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Trinket giggled, "I knew it! A cunning rogue such as yourself would never pass up such a tempting offer. I simply cannot wait to hear your story."

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Trinket giggled, "I knew it! A cunning rogue such as yourself would never pass up such a tempting offer. I simply cannot wait to hear your story."

Canonically inserted between her first line and the story itself.

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Canonically inserted between her first line and the story itself.

I totally thought that you were going to make another post.

How dumb of me.

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I totally thought that you were going to make another post.

How dumb of me.

Not dumb at all.

Also: stories might be posted out of order. Just so y'all know.

Edited by Mienshao
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"It seems we're following through with this, hmm..." Xenah closed her eyes for about half a minute, wondering what sort of tale would be more appropriate for this moment. Despite being versed in the social means to survive in her trade, Xenah wasn't the kind of person to open up intimately through a stir of the moment. She was distant enough when it came to her inner thoughts, without needing to show the disparity.
She opened her eyes, with a story on the tip of her tongue that would be more appropriate for this gathering. "I suppose I could tell about my recent travels until I reached Serafew." Xenah prompted "Some of you may know, and for those that don't, I made my way here from Rausten, to the Northeast. It's been a long road, and I didn't make it all the way here alone."
"Searching for caravans headed to Renais was tough, most were afraid that the recent turn of events that got the ambassador killed could happen to them. Grado's agressiveness has scared away many that planned their routes in the mainland, what with the Imperial army stationed too close to the trade routes passing through Jehanna. Added to that, rumours of a ghost ship has run amok, with Carcino vessels being sunk mysteriously at a high rate lately, the sea routes have their use in decadence. They feared for their safety, and even recommended me to go the overland route from Nothern Jehanna to Carcino, and then take the paved roads and countour the mountains, walking further east to Border Mulan before finally reaching Northern Renais soil. It was a mad, exhausting, and expensive road that would take more than eight days longer than just going through Jehanna to Eastern Renais. I must admit I scoffed at the thought, but that only increased the need to find a way to travel through the main routes."
"That night, a few men of the holy guard my late dad once served under visited our house to pay their respects, in the end, they also stayed for dinner. My mother, usually despirited since father's death, found some comfort in their compliment, but most importantly, as the night went on, a soldier mentioned there was some commotion on the palace as the Divine Emperor's niece was tasked to travel far to 'purge the land of evil' or some vague wording, despite the current events with the Grado Empire. It upset the court, but the Divine Emperor went against all senses and gave her permission to travel to Renais, but they were still planning on her departure, and did not want it public to commonfolk. Hearing on that, I realized I stumbled on the best opportunity I'd possibly get."
"The morning after, I made my way to one of the more... 'opportunistic' merchants, a man from Carcino that was stationed at Rausten for the time being, named Rennac. This man... We've met before in a festivity fair. I had a stand for my own performances and read, and had a reasonable crowd for a while, but soon enough I had none --most of the crowd was admiring the wares of this merchant from Carcino filled with exotic jewelry and the like. By the end of the day, however, a connoisseur gave him a visit, and with an angry face, claimed that the his jewels were all counterfeit. The crowd went into a blind rage, his place was all but wrecked, and the merchant barely managed to snake away from the mass alive, but still had to run and hide from their rage. I decided to be a good samaritan that day, I called him out from the woods nearby, motioning him to follow me. It was already getting dark, so the crowd quickly lost us. I took him home and gave him shelter for the rest of the night... for a reasonable sum of what he won that day. That said, I've already tried to convince him, as a merchant, to let me go with him on his merchant caravan to Renais, but he refused saying there'd be no profit going there. However, with the prospect of escorting a royal around for a possibly large reward, his attittude would probably change to be more amiable, and so it did! All I had left was to make contact with the princess herself, which proved to rely on my father's friends in the holy guard to grant me entrance, but it turned out smoother than one would expect."
"After entering the palace, reportedly for matters to do with the princess' travels, I asked to my father's friends where would she be, and, given the directions to her chambers, I was confronted with a gargantuan man by its door. I admit I was a bit intimidated, and he looked at me sternly. I talked about being there to help the princess with her transportation, however, and his stern face swiftly changed to a smile, like a comical, friendly bear. I was let in, and managed to talk to the princess, who was... a bit loud, I guess I would say. But she seemed approving of the idea, and let word to the Emperor. Soon enough, her, the gargantuan bodyguard, and Rennac were acquainted and he was hired under her services, though I do not know the actual amount he received..."
"As the friend and tie of this profit, Rennac let me in for the ride, but only until the border of Renais and Jehanna, the stingy man. I walked my way to Serafew soon as I heard Grado was readying their forces through that front, and that's how I met the rest of the group, so far." Xenah said, resting her voice and sighing in relief.
Moving forwards, Xenah took the scroll with the scriptures vaguely spelling out 'Neir', and took her seat again. "Let the next person speak now." She concluded.
Edited by Xinnidy
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After a quick glance to Nelon, and a nod therefrom, Gordin chimes in.

