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Congrats on the clear! It's a shame you weren't able to save the villagers. If you save at least 1, you get the seraph robe. But they are just so suicidal.

It sucks to hear that about the Anna shop. I mean you could just try wait it out but I think they vanish together :/

Question: Sorry if I missed it, but is there any reason you chose Lissa over Maribelle? Lissa has the lead in avaialbility and staff rank, but Maribelle makes up for it by being mounted.

As for me, here's C15 at a glance: Say'ri can get rescued immediately so that's awesome. This damn sniper risen won't get off of the rescue shop though. Even more painful is that the sniper risen is backed up by a bunch of chumps and revenants, it's make an awesome grind map bu no grind >_>. Luckily I have 2 uses left of rescue anyway. Looks like it will be the usual. Chrom x Sumia runs as deep in as they can, chip everything, and everyone else picks up the scraps. I forgot that this map had a bunch of houses that give both a large bullion and an arms scroll. As far as I remember, this map doesn't have reinfocements either so I'm free to take as long as I wish. On a test run I checked enemy hit rates on Sumia and as usual, not a single one could reach over 45% on Sumia so yeah.

I'll probably give it a serious attempt in a bit.

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Congrats on the clear! It's a shame you weren't able to save the villagers. If you save at least 1, you get the seraph robe. But they are just so suicidal.

It sucks to hear that about the Anna shop. I mean you could just try wait it out but I think they vanish together :/

Question: Sorry if I missed it, but is there any reason you chose Lissa over Maribelle? Lissa has the lead in avaialbility and staff rank, but Maribelle makes up for it by being mounted.

As for me, here's C15 at a glance: Say'ri can get rescued immediately so that's awesome. This damn sniper risen won't get off of the rescue shop though. Even more painful is that the sniper risen is backed up by a bunch of chumps and revenants, it's make an awesome grind map bu no grind >_>. Luckily I have 2 uses left of rescue anyway. Looks like it will be the usual. Chrom x Sumia runs as deep in as they can, chip everything, and everyone else picks up the scraps. I forgot that this map had a bunch of houses that give both a large bullion and an arms scroll. As far as I remember, this map doesn't have reinfocements either so I'm free to take as long as I wish. On a test run I checked enemy hit rates on Sumia and as usual, not a single one could reach over 45% on Sumia so yeah.

I'll probably give it a serious attempt in a bit.

Honestly I didn't try to save the villagers. I just wanted to make it seem slightly comedic.

Yeah, unfortunately both of them disappeared at the same time. Alas.

Lissa as you said has the lead in availability etc. plus it is just a lot more convenient to train her. I think that availability is of the utmost importance in Lunatic.

As you said, there are no reinforcements on Chapter 15. If you save Say'ri, it should be a very leisurely chapter for the most part, especially since the boss doesn't move.

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I have a surpisingly solid choke in Chapter 3 right now, giving me some room to rig Virion's level ups. What stats should I focus on?

Edit: Oh, right. His stats.

Lv 5.95

HP 21

Str 8

Mag 1

Skill 12

Spd 7

Lck 8

Def 9

Res 4

D Bows, very close to C

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Speed and strength easily due to the hyperoffensiveness of bows, and you should watch out for HP too because being able to tank things through walls better is pretty helpful.

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Speed and strength easily due to the hyperoffensiveness of bows, and you should watch out for HP too because being able to tank things through walls better is pretty helpful.

Thanks, but I was more going for a Bowtank build. I guess I should have made that clear. I got some level ups that were too good to throw out either way though.

Now I have a different problem. All of the enemies on top in Chapter 3 have Counter except for one Luna+/Hawkeye Myrmidon. What should I do? I don't know where to start dealing with this mess.

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write gg and reset j/k

pull them, then lure them all the way around the map with an unequipped unit, which includes opening the 2nd door and chipping the boss away with thunder!mu. you can also try to have fred hold a choke vs the generics, then treck mu all the way round, but I think the awakening AI doesn't cooperate.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I just realized something. I should've second sealed Fred to Paladin then pair him with Cherche instead. A second sealed Fred has better stats and weapon ranks than Gregor and Paladin only gives 1 less Spd and Skl than Hero but gives a bonus to Str ugh. Sonuvabitch my bias for Gregor x Cherche clouded my judgment.

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I just realized something. I should've second sealed Fred to Paladin then pair him with Cherche instead. A second sealed Fred has better stats and weapon ranks than Gregor and Paladin only gives 1 less Spd and Skl than Hero but gives a bonus to Str ugh. Sonuvabitch my bias for Gregor x Cherche clouded my judgment.

At least you get AT Gerome now.

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As for me, here's C15 at a glance:

Here's the real Cht.15 at a glance: there's this giant wall cutting the map in half that you can fly over, but like no flying enemies and pretty much everything gets owned by Sand. Basically you can hop back and forth over the wall to confuse them endlessly and feed everything to whoever you want.

