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Favorite Characters so far?

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Kellam's my fave, just like I thought he would be! :) Like, I thought his whole character was going to be cheeeeesy, but it's actually somewhat adorable/funny! xD

I also like Maribelle, like she's mean, but not like a jerk... ^^;

I also REALLY like Sully and Stahl. I didn't think I would before I got it, but after using them, I changed my mind. xD I had them get married, and now they dominate everything! >:)

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It's not the fact that Tiki is old that bothers me. It's when she mistakes almost everyone she talks to as Marth, and that was how many years ago? Get over it, he was a great man and all, but talk about being obsessive. It's fine to miss your old friends, but you can't keep comparing your new friends to others. Don't know why the avatar didn't feel slighted...

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So far...


Virion: That voice...

Stahl: I've always been a fan of the green cavalier, but Stahl honestly seems the closest character to me personality wise

Lon'qu: If only because of his crit quotes, like "Be silent!" and "How well will you die"

Anna: Waifu I like her constant puns, plus she is a very good staff user and possible levin sword user

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This is way too difficult.

Stahl's adorable, Henry and Virion are hilarious, and Mustafa (rainy level boss) and Cervantes (invincistache) are some of my favorite bosses in the series.

I think I might have to go with Henry but this is just too hard. ;-;

Edited by Iridium
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Morgan is quite the little ball buster. She has clocked quite a bit of kills. Not to mention I had her as a Hero for 10 levels and reclassed her back to Sorcerer. Once I gave her Nosferatu and strong support, she kind of killed everything. Would've one rounded Valhart if he didn't have Aegis. Also, I love her belief that head trauma fixes everything.

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Huh? Favourite character? Nah.

One reason's that she ends her sentences with desu. Some may get tired of this speech pattern, but t's rather refreshing to me.

That, and I tend to like characters that are both cute and powerful.

Tiki, Tiki, Lucina, Tiki, Ricken, Tiki, and Tiki.

TIki~ <3

I'm not going to marry her, though... Too old. o_O

Oh come on, she's only 3000 :awesome:

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I haven't gotten far in the game yet, but I have to say Frederick is my favorite so far! I find his character to be charming, yet so funny, lol. How he's always doing the stuff he does to ensure that Chrom and Lissa stay content and all, lol. Like moving rocks or plucking weeds. XD

Chrom would be second. He's simply cool. :)

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I like mostly everyone, but my absolute favorites are Gregor, Miriel, Lucina, and Anna (though I don't use her).

I have a favoritism (gameplay-wise) for Brady. He and Gregor as his father have very strong resemblance, it's so cool.

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Lon'qu -- Badass, lethal, gets the job done without fuss.

Lucina -- I just put her on the team cuz she was a main character. But she got 6 straight horrible levels (1-2 useless stats up) and i seriously considered benching her. Then i used a Second Seal on her and she could reclass to Wyvern Knight. I could use a flier, so i reclassed her to it to give a last chance to her. She then switched to sexy bikini mode and began to have tons of awesome level ups and ended up being my most versatile and pubstomping unit as a Wyvern Lord.

For a time i actually considered making her the wife, but i dismissed that after thinking ''This guy Chrom saved me while i was unconscious, took me to his group, eating sleeping in his palace and i repay the favor by banging his daughter!''

Vaike -- Cuz he's Vaike.

Tiki -- Waifu! Kinda curious, i didn't had Avatar paired with anyone i was using on the team and didn't wanted to bring someone off the bench just to marry. So i considered finishing the playthrough single. That changed when i met Tiki...didn't she grow up quite nice! And her story is also sad, not only living for thousand of years seeing everyone you know come and go, but passing most of this time isolated AND sleeping.

Had to grab her! Altough it's gonna be a sad story in the end anyway as she will live for some more thousands of years and Avatar is gonna age and die pretty quickly ( to her terms )...At least she will have some years to be quite fond to remember of. And the kid could get some ''immortality''. Was surprised my kid could also turn into a dragon, that was pretty awesome. Also, Tiki could reclass to Mage, and my Avatar was a Sorcerer, so Pair Up just added even more ownage.

Owain - Liked him the moment i saw him. Was actually pretty touched by his story about Lissa being worried about her brand and how she got happy that he got it. Didn't end up using him on the team though...

Anna - For gameplay purposes only. Didn't played with Gaius and had no thief on maps with chests, and Anna ended up doing the job while healing people when possible. She got benched when Tiki appeared. Was actually trying to support her with Virion, but then discovered she only supports like 3 people...shame. Virion ended up the only unit single in the team, quite ironic... Lucina too but she is kinda of a different case.

Edited by Lanko
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Favorite Characters:

Design Wise: Severa, Lucina, Tiki, Gerome, and Validar (odd assortment, really)

Stat Wise: GEROME IS A F######CKING TANK!!!!!! Also: Luncina, a Lucina-Mothered Morgan, Severa, Donnel (once you take the time to level him up, reclass him, then promote him). Anna is pretty fun to use to, along with Tiki if you double her with Nowi or Nah. Olivia is pretty badass to if you reclass her into a myrmadon/swordmaster.

Personallity wise: Inigo and Noire are hilarious (or at least their supports together are), although I find Noire to be rather tragic. Chrom, Cordelia, Lucina, Gerome, Laurent, and Sully are other top favorites.

Least Favorite Characters:

Design wise: Nowi.... I really cant make any sense of her clothes. On any scale.. It really doesnt make sense. I dont really care for Olivia's design much, since it seems to clash to much with her personality. And let's not even get into the infamous 'toilet bowl'.