"Nelon, I'm sure you remember this one--the first time I downed an enemy soldier. That was a crazy day...

"Back before the war began, there were still several border skirmishes every year--most don't hear about them, if only because the last casualty in one of those was... Donny of Grado's 9th, year 799? At any rate, from what the Commander tells me, they were really more training exercises than anything else. A few dozen soldiers square off, the border moves a hundred meters, and everyone has a grand time.

Realizing that he's straying a bit from the topic, Gordin pulls himself back.

"Alright, alright, so, last year, we, that is, the Commander and a few recruits, were among those lined up for a skirmish--issue is, we were mostly on foot, up against a line of cavalry. Not the best situation to be in, right? So, Commander Nelon orders us to take a V-formation, backed by some mountains on our flanks--hem 'em in and go for the dismount, y'know? Pretty standard. 'course, this was my first time in anything approaching a real battlefield, and I'm not ashamed to say that I had to take particular care to keep my armor from rusting after that one, if you catch my drift. I wanted to run, but I'd been drilled too well to do that, and I couldn't just stand still and watch 'em charge, you know? So I did just about the smartest thing possible--charged in like a moron.

Here, he begins to chuckle, and after a swig from a water canteen, he continues. "So, as you'd expect, they got me, but you'd never guess how. I rush 'em, and, I kid you not, I get caught where the sun don't shine with a lance, and chucked up in the air! Never saw who did it, but guy must've been scary strong--moreso than any of us.

"And, um, as for me taking someone down... well, I just might have fallen on some fellow charging in behind Captain Nasty. Took him right off his horse, and he was near 'nuff knocked out that I took his sword, and after that, he waved the white flag--or would have, if he could move at the time. I might or might not have taken at least a half-dozen flats to the head after that, but I'll always have the memory: I've had the chance to fly in battle. Not many can say that."

Many laughs were had, and after a moment's pondering, Gordin snatched up a scroll with a sky-blue rune on it. As he unfurled it, everyone watched to see his reaction... and recoiled in horror as he convulsed briefly, blood pouring from his mouth. By the time Nelon could rush to his side, he was upright again, sticking out his bloody tongue and clacking his teeth together to indicate that he had bitten it. He waved away any who tried to tend to him--clearly, he considered any side effects of the scroll minor--lying on his back and staring, avidly and silently, at the midafternoon sky.

Edited by Mienshao
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"My turn to tell? Well, my past isn't exactly much to boast about.

My dad was a holy man. He was pretty much obsessed with it, ever since he'd met this dude from Rausten, I think. He was really in your face about it, not a day went by without him babbling on and on about Saint Latona. She died what, almost 800 years ago? I'm not gonna live MY life according to her stinking philosophies, and sacrifice what's rightfully mine to help the needy, the poor or just the outright useless. This didn't seem to get through to him though. Every time I did something remotely wrong, he hounded me to "repent for your sins", or else he's let me starve. I didn't give a shit about what some dead lady thinks about me. But I was stuck there, with the old nut trying to teach me how to use a staff. He said it was in my blood, that I'd be great at curing diseases, healing injuries and all of that. I think I caused more injuries by whacking him then I did with healing, but he just wouldn't give up. I just couldn't do it. I didn't have the talent, and honestly I didn't care enough to learn. Every day was a drag for me, so once I'd had enough, I just got up and said no. I refused to repent for my sins. If I swore, I wouldn't grovel for forgiveness; I didn't care if I'd starve. I'd find for another way to get food, through hard work or just through outright theft if I really had to.

Come on, don't look at me like that. I didn't have to steal a thing; I ended up working as a lumberjack, which was the first time I picked up an axe. The old man didn't approve, but like I cared what he thought of me. I was making my own way, I finally felt like I had some control over what I did. The job wasn't perfect of course; I mean I almost cut myself too many times to count. Mind, I never was too good with numbers and all that, but still. But I still felt trapped. How I acted was starting to give me a bad reputation around the village. Some people were afraid of me, and some just wanted to pick a fight constantly. I was a decent fighter, not the best, but I still won a decent amount of fights. But it only made the problem worse, more people were scared, and I felt completely isolated. One day I picked a fight with one of the other workers. Broke his nose, and got fired. I was lucky I got away with so much, to be honest. So I decided to leave. Didn't go say goodbye to the old man, he caused me enough grief so I figure I should cause him some back. I joined the army in the next few days, and the rest is history." Felix paused, eyeing the remaining scrolls.

