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They were in a pinch, they were surrounded and heavily outnumbered. He wasn't sure who exactly his new allies were, but the fact that they weren't attacking him was good enough.

"Soldiers are the grunts of Grado's force. They have the bare minimum in training, I doubt they'll fare well against an enemy on horseback."

Nelon rides up to one of the enemies (space 13,10) and strikes with his iron sword. It was an unorthodox tactic, but hopefully he'd be too quick for the poor mook.

Nelon vs Soldier

22HP - 20HP

10x2 - 6x1

84 hit - 67 hit

2 crit - 0 hit

"Forgive me, but I do not plan to die here."

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Battling was all well and good, but saving villages is even better. Especially if said villages give a nice, healthy reward for doing so. And who better to do it than one who already had experience?

Rapha walks left 1 and shoves Xenah north.

"Sorry about that, but you need to save that village before those bandits get to it! And don't forget to pick up some loot while you're at it!"

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Xenah was a bit confused about the sudden appearance of the hooded girl and the knight that showed up along with the approaching grado soldiers -- the invasion in the border town of Serafew had suddenly grown dire while she discussed a way of escape with Rapha, Felix, and Trinket.

Being shoved by Rapha shook her out of her trance, there was no time to waste lingering, and Rapha seemed to have spotted ruffians while Xenah wasn't paying attention. The hooded girl mentioned some sort of hideout through the northern, unurbanized exit of Serafew, the ruffians would not only get in their way of escape, but undoubtedly pillage the nearby houses. It'd be killing two birds with one stone.

She quickly snapped out of her deep thoughts and moved upwards to meet the brigand (12,13), taking cover in the woody area, she points her arm at the ruffian, somewhat mockingly. "Are you going to take advantage of this situation to attack the villagers? I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Leave now, and you can warrant your life." Xenah said briefly, and started to chant a spell on his way.

Xenah vs Brigand

20HP - 20HP

8x1 - 9x1

95 hit - 34 hit

6 crit - 0 crit

Edited by Xinnidy
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Pondering her sudden allies Elaine thought to herself of an interesting move apon seeing an archer and a hired sword to the left of their little party.

"If I can get them closer the others should be able to finish them off.." She proceeds to move left 1 space from her starting location to grab their attention

Edited by Maverick Hunter Jedi
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Felix eyed his new found allies suspiciously for a moment, but there was fighting to be done. The rider had already entered the fray, and he should follow suit. Pushing north was their main priority, and only a fool would let themselves become surrounded at a time like this.

He noticed a soldier next to the mounted knight who had joined them, and decided that he should make quick work of him. "Out of my way!", roared Felix, axe swinging wildly.

(Move to 14,9 and attack the soldier to the right.)

Felix vs Soldier

30HP - 20HP

15x2 - 3x1

100 hit - 28 hit

3 crit - 0 crit

Edited by Serious Bagels
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Trinket's plan to unlock the stables and rile up the horses into a frenzy seemed like a fun little distraction for the Grado soldiers, but unfortunately her plan was completely soiled due to the sudden appearance of two Grado horsemen.

"Gah, stupid horsemen. They always ruin the fun..."

The familiar man on horseback and Felix were occupied with the nearby mooks, Rapha had abruptly shoved Xenah in the direction of a bandit with the intention of stopping him from pillaging the nearby residents, and Elaine had made a brash move towards the sellsword and the archer. Trinket, as confident of her abilities as she was, would prove no match for the horsemen to the south.

"Ugh, I do so hate being in the heat of the battle. I'd run away now, but... there's no way."

Trinket sighs and makes a quick dash towards the hooded girl.

"Well, aren't you a brave little girl?" Trinket says, "Taking on these bloodthirsty invaders with such little armor! I'm sure you could do it considering how terribly incompetent these soldiers are, but the more the merrier, right? So what say you to my assistance in dealing with these mooks?" Trinket asks.

(Trinket moves one space to the north, right beside Elaine.)