Stat Wise: For some reason, Stahl never worked for me. Nowi tended to get piss poor stat growth with me to (so I always had to double her with someone if I wanted to send her out. Thankfully Nah was a lot better). Then of course there was Say'ri. I tried using her, I really did.... Lon'Qu was tons better (I even reclassed Say'ri. Still sucked).

Personality Wise: Tharja. Originally I thought I would like her. Then I started seeing her characters and supports. She scares me a lot, so suddenly I don't like her as much anymore XD I don't really care much for Stahl either, although I rarely use him. Vaike annoys me beyond belief (although his supports are kinda funny. His support with Tharja is really really weird and comes outta left field tho).

For some reason, I really dislike Owain to. I dunno why on that one. Just something about him I don't like.

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cherche 100% final destination

on the other hand i haven't gotten ignacio yet and i know i'll love him so

EDIT: also for some reason i haven't been able to fathom i actually really like nowi

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EDIT: also for some reason i haven't been able to fathom i actually really like nowi

I KNOW RIGHT!? I actually like her too. Her design is crap but i like her as a character. Shes cute and funny and i like her in battle. I think her cute voice in Dragon form is so adorable.

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I got Henry last night...


He speaks in PUNS...

Sold me so hard. Instant favorite.

I really like Kellam too. The "No one sees me gag" hasn't gotten old for me yet. His spoken death quote makes me so sad though.

Sumia and Chrom is pushed in-story so hard that it makes me dislike Sumia. dry.gif The supports don't help.

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Henry is hilarious.

Owain is one of the biggest hams I've ever seen.

Inigo is at least 7 types of awesome, and has one of the best supports of all time (lucina)

I don't have the game yet, But I'm planning on using those 3 definately.

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This is probably the first Fire Emblem where I don't loathe any of the playable characters, but my favorites are definitely Gaius(of course), Gerome, Stahl, Owain, Cordelia, Henry, Emmeryn, and "Marth"

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Kellam is one of my favorites so far (I feel your pain for not being noticed sad.gif) and he's pretty much my MU's best friend especially since my first run is on hard.

I'm surprised that I like Sully though. I guess her supports with Sumia warmed me up to her and those two make a pretty good team (Stahl got the bench).

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So far my favs in terms of personality:

Tharja - Quite funny at times ("Yay, danger." Though I'm also a bit biased since she's voiced by Stephanie Sheh)

Cynthia - Horrendously energetic (also, pega-pony princess)

Noire - The split personality seals it

Severa - Tsundere to the max

Inigo - Suave, but also hurting inside

Gerome -

Minerva muffykins, eh?

Also, he is a Char

Gaius - I just love the idea of emergency snacks

Panne - Just BADASS

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There are so many characters I love in this game, so hard to decide... I don't care much for how good someone is stat-wise, so...I'll decide on the top 10 I like:

1) Ricken. DAW HES TOO CUTE, and I love his JP Critical Hit voice clips. x3

2) Chrom. I didn't expect to like him so much, but he's so handsome and noble. |D

3) Henry. The kids so loopy, crazy, and he is also super cute. x3 I also like his voice clips.

4) Lucina. Her reunion scene is just the saddest, most heartbreaking thing ever. Poor girl really needed that hug.

5) Emmeryn. Such a beautiful, composed character, and her sacrifice was such a tearjerker...

6) Miriel. I really like the way she thinks and talks, it's so funny.

7) Gaius. Cute and funny, I'm a shallow person haha...

8) Virion. This guy is hilarious, I like how he just hits on every woman.

9) Cherche. Despite the horrible outfit design, she's got an awesome personality.

10) Anna. Yay we can finally recruit one of her, haha. It's cool to use the mascot chick...

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I just beat the game this morning (Mostly for the sake of the story; yay to restart now to build the units I want and break the game with children characters, most of whom were unused the first time gee_wiz_emoticon.gif), so yeah. This seems fun.

In no particular order...

Miriel -- Her voluminous vernacular patterns are just so amusing to read. Paired with Vaike the first time through... cause. :D

Gaius -- I dunno. He just seems to be a fun character. And the sugar allusions. SO many of them. So many. Paired with Maribell. Cause.

Anna -- The random number goddess. That is all. Though I don't like the limited supports she has. Left unpaired the first time through cause... I had plans for My Unit. ;)

Henry -- My favorite character. Hands down. He's just so refreshingly psychotic. But in a good way. Paired with Olivia. Teehee. /cut-in 'I'm going to kill you!' -Laughs hysterically on victory-

Tiki -- The Fire Emblem classic. Even though I never tried the translated nes or snes versions, I did like the remake on the DS. A bit of fun. Also; paired with My Unit. Wanted to give her more of a 'purpose' other than 'classic FE throwback'. Made for a fun Morgan :)

Basilio -- Boisterous bruiser. And I'm REALLY glad I didn't spoil myself on the plot. A fun time was had... he had some of the best dialogue. :p

Yarne -- Chambray! (Not a original vs. localization person, but I did like the original name better) 'You don't mess with a bunny!' It's just so hammy. I loves it. Put with Morgan just for s&g. ;P

Laurent -- I really like his design. And his support conversations are a lot of fun. He's like Miriel, though with personality. In my opinion.

Morgan -- So wonderfully overpowered. I used her and Lucina only the first time through... she's so wonderfully broken. And so wonderfully Pollyanna about everything.

I like some of the other personalities... Owain seems appropriately narmy, but I never really played with most of the kids until right before post game for kicks. Also kind of ignored Anna, Frederick, Libra and Say'ri. Still trained to 'never touch pre-promotes'. I'll give them a fair shot on my next playthrough.

But I'm really enjoying the game and the wonderful personalities these characters have. It's great!

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