whole way. Not to mention this Inigo looks stronger than I... How did we get cornered? For all the similarities between our futures, I guess I can't take anything for granted. Even Grima could be stronger here than I remember... Well, whatever the case, I've got his back—my back—whatever. I made it through this valley, and so will he!

[spoiler=Owain -> NPC Owain]
Hmm? Who is THAT? It's like I'm gazing into the mirror of my very soul! Together we could instantly vaporize the enemy with a Dual Owain Blast... But then again, waiting until the last second would be more epic... Hmm... Huh? Ack! He's coing this way! What do I do? I'm not ready! Shoot, I have to find a place to hide!
*Huff, huff* ...Where did he go? How strange. He looked just like me! ...Could it be like that old tale? At the gates of death, we are met by our own twins... No, that's rubbish. It can't be! I swore I would make it back to Ylisse! If the Reaper wants my soul, he'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands!
Whew... Talk about your close encounters. And yet, what resolve in his eyes! What determination in his stance! Perhaps it was fortuitous I did not break his concentration. Yes... Tonight, Alter-Owain must blaze his own path to glory! Go, Alter-Owain! I've got your back!

[spoiler=Brady -> NPC Brady]
Oh, crap! That's me! ...The other me! I didn't realize I'd wandered so close... What the hell am I supposed to say to myself? Oh! I could tell him that he'll get the Gemstones safely back to Ylisstol. After all, I did. ...Wait, no. Bad idea. I can already tell the situation here is way worse than what I dealt with. There weren't half as many Risen here, and me and my friends didn't get split up. I don't want him to let his guard down... Naga wasn't kidding. This world is messed up beyond belief. Maybe it really is doomed... Aw, the hell with that. I'll undoom it! What am I here for? Just watch, other Brady! I'm gonna get you home safe and sound.

[spoiler=Yarne -> Donnel]
Yarne! Yer all right!
Ack! F-Father? Is that you?
Well, nice as it is to hear ya call me that, I ain't the Donny yer thinkin' of. I came here from another world.
A-another world...? Well, either way, you're still my father, right? I'm so sorry I let you die! I never got the chance to apologize...
Let me die? Sorry... What are ya gettin' on about now?
You died...protecting me from the Risen...
Oh, ya mean the other me. Hmm... Well, that ain't no good...
You need to leave now, Father. This place is swarming with Risen! Go back to your own world where it's safe!
No can do. I didn't come all this way to turn around now.
But I can't lose you again! I don't want anyone else dying on my account! I'd rather be extinct than hurt like that again...
And who says I'm gonna die?
But it's happened before!
That was your other pa, Yarne. But I'm here right now, and I ain't dead. Not yet. So how 'bout you consider the chance I might pull us through this?
I ain't one to ever give up, no, sir. Not while there's still hope! Things may look grim, but we gots to make the best of it. Just like a field don't plow itself, neither does a battle win itself!
...Heh. Only you would say that. I remember how hard you used to work. You brought home the best carrots! Evem after the world went to hell, you still kept the fields filled. ...I guess I see your point. Maybe you really can turn this around. All right, Father. You win. Help me get back to Ylisse!
Shucks, it'd be my pleasure!

Um, I dunno if you want the little dialogues for when Brady and Yarne escapes, but I caught them too. I also have the Post-Battle Script WITH all the children surviving. I'm typing it up so I'll edit this post with it.

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And I had Gaius defeat her and got those same quotes. :P

And YES the dialogue when Brady and Yarne escape would be most appreciated. [edit: editing ninjas...!] That would fall under "Misc. Script - Other", the category for anything that I didn't know about when making the lists. ^^;

Edited by Tsamimi
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And I had Gaius defeat her and got those same quotes. :P

And YES the dialogue when Brady and Yarne escape would be most appreciated. That would fall under "Misc. Script - Other", the category for anything that I didn't know about when making the lists. ^^;

I already got the children's escape quotes..

