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Except her insanity was eminently predictable, as was her death in the event of not keeping a close eye on 'er.

Also, SB. Don't you mean...




Edited by Mienshao
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"no.. NO." Crys Elaine at the sight of both Leona and Gordin going down in such a short timeframe, espcially the innocent Gordin.

"These... Monsters will pay... I will not have any more people fall under my watch." "Julius, Gordin.. Watch me, I will make your deaths not be in vain"

Elaine gives very detailed instructions for the team to mull over in their short time before they must defend themselves against the monsters coming onslaught.. "The man who killed Leona seems to be backing off and leaving this area to us".. Despite having been bitter with Leona in her final hours.. Elaine was filled with regret.. Maybe if she had tried to talk to her before these monsters came.. It would have made a difference

[11:35:29 PM] Jedi:
Ok I move left, Xenah supports me from above, she shoots with her bow and I flux the guy. just to make sure we kill it. Nelon retreats 3 spaces upward and waits for Trinket to move just next to him to heal his slight wounds, Rapha meanwhile grabs the town and Cantos to a conveniant safe spot. Felix goes up one space.
[11:35:51 PM] Jedi: this way, I should get the attention of those archers
[11:35:55 PM] Jedi: without you lot getting hit
[11:38:20 PM] Jedi: it would look a little like this? RoughPlan_zps82092a2a.png

The powers of paint.. If I had photoshop again this would look nicer then this rough deal
[11:38:41 PM] Jedi: that B below Nelon doesn't exist either
Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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Saddened by Gordin's death, Nelon remembered the boy's life fondly. Now was not the time to wallow in self pity, he couldn't let Gordin's death be in vain. Elaine had come up with a plan, and he would do his best to support it.

"We need a defensive formation and I think yours will work. Elaine, can you handle the archers?"

Nelon heads to 7,10, re-equipping his iron sword.

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Rapha R1 Visit Village L6

Too lazy to come up with flavor text, sorry. Just know that she's not too fazed by Gordin's death, but Nelon's and Leona's curious reactions. She'll probably be a bit wary of combat situations until she figures out what the hell is going on.

Edited by Refa
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Felix wasn't sure whether he should have thanked the assailant or if he should have took a swing at him. The others seemed to be backing off though, and there was probably safety in numbers, as far as killing these things was concerned.

Felix moves three spaces up and readies his axe.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Elaine braces herself for the bone archers.. She thinks to herself as she moves to 6,8 and attacks the Bonewalker who struck down Gordin.

"It's an arrow that got us all into this mess into the first place..."

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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Player Phase


Rapha moves to (9,8)
Rapha visits the village!
An old man appears, waving about a glimmering sword made of… ordinary iron?
“This, little lady, is an Augmented sword! It’s far more powerful than others of its kind in combat, but… makin’ one turns it awful fragile. I crafted this myself back in the day, but I didn’t pay attention to that... it won’t last long. Can’t use it? I’m sure one of your friends can. But remember this: augments might save your life! But they take a long time, and they are expensive… tricky things, they are.”
Rapha receives the Augmented Iron Sword (+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt, 12/12)!
Rapha Cantos to (3,8)!

Nelon moves to (7,10)
Nelon equips his Iron Sword!

Trinket moves to (6,10)
Trinket Heals Nelon to full health!
Trinket gains 22 EXP!
Trinket gains 2 Staff EXP!

Xenah moves to (4,8)

Felix moves to (5,10)

Elaine moves to (6,8)
Elaine attacks the Bonewalker with Flux!
Elaine misses!
Elaine Pursuit attacks, hitting for 14 damage!
Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!
Elaine gains 10 EXP!


Enemy Phase


(6,6) Bonewalker attacks Elaine with Iron Sword!
Bonewalker hits, dealing 7 damage!
Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage and shattering the Bonewalker!
Elaine picks up a Red Gem!
Elaine gains 30 EXP!
Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

(10,7) Bonewalker moves to (7,7)
Bonewalker attacks Elaine with the Iron Bow!
Bonewalker hits, dealing 7 damage!
Elaine counterattacks! Critical Hit! Elaine deals 42 damage and scattering the demon’s dust to the four winds!
Elaine gains 30 EXP!
Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!
Elaine levels up!
+1 Skl!
+1 Spe!

