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Cheating in School

Flying Shogi

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Ok, I've seen the same people in my AP classes cheat time and time again. I am really sick of seeing people pass tests and quizzes thus getting a higher grade that they do not deserve when it is blatant that said people have not studied. I am going to confess that I have let a person cheat off of me(started and ended a year ago) but that has stopped. Should I tell my teachers? One of them already knows and is pursuing a method to prevent cheating but that might take time.

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They are hurting themselves, the more you cheat the harder it is to have the work ethic to do things later in life. Honestly youd in a way be helping them by telling on them, but i dont know enough about them to know if theyd give you trouble or it.

Edited by Mikhal
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High school is like the worst environment ever. Personally, I'd stay away from that bullshit, like not getting involved. They'll eventually get caught, as soon as they do, they'll try to blame someone for them getting caught. Dont be that person, nobody wants drama like that.

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You could tell your teachers about it, then they'd be screwed because they were ratted out. Or you're teachers can figure it out, then they'd be screwed because they were caught in the act. Or they somehow make it to the AP exams, then they'd be screwed because they didn't study.

Moral of the story; if you do or don't tell on them, they'd be screwed either way. Or you can try to tell them to stop, but I doubt they'd listen until it was too late.

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High school is like the worst environment ever. Personally, I'd stay away from that bullshit, like not getting involved. They'll eventually get caught, as soon as they do, they'll try to blame someone for them getting caught. Dont be that person, nobody wants drama like that.

Good advice right here.

You said it's an AP class right? See how great they do on the AP test if all they do is cheat and not actually learn the material. Just focus on yourself and your grades and don't let other people get to you. What you really learn in high school isn't the material, but work ethic and "learning how to learn". Focus on that and you'll be good later in life.

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High school is like the worst environment ever. Personally, I'd stay away from that bullshit, like not getting involved. They'll eventually get caught, as soon as they do, they'll try to blame someone for them getting caught. Dont be that person, nobody wants drama like that.

I was thinking about telling my teacher that there is cheating going and not say any names. This way, more stringent rules will be set for tests.

You could tell your teachers about it, then they'd be screwed because they were ratted out. Or you're teachers can figure it out, then they'd be screwed because they were caught in the act. Or they somehow make it to the AP exams, then they'd be screwed because they didn't study.

Moral of the story; if you do or don't tell on them, they'd be screwed either way. Or you can try to tell them to stop, but I doubt they'd listen until it was too late.

Bold 1: She never notices. She looks around the room but she never catches anyone.

Bold 2:See, I would tell them if they were the type to listen(better yet, willing to start studying and willing to change). They've cheated on almost EVERY test and quiz(we get a lot so it's irritating). This happened last year too but I guess hoping for the better was too much to ask for.

@ Heilos They pretty much have accepted that they are going to get 1's on that AP test so they're just taking the class for the credit.

Edited by MagicLugh
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Kind of the unpopular opinion here, but a lot of life's winner also happen to be cheaters in various regards. I personally don't cheat, but I believe cheating is a legitimate method of passing a school test, because the student is taking a risk of getting caught and taking a zero by doing so. It's an all or nothing gamble that requires a certain skill.

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As others have said if they don't know the material then it will harm them when they actually need it. If they don't actually need it, then who cares about them cheating? They're taking an easy way to dispense with bare formality.

Although in all seriousness a huge amount of what you're going to learn isn't ever going to be realistically applied in your future occupation anyways. If I could snap my fingers and illegitimately pad my school records from high school to give me an astounding GPA in AP classes, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Kind of the unpopular opinion here, but a lot of life's winner also happen to be cheaters in various regards. I personally don't cheat, but I believe cheating is a legitimate method of passing a school test, because the student is taking a risk of getting caught and taking a zero by doing so. It's an all or nothing gamble that requires a certain skill.

I agree that cheating takes some skill since you need to do it without getting caught, and it makes life a lot easier when you don't need to learn about information you won't use ever again. Like I said before though, you'll be screwed on the AP test if you don't actually learn the material (speaking from experience here) and just cheat your way to getting a good grade instead. Thing is though waht's important about high school is actually learning how to learn, and developing a good work ethic. People say "oh I'll try when I get into college screw high school lololol" but in reality it's gonna take you a bit to learn how to actually study, take proper notes, etc when all you did was laze about in high school the last couple years before that, and as a result your grades will suffer when they actually matter. I've seen quite a few people end up with horrible GPAs as freshman in college because of this.

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I believe in honesty and integrity, and it's people and things like this that annoy me also. A guy I knew cheated his way through most tests and some exams and didn't get caught. While he would revise the work just like the rest of us, he would also write important points on his leg and arms with a very fine tipped pen. I did consider doing the honest thing and tell the lecturers (since I wasn't the only one who knew of his cheating), but I held back on the grounds that his cheating is having no bearing on my results, and that I don't actually care about other people, so I should just left him to it.

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Kind of the unpopular opinion here, but a lot of life's winner also happen to be cheaters in various regards. I personally don't cheat, but I believe cheating is a legitimate method of passing a school test, because the student is taking a risk of getting caught and taking a zero by doing so. It's an all or nothing gamble that requires a certain skill.

This was my attitude through high school. I cheated on everything in chem, bio, 3 years of math, and in a bunch of other classes. But I also learned it doesn't pay off in the long run, and now I would do high school very differently if I could go back.

If it bothers you though, I would just do what you said and tell the teacher without naming names. That way you don't screw anybody over, and no one has any reason to take revenge on you. You can do the "right" thing without screwing a bunch of people over in the process. Plus the pro cheaters aren't ever gonna get got anyway, no matter what you do.

Edited by redturtle806
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I would be lying to say I've never cheated in school, and I will not make an excuse to justify myself or anyone else. I only did it one time, though it should be noted at in general school and I have never got along and my childhood was somewhat rough (Yes, I got caught and i learned my lesson). In regard to repeat cheating, I see no need to rat them out to your teacher if it's happening on a regular basis. You certainly can if you think it's the right thing to do, but as I'll explain, they'll get their just desserts regardless; ratting them out would speed up the process, but it will happen eventually. When things like cheating become a habit, it will lead into a downward spiral. Like with smoking, as they become more and more reliant on cheating off other students they'll do it more often and will eventually get caught. It may not happen on the next exam, or it may no even happen in your class, but I can guarantee that eventually some teacher is going to catch them, or someone else will rat them out.

Edited by Firespark Faerie
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While I never have cheated on tests or exams, I used to copy my friends homework in the earlier years of high school. I would see others cheat all the time, and while it does bother me on a personal level, I never did anything about it. I just didn't care to associate, in whatever way, with most of the students.

Also, high school was a load of crap to me, I found it to be a highly inefficient way of teaching you skills. If only the students never uttered any words to each other during school, you could learn so much in so little time, and not have to do homework. I have so much more to say about high school, but I'll settle with saying they were the the most pointless and worst years in my life.

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