Edited by Levant Fortner
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[spoiler=Gregor > Owain]

Gregor: Ho! Is very impressive, that look of daring in son of Gregor's eye. Perhaps even put other Owain to shame, yes?
Owain: Father?!
Gregor: Er... not exactly. This Gregor come from another world. Not the same as Gregor YOU know.
Owain: Huh? Another world? Then how did you get here?
Gregor: Naga has few tricks up sacred sleeves. She send Gregor here to help you. But seems like you don't need any help. This world's Greor would be proud!
Owain: No... I doubt he would have anything nice to say about an egomaniac like me.
Gregor: Hm? What is this "egomaniac"?
Owain: It's just... I always talk a big show. This time I proclaimed I was going to sacrifice myself to save the others. But all I wound up doing was leading us to our doom! I'm a fool who only cares about how I look to other people. I'm sure my departed father would look upon me only with pity.
Gregor: Really?
Owain: Uh... yes, really.
Gregor: And what is so wrong about "talking big show" if it helps you find courage? What is so terrible about putting comrades first in times of danger? Is certainly bad idea to go running headlong toward own death, but still. You are strong, boy, and Gregor will crush anyone who dares say otherwise. That even includes you!
Owain: Oh, Father, I... *sniff* I'm sorry! Ahhhh... *sob*
Gregor: Yes, good boy. You cry as many big man tears as you need. After everything you've been through, you deserve it. But once the man tears dry up, we fight, yes? Ylisse awaits!
Owain: Y-you're right. My world needs me! ...I have to survive this!
Gregor: That's Gregor's son!

I'll get the Gaius one up soon
I feel like a bad person for killing Morgan D:
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[spoiler=Gregor > Brady]

Gregor: Ah! Brady... Is good to see you still breathing.

Brady: Pop?! No way...

Did the Risen get me? Did I pass into the other world?

Gregor: Hah! Is much too soon for you to die, yes?

Relax. This Gregor come from other world.

Not the same man as your dearly departing Gregor!

Brady: There's two of you?! So, what are you doing in MY world?

Gregor: Gregor has come to help in time of need!

Is Gregor not allowed to worry about his dear, sweet son?

Brady: ...You're worried about me? As if I didn't cause my real pop enough grief...

Gaaah! I'm sorry! *sniff*

I turned out worthless. Worthless! *sob*

Gregor: Oy! Stop with the crying. You have work to do, yes?

Brady: *Sniff*

Gregor: Is okay to have regrets. Gregor have whole mountian of regrets!

Lousy clients... Lousy jobs... Lousy taverns...

But now is not time for regrets.

You must put those thoughts aside and instead take action!

Your friends did not make big sacrifice for nothing, yes?

Brady: So you saw all that...

Gregor: Yes, from distance.

So Brady, tell Gregor... Is your job to boo-hoo?

Is your job to wish things turned out different? No!

Brady: That's right. My job is to deliver the Gemstones!

Will ya help me, Pop?

Gregor: Of course!

Gregor will finish job of other Gregor and keep his little son safe.

[spoiler=Virion > Owain]

Virion: Hmm? Unless my eyes deceive me, you are my son, Owain.

Owain: What? ...F-Father?!

Virion: Correct! I am Virion, Fatherest of Fathers!

But not the Virion you knew. I have come from a world far, far away...

Owain: You did? Oh no...

It's all over, isn't it? I'm finished...

My own father has come from the next world to claim me!

Virion: Ha ha! Save that wild imagination for the ladies, my boy.

Do you really think your father would stand by while his son breathed his last?

No, I say! He would command you to fight tooth and nail to survive!

Owain: But this isn't possible...

Virion: What does THIS Virion know about MY Virion, you might ask.

But we Virions are of one mind! Even across worlds!

And any Virion would want his son to live to be a toothless old man.

...After saving the world and earning his place in the sagas, of course.

But even if you fail--better you live in disgrace than die gracefully.

Owain: Oh, sure. You're one to say that. You died protecting me, remember?

The Archest of Archers--felled by an arrow! Pah!

Do you have any idea how I felt? How much I blamed myself?

Virion: Ah. Is that how this world's Virion met his end?

All the same, he did not choose to die.

He CHOSE to protect you. Death was merely the consequence.

Owain: There's a difference?

Virion: Put yourself in his choes, my boy.

Would any father willfully leave his son to fend for himself?

No, I say! Your father intended to live.

He did not want to protect you once. He wanted to protect you always.

You, however... You chose to die. How does that keep your friends safe?

Owain: Hmph...

Virion: That is where you are your father differ.

A true Virion never dies on purpose!

Owain: ......