"I'll take this one then I guess." Felix said, motioning to the Blaggi scroll. When he touched the scroll, he felt something odd. Where did this scroll come from exactly, and how did Trinket find them? Maybe they did have the gods watching them after all. Or maybe he was just going a bit mental. He wasn't quite sure.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Rapha was a bit shocked by Gordin's reaction to the parchment, but Felix seemed able to handle it well enough, which was reassuring.

Well, I suppose it's my turn to get on with the story. My normal career isn't too different from what we're doing now, although certainly less dangerous; I'm basically a mercenary for hire. It could have been any other day, I had received my contract from the company just that morning (apparently I had to route some desert bandits or something, I prefer to get all of my details on the job) and was finishing off my breakfast while preparing supplies for the trip. Nothing seemed odd about the situation and being a Wyvern Knight I got paid a premium, because flyers are invaluable on desert terrain and aren't bought so easily, so there was no hesitation on my part, despite how...unfortunate things ended turning up in the long run.

I was residing in Renais at the time for a...personal visit, so the flight to Jehanna was relatively painless. Have you heard of the Crimson Flash? She's one of the greatest swordsmen in the continent, although truth to be told the tales do exaggerate her greatness. Anyways, I was supposed to rendezvous with her on this mission, and after a few minutes of searching amongst the ranks of the mercenaries, I spotted her pressed against the nearby house. It was kind of hard to notice her, but what can I say, there's not much you can do to hide from a wyvern! So I headed down and asked her how the situation was.

"Not very good. We knew the bandits were mages, but...we were not expecting they'd be capable of using siege tomes, or be able to afford them all. None of our people have managed to cross halfway through the desert without being decimated," She replied, quick and curt as always.

"So you basically need me to ferry some of you guys over, without drawing attention to myself, so you can get the drop on these bandits?" (to this she nodded briefly) "Great...I don't deal too well with magic, this mission is more trouble than it's worth. So what's the plan? Surely the same fate would befall me, should I incur their wrath?"

"We're having several of our healers form a distraction. They have naturally high resiliance to magic, so they should be fine. The bandits are located in the south-western portion of the area, right next to Grado, so you just need to drop several of us to the right of that," another typical Marisa response.

Well, that was that I supposed. After briefing everyone in the small squad of ours (must've been no more than a dozen), we headed off. I had dropped off everyone but The Great Crimson Flash, and I took a swig of Pure Water before heading off just like I had the other times; in the mercenary business, it's better to be safe than sorry. That decision might've saved my life. We were halfway there when a lightning bolt rained down in front of me. Well, so much for our ploy. Still, there was nothing for it, I had to make it to the end and drop Marisa off. Of course the entire squad was there, but they were instructed to wait seeing as they were novices who weren't experienced in combat with mages. My wyvern, Malak, weaved through and fro the lightning bolts, and after what seemed like an eternity, I managed to drop Marisa off...before being hit by several blasts of Bolting for my trouble. Honestly, all of the things you hear about worthy ends are horsefeathers and knobcakes, I certainly did not want to die in a place like this. No...it'd be a nice lovely castle, after I had given a rousing speech and inspired the hearts of everyone ar...sorry, getting a bit off track here.

Thankfully, I did not die, although I didn't recover conscience until a few days later. Apparently the mission was a smashing success with minimal casualties thanks to my intuition, and I would get a bonus...if I ever woke up for it, that is. After that things turned out quite mundane (although apparently Marisa checked on me daily, which is strange because she's more antisocial than...anyone!), so I decided to head over to Serafew, where I had rented a place out ahead of time. And well, that's how I met up with you guys! I really hope my place didn't get occupied by soldiers, after all the money I payed for it.

So I suppose I'm entitled to a scroll? Not much left at this point, but better this one than nothing, eh?" She proclaimed, ironically taking the scroll with the lightning bolt insignia. Maybe she was a masochist.

Also, the aftermath of DA SCROLL.

As you read the Tordo scroll... you feel certain of your own perfect strength. No enemy is a match for you... the sheer impudence of those who think otherwise! You soon remember that you are not a war goddess of any description, but... you know that your patience for those who challenge you is wearing thin. This scroll probably does what Trinket said, but... you doubt she knew everything that was going on.

