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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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I would honestly appreciate this.

He might be referring to the eShop release date though.

It was just a simple Javascript function for "February 4th - Now()" or something. So it's not even tailored to the actual release of the game via eShop or anything.

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I am a little peeved but then I remember I've waited for this game since hearing about in 2011. I've followed the game through it's Japanese release and rejoiced when I heard it was coming out here in North America. Even if it my game doesn't get here on time this week, I can be patient just a little longer smile.gif

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Well I'm quite surprised that my local Gamestop might not even have it in tomorrow. But whatever, I've waited over a year for it, a few days isn't too much. It should be in before Friday anyways.

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I'm going crazy alright. I want my FE fix. Luckily though, I have something to tide me over: New Mystery of the Emblem.

Hooray for the English patch.

(Yes, I'm emulating it. I can't get the original cartridge because AFAIK, it's one of those rare DSi enhanced games, so region locking ftl. And it's expensive.)

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I'm not sure if I want ALL the DLC, but I'm definitely going for Ike, Ephraim, and Elincia. Especially Ike! <3

I'm going for Lyndis, Eirika, and Ephraim at least.

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Normally I wouldn't beTOO upset by this, but I sold my 360 to be able to afford this game. I'd like, if at all possible, for it to release somewhat close fo the anticipated time...

You too?? I sold mine mostly because it kept red ring of deathing on me and it would cost more to fix it than I wanted to put in it, but the money I got from it basically afforded my 3DS

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You too?? I sold mine mostly because it kept red ring of deathing on me and it would cost more to fix it than I wanted to put in it, but the money I got from it basically afforded my 3DS

Yeah, mine was still working fine but I realized I was basically just using it to watch YouTube on my TV anymore. Used to play lots of online games but I've burst one too many blood vessels raging at that so I decided it was time to call it quits lol. Not literally but I was getting way too worked up over it.

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TBH, I am more aggravated as friday is the worst day of this week for me to go anywhere. Any other day would be fine, really. haha.

Same here. I was barely able to arrange a possible ride for this past Friday if my GameStop had gotten the game then. If I have to attempt another Friday trip, I'm gonna be mad.

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Hmm. Just checked amazon and it said the estimated shipping date for my game is the 4th. Since I pre ordered the game January 21 does that mean anything? Well, either way I hope it gets here soon. I'm driving my poor mother insane because I want it so bad. XD

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My reaction was to go, "There's a fiasco?" Completely out of the loop, though it sounds like the rest of you will get your physical copies at about the same time as they'll appear here in Asia.

But that's why I already made allowances to grab the digital version tonight (today is the 4th, but I must wait for America to switch over.)

And, yeah, I'd have grabbed this game in Japanese last year or even when I was in Tokyo last month, but decided to wait for the SRW UX 3DSLL. If I'm going to spend on a bloodly region locked console, it's at least going to be epic.

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To be honest, I'm actually somewhat glad it's delayed. I have a HUGE motion due this next weekend, and I promised myself I wouldn't open the game until I was done.

You know if that box was actually sitting on my desk it would be way too much of a temptation...

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Ok, so is this an "all across the board" thing that we have to wait ANOTHER WEEK for this game?!?! I was under the impression that only a few Gamestops were delaying it. Did I miss something in the 8 hours I've been away from the forum??? Like others, I really don't want to suffer from misinformation.

And as for the topic, yes, I do believe that I have gone crazy, if the incredible volume of annoying and whiny posts that I have made over the past few days on when the game is coming out is any sign. I sincerely apologize for those; don't worry, for anyone I annoyed, I'll probably be semi absent once I get this game, resurfacing every so often to contribute my load of supports until I beat it.

I swear, this whole past week......I just can't.......Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Ok, so is this an "all across the board" thing that we have to wait ANOTHER WEEK for this game?!?! I was under the impression that only a few Gamestops were delaying it. Did I miss something in the 8 hours I've been away from the forum??? Like others, I really don't want to suffer from misinformation.

And as for the topic, yes, I do believe that I have gone crazy, if the incredible volume of annoying and whiny posts that I have made over the past few days on when the game is coming out is any sign. I sincerely apologize for those; don't worry, for anyone I annoyed, I'll probably be semi absent once I get this game, resurfacing every so often to contribute my load of supports until I beat it.

I swear, this whole past week......I just can't.......Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I think in regards to the whole 8th date, it depends on if the GameStop said they expected their shipment tomorrow or Tuesday or if they don't expect it until the 8th. Some may get their shipments for non-preordered games on the 8th. I'd check with your local GameStop just to be 100% sure.

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I think in regards to the whole 8th date, it depends on if the GameStop said they expected their shipment tomorrow or Tuesday or if they don't expect it until the 8th. Some may get their shipments for non-preordered games on the 8th. I'd check with your local GameStop just to be 100% sure.

Thanks, I guess I'll just have to call tomorrow and hope for the best.

Welp, at least I have Plan B.......*breaks out Ni no Kuni and starts playing*

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Thanks, I guess I'll just have to call tomorrow and hope for the best.

Welp, at least I have Plan B.......*breaks out Ni no Kuni and starts playing*

And I shall be studying the periodic table for a Chemistry & Society quiz that I have tomorrow. >.<

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