Virion: Nonetheless, he did leave you behind. And for that, I must apologize.

Allow me to atone by destroying your enemies here.

You might find this Virion to be a share more tenacious than yours!

Owain: Huh? F-Father, wait!


He's right. I didn't think my actions through.

This time, I choose to fight... Not to the death. Just to fight.

Here you go!

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No, it's the same no matter what; I had Male Morgan kill her and she said the exact same thing.

Oh, okay, thanks~

I already got the children's escape quotes..

Oh, I guess I missed it in the edit.

Anyway, here's the post-battle script if all the children survived:

[spoiler=Post-Battle, all surviving children.]

Is that it? ...Whew, we actually won. Looks like Owain's safe too. We're going to make it back to Ylisse together. Brady and Yarne should be miles away by now... We'd better hurry to let them know we're okay before Yarne has a heart attack. ...Still, I wonder who those soldiers were who came and helped us. It's almost like my parents were trying to keep me alive from beyond the grave. ...Is that it, Mother? Father? You want me to keep on kicking? I know that wasn't you out there, but it still sort of felt like it. I wish we could've had more time together. There were so many things I left unsaid. But what you gave me here was enough to keep me going. I know you'll always be watching over me.
...I can't believe it. We won. If those strangers hadn't arrived, I'd be dead, and Inigo with me. I almost cost him his life playing out my little fantasy... Mother, Father, if you're watching me from above—thank you. That was some message you sent. I know I'll never see the real you again, but it still felt...nice. It was like I got to talk to you again...and fight by your side. Funny... Not even I could have dreamed up a scenario like this! But seeing you there in the flesh gave me strength like no make-believe ever could. From now on, I promise to take better care of the life you gave me.
...Are we done? Those two nitwits better not have croaked on me... I swear I'll beat the crap out of them if they did. ...Naw, I gotta stay positive. My ma and pa came for me...sort of. Somebody must've come for them too. ...Heh. I still can't wrap my head around it. They looked just like my folks! We were so busy fightin', we didn't get to chat much, but still... Ain't that somethin'. Wonder what my real folks made of it from way up there... ...Well, if you're listenin', Ma and Pa—sorry we have to postpone the family reunion. I ain't ready to kick the bucket just yet. But when I do finally join you up there... I promise I'll have plenty of good stories about the future I helped save.
A-are those horrible Risen gone? Oh, finally... Good thing my running legs are still up to snuff... Heh. I guess I really owe it to those warriors who came to the rescue. It's like Mother and Father sent shadows of themselves to watch over me... But that's typical, I guess. The only reason I'm still around is because people keep looking after me. I've gotta change. I need to start being the one to look after them. Otherwise, I may as well be extinct....Oh, that reminds me! Owain! Inigo! Did they make it? Let's see... ...... ...! Hey, that's them! I can hear their voices! Oh, thank the gods! Now that we're all here, it's time to start the journey home!
[when the group reunites]
You're alive! You made it! ...Can I pinch you? Are you really real?
Ow! Ha ha... Yes, we're real! We're glad you're safe too.
You two nutjobs have a lot of explaining to do. Sure, some mystery army may have come along and saved your bacon...but don't think I forgot how we got separated in the first place!
Sorry, Brady... You too, Yarne. We didn't mean to worry you. At least we'll make it home now. We're lucky the help came when it did.
Speaking of which—where did they go?
Hmph. They vanished before we could even thank 'em.
Wow... Now that's how you do it. Shadowy saviors, come to free us in the hour of our destruction... My sword hand twitches just thinking about it!
I'll twitch your flippin' sword hand! If you hadn't stayed behind as a decoy, none of this would've even... Ahhhhh! *sob*
B-Brady?! Are you crying?
Shut up! I earned a good cry! Don't you know how worried I was? You could died out there! Don't you GET it?! *sniff*