Edited by Esme
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Starting update once I finish my ramen; your actions are officially locked in place now. You're gonna love how this turns out~


Nelon moves to (13,10)

Nelon attacks the Soldier with Iron Sword!

Nelon hits, dealing 10 damage

Soldier counterattacks, dealing 6 damage

Nelon Pursuit attacks, dealing 10 damage and KOing the Soldier

Nelon gains 31 EXP!Nelon gains 3 Sword EXP!

Rapha moves to (13,8)

Rapha shoves Xenah north!

Felix moves to (14,9)

Felix attacks the Soldier with Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 15 damage

Soldier counterattacks, dealing 3 damage

Felix Pursuit attacks, dealing 15 damage and KOing the Soldier

Felix gains 31 EXP!

Felix gains 3 Axe EXP!

Trinket moves to (14,7)

Elaine moves to (12,7)

Xenah moves to (12, 13)

Xenah attacks the Brigand with Lightning!

Xenah hits, dealing 8 damage

Brigand counterattacks, dealing 9 damage

Xenah gains 10 EXP!

Xenah gains 1 Light EXP!



(11,1) Cavalier moves to (11,7)

Cavalier attacks Elaine with Iron Lance!

Cavalier hits, dealing 8 damage

Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage

Elaine gains 10 EXP!

Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!

(10,1) Cavalier moves to (12, 6)

Cavalier attacks Elaine with Iron Sword!

Cavalier hits, dealing 6 damage

Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage

Elaine gains 10 EXP!

Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!

(7,10) Archer moves to (10,7)

Archer attacks Elaine with Iron Bow!

Archer hits, dealing 5 damage

Elaine counterattacks, dealing 14 damage

Elaine gains 10 EXP!

Elaine gains 1 Dark EXP!

(9,6) Mercenary moves to (12,8)

Mercenary attacks Elaine with Iron Sword!

Mercenary hits, dealing 5 damage and KOing Elaine!!

Elaine falls to the ground, unconscious!!

(8,14) Bandit moves to (6,13)

(12,14) Bandit moves to (10,14)

Cavalier appears on (10,1)

Cavalier appears on (11,1)


Turn Two


Everyone thank Xinnidy for being such a PRO.

[spoiler=Player Data]

[spoiler=Elaine (12,7): Unconscious]Level 1.30

0/20 HP (54%)

0 Str (0%)

6 Mag (55%)

5 Skl (40%)

7 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

5 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 34 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None


Flux (42/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Xenah (12,13)]Level 1.10

11/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

3 Skl (30%)

7 Spe (40%)

9 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25%)

3 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 1 (E)

Light EXP: 2 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None


Hunting Bow (Prf) (45/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (34/35)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Nelon (13,10)]Level 1.31

16/22 HP (80%)

6 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

5 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30%)

4 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Lance EXP: 34 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None


Steel Lance (30/30)

Iron Sword (44/46)*

120 G

[spoiler=Rapha (13,8)]Level 1.00

30/30 HP (40%)

4 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (30%)

7 Spe (40%)

0 Lck (80%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Lance EXP: 71 ©


Affinity: Fire

Supports: None


Iron Lance (45/45)*


[spoiler=Trinket (14,7)]Level 1.00

20/20 HP (54%)

5 Str (40%)

3 Mag (40%)

3 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

7 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 1 (E)

Staff EXP: 1 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None


Iron Sword (46/46)*

Heal (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Felix (14,9)]Level 1.31

27/30 HP (80%)

6 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (65%)

8 Spe (65%)

4 Lck (50%)

5 Def (45%)

1 Res (15%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 4 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None


Iron Axe (43/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)

500 G

[spoiler=Enemy Data]

[spoiler=(2,1) Armor]Knight (M) Level 10

23/23 HP

11 Str

2 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

12 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

13 Con

16 Wt

A Lance

23 Atk

75 Hit

1 Crt

10=>25 Avo

4 AS


!!Spear (15/15)!!*

Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=(11, 7) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

6/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

12 Atk

84 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Lance (44/45)*

[spoiler=(12,6) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

6/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

10 Atk

94 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Sword (45/46)*

[spoiler=(3,6) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk

65 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS


Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(12,8) Mercenary]Mercenary (M) Level 1