(9,6) Bonewalker moves to (7,7)
Bonewalker attacks Elaine with the Iron Bow!
Elaine teleports just a few inches out of the way… she is dazed, but unharmed!
Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage!
Elaine Pursuit attacks, dealing 14 damage and shattering the Bonewalker!
Elaine gains 29 EXP!
Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

(8,3) Revenant moves to (5,3)
Revenant attacks Kepa with its Rotten Claw!
Revenant hits, dealing 5 damage!
Kepa counterattacks, dealing 23 damage!
Kepa Pursuit attacks, dealing 23 damage and cutting the Revenant into quarters! It still moans with bloodlust…

(8,4) Revenant moves to (6,6)

(9,5) Revenant moves to (5,5)

(9,4) Entombed moves to (8,7)

(10,4) Revenant moves to (7,5)

(16,8) Revenant moves to (12,8)

(16,9) Revenant moves to (12,9)

(17,8) Revenant moves to (13,8)

(17,10) Revenant moves to (13,10)

(17,9) Entombed moves to (13,9)

Kepa moves to (1,1)
Kepa escapes!


All glory and credit to Shin!

It appears that the undead to the northeast approach… why aren’t the others, then? Not something you have time to worry about, though—not with Elaine in critical condition. Onward, to salvation! To victory!

Player Data (6)

Elaine (6,8)

Level 3.53
5/19 HP (54+5%)
0 Str (0%)
7 Mag (55%)
7 Skl (40%)
9 Spe (65%)
5 Lck (50%)
4 Def (40%)
6 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid

Dark EXP: 46 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind
Supports: None

14 Atk
96 Hit
3 Crt
23 Avo
9 AS

Flux (32/45)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
Red Gem

B 10
W 4
L 1

Xenah (4,7)

Level 2.88
20/20 HP (64%)
3 Str (30%)
4 Mag (35%)
3 Skl (30%)
8 Spe (40%)
10 Lck (60%)
3 Def (25+5%)
4 Res (32%)
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

Bow EXP: 7 (E)
Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice
Supports: None

8 Atk
101 Hit
6 Crt
26 Avo
8 AS
10 CEV

Hunting Bow (Prf) (42/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range
A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.
Lightning (23/35)*
Vulnerary (1/3)

B 12

W 2

L 0

Nelon (7,10)

Level 2.31
22/22 HP (80%)
7 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
3 Skl (35%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30+5%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
7 Mov
9 Con
11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)
Lance EXP: 41 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima
Supports: None

12 Atk
97 Hit
1 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS

Iron Sword (44/46)*
Steel Lance (25/30)
Horseslayer (16/16)
120 G

B 11

W 2

L 1

Rapha (3,8)

Level 2.79
30/30 HP (40%)
4 Str (50%)
0 Mag (0%)
5 Skl (30+5%)
8 Spe (40%)
0 Lck (80%)
5 Def (40%)
0 Res (10%)
7 Mov
7 Con
13 Aid

Lance EXP: 83 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire
Supports: None

11 Atk
90 Hit
16 Avo
2 Crt
8 AS

Iron Lance (42/45)*
Javelin (16/20)
Augmented Iron Sword (12/12)
+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt
Vulnerary (3/3)

B 8

W 3

L 0

Trinket (6,10)

Level 2.77
20/20 HP (54%)
6 Str (40%)
3 Mag (40+5%)
4 Skl (30%)
6 Spe (50%)
8 Lck (40%)
5 Def (20%)
0 Res (10%)
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)
Staff EXP: 13 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light
Supports: None

11 Atk
102 Hit
20 Avo
2 Crt
6 AS

Iron Sword (44/46)*
Heal (24/30)
Vulnerary (3/3)

B 2

W 1

L 0

Felix (5,7)