I...I get it, Brady... I'm sorry. I won't ever use myself as a decoy again. I promise.
You better not! If you ever break your promise, I'll... I'll steal your Manual of Justice! And then I'll read your stupid "Catalogue of Ultimate Techniques" in front of everybody!
You wouldn't DARE! ...Wait, how do you even KNOW about my Manual of Justice?! ...Oh no.
It was you! How could you divulge my most eldritch arcana to this...this endangered species!
What can I say? Some things are just too precious to keep secret.
Well, come on, Owain... Let's be fair. You showed me Inigo's dance routines and Brady's violin compositions first.
Yarne, you had better be pullin' my chain!
Yarne, you big mouth! You want me to tell them about your morning antiextinction exercises?
Eek! P-please don't! ...I'll die of shame!
...Pfft! Ha ha ha ha! Aha ha... What is WRONG with us?
Yeah. The world's about to end—good thing we've got our priorities straight.
Still, I'm glad. I can't remember the last time I've laughed so hard... We need to mess with each other like this more often.
Yeah. Guess we had other stuff on our minds, though, huh? Let's finish our job here, and then once the world is peaceful again... I'm gonna give you guys hell like you'd never believe. Ha!
Oh, I believe. Heh heh...
Hey, it's a good goal to shoot for, right?
Yeah, it is. Well, we should be heading back to Ylisse. We've lost time here, and Lucina still needs us. We're almost to the border now!
All right, let's get those legs in gear.
Brady?! Are we really almost home? Oh, I'm so happy I could die... But I won't! Because I'm going home! Yippee!
...... Heh. I was ready to give up back there...but I'm glad I didn't. It turns out I like being around my friends even more than I thought. And I might not have realized it without those visitors from another world... We may never meet again, but tonight's miracle will stay with me forever.
[back to Chrom]
Well done, Outrealm Warriors. Those children have eluded a terrible end because of your efforts. I am certain now that they will make it safely home to Ylisse with Gemstones in hand.
That's encouraging to hear.
Know this, Chrom of Ylisse: hopes for their future still hang by a thread. Argent and Sable count for but two of the Gemstones. The others, and the Fire Emblem itself, must also reach the princess. Otherwise, the children's struggles will be for naught.
Just tell me what to do.
Thank you. I knew I could rely on you. When I must again call upon you to protect that world from the encroaching darkness... I know you will not fail.
Damn you! You'll pay for harming Lady Tiki!
[mysterious person disappears]
Huh?! She vanished!
Ah! Lady Tiki! Stay still... Why did you have to do that? The blow was meant for me... I'll go find a cleric. Just promise me you'll hold on...
It's all right, Lucina. I'm...finished... You only have a few staves and vulneraries left... Don't waste them on me... Other people will need them more...
Don't talk like that!
Heh... So this is what it's like. I've watched all my friends leave me one by one... But this is the first time I've had to leave someone else behind... I just wish...I could have chosen the time myself...
Stop it... Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! You can't die, Lady Tiki! Not you! I've already lost Mother and Father... You're all I have. And without the divine dragon's Voice, what will keep Ylisse fighting? You're our last hope. Please don't go. Please don't leave us now...
You're wrong, Lucina. Ylisse still has its last hope. It has you and the other children... Once they return with the Gemstones and the Fire Emblem...perform the Awakening...and bring light to this darkened world...
I will, I promise, but...but...where are they?! I cannot help but fear the worst. They might not return! I may never see any of them again! Their promises to return are empty...just like my father's turned out to be...
You must have faith, Lucina... They deserve that much... I can see them now...fighting...to bring the Gemstones here... I believe...mankind...has hope...
Lady Tiki?
You must...fight destiny...and...the future... Bring us...the true peace...that...the Hero...King...strived for...
Lady Tiki? Oh, gods, no! Lady Tiki, please! Please, don't leave... Gods, NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Edited by Shirley
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And here are my claims, NA version