Can't hold a choke for very long because of Luna+, but other than that, that's a good idea. Thanks.

No need to hold a choke, just run in circles and fight the enemies one at a time on EP, healing between battles. You should be able to take a single Counter to the face per turn.

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Here's the real Cht.15 at a glance: there's this giant wall cutting the map in half that you can fly over, but like no flying enemies and pretty much everything gets owned by Sand. Basically you can hop back and forth over the wall to confuse them endlessly and feed everything to whoever you want.

No need to hold a choke, just run in circles and fight the enemies one at a time on EP, healing between battles. You should be able to take a single Counter to the face per turn.

Chapter 3 has been giving me much more trouble than it should, every time for a long time. Now I get why the top part is supposed to be easy.

The Chapter 15 thing is also awesome. Cynthia is going to have some fun on that map.

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Here's the real Cht.15 at a glance: there's this giant wall cutting the map in half that you can fly over, but like no flying enemies and pretty much everything gets owned by Sand. Basically you can hop back and forth over the wall to confuse them endlessly and feed everything to whoever you want.

You're a genius :blink:

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Okay, big update this time.

I cleared Chapter 8 fairly easily, charging down the middle with Nathan-Frederick and picking off high-priority targets/villages with Chrom-Sumia. Miriel-Lissa just did whatever mostly. After the chapter, I SSed Miriel to Troubadour to get Demoiselle and Gregor to Myrmidon for extra speed. Chapter 9 was kind of difficult, because I only had three really competent pairs-Nathan-Nowi, Chrom-Sumia, and Gregor-Miriel and several different goals to accomplish. Fortunately, Gregor was able to dodge almost the entire wyvern brigade until Nathan-Nowi came to reinforce him. Paralogue 4 was actually not that bad, though I did miss the Arms Scroll. Oh well. Chapter 10 was another easy chapter, we just steamrolled through. Fortunately, Anna made Lissa a little bit more viable with her +Speed pair up. Chrom promoted after the chapter. Finally, Chapter 11 was another easy one, and I was able to get the Bullion (L). Nathan promoted after this chapter.

Current team:

Chrom 2:42 Great Lord HP:44 STR:21(He has such bad strength whyyyyyyyyyy) MAG:2 SKL:26 SPD:24 LCK:22 DEF:17 RES:10 A Swords E Lances S Sumia

Nathan 1:00 Hero HP:56 STR:28 MAG:16 SKL:31 SPD:29 LCK:22 DEF:30 RES:16 A Swords E Axes B Nowi

Miriel 7:12 Troubadour HP:37 STR:3 MAG:17+2 SKL:19 SPD:20 LCK:17 DEF:8 RES:16 D Staves (B Tomes) B Gregor

Sumia 12:51 Dark Flier HP:37 STR:17 MAG:14 SKL:23 SPD:28+2 LCK:19 DEF:14 RES:20 A Lances B Tomes S Chrom

Lissa 3:61 Sage HP:33 STR:7 MAG:21 SKL:13 SPD:15 LCK:20 DEF:9 RES:14 E Tomes B Staves

Nowi 14:99 Manakete HP:35 STR:12+8 MAG:6+5 SKL:8+3 SPD:9+2 LCK:15 DEF:12+10 RES:8+7 B Nathan

Gregor 10:88 Myrmidon HP:38 STR:19 MAG:3 SKL:21 SPD:19 LCK:11 DEF:15 RES:6 B Swords B Miriel

Anna 3:74 Trickster HP:39 STR:15 MAG:18 SKL:25 SPD:22 LCK:29 DEF:9 RES:11 C Swords D Staves

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Just started a Loony+ (hopefully) no-grind run. MU is male with +Spd and -Lck. Prologue is done already, an annoying one on L+. Vantage!Mages = reset. Double Vantage lower Bandits = reset. Triple Luna+ lower melee group = reset. Bad MU levels = reset. That all happened. Managed to do it, but left a secondary save there since MU still only has 8 Spd and 7 Mag after all that rigging.

Stats: MU Lv 4.05 / 21 HP / 7 Str / 7 Mag / 8 Skl / 8 Spd / 2 Lck / 7 Def / 5 Res

Lissa Lv 3.21 / 19 HP / 6 Mag / 6 Skl / 5 Spd / 10 Lck / 4 Def / 4 Res

Fred Lv 1.65 base

Chrom Lv 1.50 base

As for pairings, I'm definitely gonna do ChromxSumia for triple GF, it sounds useful af with those Counter and L+ guys. I also have to marry someone to Cordelia so I can reach Cynthia more easily. I suck at planning those things meh.