Edited by Refa
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After making sure Gordin was ok.. (Although Elaine was worried more side effects would hit poor Gordin) Elaine said..

"Such.. fascinating stories you all tell!" Elaine says, {Almost forgetting her earlier sadness for the moment} her eyes on a certain scroll with a symbol she thought she recognized from her studies. That of.. Noba

"I shall tell you about.. How I came to learn the art of ancient magic.."

Elaine clears her throat

"This.. isn't very exciting or interesting but.. Here goes"

"In my home town in Carcino. I was pretty much an outcast as you can see my eyes (She points to her almost cat like eyes) Got me into some trouble due to being a bad luck omen so to speak"

"The reason for this is an urban legend of a Cat Burglar who stole from various merchants and gave their wares to people for free. His most prominent feature were his Feline yellow eyes, once again.. like the ones you see in my very sockets"

"Schooling was harsh, I studied extremely hard yet.. Due to the bad omen these eyes carried.. Many a teacher didn't give me all the credit I was due, I worked through it though. One teacher though, his name was Calyn."

"Calyn respected my devotions to my studies and even worked with me in his spare time to show me all kinds of trinkets.. scrolls and books. Especially those on Caer Pelyn and their elder Dara."

"Further studies got me into using this" (Elaine points to the Flux Tome in her hand)

"Calyn was even impressed at the rate I learned it, but he feared that this interest in the Ancient Magic would alienate me further from the nations people. So I kept it secret, until a time I would need it."

Elaine sighs "My father was taking me out with his merchant caravan and I was forced into using it to scaring some bandits away. He was surprised but when I explained it he wasn't too harsh.. He just gave me the exact same warning. The people in his caravan looked at me in wonder and fear as expected."

"I continued to practice in secret from then on until I had to leave Carcino, nowadays it feels like I'm always using this magic.. for better or worse I have yet to decide"

Elaine takes the Noba scroll.. "If you don't mind I think this will benefit me most"

Terrador had some flavor for it

As you read the Noba scroll... you feel each breath you take as deeper, more calm. You feel like you could throw yourself in front of an army, and survive... and care less for the reason why. The sensation passes soon enough, but you're certain that there's more to these scrolls than Trinket had bargained for...
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After hearing everyone elses stories and with seven pairs of eyes watching him, Nelon figured that he had to give in and tell his story.

"Well then, I'm not sure it'll be all that interesting but I'll give it a go." Nelon began. "I come from a line of knights, all serving Renais, following our fathers before us."

It had been a good 15 years since he first held a lance, although he was using little more than a twig back then. That also brought him back to his father.

"It was tradition for us to be taught by our father, but mine suffered a crippling injury in a skirmish, leaving him bedridden. Thankfully, I was able to study under Sir Orson, learning my lance work from him."

Facing Sir Orson for the first time was truly terrifying. The teenage Nelon had been expecting some sort of monster, but was very surprised to find he was rather reasonable.

"After years of training, I became a knight myself. It wasn't until three years ago I was appointed as lance instructor. Gordin here has been one of my students for nearly a year now. We were on a week long training run when we got attacked. Many of us got cut down, but a few, including Gordin and I managed to pull through. I'm afraid there's not much else to tell."

Looking at the remaining scroll, Nelon took it. He felt oddly lucky... although that might just be because he didn't break his neck falling from his horse.

Edited by Shin
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I finished my story too, it was NOT AWFUL and PROBABLY wont give you LUNG CANCER

but im not liable if it does

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I finished my story too, it was NOT AWFUL and PROBABLY wont give you LUNG CANCER

but im not liable if it does

It was great, don't sell yourself short.

Now all we wait for is Xenah's and the MAP.

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Refa caught me off guard with some strategery in Skype today. Like, completely-out-of-left-field off-guard. I am very happy about this, and, for being the first to pull this off, I'm issuing Rapha a 50 BEXP award.

Map starts soon. Make sure you have consensus on positioning.