Future Past 2


Lon’qu: ……

Inigo: Father? Is that you? But… how can you be here? You’re dead… Oh no… You’ve come from the afterlife to collect me, haven’t you? I’m finished.

Lon’qu: … Finished, you say? If you’re that ready to die, I won’t bother with any speeches.

Inigo: Huh?

Lon’qu: Inigo… I sentence you to death here and now… Prepare to die.

Inigo: Ack! Wait!

Lon’qu: What’s the matter? Come at me. I’ll make it painless for you.

Inigo: But… I don’t want to die…

Lon’qu: You don’t? … Then don’t let me ever hear you say you’re “finished”. If the afterlife sends someone to collect you, you put that messenger in the ground.

Inigo: …!

Lon’qu: The Lon’qu of this world is dead. His sword has been silenced, never to speak again… No prayers will bring him back to fight for this world or protect its people… But you can still do what he couldn’t. Because you… are still alive. Don’t you… don’t you see…?

Inigo: Father… Are those tears in your eyes? It’s not possible! Please, forgive me! My weakness has broken your spirit!

Lon’qu: No, Inigo. I weep for myself. I came all this way to find you... to save you… And yet instead I assail you with only the cruelest of words. Forgive me… I do not know how long I can remain in this world. But I wish to fight for you.

Inigo: I would be grateful. But please, promise you’ll stay alive. Nothing frightens me more than losing you again because of me.

Lon’qu: Why is that frightening?

Inigo: Because you and Mother already died once to protect me! I feel as though everything I love in this world is ruined on my account.

Lon’qu: Is that how you feel? … Hmm. You take after your father more than you realize. Your grief may even be greater. But we differ in at least one important way. You never let your grief turn you cold. Even in despair, you remain kind. Nothing could ever be ruined on your account, because you only bring people joy. I promise you I won’t die today. I’m not the same man as your father

Inigo: You mean it?

Lon’qu: Lying is not my way… Winning is.

Inigo: All right, Father. Let’s win, then. Thank you. As long as I still breathe, I’ll keep fighting-to honor the father I lost.

Brady - Ricken

Ricken: Brady! Oh, whew. I’m so glad I managed to catch up.

Brady: Who the hell are you, kid?

Ricken: It’s me, Ricken. Your father?

Brady:U, are you crazy in the head or something? My old man’s dead. And anyway, he wasn’t some pipsqueak like you.

Ricken: Heh heh… I thought you might say that… So I brought a little leverage to help my case… ta-da! Feast your eyes on these tea leaves! Look familiar?

Brady: Yes! … … Okay, no.

Ricken: This is the tea Maribelle and I drink every single day! Come on, look closer! I’m sure you’ve seen it a million times.

Brady: I’m sure I have, but I don’t know jack squat about tea leaves just by looking… Here, kid. Let me have a whiff.

Ricken: Ah, right! Of course! You might recognize the smell… Well? Well, well, well?

Brady: *Sniiiiiiff* …Yep. You win. You’re my pop, all right.

Ricken: You believe me?

Brady: Uh-huh. You don’t really look like how I remember him, to be honest. But only my old man would be this eager to make me sniff tea leaves.

Ricken: Ha ha! That’s a relief.

Brady: o what exactly are you doing here in junior form?

Ricken: I came from another world to help you. I saw how you got split up from your friends before… I know this must be so hard for you… But I’m here to fight by your side!

Brady: Well, thanks. But I’d rather you help them, not me. I had to leave them on the other side of the ravine… I hope they’re all right.

Ricken: Are you sure? But then who’s going to keep you safe?

Brady: I can take care of myself. I have a way of slipping right under the enemy’s nose… Musta got that from you. Ma told me about the time you snuck behind enemy lines to rescue her.

Ricken: Ha ha! She did? Well, still, Brady. The stakes are higher this time. You have the Gemstones. You have to stay alive no matter what. Do it for your father.

Brady: All right. But you be careful too, okay?

Ricken... Why you let your son to smell tea herbs? That's sounds... weird xD

Yarne - Vaike

Yarne: Father, is that you?!

Vaike: Ah! There ya are. So you must be this world’s Yarne.

Yarne: I-I don’t understand. Are you a ghost? Have you come back from the dead?

Vaike: Sorry, kid, but neither one. I came from another world, so I ain’t the same Vaike you called your father,

Yarne: There’s more than one of you?! Oh… Then I guess my father really is dead…

Vaike: Hmm… Looks like the Vaike went and got your hopes up… But this is no time for you to be feelin’ bad for yourself, Son of Vaike. You’ve got an important task ahead of ya-ain’t that right?

Yarne: …Th-that’s right! The Gemstones. I have to get them back to Ylisstol… Father, I’m sorry to ask you this, but can you help my friends? I would do it myself, but I can’t stay here.

Vaike: Your friends? Ya mean the ones who cut the bridge down…

Yarne: Yes! They might be badly hurt by now… or worse… But if I go help them, I’ll just get myself killed, and it will all be for n-nothing… *Sniff* *sob*

Vaike: Yarne…

Yarne: I-it’s not fair! *sob*

Vaike: H-hey! Kid, take it easy! I get it. And you remember how tough your old man was, right?