Level 2.95
31/31 HP (80%)
6 Str (55%)
0 Mag (0%)
7 Skl (65%)
9 Spe (65%)
4 Lck (50%)
5 Def (45%)
2 Res (15+5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid

Axe EXP: 19 (E)

Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None

14 Atk
91 Hit
3 Crt
18 Avo
8 AS

Iron Axe (35/45)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
500 G

B 8

W 6

L 0

Enemy Data (16)

Revenant (6,6)

Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (5,5)

Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (7,5)

Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Entombed (8,7)

Level 1
57/57 HP
14 Str
1 Mag
6 Skl
5 Spe
4 Lck
2 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

26 Atk
89 Hit
3 Crt
4 Avo
0 AS

Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (12,8)

Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (12,9)

Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (13,8)

Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (13,10)

Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Entombed (13,9)

Level 4
59/59 HP
15 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
6 Spe
5 Lck
2 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

22 Atk
96 Hit
3 Crt
13 Avo
4 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*
Not Fetid Claw! That was an error on my part. The stat block is as it was.

Melee Bonewalker (17,4)

Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

13 Atk
86 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
3 AS

Iron Lance (45/45)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,5)

Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,3)

Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,5)

Level 3
22/22 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
4+1 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk
90 Hit
2 Crt
8+20 Avo
4 AS

Iron Bow (45/45)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,3)

Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
0 Lck
3+1 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk
80 Hit
2 Crt
0+20 Avo
0 AS

Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (18,4)

Level 1
57/57 HP
14 Str
1 Mag
6 Skl
5 Spe
4 Lck
2+1 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

26 Atk
89 Hit
3 Crt
4+20 Avo
0 AS

Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (19,2)

Level 10
24/24 HP
2 Str
7 Mag
6 Skl
6 Spe
0 Lck
6 Def
10 Res
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid

C Dark

Flux (45/45)*
!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10
4/30 HP
10 Str
14 Skl
12 Spe
4 Lck
6 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk
110 Hit
7 Crt
28 Avo
12 AS
** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*
!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Suddenly, as if by magic, a map appeared in Nelon's head.


(Terr, I assume you meant Kepa wasn't present on the map rather than Thane.)

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<<< Rapha to (8,9) chip with Javelin
Xinny to (7,9) take Javelin,Oatmeal Spoon, chip with Longbow
Nelon to (7,8) take Javelin, Oatmeal Spoon, chip with Javelin
if Entomed HP < 11 Felix to (7,6) kill
Trinket to (6,9) heal Jedi
Jedi does nothung
sud work as long as he doesnt get a 2% crit
but then i expect a 59% dodge as compensation

I approve of my own plan.

Edited by Refa
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Everyone approved through Skype. UPDATE!

Player Phase

Begin Player Phase

Rapha moves to (8,9)

Rapha attacks the Entombed with her Javelin!

Rapha hits, dealing 8 damage!

Rapha Pursuit attacks, dealing 8 damage!

Rapha gains 17 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

Xenah moves to (7,9)

Xenah takes the Javelin!

Xenah takes the Augmented Iron Sword!

Xenah attacks the Entombed with her Hunting Bow!

Xenah hits, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah Pursuit attacks, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah gains 17 EXP!

Xenah gains 4 Bow EXP!

Xenah levels up!

+1 Skl!

+1 Lck!

“What’s this…? It’s not a Goddess Icon, that’s for sure…”

Xenah finds a Mysterious Icon!

Xenah puts the Mysterious Icon in her backpack!

Nelon moves to (7,8)

Nelon takes the Javelin!

Nelon takes the Augmented Iron Sword!

Nelon attacks the Entombed with his Javelin!

Nelon damn near puts his Javelin through Rapha’s eyeball!

Nelon Pursuit attacks, and almost hits Rapha again! What a jerk!

Nelon gains 1 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Lance EXP!

Elaine moves to (6,7)

Elaine attacks the Entombed with Flux!

Elaine hits, dealing 11 damage!

Elaine Pursuit attacks, dealing 11 damage!

Elaine gains 16 EXP!

Elaine gains 2 EXP!