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Chapter 2: Enemy Mine
Not too long after you all finish telling your stories, minds ablaze from the scrolls' influence, you draw close. Many individuals are milling about, but you can't really make them out at this distance. Leona snaps, in a hushed voice, "You deadweights, stay here. I'll see what's going on." She forays forward, hiding in a nearby thicket... upon returning, she is ghostly pale, and trembling to boot. Anger? Fear? You can't tell.
"Y-you all... have to see this, she whispers."
The entire group draws forward, with particular care taken to hide the wyvern and horse; the latter is incredibly nervous, and Nelon can only barely keep it quiet. After another hundred meters or so... you all understand the reason for its trepidation. You probably haven't seen a human skeleton before, but those of other animals lead you to conclude the impossible... you can only wonder at the nature of the men and women shambling among them, unarmed and bloodstained.
As Elaine sees the creatures among the trees, she cries, "MONSTE--", cut off by a punch from Leona and a hiss of "Silence!" Her speech slightly hampered by a busted lip, Elaine continues quietly, "Impossible... the Sacred Stones should be preventing this..."
Surely enough, a few of the creatures have turned their heads--they appear to have noticed you! "That's right, ladies and gentlemen," she whispers, drawing her blade, "come GET A PIECE!!"

In all the commotion, an impending battle with gods-know-what in front of you, you almost don't notice a man stalking up behind you, the tip of his gleaming sword dancing and jerking beyond control.
"You... will... die."

Assailed from the front by the advancing skeletons, from behind by the strangely familiar swordsman, and from all around by the sickening scents of death, decay, and fecal matter... the battle begins. It seems that some of the monsters don't yet notice you, but that will certainly not last long.

Objective: Rout
Player Phase 1: Begin!

[spoiler=Player Data (7)][spoiler=Elaine (4,6)]Level 2.54
19/19 HP (54+5%)
0 Str (0%)
7 Mag (55%)
6 Skl (40%)
8 Spe (65%)
5 Lck (50%)
4 Def (40%)
6 Res (35%)
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid

Dark EXP: 39 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind
Supports: None

14 Atk
94 Hit
3 Crt
21 Avo
8 AS

Flux (38/45)*
Vulnerary (2/3)

[spoiler=Xenah (3,4)]Level 2.88
14/20 HP (64%)
3 Str (30%)
4 Mag (35%)
3 Skl (30%)
8 Spe (40%)
10 Lck (60%)
3 Def (25+5%)
4 Res (32%)
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

Bow EXP: 7 (E)
Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice
Supports: None

8 Atk
101 Hit
6 Crt
26 Avo
8 AS
10 CEV

Hunting Bow (Prf) (42/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range
A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.
Lightning (23/35)*
Vulnerary (1/3)

[spoiler=Nelon (5,5)]Level 2.01
22/22 HP (80%)
7 Str (45%)
0 Mag (0%)
3 Skl (35%)
6 Spe (40%)
3 Lck (30+5%)
4 Def (40%)
0 Res (15%)
7 Mov
9 Con
11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)
Lance EXP: 39 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima
Supports: None

12 Atk
97 Hit
1 Crt
15 Avo
6 AS

Iron Sword (44/46)*
Steel Lance (26/30)
Horseslayer (16/16)
120 G

[spoiler=Rapha (5,7)]Level 2.79
30/30 HP (40%)
4 Str (50%)
0 Mag (0%)
5 Skl (30+5%)
8 Spe (40%)
0 Lck (80%)
5 Def (40%)
0 Res (10%)
7 Mov
7 Con
13 Aid

Lance EXP: 83 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire
Supports: None

11 Atk
90 Hit
16 Avo
2 Crt
8 AS

Iron Lance (42/45)*
Javelin (16/20)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Trinket (3,5)]Level 2.55
20/20 HP (54%)
6 Str (40%)
3 Mag (40+5%)
4 Skl (30%)
6 Spe (50%)
8 Lck (40%)
5 Def (20%)
0 Res (10%)
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)
Staff EXP: 11 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light
Supports: None

11 Atk
102 Hit
20 Avo
2 Crt
6 AS

Iron Sword (44/46)*
Heal (25/30)
Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=Felix (4,4)]Level 2.95
31/31 HP (80%)
6 Str (55%)
0 Mag (0%)
7 Skl (65%)
9 Spe (65%)
4 Lck (50%)
5 Def (45%)
2 Res (15+5%)
5 Mov
8 Con
7 Aid

Axe EXP: 19 (E)

Affinity: Thunder
Supports: None

14 Atk
91 Hit
3 Crt
18 Avo
8 AS

Iron Axe (35/45)*
Vulnerary (2/3)
500 G

[spoiler=Gordin (Non-Player) (4,5)] Level 1.58
20/20 HP
3 Str
0 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

Lance EXP: 35 (D)