Yarne: Of course I do! The Vaike was Ylisse’s ultimate warrior! He was greater than even the greatest of taguel legends. His ferocity in the field inspired his comrades and put the enemy to rout! My father was the best!

Vaike: Good. Then ya now the Vaike’ll take care of things here too. You handle your mission. The ultimate warrior will do the rest! You and your friends have got nothin’ to worry about.

Yarne: R-really?!

Vaike: Really! Now get movin’, Son of Vaike!

Yarne: A-all right! Thank you, Father!

Yarne - NPC!Yarne

Yarne: So that’s me in this world… I’m surprised I haven’t died off by now… What are the odds? Maybe I should go give myself a pat on the back… Huh? But wait a second. What if he’s so scared to see himself that he drops dead from the shock? Th-that would be a disaster! I can’t do that to myself! Not after Other Me has made it this far! I’ll just watch from a distance… … hang in there, Yarne. You stay alive. I know you’ll make this world so peaceful, you’ll never be afraid of dying out again!

NPC!Yarne: … … You too, Yarne.

Edited by SniperGYS
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The ending dialogue where all children are defeated is the same as in FoD1, except for "Damn it..." becoming "Damn...", and the ending dialogue where 1-3 children are defeated is also the same as its FoD1 counterpart, save for "Gules and Azure" becoming "Argent and Sable".

FoD2 stuff!
[spoiler=Children's Deathquotes]Inigo
Sorry... I don't think I can go on... Everyone...promise you'll keep...smiling...

Mother... Father... Forgive me... I couldn't keep Ylisse...safe...

Have to...keep going... Gemstones...to Ylisse...

I don't care if I die out... But please...not the others...


Who's there? Come on out, you fiend!

It's me. Your father, Lon'qu. I've come from another world to lend you my strength.

Huh? Is that really you, Pop? Hmph... Seems a little hard to swallow. How do I know you're not tryin' to dupe me out of the Gemstones?

I thought you might say that. I probably wouldn't believe me either, considering the circumstances.

Yeah? Good. Then take a hike. I don't buy any of your hogwash.

Before you write me off...take a look at this.

What's this—a ring?

Yes. The same one your mother left you when she passed away.

You're right... It's the same. ...... Ma was real impressed at how you picked out the ring all on your own.

Huh? But I didn't. Maribelle and I went and bought it together. That was the first day I worked up the courage to hold her hand...

Ding ding! Correct! So you really are my old man...

I see... You were testing me.

Yep. Sorry about that. It's good to see ya again, Pop. Even if you're not the same man.

You're just like your mother. Always a step ahead of me.

Well, don't sell yourself short. I'm your son too, after all. Even though I didn't exactly inherit your prowess in battle. Now my friends are trapped across the ravine and I can't do a damn thing about it. Sorry to disappoint...

I'm not disappointed. You don't need a sword to be a strong fighter. Delivering the Gemstones to Ylisse will win more battles than any blade.

I guess...

This world has tempered you and made you tougher than I'll ever be. But still I've come this far, and I intend to help. So go, Brady. I'll strike down any enemies in your path!

Right... Thanks, Pop!

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Back to Future Past 1:


Libra: So you're the Nah of this world? Thank the gods that you're safe!

Nah: You seem familiar somehow... Are you my...father? Oh, Father! Father! *sob*

Libra: My dear child. It pains me to have to tell you this, but... I am not your true father. I am a visitor from another world...

Nah: Another world...? So you're like... an alternate version of my father?

Libra: Right. And though my time here is short, I will do everything in my power to save you.

Nah: I see... Then...thank you. I gladly accept your offer of help. You may not be my father, but I'm still glad I got the chance to meet you. And to learn how I ended up speaking so...softly compared to Mother... Hee hee. I clearly got that part from you...

Libra: Heh. perhaps you did. Our manner of speech is similar indeed. Nah, I owe you an apology. On behalf of myself and your father of this world...

Nah: You do? What for?

Libra: I spent my own formative years starved of parental love. The last thing I ever wanted was to put my child through the same hardship. Forgive me, my child.

Nah: There's no need to apologize. I may only know my parents through the pictures that my father drew... But people tell me one thing about them, time and time again. They gave their lives for my sake, and for the sake of our world. I could never hold that against them.