Felix moves to (7,7)

Felix attacks the Entombed with his Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 12 damage, and splitting the Entombed in half!

Felix gains 92 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

Felix levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Skl!

+1 Spe!

+1 Def!

Trinket moves to (5,7)

Trinket casts Heal on Elaine!

Elaine regains 13 HP!

Trinket gains 22 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Staff EXP!


Enemy Phase


(6,6) Revenant moves to (4,7)

The Revenant attacks Trinket with its Rotten Claw!

The Revenant hits, dealing 7 damage!

Trinket counterattacks, dealing 11 damage!

Trinket Pursuit attacks, dealing 11 damage!

Trinket gains 10 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Sword EXP!

Trinket levels up!

+1 Mag!

+1 Skl!

+1 Lck!

(7,5) Revenant moves to (6,6)

The Revenant attacks Elaine with its Rotten Claw!

The Revenant shambles near Elaine, but doesn’t… really do much.

Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage!

Elaine Pursuit attacks, dealing 14 damage!

Elaine gains 10 EXP!

Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

(5,5) Revenant moves to (5,6)

The Revenant attacks Trinket with its Rotten Claw!

The Revenant hits, dealing 7 damage!

Trinket counterattacks, dealing 11 damage!

Trinket Pursuit attacks, dealing 11 damage!

Trinket gains 10 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Sword EXP!

(12,8) Revenant moves to (10,7)

(13,8) Revenant moves to (11,6)

(12,9) Revenant moves to (11,7)

(13,10) Revenant moves to (12,7)

(13,9) Entombed moves to (11,8)



Everything seems to be going well enough… bar the wounds of Elaine and Trinket, of course. However, as this troupe is sundered into wriggling bits of flesh and sinew, another stalks into the woods…

Player Data (6)

Elaine (6,7)

Level 3.79

11/19 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

7 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

6 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 50 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

14 Atk

96 Hit

3 Crt

23 Avo

9 AS



Flux (28/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

Red Gem


B 12

W 4

L 1

Xenah (7,9)

Level 3.05

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

11 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25+5%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 11 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

10 Atk

83 Hit

2 Crt

25 Avo

7 AS

11 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (40/45)*: 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)
It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 13

W 2

L 0

Nelon (7,8)

Level 2.32

22/22 HP (80%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

3 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30+5%)

4 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Lance EXP: 43 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

13 Atk

72 Hit

1 Crt

13 Avo

5 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)

Steel Lance (25/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Javelin (14/20)*

Augmented Iron Sword (12/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

120 G

B 12

W 2

L 1

Rapha (8,9)

Level 2.96

30/30 HP (40%)

4 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

5 Skl (30+5%)

8 Spe (40%)

0 Lck (80%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 85 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

11 Atk

90 Hit

16 Avo

2 Crt

8 AS



Iron Lance (42/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


B 9

W 3

L 0

Trinket (5,7)

Level 3.19

6/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

4 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

9 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 8 (E)

Staff EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

104 Hit

21 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (40/46)*

Heal (23/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


B 4

W 1

L 0

Felix (7,7)

Level 3.87

31/32 HP (80%)

6 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

8 Skl (65%)

10 Spe (65%)

4 Lck (50%)

6+1 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 21 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

14 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

18+20 Avo

8 AS



Iron Axe (34/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

B 9

W 7

L 0

Enemy Data (15)

Revenant (4,7)

Level 2

8/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (5,6)

Level 2

8/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (6,6)

Level 1

1/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (10,7)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (11,7)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (11,8)

Level 2

30/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (12,7)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Entombed (11,8)

Level 4

59/59 HP

15 Str

1 Mag

7 Skl

6 Spe

5 Lck

2 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

22 Atk

96 Hit

3 Crt

13 Avo

4 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Not Fetid Claw! That was an error on my part. The stat block is as it was.

Melee Bonewalker (17,4)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

13 Atk

86 Hit

1 Crt

6 Avo

3 AS



Iron Lance (45/45)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,5)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,3)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,5)

Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

4+1 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

8+20 Avo

4 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,3)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3+1 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk

80 Hit

2 Crt

0+20 Avo

0 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (18,4)

Level 1

57/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2+1 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4+20 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (19,2)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark


Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10

4/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Everything was done through IRC. Woohoo, lightning updoofs!