18/18 HP

4 Str

8 Skl

8 Spe

0 Lck

4 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

D Sword

9 Mt

106 Hit

4 Crt

16 Avo

8 AS


Iron Sword (45/46)*

"I KO'd a PC, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" shirt

[spoiler=(4,7) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk

65 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS


Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(10,7) Archer]Archer (F) Level 1

3/17 HP

3 Str

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

5 Con

D Bow

9 Atk

91 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS


!!Iron Bow (44/45)!!*

[spoiler=(6,13) Bandit]Brigand Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

1 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk

77 Hit

0 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,14) Bandit]Brigand Level 1

12/20 HP

5 Str

1 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk

77 Hit

0 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Axe (44/45)*

[spoiler=(10,1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

10 Atk

94 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

12 Atk

84 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Lance (45/45)*

Ladies and gentlemen, make your orders!


Edited by Terrador
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Well... the Lance Cav had 65 hit, if memory serves, and the Iron Sword cav had 80; the Archer, 78. I can't be bothered to crunch the numbers, but... you weren't as unlucky as you think you were.

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Well... the Lance Cav had 65 hit, if memory serves, and the Iron Sword cav had 80; the Archer, 78. I can't be bothered to crunch the numbers, but... you weren't as unlucky as you think you were.

Well I was told 50 million different plans.. I was confused x.x aw well.. first screw up is me anyways how fitting

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[12:28:37] Shin: well, who has the most defense

[12:28:40] Shin: we need to CHOKE THE POINT

[12:29:02] Sir Bioewgar: As far as def and HP go

[12:29:04] Sir Bioewgar: probably me

[12:29:08] Sir Bioewgar: but I need to kill the mer

[12:29:10] Sir Bioewgar: *merc

[12:29:42] Shin: well, the merc's AS has been cut in half

[12:29:49] Shin: I'm not at risk of being doubled

[12:29:49] Sir Bioewgar: yeah

[12:29:51] Sir Bioewgar: Shin

[12:29:53] Shin: if I take the first hit

[12:29:55] Sir Bioewgar: I double and ORKO i

[12:30:01] Sir Bioewgar: *it

[12:30:01] Shin: you will take a hit

[12:30:06] Sir Bioewgar: it's just

[12:30:13] Sir Bioewgar: can I kill something and choke the point

[12:31:09] Sir Bioewgar: maybe xinn should come back down

[12:31:14] Sir Bioewgar: and say screw the village

[12:31:28] Shin: yes

[12:31:37] Sir Bioewgar: Xinn moves back, kills a cav

[12:31:52] Shin: you take out the merc, Esme heals Jedi

[12:31:55] Sir Bioewgar: I move to where the cav was, kill a merc

[12:32:16] Shin: those cavs at the bottom are a problem

[12:32:22] Shin: if we get another wave, we're screwed

[12:32:26] Sir Bioewgar: then one of refa/shin kills the other cav and the other chokes the point

[12:32:34] Shin: I'm partly hurt

[12:32:43] Shin: Refa has twice as much HP as me

[12:32:59] Sir Bioewgar: and more def

[12:33:00] Sir Bioewgar: so yeah

[12:33:13] Shin: I gank the cav?

[12:33:15] Sir Bioewgar: yeah

[12:33:30] Sir Bioewgar: and Refa and I stand where the cavs are

[12:33:39] Shin: right

[12:33:42] Sir Bioewgar: if I whiff the merc refa finishes

[12:33:49] Sir Bioewgar: and if not he starts chipping the archer

[12:33:52] Shin: ok

[12:33:57] Shin: I'll take out the first cav then

[12:34:03] Shin: initiative's still mine, right?

[12:34:15] Sir Bioewgar: we can move in any order

[12:34:18] Shin: ok

[12:34:55] Sir Bioewgar: copypasting to topic

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One of the girls had fallen, and had been taken by the enemy. Nelon wasn't willing to let any of his allies fall, he'd seen enough of his recruits slaughtered. However, charging in bullheadedly was not going to solve anything. They had to think about it. The mercenary had back-up, if Nelon could remove his allies it'd give a chance for one of the others to take him out.