Libra: Nah... Even denied the love of a mother and father, you still grew good and gracious. Truly, the gods are great!

Nah: The gods... Yes, I suppose this is proof that miracles really can happen. My own father was a priest, but I couldn't find it within myself to have faith. Forgive me, Naga. My change of heart may be late in coming, bit I'n ready to believe now. Thank you for letting me meet my father just once. Thank you for that most of all...

[spoiler=Female Avatar>???]

???: Ahh! Master Grima!

Robin: Huh?

???: What are you doing out here? Please, return to the Table! It's too dangerous!

Robin: What are you talking about?

??? Huh? Wait... You're not Master Grima?

Robin: I think you have the wrong person. I'm not even from this world. I only arrived to lend the Ylisseans what help I can.

???: You're from another world? Then that makes you... No. This is dreadful news. I must alert my master that reinforcements have arrived... But...

Robin: You seem troubled.

???: That's not your concern! Why did you tell me you're in league with the Ylisseans? Not a sound strategy, is it? What if I'm with the enemy? I could report your arrival and summon more Risen.

Robin: I suppose. The hood does make you look a bit shady. But something in my got tells me you're no enemy of mine.

???: A tactician ought to base her judgments on more than a gut feeling.

Robin: Oh? And how did you know I was a tacticlan?

???: I have my ways.

Robin: You know me. Or at least you know me in this world. And based on your concern before, I can only surmise I'm someone you care about. ...Isn't that right?

???: So what is you are? You won't get me to talk, no matter how you torture me. I know where my allegiance lies. I trust that your...that her path is the correct one.

Robin: I don't know what the other me in this world is up to, but I'll tell you one thing. She's lucky to have you.

???: I...I said that's none of your concern!

Robin: You're right. I overstepped my boundaries. Here. Let me give you this as my way of apologizing.

???: What is it?

Robin: One of my favorite books. It details my basic battle strategies. Perhaps it might benefit one so obviously fond of tacticians.

??? But isn't this special to you? And more importantly, aren't you worried we'll use this against you? I could end your little crusade right here and now!

Robin: You could. But you won't.

???: What makes you so sure?!

Robin: You remind me of someone too. Someone very special to me. Again, it's a gut feeling, but I do not believe you wish me harm.

???: ......

Robin: Time is running short, and I need to go. But I'm glad we got this chance to talk.

*Robin leaves*

???: Huh? Wait, where are you... ...... I already have this book. You gave it to me long ago. The notes and dog-ears are all exactly the same. ...I can't do it. I can't keep fighting. Up until now, my faith was unshaable. I was ready to kill my own friends... But I cannot strike down the kind and gentle mother I once knew... Forgive me, Master Grima. I must withdraw... I remain your servant and am ready to accept any punishment you see fit.

*Exit ???, stage left*

Edited by Levant Fortner
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My Summer Scramble convos have been updated on the previous page. All I have left are Cherche/Sully and Cherche/Panne.

And since I've already lost half of my claims, I figured I might as well finish the rest of what I have for Future Past 2. Enjoy!

Here's the first two! Yarne and his mother Panne:


Yarne: M-Mother?...Is that really you?

Panne: It pleases me to see you safe, Yarne.

Yarne: Oh! Mother! It's a miracle! You're back from the dead! ...Y-you're not a Risen, are you?

Panne: Well, I may have red eyes...but no. I am not a Risen.

Yarne: You mean it? Then you really are alive! This is wonderful! I thought I was the last taguel, and I was so, so scared...

Panne: Poor Yarne...Your world has been so cruel to you. But I am so proud of you for keeping our race alive.

Yarne: Wait...What do you mean, "your world"?

Panne: I'm sorry, Yarne. I'm not really your mother. I should have told you sooner. I've come from another world to help you for as long as I can.

Yarne: You mean you're going to leave? But I just got you back!

Panne: Naga's power here is limited. My task is to ensure you and the Gemstones reach Ylisse. Then I must go.

Yarne: No! No, no, I want you to stay! I don't want to be the last taguel anymore! *sniff*

Panne: I truly am sorry, Yarne. I know your loneliness all too well. I never meant for you to share it...But know that I will always love you, even when we are worlds apart! I will never stop praying for your safety and happiness. Please, do not cry. You will break your mother's heart...