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If it were any other difficulty I'd suggest Chrom x Sumia all day every day but I'm going to have to suggest Robin x Chrom for Lunatic+. Funneling all that exp into Sumia was easy because of her being able to dodge everything for like 5 straight chapters. On L+, Hawkeye throws a wrench into that pretty quickly.

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well, I contemplated it a bit, but figured out that I'd be stuck with Bronze Lance as a Pegasus Knight mid-earlygame, which is probably not easy to train either, considering the high damage taken from all those axe users. and since I'm dumb, I tend to kill the option and go male mu because I'm male lol. I think Sumia will have a Peg level lead (and better weapon rank, but tome rank looks slightly iffy), and I can save P1-4 for exp. We'll see, though I guess I can somehow manage to get her to GF.

C1 done btw, I was fortunate with the enemy skills, only Hammertime and a turn 1-killed merc had Luna+, with Hammertime having no hawkeye. So yeah, Bronze Sword!FredxChrom on a fort. the bosskill was Fred Bronze Sword + Virion + Chrom + MU killing blow. In retrospect, I should have tried to do this fort thing with Fred alone to give more exp to Chrom, but either of Chrom and Robin has to ferry Fred anyways.


MU Lv 5.60 / 22 HP / 7 Str / 7 Mag / 9 Skl / 9 Spd / 2 Lck / 7 Def / 6 Res

Lissa Lv 4.06 / 20 HP / 6 Mag / 6 Skl / 5 Spd / 10 Lck / 4 Def / 4 Res

Fred Lv 2.40 / 29 HP / 14 Str / 13 Skl / 10 Spd / 6 Lck / 14 Def / 3 Res

Chrom 1.66 base

Virion 2.20 base

Sully 2.0 base

Fred should screw himself....not his stats! hohoho

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Just started a Loony+ (hopefully) no-grind run. MU is male with +Spd and -Lck. Prologue is done already, an annoying one on L+. Vantage!Mages = reset. Double Vantage lower Bandits = reset. Triple Luna+ lower melee group = reset. Bad MU levels = reset. That all happened. Managed to do it, but left a secondary save there since MU still only has 8 Spd and 7 Mag after all that rigging.

You can get his stats a lot higher with two extra levels. And you'll probably need to, that post-Cht.1 Avatar won't be able to handle Cht.2.

I'm not sure exactly what you're doing, but Fred can survive Luna+ from both Barbarians and the Myrmidon gets KOed before it can attack (unless it has Vantage+ as well), and the Barbs can also get killed with Thunder at range so Vantage+ doesn't matter even if both of them have it (your Hitrate will be shakier, but still in your favor).

Mag+2 and Luna+ together on a Mage means trouble, but Vantage+ shouldn't stop you (I normally fight them on EP anyway, so it won't even have an effect unless you're trying to splat them with a hurt Fred).

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To make my Prologue strat and the reasons for failures more clear:

Turn 1: Fred blicks the Myrm, gets targetted by three enemies. Thats actually why I pointed out the triple Luna+ thing, otherwise he survives solidly, though this occasion is pretty much standard anyways.

Turn 2: Chrom and MU kill the softened fighters. If one fighter has V+, Chrom is fine because he attacks the non-V+ guy. If both have V+, Chrom must tank a hit (unless dodge), then he's gonna get killed by that Elwind!Mage, as I have Fred sit on MU for Veteran exp gain. MU lures the Elwind because he has Lck flaw and faces 2 Crt (at least that's what I think why it happens), and the kill can be done with EP Thunder + Chrom + PP3 Bronze Sword.

Once I've healbotted up all my units: Fred pulls a Myrm and EP-blicks. MU slightly hits the Elthunder!Mage on EP, which only brings 10 exp. Fred kills the Mage on PP, Chrom pulls a Fighter, which dies to Chrom + Chrom + MU. Fred softens a Fighter, and kills a Myrmidon. Bosskill is Fred, MU, Chrom. (15 turns on my initial clear lol)

I decided to rerig MU's levels, and haven't really finished yet. Would you suggest doing the water trick?

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I always suggest that people use the water trick. Lunatic+ cheats, and so should you. Abuse the AI, repeatedly, and don't even feel bad about it.

It's not a great idea to train Chrom in Prologue. Robin wants those level-ups to handle Ch 1-3, and it's straightforward (if not easy) to train Chrom a bit later, when you don't have the immediate threat of being crushed like a grape under a tsunami of enemies. Veteran-assisted earlygame training is better than anything you're going to get from Chrom.

EDIT: Fred should not be attacked by three guys on Turn 1 EP. Blick the Merc from the left, and move Chrom all the way to the right and down. That puts two on Fred, and one on Chrom (who can handle a single round from a Merc... he is not doubled).