"You, with the axe. Best of luck rescuing the girl. I leave it to you."

Nelon moves to (13,6), and primes his lance against the cavalier.

"You shall not have this town, nor the girl."

Nelon vs Cavalier

16HP 6HP

11x1 9x1

84% 72%

2% 0%

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The new arrival fell when he had his back turned, but Felix was unwilling to give her up without a fight. The knight had already taken the life of another rider, who had left a gap for Felix to move into and give her kidnapper a fight he wouldn't soon forget.

Felix moves to (11,7) and swings his axe at the mercenary.

"Let the lass go, and you might just live. Might."

Felix vs Mercenary

27HP vs 18HP

9x2 vs 5x1

68 hit vs 100 hit

3 crit vs 0 crit

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Xenah flinched as the Ruffian countered her, his movements with the axe seemed sluggish, she was sure she'd avoid his strike, proves she had been more bark than bite.

Looking back at the others, it seemed they were struggling fiercely to handle those enemies, Xenah's resolve to save the villages over their own hides was fading... She tried to make herself believe they would manage through that formation, and pressed on to keep fighting the ruffians -- maybe a moment of selfless courage, or a moment of selfish cowardice from her injuries, that makes her slither away from truly trained enemies that might seize this opportunity to slay her, Xenah decided to stick with her firsthand plan of taking the ruffians scurrying about.

Moving farther west and making sure to take cover (8,13), Xenah tried to catch the nearby ruffians' attention again. "Pick a foe that at least has a name, you cowards!" She exclaimed, and raised her gold purse in plain sight "I doubt you'll get even half of this by harrassing those underpaid villagers, then again, you must be no stronger than a farmer if you're running from a girl like that, cowardly scum!". That was her last taunt, either the brigand would bit it, or her whole purpose for splitting from the others has been invalid, she hoped with all her might that they'd leave the village alone.

Xenah vs Brigand (6, 13)

8x1 vs ---

95 hit vs ---

6 crit vs ---

Edited by Xinnidy
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While not often the best at actually fighting, Rapha is actually a fairly decent strategist, due to the training she received from her father when she was young (Ha! I bet he was hoping she'd turn out to be a big shot general like him). Anyways, at the sight of her supposed comrade's unconcious body, rather than losing her cool, she immediately begins barking orders to the rest of the squad without thinking. She herself helps the effort after the large dude with the axe clobs the nearby Social Knight in the face.

her orders amount too;

[6:02:39 PM] Rapha: in technacaness that's uh

SB L3D1 attack Cav

Refa L2D2 attack Cav

Shin D2 attack Merc w/Steel Lance

Esme attack Merc with sword if Shin weakned otherwise U1 heal/Shin

Xinny D4L1 attack archer w/LONGBOW

Whether the other units follow the orders is entirely up to their discretion, of course. I won't be able to make my action if SB doesn't though, so I sure hope he does in fact, follow the orders.

Edited by Refa
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The girl nodded "Yes." to Trinket's question, but was suddenly taken down by an arrow and a galloping whallop to the temple. Trinket flinched and retreated a bit.

"G-Gods... they're not as mook as I had previously thought."

Trinket held up her blade.

"...They won't take this merchant alive."

Trinket sprinted towards the sellsword and struck him with her blade.

(Trinket moves to the Mercenary and initiates an attack.)

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[spoiler=Player Phase]PLAYER PHASE

Felix moves to (11,8)

Felix attacks the Cavalier with Iron Axe!

Felix hits, dealing 9 damage and KOing the Cavalier!

Felix gains 32 EXP!

Felix gains 2 Axe EXP!

Rapha moves to (11,6)

Rapha attacks the Cavalier with Iron Lance!

Rapha hits, dealing 6 damage and KOing the Cavalier!

Rapha gains 32 EXP!

Rapha gains 2 Lance EXP!