Yarne: *Sniff* All right...I won't cry anymore, Mother. I know I'm too old to be falling apart like this.

Panne: Good boy...

Yarne: I had better go. If we have to say good-bye, I'd rather make it quick. But thank you for coming to help me. I'll be thinking of you too. Just hearing your voice gives me hope. And...now I know I'm not alone. There are worlds where my mother is alive! Maybe even lots of worlds! Which means...the taguel still have a fighting chance! Yippee!

*Yarne disappears*

Panne: Huh? Yarne, where are you---*sigh* Silly boy...He said he was done crying, but I could still hear the quiver in his voice. Well, never fear. Your mother has not left you yet. I will keep you safe and help you find the peaceful future you deserve.

And Brady and his father Gaius:


Gaius: Brady? Is that you?

Brady: Pop?! How in the hell...

Gaius: Sorry. Wrong Gaius. I'm here from another world. The divine dragon Naga sent me to help you.

Brady: She what? ...Hang on, I thought you were a thief. What kind of thief takes a job like this? Did she offer you money? Jewels? Pancakes? It must've been something good.

Gaius: Nope. No reward.

Brady: You're workin' for FREE? What kind of cheapskate goddess is she?

Gaius: What does it matter to you?

Brady: Well, actually, I wanted to find out your price so I could buy your services.

Gaius: What? I'm your father! You don't really think I'd charge you?

Brady: Huh? You just got finished sayin' you AIN'T my father. Look, just take your damned money or cookies or whatever and hear me out!

Gaius: Heh. I see not even hard times have softened up that hard head of yours. You remind me of your mother....Well, I can't work for you because YOU are gonna do a job for me.

Brady: Oh yeah? And what's that?

Gaius: You're gonna make it home to Ylisstol in one piece.

Brady: Pah! Who are you kiddin'? I don't need you to ask me to do that. I can do it myself!

Gaius: Aren't you gonna wait and see what the payment is? Do the job for me, and I'll go rescue your friends across the ravine.

Brady: Wha...But that's what...

Gaius: What you were going to pay ME for. You think I don't know you? Let's just hope they're in one piece. Well---two separate pieces. One piece would be awkward...If they are alive, I'll make sure they join you in Ylisstol soon.

Brady: You better not be trickin' me.

Gaius: Hey, let's not be mixing up thieves and liars here, huh?

Brady: ...All right. You got yourself a deal.

Gaius: Good. Now get moving. No son of mine is gonna slip up here....You make sure you get home safe.

Brady: I will....You watch yourself too, Pop. Yeah. I know it's you, even if you say it ain't.

Gaius: Don't you worry about me. I break locks, not promises.

I'll get the last one up once I reach them (hopefully)....

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Here's my last Future Past 2 claim: Owain and his father Lon'qu.


Lon'qu: Owain.

Owain: Ack! Father?! B-but...you're dead!

Lon'qu: I came from another world. Which means I'm not your father, but still---to me you are a son.

Owain: Uh...All right..?

Lon'qu: I saw what you did before. You showed true mettle and resolve. It takes a brave warrior to give his life so his comrades can finish the mission.

Owain: I just put myself in your shoes. I asked myself what you would do. Mother said you once risked your life to save her from brigands. And you gave your life to save me. Giving mine is the least I can do to honor your memory.

Lon'qu: The Lon'qu of this world is lucky to be so fondly remembered.

Owain: It's the son who was blessed.

Lon'qu: Thank you, Owain. But if you truly wish to honor your father, you mustn't give up your life so easily. If you want to keep your friends safe, then fight. Live to keep defending them. Look at what happened to your father. He died to save you. But he also lost his chance to ever save you again.

Owain: ......

Lon'qu: Promise you won't repeat his mistake.

Owain: ...All right. On my sword, I swear it.

Lon'qu: ...Good. Now get behind me, and watch these fools who would do you harm die on my sword.

Owain: No doubt they all would. But let me at least watch your back. I've always dreamed of protecting you in battle. Will you do your son that honor? I doubt I'll ever get another chance.

Lon'qu: Heh...All right. Show me what you can do.

Owain: Right!

I really liked that one. It reminds me of how a samurai father and son would interact. ^_^

Edited by Silver Lightning
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