Player Phase


Xenah moves to (8,7)

Xenah attacks the (11,7) Revenant with her Hunting Bow!

Xenah hits, dealing 10 damage!

Xenah Pursuit attacks, dealing 10 damage!

Xenah gains 10 EXP!

Xenah gains 4 Bow EXP!

Nelon moves to (9,7)

Nelon helps Xenah equip Lightning!

Nelon attacks the (10,7) Revenant with his Augmented Iron Sword!

Nelon hits, dealing 15 damage!

The Revenant counterattacks, but misses!

Nelon Pursuit attacks, dealing 15 damage and KOing the Revenant!

Nelon gains 30 EXP!

Nelon gains 3 Sword EXP!

Rapha moves to (10,7)

Rapha takes Nelon’s Javelin!

Rapha attacks the (11,7) Revenant with her Iron Lance!

Rapha hits, dealing 11 damage and KOing the Revenant!

Rapha gains 30 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

Rapha levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Str!

+1 Skl!

+1 Lck!

+1 Def!

Felix moves to (7,6)

Felix attacks the Revenant with his Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 14 damage and KOing the Revenant!

Felix gains 28 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

Felix levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Str!

+1 Skl!

+1 Spe!

+1 Lck!

+1 Def!

Elaine attacks the (5,6) Revenant with Flux!

Elaine hits, dealing 14 damage and KOing the Revenant!

Elaine gains 32 EXP!

Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

Elaine levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Mag!

+1 Lck!

+1 Res!

Trinket attacks the (4,7) Revenant with her Iron Sword!

Trinket hits, dealing 11 damage and KOing the Revenant!

Trinket gains 32 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Sword EXP!


Enemy Phase


(11,6) Revenant moves to (9,6)

The Revenant attacks Nelon with its Rotten Claw!

The Revenant… apparently can’t see very well. Nelon’s horse doesn’t even flinch.

Nelon counterattacks, dealing 14 damage!

Nelon Pursuit attacks! Critical Hit! Nelon deals 42 damage, splitting the Revenant clean down the middle!

Nelon gains 34 EXP!

Nelon gains 3 Sword EXP!

(12,7) Revenant moves to (11,7)

The Revenant attacks Rapha with its Rotten Claw!

…yeah, that would be a “no”.

Rapha counterattacks! It’s a critical hit! Rapha deals 33 damage, very nearly exploding the Revenant’s torso!

Rapha gains 28 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

(11,8) Entombed moves to (10,6)

The Entombed attacks Rapha with its Rotten Claw!

The Entombed hits, dealing a grisly 16 damage!

Rapha counterattacks, but misses!

Rapha Pursuit attacks, dealing 8 damage!

Rapha gains 17 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!



In a crushing counteroffensive, our ragtag band has decimated enemy, leaving only an Entombed and the final group to deal with. One wonders why they do not approach… but now is not the time for such musings. Now, it is time to fight! For Gordin! For Leona! For all the people of Serafew!

Player Data (6)

Elaine (6,7)

Level 4.11

11/20 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

8 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

6 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 52 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

15 Atk

97 Hit

3 Crt

24 Avo

9 AS



Flux (27/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

Red Gem


B 13

W 5

L 1

Xenah (8,7)

Level 3.15

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

11 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25+5%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 15 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

8 Atk

108 Hit

7 Crt

27 Avo

8 AS

11 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (38/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)*

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)

It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 14

W 2

L 0

Nelon (9,7)

Level 2.96

22/22 HP (80%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

3 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30+5%)

4+1 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 10 (E)

Lance EXP: 43 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

15 Atk

127 Hit

16 Crt

15+20 Avo

6 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)

Steel Lance (25/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Augmented Iron Sword (8/12)*

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

120 G

B 14

W 4

L 1

Rapha (10,7)

Level 3.71

14/31 HP (40%)