Nelon moves to (13,8)

Nelon attacks the Mercenary with Steel Lance!

Nelon misses!

Mercenary counterattacks, dealing 3 damage!

Mercenary Pursuit attacks, but misses!

Nelon gains 1 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Lance EXP!

Trinket moves to (13,9)

Trinket uses Heal on Nelon!

Nelon gains 13 HP, restoring him to full health!

Trinket gains 22 EXP!

Trinket gains 1 Staff EXP!

Xenah moves to (8,13)

Xenah attacks the Brigand with Lightning!

Xenah hits, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah gains 10 EXP!

Xenah gains 1 Light EXP!


[spoiler=Enemy Phase]ENEMY PHASE

(10,7) Archer moves to (10,6)

Archer shoves Rapha to (12,6)

(13,7) Mercenary moves to (12,7)

Mercenary captures Elaine!!

(11,1) Cavalier moves to (11,7)

Cavalier takes Elaine!

Cavalier Cantos back to (11,6)

(10,1) Cavalier moves to (11,5)

Cavalier takes Elaine!

Cavalier Cantos back to (11,3)

(6,13) Brigand moves to (7,13)

Brigand shoves Xenah to (9,13)

(10,14) Brigand moves to (8,13)

Brigand attacks Xenah with Iron Axe!

Brigand misses!

Xenah counterattacks, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah gains 10 EXP

Xenah gains 1 Light EXP

Thief appears on (1,15)

Bandit appears on (1,4)

Bandit appears on (14,1)

Cavalier appears on (10,1)

Cavalier appears on (11,1)


[spoiler=Player Data] [spoiler=Elaine (11,3): Captured]Level 1.30 0/20 HP (54%) 0 Str (0%) 6 Mag (55%) 5 Skl (40%) 7 Spe (65%) 5 Lck (50%) 4 Def (40%) 5 Res (35%) 5 Mov 7 Con 6 Aid

Dark EXP: 34 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind Supports: None

Inventory Flux (42/45)* Vulnerary (3/3) 700G

[spoiler=Xenah (9,13)]Level 1.30 11/20 HP (64%) 3 Str (30%) 4 Mag (35%) 3 Skl (30%) 7 Spe (40%) 9 Lck (60%) 3 Def (25%) 3 Res (32%) 5 Mov 6 Con 5 Aid

Bow EXP: 1 (E) Light EXP: 4 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice Supports: None

Inventory Hunting Bow (Prf) (45/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (32/35)* Vulnerary (3/3) 870G

[spoiler=Nelon (13,8)]Level 1.32 22/22 HP (80%) 6 Str (45%) 0 Mag (0%) 4 Skl (35%) 5 Spe (40%) 3 Lck (30%) 4 Def (40%) 0 Res (15%) 7 Mov 9 Con 11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E) Lance EXP: 33 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima Supports: None

Inventory Steel Lance (30/30)* Iron Sword (44/46) 120 G

[spoiler=Rapha (12,6)]Level 1.32 30/30 HP (40%) 4 Str (50%) 0 Mag (0%) 4 Skl (30%) 7 Spe (40%) 0 Lck (80%) 5 Def (40%) 0 Res (10%) 5 Mov 7 Con 6 Aid

Lance EXP: 73 ©


Affinity: Fire Supports: None

Inventory Iron Lance (44/45)* 0G

[spoiler=Trinket (14,8)]Level 1.22 20/20 HP (54%) 5 Str (40%) 3 Mag (40%) 3 Skl (30%) 6 Spe (50%) 7 Lck (40%) 5 Def (20%) 0 Res (10%) 5 Mov 6 Con 5 Aid

Sword EXP: 1 (E) Staff EXP: 2 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light Supports: None

Inventory Iron Sword (46/46)* Heal (29/30) Vulnerary (3/3) 300G

[spoiler=Felix (11,8)]Level 1.62 27/30 HP (80%) 6 Str (55%) 0 Mag (0%) 7 Skl (65%) 8 Spe (65%) 4 Lck (50%) 5 Def (45%) 1 Res (15%) 5 Mov 8 Con 7 Aid

