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Don't start FE13 RTU topics until it's released globally.


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Y'hear me?


For those unfamiliar with RTU: RTU = Rate the Unit. It's happened in just about every FE game forum so far, except here.

I'd appreciate it if people held off until FE13 released in Europe and we've had a decent amount of time to play it and get to know the units enough to contribute to such topics.

Edited by Raven
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Better idea: don't make RtU topics even after FE13 comes out in Europe.

Agreed; the last thing I want to see is the same crap that went down in the Tellius games' RTUs. That alone is more than enough reason for RTU's to cease entirely.

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Rating the children would be an exercise in awful, if that wasn't enough discouragement. There isn't any standard to expect from them at all, except maybe Brady. Plus, I can already see people who rate Donnel as low as he deserves fighting with the people who go "well, my Donnel was awesome after grinding!"

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Rating the children would be an exercise in awful, if that wasn't enough discouragement. There isn't any standard to expect from them at all, except maybe Brady. Plus, I can already see people who rate Donnel as low as he deserves fighting with the people who go "well, my Donnel was awesome after grinding!"

Less of this. The goal of this topic is to NOT have any talking about the usefullness of characters.

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I can only guess flamewars of the worst kind.

Yeah... Long story short, RTUs also bring out the worst in people.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You could just not click on the thread if you are not ready to discuss... I think you should encourage people to speak their mind on the forums at all states of the game regardless of the accuracy down the road. I think it's healthy for people to make statements and being supported / proven wrong by other members. It accelerates progress -- more beneficial than trying to not offend some members' feelings.

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You could just not click on the thread if you are not ready to discuss... I think you should encourage people to speak their mind on the forums at all states of the game regardless of the accuracy down the road. I think it's healthy for people to make statements and being supported / proven wrong by other members. It accelerates progress -- more beneficial than trying to not offend some members' feelings.

Look, dude, there's MY SACRED FREE SPEECH and then there's creating threads that have historically proven to be little more than a hotbed of bad blood and flamebaiting. We didn't even learn anything useful from the previous RtUs except that they were a really bad idea that should stay dead.

Plus, this time I'm the guy who would have to deal with the inevitable butthurt fanboys.

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You could just not click on the thread if you are not ready to discuss... I think you should encourage people to speak their mind on the forums at all states of the game regardless of the accuracy down the road. I think it's healthy for people to make statements and being supported / proven wrong by other members. It accelerates progress -- more beneficial than trying to not offend some members' feelings.

It's progressive to (admittedly unintentionally) exclude people from conversations?

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I think it would contribute to discussing the new game and circulating the more advanced knowledge of mechanics and LTCing specifics (to which a few people consistently contributed in the former RTU threads). But yeah, do wait for us Europeans.

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Basically, flame wars happened.

-Wil, Nino, and Priscilla (for a stupid reason) got a bit of heat in the FE7 RTU.

-Someone bumped up the results thread in the FE8 RTU which stirred up a debate

-MU didn't get a 10/10 in the FE12 RTU, which pissed off quite a bit of people.

-And in the FE9/FE10 RTUs, shit went down.

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Better idea: don't make RtU topics even after FE13 comes out in Europe.

This would probably be for the best

at the very lest they should be kept to one thread. we never needed 50 per game, they were a waste of space

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I don't see why flame wars that occurred at some time in the past (often involving users who misbehaved or got into trouble consistently) would put an end to RTU threads as such, especially considering how much information could be derived from those threads as a whole. It's not RTU that's the problem, that's flame wars and people who start them. If we were to avoid every risk of conflict, we'd either be completely aloof or completely silent.

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