Affinity: Anima
Supports: None

10 Atk
80 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Iron Lance (46/46)*
Red Gem

[spoiler=Neutral Data (1)][spoiler=Leona (5,3)]Level 2
27/27 HP
4 Str
10 Skl
18 Spe
8 Lck
3 Def
4 Res
6 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

B Sword

Sp: Thievery

13 Atk
103 Hit
35 Crt
42 Avo
17 AS

Killing Edge (10/20)*
Elixir (3/3)

[spoiler=Enemy Data (22)][spoiler=Bonewalker (9,4)]Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (10,5)]Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=Revenant (10,2)]Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0+1 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0+20 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Revenant (11,3)]Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (12,6)]Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk
95 Hit
2 Crt
6 Avo
3 AS

Iron Bow (45/45)*

[spoiler=Revenant (12,5)]Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Revenant (13,4)]Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Entombed (12,2)]Level 1
57/57 HP
14 Str
1 Mag
6 Skl
5 Spe
4 Lck
2 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

26 Atk
89 Hit
3 Crt
4 Avo
0 AS

Fetid Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (12,8)]Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk
95 Hit
2 Crt
6 Avo
3 AS

Iron Bow (45/45)*

[spoiler=Revenant (16,8)]Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Revenant (16,9)]Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Revenant (17,8)]Level 2
30/30 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0+1 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

12 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0+20 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Revenant (17,10)]Level 1
29/29 HP
4 Str
0 Mag
1 Skl
1 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
4 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

11 Atk
82 Hit
0 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Rotten Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Entombed (17,9)]Level 4
59/59 HP
15 Str
1 Mag
7 Skl
6 Spe
5 Lck
2+1 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

22 Atk
96 Hit
3 Crt
13+20 Avo
4 AS

Fetid Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (17,4)]Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

13 Atk
86 Hit
1 Crt
6 Avo
3 AS

Iron Lance (45/45)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (18,3)]Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (18,5)]Level 1
24/24 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
3 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
3+1 Def
0 Res
7 Con
6 Aid
5 Move

C Sword
C Lance

11 Atk
96 Hit
1 Crt
8+20 Avo
4 AS

Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (19,3)]Level 3
22/22 HP
6 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
4 Spe
0 Lck
4+1 Def
1 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk
90 Hit
2 Crt
8+20 Avo
4 AS

Iron Bow (45/45)*

[spoiler=Bonewalker (19,5)]Level 1
21/21 HP
5 Str
0 Mag
5 Skl
3 Spe
0 Lck
0 Def
0 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk
80 Hit
2 Crt
0 Avo
0 AS

Steel Bow (30/30)*

[spoiler=Entombed (18,4)]Level 1
57/57 HP
14 Str
1 Mag
6 Skl
5 Spe
4 Lck
2+1 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
6 Con
5 Aid

26 Atk
89 Hit
3 Crt
4+20 Avo
0 AS

Fetid Claw (--/--)*

[spoiler=Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (19,2)]Level 10
24/24 HP
2 Str
7 Mag
6 Skl
6 Spe
0 Lck
6 Def
10 Res
5 Mov
7 Con
6 Aid

C Dark

Flux (45/45)*
!!Fetid Vial!!

[spoiler=Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (2,2)]Level 10
30/30 HP
10 Str
14 Skl
12 Spe
4 Lck
6 Def
3 Res
5 Mov
9 Con
8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk
110 Hit
7 Crt
28 Avo
12 AS
** CEV

Silver Sword (20/20)*
!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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Now he'd seen it all. Grado was one thing, but an army of the undead was another. It would be foolish to rush in, he had no idea how powerful they were. Instead, Nelon goes for a defensive manoeuvre.

"Gordin, stay behind me. I'll lure them into the woods, then ambush them. Then you leap out and help finish them off."

Nelon goes to square (7,7) and equips his steel lance. He instructs Gordin to wait at (6,7).

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Elaine seeing Nelon and Gordin get ready to stand against the monsters in a strategic location decides to move to 7,8

"I will assist you Sir Knights."

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Due to what appeared to be an astounding amount of ignorance on the village's part, they had left their gates open even while monsters threatened to swarm their land. 'Might as well knock some sense into those dullards," Rapha complained as she moved towards the house.

Rapha moves to (8.8), with da Iron Lance equipped.

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He hadn't bargained for this when he agreed to the rescue mission, but he suspected none of them had. How strong were they? Their group seemed to be trapped in a pincer by the monsters and a single swordsman. Normally, he wouldn't care about just a single guy but...

Something about him made Felix uneasy, and he could tell the others felt the same. Maybe it was just the after effect of that strange scroll, or perhaps it was something else entirely. There was no use dwelling on it now, it was time to form up and get ready to fight for their lives. He felt like he'd been forced to do that far too much, recently.