Axe EXP: 6 (E)

Affinity: Thunder Supports: None

Inventory Iron Axe (42/45)* Vulnerary (3/3) 500 G

[spoiler=Enemy Data]

[spoiler=(2,1) Armor]Knight (M) Level 10 23/23 HP 11 Str 2 Skl 4 Spe 2 Lck 12 Def 1 Res 5 Mov 13 Con 16 Wt

A Lance 23 Atk 75 Hit 1 Crt 10=>25 Avo 4 AS 2 CEV

!!Spear (15/15)!!* Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=(3,6) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00 20/20 HP 3 Str 0 Skl 1 Spe 0 Lck 0 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk 65 Hit 0 Crt 0 Avo 0 AS 0 CEV Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(12,7) Mercenary]Mercenary (M) Level 1 18/18 HP 4 Str 8 Skl 8 Spe 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 9 Con

D Sword

9 Mt 106 Hit 4 Crt 16 Avo 8 AS 0 CEV

Iron Sword (43/46)* "I KO'd a PC, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"shirt

[spoiler=(4,7) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00 20/20 HP 3 Str 0 Skl 1 Spe 0 Lck 0 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk 65 Hit 0 Crt 0 Avo 0 AS 0 CEV

Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(10,6) Archer]Archer (F) Level 1 3/17 HP 3 Str 3 Skl 4 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 5 Con

D Bow 9 Atk 91 Hit 1 Crt 8 Avo 4 AS 0 CEV !!Iron Bow (44/45)!!*

[spoiler=(7,13) Bandit]Brigand Level 1 12/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10=>30 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(8,13) Bandit]Brigand Level 1 4/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10=>30 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Axe (44/45)*

[spoiler=(11,3) Cavalier (Carrying Elaine)]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2=>1 Skl 5=>2 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con

E Sword D Lance

10 Atk 92 Hit 1 Crt 4 Avo 2 AS 0 CEV

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11,6) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con

E Sword D Lance

12 Atk 84 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=(1,4) Brigand] Brigand Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10=>30 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(14,1) Brigand] Brigand Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10=>30 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(1,15) Thief]Thief (M) Level 1

16/16 HP

3 Str

1 Skl

9 Spe

0 Lck

2 Def

0 Res

6 Mov

6 Con

E Sword

8 Atk

92 Hit

0 Crt

18 Avo


Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(10,1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con

E Sword D Lance

10 Atk 94 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con

E Sword D Lance

12 Atk 84 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Lance (45/45)*

Place your orders for Turn Three! Xin was reportedly working on a map for reference, so that should be up at some point. Xin still ROCKS for this <3



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da plan

Rapha 1R1U attack Merc

Nelon rescues Rapha and cantos 3U2L

Felix moves 3U1L and take-drops Rapha to his left

Trinket moves 3U1L

Xenah moves 1U and attacks the Brigand with Lightning

say if you approve.

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The situation was grim and they were pressed for time, Xenah had to time to waste anymore, ruffians and thieves were going to be attracted to the chaos in no time even if she took those down, she had to clear a path for the others, they wouldn't stand the army as it looked like. She had to take the brigands down.

She still had to keep their attention on her rather than the villagers, she knew too well, and threw a facade again: "By Naga, you did prove me wrong, you fight worse than farmers! Why are you even trying to ransack this place? The villagers will just beat you down with their pitchforks, you can't even keep up with a girl in frilly clothing! This bulk is probably from all the boar meat you ate while living with your momma until she tired of you and kicked you out for being such a lazy oaf! Hah, how pitiful..."

Xenah moved to a covered area as close to the village as she could (7,14), and attacked the brigand farther from her (8,13). He had to go down, and the other would follow him soon.

Xenah vs Brigand

11 hp vs 4 hp

8x1 vs ----

75 hit vs ----

6 crt vs ----

Edited by Xinnidy
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Rapha moves to (13,7)

Rapha attacks Mercenary with Iron Lance!

Rapha hits, dealing 8 damage!

Mercenary counterattacks, dealing 3 damage!

