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Is anyone else torn between which mode to play?


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I'm a long time Fire Emblem fan and I've played and beat every U.S. release of Fire Emblem. However, I have no idea if I should try Classic mode or give the new casual mode a try. I'm thinking about doing either Classic Normal or Casual Hard. What do you guys think? Does casual take away too much from Fire Emblem, or is it just as enjoyable?

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The only difference is that characters won't die and come back on next chapter, so you don't have to reset a whole map because the last enemy on the map landed a 1% crit.

However, you can save anytime, and i think you can easily abuse this, like in Radiant Dawn or emulator's save states to get the result you want.

The difficulties,enemies, etc will be the same regardless of mode.

For a first run,I prefer Classic and leave the dead behind.

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I'll play classic normal first. Then classic Hard, then maybe lunatic.

I've always loved the classic type of gameplay because it set it apart from other strategy RPGs since not only is losing a character permanent but you get to know these characters so well throughout the story that losing one is grounds for completely starting over the chapter. A sometimes frustrating but definitely positive point of the game. You really don't want to lose a character.

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I do kind of see a difference difficulty-wise. You can consider it like half steps of difficulty - Casual Normal -> Classic Normal -> Casual Hard -> Classic Hard etc

It's not just about the fact that you are saved time savescumming. Instead, tactics and strategies that would fail on Classic are permissable on Casual because, essentially, that extra hit that KOs a unit is something you can actually afford to allow to happen.

In Classic, reaching the end of a map with just your lord/avatar alive is generally a massive catastrophe. On Casual, however, it is still as acceptable a victory as if every unit survived.

With that said, nothing wrong with playing Casual. Permadeath (and the restarts it causes) does mean you have to play a lot better, but for some people it just gets way too frustrating and they want it over with.

Edited by Garlyle
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Casual Lunatic, is there anything else?

I like how your avatar looks like a casual lunatic gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

As for me, classic/hard. I enjoy the pain of restarting my game when units die. All of the frustration, anxiety---yes, please.

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Going with Classic. It's just not a Fire Emblem game if I'm not cursing and raging every time a unit dies. ;P

Don't forget facepalming when you accidentally leave your weaker clerics vulnerable to getting double attacked. XD

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Classic Hard. I might do Classic Lunatic eventually but most people just seem unusable and that was my biggest complaint about the hardest modes of DS FE, and I never really had fun with FE11H5 or FE12H3.

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I'm going through Classic Hard. The main campaign is pretty standard, but the skirmishes all seem to be harder than they should, which is just weird. If you can beat them, you can beat the next story chapter without problems.

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Classic hard has been pretty much perfect. The skirmishes were a challenge at first and some of the paralogues were HARD but in general it feels "easy" when you do the right hung and when you screw up dying can happen.

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