5 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

6 Skl (30+5%)

8 Spe (40%)

1 Lck (80%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 92 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

12 Atk

92 Hit

17 Avo

3 Crt

8 AS



Iron Lance (39/45)*

Javelin (14/20)

Vulnerary (3/3)


B 12

W 5

L 0

Trinket (5,7)

Level 3.51

6/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

4 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

9 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 10 (E)

Staff EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

104 Hit

21 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (39/46)*

Heal (23/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


B 5

W 2

L 0

Felix (7,6)

Level 4.15

31/33 HP (80%)

7 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

9 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

7 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 23 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

15 Atk

95 Hit

4 Crt

27 Avo

11 AS



Iron Axe (33/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

B 10

W 8

L 0

Enemy Data (8)

Entombed (10,6)

Level 4

51/59 HP

15 Str

1 Mag

7 Skl

6 Spe

5 Lck

2+1 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

22 Atk

96 Hit

3 Crt

13+20 Avo

4 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Not Fetid Claw! That was an error on my part. The stat block is as it was.

Melee Bonewalker (17,4)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

13 Atk

86 Hit

1 Crt

6 Avo

3 AS



Iron Lance (45/45)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,5)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Melee Bonewalker (18,3)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,5)

Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

4+1 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

8+20 Avo

4 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Archer Bonewalker (19,3)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3+1 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk

80 Hit

2 Crt

0+20 Avo

0 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (18,4)

Level 1

57/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2+1 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4+20 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (19,2)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark


Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10

4/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Player Phase


Rapha moves to (12,5)

Rapha uses her Vulnerary!

Rapha regains 10 HP!

Felix moves to (9,6)

Felix attacks the Entombed with his Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 12 damage!

The Entombed counterattacks, but misses!

Felix Pursuit attacks, dealing 12 damage!

Felix gains 17 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

Trinket moves to (8,6)

Trinket uses her Vulnerary!

Trinket regains 10 HP!

Elaine moves to (9,5)

Elaine attacks the Entombed with Flux!

Elaine hits, dealing 12 damage!

Elaine Pursuit attacks, dealing 12 damage!

Elaine gains 17 EXP!

Elaine gains 2 Dark EXP!

Xenah moves to (11,7)

Xenah attacks the Entombed with her Hunting Bow!

Xenah misses!

Xenah gains 1 EXP!

Xenah gains 2 Bow EXP!

Nelon moves to (11,6)

Nelon attacks the Entombed with his Augmented Iron Sword!

Nelon hits, dealing 12 damage and KOing the Entombed!

Nelon gains 100 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Sword EXP!

Nelon levels up!

+1 Lck!

+1 Def!


Enemy Phase


(17,4) Bonewalker moves to (13,5)

The Bonewalker attacks Rapha with its Iron Lance!

The Bonewalker hits, dealing 7 damage!

Rapha counterattacks, dealing 9 damage!

Rapha Pursuit attacks, dealing 9 damage!

Rapha gains 9 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

(18,4) Entombed moves to (14,5)

(18,5) Bonewalker moves to (15,5)

(19,5) Bonewalker moves to (15,6)

(18,3) Bonewalker moves to (16,5)

(19,3) Bonewalker moves to (16,4)

Thane moves to (15,2)



The Entombed has fallen, but now… Thane and the final handful of ghouls are on the move. A brief skirmish between Rapha and a skeleton… and the final fight begins.

Player Data (6)

Elaine (9,5)

Level 4.28

11/20 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

8 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

6 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 54 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

15 Atk

97 Hit

3 Crt

24 Avo

9 AS



Flux (25/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

Red Gem


B 14

W 5

L 1

Xenah (8,7)

Level 3.16

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

11 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25+5%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 17 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

10 Atk

83 Hit

2 Crt

25 Avo

7 AS

11 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (38/45)*: 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)

It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 14

W 2

L 0

Nelon (11,6)

Level 3.96

22/22 HP (80%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

3 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

4 Lck (30+5%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 12 (E)

Lance EXP: 43 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

15 Atk

128 Hit

16 Crt

16 Avo

6 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)