Rapha gains 10 EXP!

Rapha gains 1 Lance EXP!

Nelon Rescues Rapha

Nelon Cantos to (11,11)

Felix moves to (10,11)

Felix Takes Rapha

Felix Drops Rapha on (9,11)

Trinket moves to (12,12)

Xenah moves to (7,14)

Xenah attacks the Brigand with Lightning!

Xenah hits, dealing 8 damage and KOing the Brigand!

Xenah gains 32 EXP!

Xenah gains 2 Light EXP!



(7,13) Brigand moves to (6,14)

Brigand attacks Xenah with Iron Axe!

Brigand hits, dealing 9 damage!

Xenah counterattacks, dealing 8 damage!

Xenah gains 10 EXP!

Xenah gains 1 Light EXP!

(1,15) Thief moves to (2,13)

(12,7) Mercenary moves to (12,11)

Mercenary attacks Trinket with Iron Sword!

Mercenary hits, dealing 4 damage!

Trinket counterattacks, dealing 6 damage!

Trinket gains 10 EXP!

Trinket gains 1 Sword EXP!

(10,6) Archer moves to (11,9)

Archer attacks Nelon with Iron Bow!

Archer hits, dealing 4 damage!

Nelon gains 1 EXP!

(11,6) Cavalier moves to (11,10)

Cavalier attacks Nelon with Iron Lance!

Cavalier hits, dealing 7 damage!

Nelon counterattacks, dealing 10 damage!

Nelon gains 10 EXP!

Nelon gains 2 Lance EXP!

(1,4) Brigand moves to (3,7)

Brigand attacks Soldier with Iron Axe!

Brigand attacks, dealing 14 damage!

Soldier counterattacks, but misses!

Brigand Pursuit attacks, dealing 14 damage and KOing theSoldier!

(3,6) Soldier moves to (4,6)

Soldier attacks Brigand with Javelin!


(11,1) Cavalier moves to (11,8)

(10,1) Cavalier moves to (11,7)

(11,3) Cavalier moves to (11,1)

Cavalier escapes, taking Elaine with him!!

(14,1) Brigand moves to (9,1)

Cavalier (M) appears on (10,1)

Cavalier (M) appears on (11,1)

[spoiler=Player Data] [spoiler=Elaine (Not Present)]Level 1.30 0/20 HP (54%) 0 Str (0%) 6 Mag (55%) 5 Skl (40%) 7 Spe (65%) 5 Lck (50%) 4 Def (40%) 5 Res (35%) 5 Mov 7 Con 6 Aid Dark EXP: 34 (D) Sp: Desertwalk Affinity: Wind Supports: None

Inventory Flux (42/45)* Vulnerary (3/3) 700G

[spoiler=Xenah (7,14)]Level 1.72 2/20 HP (64%) 3 Str (30%) 4 Mag (35%) 3 Skl (30%) 7 Spe (40%) 9 Lck (60%) 3 Def (25%) 3 Res (32%) 5 Mov 6 Con 5 Aid Bow EXP: 1 (E) Light EXP: 7 (E) Sp: Farsight Affinity: Ice Supports: None 8 Atk

105 Hit

6 Crt

23=>43 Avo

7 AS


Inventory Hunting Bow (Prf) (45/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (30/35)* Vulnerary (3/3) 870G

[spoiler=Nelon (11,11)]Level 1.43 11/22 HP (80%) 6 Str (45%) 0 Mag (0%) 4 Skl (35%) 5 Spe (40%) 3 Lck (30%) 4 Def (40%) 0 Res (15%) 7 Mov 9 Con 11 Aid Sword EXP: 4 (E) Lance EXP: 35 (D) Sp: Horse Affinity: Anima Supports: None 16 Atk

79 Hit

2 Crt

7=>27 Avo

2 AS


Inventory Steel Lance (29/30)* Iron Sword (44/46) 120 G

[spoiler=Rapha (9,11)]Level 1.32 27/30 HP (40%) 4 Str (50%) 0 Mag (0%) 4 Skl (30%) 7 Spe (40%) 0 Lck (80%) 5 Def (40%) 0 Res (10%) 5 Mov 7 Con 6 Aid Lance EXP: 73 © Sp: Wyvern (DISMOUNTED) Affinity: Fire Supports: None