Felix moves to (5,7), not liking the look of the mystery swordsman, or the monsters.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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While the undead reaching this far was a new thing, Xenah was not at all unfamiliar to them-- Rausten had made raids against those same, as the Darkling Woods, vile grounds full of the Demon King's energy to this age, still contains those abominations, their expansion is ever restrict by the Sacred Stones, but Rausten still has to deal with their hordes, as the neighboring country. Talk of the vile beings is usually held by the military as per conduct, and shared only by the Clergy and the Divine Emperor's court. In such a setting, it wouldn't be surprising some sightings would leak and some rumours would spread over believers, so it was interesting to see how the others reacted. What was fact, however, is that a horde of this size should not exist outside the Woods, let alone in Renais. Xenah worried something happened in her homeland for this to happen.

Looking back, Xenah noticed the mysterious swordsman was closest to her. She didn't react quickly, looking at his eyes trying to find his purpose. His eyes reflected some sort of inner rage, they were murderous and blind to her, sending chills to her spine. Xenah straightened her stance, not taking her eyes away from the swordsman.

She decided it was better better to follow the group, she moved keeping her pace behind from the main fighters (4,7). Her mind wandering between the dangerous swordsman and what may have occurred in her homeland, she still felt herself distant from the world, apparently.

((Handwaving Rausten story like a baws IS sud hire me '3'))

Edited by Xinnidy
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Nelon called out to Leona.

"Leona, be weary of that man. See if you can steal his protection, I'm sure it will become invaluable in the near future."

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Player Phase


Nelon moves to (7,7)
Nelon equips the Steel Lance!

Gordin moves to (6,7)

Elaine moves to (7,8)

Rapha moves to (8,8)

Felix moves to (5,7)

Xenah moves to (4,7)

Trinket moves to (4,8)


Enemy Phase


(9,4) Bonewalker moves to (6,6)

Bonewalker attacks Gordin with Iron Sword!

Bonewalker hits, dealing 10 damage!

Gordin counterattacks, dealing 8 damage!

Bonewalker Pursuit attacks, dealing 10 damage and eviscerating Gordin!!
His entrails spilling onto the demon’s arm, Gordin chokes out,

“C-Cassandra… tell her I…”

Gordin has perished…

Bonewalker obtains !!Red Gem!!

(10,5) Bonewalker moves to (7,6)

Bonewalker attacks Nelon!

Bonewalker hits, dealing 5 damage!

Nelon counterattacks in a rage! Critical Hit!! Nelon deals 45 damage, reducing the Bonewalker to fist-sized pieces with a ferocious flurry of blows!

Nelon gains 30 EXP!

Nelon gains 3 Lance EXP!

(10,2) Revenant moves to (8,3)

(11,3) Revenant moves to (8,4)

(12,6) Bonewalker moves to (9,6)

(12,8), Bonewalker moves to (10,7)

(12,5) Revenant moves to (9,5)

(13,4) Revenant moves to (10,4)

(12,2) Entombed moves to (9,4)

Kepa moves to (4,3)

Kepa attacks Leona with the Silver Sword!

“Y-you, killed, MY, BROTHERS!!

Kepa hits, dealing a gruesome 20 damage!

Leona counterattacks, dealing 7 damage!

Leona Pursuit attacks, dealing 7 damage!

Leona is literally foaming at the mouth, and bleeding profusely from her side… any sanity she had has clearly left her.


Other Phase


Leona rushes Kepa in a blind rage!

Leona hits, dealing 7 damage!

Kepa counterattacks, dealing 20 damage and severing Leona’s head!!

“I would have let you suffer as Cephas did… but your head belongs on a pike.”


Kepa, stands over his kill, holding Leona’s head by the hair as it pales from the blood pouring out of it. He roars, “I will get reinforcements, and fortify the town—if you’re half as noble as you claim to be, hold these things off as long as you can!!”

You feel that the alarum of conflict will catch the attention of the other monsters soon, if it hasn’t already…


**whoops! The Bonewalker under Nelon does not exist! Sorry for the error!**

note for whoever takes the map duty for this round: the two SE-most Bonewalkers are, in fact, Bow-newalkers. Thank you for your help.