Steel Lance (25/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Augmented Iron Sword (7/12)*

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

120 G

B 15

W 5

L 1

Rapha (12,5)

Level 3.80

17/31 HP (40%)

5 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

6 Skl (30+5%)

8 Spe (40%)

1 Lck (80%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 94 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

12 Atk

92 Hit

17 Avo

3 Crt

8 AS



Iron Lance (37/45)*

Javelin (14/20)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B 13

W 5

L 0

Trinket (8,6)

Level 3.51

16/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

4 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

9 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 10 (E)

Staff EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

104 Hit

21 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (39/46)*

Heal (23/30)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B 5

W 2

L 0

Felix (9,6)

Level 4.32

31/33 HP (80%)

7 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

9 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

7+1 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 25 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

15 Atk

95 Hit

4 Crt

27+20 Avo

11 AS



Iron Axe (31/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

B 11

W 8

L 0

Enemy Data (7)

Melee Bonewalker (13,5)

Level 1

6/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

13 Atk

86 Hit

1 Crt

6 Avo

3 AS



Iron Lance (43/45)*

Melee Bonewalker (15,5)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Melee Bonewalker (16,5)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker (15,6)

Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

4 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Archer Bonewalker (16,4)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk

80 Hit

2 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (14,5)

Level 1

57/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (15,2)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark

14 Atk

92 Hit

3 Crt

12 Avo

6 AS



Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10

4/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Stupid OP foot units...

[7:07:09 PM] Hiro Protagonist: OK new simple easy succesful plan
Elaine (9,2) use vulnerary
Trinket heal Felix
Felix (11,5)
everyone else get out of enemy range
[7:08:36 PM] Alec: Give specific co-ordinates.
[7:09:17 PM] Hiro Protagonist: Nelon (10,6)
[7:09:25 PM] Hiro Protagonist: Xenah (9,7)
[7:09:35 PM] Hiro Protagonist: Rapha (8,5) use vulnerary

Sadly, this is my plan, and with the authorial bias I possess, of course I approve of it.

Edited by Refa
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Elaine feeling confident in Rapha's quick orders simply nodded and followed them. Also she decided to use a Vulneary to give Trinket less healing work considering that staff would probably like some rest.

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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Well, they'd probably be Felix's orders since I doubt Rapha would say OK WHY DONT WE ALL HIDE BACK WHEN THAT STOOPID AXE GUY DOES ALL THE WORK

Also Elaine needs to intake some pot, so I edited my command prompt.

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They had almost vanquished the enemy, but that wasn't to say that they could be careless. Following the plan, Nelon equips his regular iron sword, and goes to 9,5, holding the point.

"I will attempt to divert some of their forces. Felix, be careful with the large one... if you're struggling, pull back."

Edited by Shin
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Player Phase


Elaine moves to (9,2)

Elaine uses her Vulnerary!

Elaine regains 10 HP!

Trinket uses Heal on Felix!

Felix regains 14 HP!

Trinket gains 22 EXP!

Trinket gains 2 Staff EXP!

Felix moves to (11,5)

Nelon moves to (10,6)

Nelon equips his Iron Sword!

Xenah moves to (9,7)

Rapha moves to (8,5)

Rapha uses her Vulnerary!

Rapha regains 10 HP!


Enemy Phase


(13,5) Bonewalker moves to (10,7)

The Bonewalker attacks Nelon with its Iron Lance!

The Bonewalker lunges, but misses!

Nelon counterattacks, dealing 8 damage and KOing the Bonewalker!

Nelon gains 28 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Sword EXP!

Nelon levels up!

+1 HP!

+1 Str!

+1 Skl!

+1 Lck!

+1 Def!

(15,5) Bonewalker moves to (12,5)

The Bonewalker attacks Felix with its Iron Sword!

The Bonewalker hits, dealing 4 damage!

Felix counterattacks, dealing 11 damage!

Felix Pursuit attacks, but misses!