11 Atk

88 Hit

14=>34 Avo

2 Crt

7 AS


Inventory Iron Lance (44/45)* 0G

[spoiler=Trinket (12,12)]Level 1.32 16/20 HP (54%) 5 Str (40%) 3 Mag (40%) 3 Skl (30%) 6 Spe (50%) 7 Lck (40%) 5 Def (20%) 0 Res (10%) 5 Mov 6 Con 5 Aid

Sword EXP: 2 (E) Staff EXP: 2 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light Supports: None

10 Atk

99 Hit

19 Avo

1 Crt

6 AS


Inventory Iron Sword (45/46)* Heal (29/30) Vulnerary (3/3) 300G

[spoiler=Felix (10,11)]Level 1.62 27/30 HP (80%) 6 Str (55%) 0 Mag (0%) 7 Skl (65%) 8 Spe (65%) 4 Lck (50%) 5 Def (45%) 1 Res (15%) 5 Mov 8 Con 7 Aid

Axe EXP: 6 (E)

Affinity: Thunder Supports: None

14 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

18 Avo

8 AS


Inventory Iron Axe (42/45)* Vulnerary (3/3) 500 G

[spoiler=Enemy Data]

[spoiler=(2,1) Armor]Knight (M) Level 10 23/23 HP 11 Str 2 Skl 4 Spe 2 Lck 12 Def 1 Res 5 Mov 13 Con 16 Wt

A Lance 23 Atk 75 Hit 1 Crt 10=>25 Avo 4 AS 2 CEV

!!Spear (15/15)!!* Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=(4,6) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00 20/20 HP 3 Str 0 Skl 1 Spe 0 Lck 0 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 6 Con E Lance 9 Atk 65 Hit 0 Crt 0 Avo 0 AS 0 CEV

Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(12,11) Mercenary]Mercenary (M) Level 1 4/18 HP 4 Str 8 Skl 8 Spe 0 Lck 4 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 9 Con D Sword 9 Mt 106 Hit 4 Crt 16 Avo 8 AS 0 CEV Iron Sword (42/46)* "I KO'd a PC, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"shirt

[spoiler=(4,7) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00 20/20 HP 3 Str 0 Skl 1 Spe 0 Lck 0 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 6 Con E Lance

9 Atk 65 Hit 0 Crt 0 Avo 0 AS 0 CEV Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(11,9) Archer]Archer (F) Level 1 3/17 HP 3 Str 3 Skl 4 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 5 Con

D Bow 9 Atk 91 Hit 1 Crt 8 Avo 4 AS 0 CEV

!!Iron Bow (43/45)!!*

[spoiler=(6,14) Bandit]Brigand Level 1 4/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10=>30 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(11,10) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 10/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con E Sword D Lance 12 Atk 84 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Lance (44/45)*

[spoiler=(3,7) Brigand] Brigand Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con

D Axe 13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Axe (43/45)*

[spoiler=(9,1) Brigand] Brigand Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 1 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 3 Def 0 Res 5 Mov 12 Con D Axe 13 Atk 77 Hit 0 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(12,13) Thief]Thief (M) Level 1

16/16 HP

3 Str

1 Skl

9 Spe

0 Lck

2 Def

0 Res

6 Mov

6 Con

E Sword

8 Atk

92 Hit

0 Crt

18 Avo


Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11,7) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con E Sword D Lance 10 Atk 94 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 8) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con E Sword D Lance 12 Atk 84 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con E Sword D Lance 10 Atk 94 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1 20/20 HP 5 Str 2 Skl 5 Spe 0 Lck 6 Def 0 Res 7 Mov 9 Con E Sword D Lance 12 Atk 84 Hit 1 Crt 10 Avo 5 AS 0 CEV

Iron Lance (45/45)*


ESCAPE if you can, team!

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