Player Data (6)

Elaine (7,8)

Level 2.54

19/19 HP (54+5%)

0 Str (0%)

7 Mag (55%)

6 Skl (40%)

8 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

6 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 39 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None

14 Atk

94 Hit

3 Crt

21 Avo

8 AS



Flux (38/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)


Xenah (4,7)

Level 2.88

20/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

3 Skl (30%)

8 Spe (40%)

10 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25+5%)

4 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 7 (E)

Light EXP: 15 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None

8 Atk

101 Hit

6 Crt

26 Avo

8 AS

10 CEV


Hunting Bow (Prf) (42/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (23/35)*

Vulnerary (1/3)


Nelon (7,7)

Level 2.31

17/22 HP (80%)

7 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

3 Skl (35%)

6 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30+5%)

4+1 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

11 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Lance EXP: 41 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Anima

Supports: None

17 Atk

77 Hit

1 Crt

9+20 Avo

3 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)

Steel Lance (25/30)*

Horseslayer (16/16)

120 G

Rapha (8,8)

Level 2.79

30/30 HP (40%)

4 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

5 Skl (30+5%)

8 Spe (40%)

0 Lck (80%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

7 Mov

7 Con

13 Aid

Lance EXP: 83 ©

Sp: Wyvern

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None

11 Atk

90 Hit

16 Avo

2 Crt

8 AS



Iron Lance (42/45)*

Javelin (16/20)

Vulnerary (3/3)


Trinket (4,8)

Level 2.55

20/20 HP (54%)

6 Str (40%)

3 Mag (40+5%)

4 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

8 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Staff EXP: 11 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None

11 Atk

102 Hit

20 Avo

2 Crt

6 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)*

Heal (25/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


Felix (5,7)

Level 2.95

31/31 HP (80%)

6 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (65%)

9 Spe (65%)

4 Lck (50%)

5 Def (45%)

2 Res (15+5%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 19 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None

14 Atk

91 Hit

3 Crt

18 Avo

8 AS



Iron Axe (35/45)*

Vulnerary (2/3)

500 G

Enemy Data (21)

Melee Bonewalker(6,6)

Level 1

16/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (44/46)*

!!Red Gem!!

Revenant (8,3)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0+1 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0+20 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (8,4)

Level 2

30/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Archer Bonewalker (9,6)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3+1 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk

95 Hit

2 Crt

6+20 Avo

3 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Revenant (9,5)

Level 2

30/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (10,4)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Entombed (9,4)

Level 1

57/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Archer Bonewalker (10,7)

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3+1 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

11 Atk

95 Hit

2 Crt

6+20 Avo

3 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Revenant (16,8)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (16,9)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (17,8)

Level 2

30/30 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0+1 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

12 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0+20 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Revenant (17,10)

Level 1

29/29 HP

4 Str

0 Mag

1 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

4 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

11 Atk

82 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Rotten Claw (--/--)*

Entombed (17,9)

Level 4

59/59 HP

15 Str

1 Mag

7 Skl

6 Spe

5 Lck

2+1 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

22 Atk

96 Hit

3 Crt

13+20 Avo

4 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Melee Bonewalker

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

13 Atk

86 Hit

1 Crt

6 Avo

3 AS



Iron Lance (45/45)*

Melee Bonewalker

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Melee Bonewalker

Level 1

24/24 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3+1 Def

0 Res

7 Con

6 Aid

5 Move

C Sword

C Lance

11 Atk

96 Hit

1 Crt

8+20 Avo

4 AS



Iron Sword (46/46)*

Archer Bonewalker

Level 3

22/22 HP

6 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

4+1 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

12 Atk

90 Hit

2 Crt

8+20 Avo

4 AS



Iron Bow (45/45)*

Archer Bonewalker

Level 1

21/21 HP

5 Str

0 Mag

5 Skl

3 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

C Bow

14 Atk

80 Hit

2 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS



Steel Bow (30/30)*

Entombed (18,4)

Level 1

57/57 HP

14 Str

1 Mag

6 Skl

5 Spe

4 Lck

2+1 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

26 Atk

89 Hit

3 Crt

4+20 Avo

0 AS



Fetid Claw (--/--)*

Thane (Shaman) (BOSS) (19,2)

Level 10

24/24 HP

2 Str

7 Mag

6 Skl

6 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

10 Res

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

C Dark


Flux (45/45)*

!!Fetid Vial!!

Kepa (Mercenary) (BOSS) (4,3)

Level 10

9/30 HP

10 Str

14 Skl

12 Spe

4 Lck

6 Def

3 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

8 Aid

A Sword

23 Atk

110 Hit

7 Crt

28 Avo

12 AS

** CEV

Silver Sword (18/20)*

!!Iron Rune!!

Edited by Mienshao
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