Felix gains 9 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

(16,5) Bonewalker moves to (13,6)

(16,6) Bonewalker moves to (13,5)

The Bonewalker attacks Felix with its Iron Bow!

The Bonewalker hits, dealing 4 damage!

Felix gains 1 EXP!

(16,4) Bonewalker moves to (13,4)

(14,5) Entombed moves to (11,6)

The Entombed attacks Nelon with its Fetid Claw!

The Entombed misses!

Nelon counterattacks, dealing 11 damage!

Nelon Pursuit attacks, dealing 11 damage!

Nelon gains 16 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Sword EXP!

Thane moves to (14,3)



Even on their heels, our band manages to devastate the monsters—dealing heavy damage to their already-ravaged ranks with minimal damage taken in return. However, Thane is behaving very cagily… what’s he planning?

Player Data (6)

Elaine (9,2)

Level 4.28

20/20 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

8 Mag (55%)

7 Skl (40%)

9 Spe (65%)

6 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

7 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 54 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

15 Atk

97 Hit

3 Crt

24 Avo

9 AS



Flux (25/45)*

Vulnerary (1/3)

Red Gem


B 14

W 5

L 1

Xenah (9,7)

Level 3.16

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

4 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

11 Lck (60%)

3+1 Def (25+5%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 17 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

10 Atk

83 Hit

2 Crt

25+20 Avo

7 AS

11 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (38/45)*: 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)

Vulnerary (1/3)



Mysterious Icon (1/1)

It looks… most peculiar. A tall, slim man in foreign garb wearing a garish grin, carved out of… marble, perhaps?

B 14

W 2

L 0

Nelon (10,6)

Level 4.40

22/23 HP (80%)

8 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

5 Lck (30+5%)

6+1 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 16 (E)

Lance EXP: 43 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

13 Atk

100 Hit

2 Crt

17+20 Avo

6 AS



Iron Sword (41/46)*

Steel Lance (25/30)

Horseslayer (16/16)

Augmented Iron Sword (7/12)

[+3 Mt, +30 Hit, +15 Crt]

120 G

B 17

W 6

L 1

Rapha (8,5)

Level 3.80

27/31 HP (40%)

5 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

6 Skl (30+5%)

8 Spe (40%)

1 Lck (80%)

6 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 94 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

12 Atk

92 Hit

17 Avo

3 Crt

8 AS



Iron Lance (37/45)*

Javelin (14/20)

Vulnerary (1/3)


B 13

W 5

L 0

Trinket (8,6)

Level 3.73

16/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

4 Mag (40+5%)

5 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

9 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 10 (E)

Staff EXP: 17 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

104 Hit

21 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (39/46)*

Heal (22/30)

Vulnerary (2/3)


B 5

W 2

L 0

Felix (11,5)

Level 4.42

25/33 HP (80%)

7 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

9 Skl (65%)

11 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

7+1 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 27 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

15 Atk

95 Hit

4 Crt

27+20 Avo

11 AS



Iron Axe (30/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

B 13

W 8

L 0

Enemy Data (6)

Melee Bonewalker (12,5)

Level 1

13/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (45/46)*

Melee Bonewalker (13,6)

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker (13,5)

Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

4 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Bow (44/45)*

Archer Bonewalker (13,4)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk

80 Hit

2 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (11,6)

Level 1

35/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (14,3)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6+1 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark

14 Atk

92 Hit

3 Crt

12+20 Avo

6 AS



Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (Not Present)

Level 10

4/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (16/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Elaine and the others in a frenzied mess of plan making decided this would be the best course of action.

Trinket heals Rapha and stays still, Elane moves to 11,4 and strikes the entombed, Xenah will move down to 9,6 and use HUNTING BOW to finish the job, Rapha moves to 12,4 the forest to strike the enemy and finish them off, Felix takes Rapha's Iron Lance after moving to 12,5 to hit archer #1 and takes him out, Nelon then moves to 13,5 taking the iron lance from Felix and taking out the archer.
Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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I approve, although knowing my Luck (it's 1, if you haven't checked), SB or Shin are going to miss one of their double 87/92%s...I just hope its not Shin.

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