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So, I finally beat Lunatic+ for the first time, though I used DLC (a lot) because I wanted to see how much I could legally break the hardest difficulty. Needless to say, I wound up repeating Gregor's "where is challenge?" quote a few dozen times (just not in the "protect the squishy new recruit we threw at you!" chapters).

After I finish a few things with that file and my FeMU support grind file, I'm going to try it with no DLC. Everything else is fine, but I'm not "lol EXPonential Growth"-ing it this time.

The plan for early game is the usual for me at this point: feed a +Spd Robin until he/she's ridiculous.

I've looked at some guides, but I could use some general advice, and I'm going to spit out some "hey this sounds good in theory" stuff and hopefully get some feedback.

- I don't know if I'm going FeMU or MaMU. If I go FeMU, the partner will be Chrom (are there any other good partners for FeMU in Lunatic+?). If I go MaMU, the partner will be Cordelia (Family of Armsthrift? All the yes.)

- Class path for either MU will be the same: Tactician -> Mercenary -> Bow Knight -> Sniper. After that, I'll either second seal back to Sniper for stats, or dabble in other classes. I plan on ending everyone in a bow-using class, mostly because of the "lol Counter" mooks. I'll aim for Galeforce if inheritance is direct (or I can get it via promotion, like in the case of Cynthia and Cordelia!Morgan), but it won't be a priority.

- Chrom's class path will be purely dependent on his partner's needs. If he falls off for me in nogrind Lunatic, there's no way he's keeping up in Lunatic+. Does Sumia/FeMU need +Spd? Cool, he's a Bow Knight/Great Lord now. Does she need +Def? Cool, he's an Archer/Sniper. He'll mostly be getting exp from Dual Strikes (thanks DS+). I'd rather put resources into army members that DON'T fall off by the end of Valm.

- I have no idea on Sumia's classpath (should I use MaMU) after promoting to Dark Flier. During my last one, I'd have her kill someone, activate galeforce, and switch to Bow Knight Chrom so he could lolBraveBow enemy phase, but he won't be able to take an enemy phase if I'm not putting resources into him.

So, I guess the questions are:

How's my strategery look so far?

Would you recommend FeMU or MaMU?

What should I do with Chrom, if I actually use him?

What should I do with Sumia, if I go SumiaxChrom?

Are there any good non-Chrom husbands for FeMU in lunatic+?

Any other general tips?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if these questions have already been answered. I just don't have the patience to read through 150+ pages of thread...

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In terms of storymode any guy you can reasonably train up and pass stats or certain skills you want to Morgan so Morgan doesn't have to go out of the way for it could work, but they'll be outclassed by Chrom regardless due to the fact that you're missing out on an extra veteran child since Chrom is the only option for FeMU to have 2 kids, and Morgan starts in Tactican so it saves him taking an extra trip into Tact as an extra reclass in his path or missing out on it altogether, giving him the freedom to take skills that are either out of the way around his jointime in L+ (such as Sol) or impossible without inheritance but very desirable to have (such as Galeforce).

I can't speak for MaMU because I didn't play MaMU, but FeMU x Chrom is very powerful.

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Going on my first Lunatic run. I've beaten Apotheosis on Hard Classic.

Anyway, it is a bad idea for Fredrick to do all (like, seriously all) the heavy lifting?

I heard the first seven chapters are the toughest.

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Anyway, it is a bad idea for Fredrick to do all (like, seriously all) the heavy lifting?

I heard the first seven chapters are the toughest.

Short answer: yes

Long answer: hell yes

Letting Robin do all the heavy lifting isn't a bad idea though.

The general consensus is that C2 and C3 are the worst. Then the difficulty seriously mellows out then it may spike up again at C12 depending on how you trained your units from C1-13.

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Prologue can be easy or hard depending on whether or not you know how to approach it. Cht.1 depends entirely on whether or not you trained Avatar in the Prologue. Cht.2 and 3 are the hardest, which means people have spent the most time trying to figure out how to trash them- Int has some pretty good strats on Lunatic+ (OK, they're amazing). On vanilla though they mostly depend on Avatar's growths again.

Cht.4 and Par.1 are a breather for you to either get a second unit going or stuff Avatar even more. Cht.5 is hard again and is mostly about effective damage due to all the Wyverns, and will be significantly harder if you want to save Ricken and Maribelle without Rescue from Par.1. Cht.6 is made much easier if you have three capable combat pairs (Avatar, Fred and someone else) due to being a defend map.

After that, you get some crazy terrain advantages in Cht.7 and 8, and after that your units are far enough ahead of the curve that they should be able to carry you with ease until Cht.12, when promotes become more common. Around then, you start getting children and everything depends on how you built your team.

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Finished C1 with rerigged growths.

Prologue was a standard water trick strat and my Avatar had 7 Mag / 13 Spd after it. On C1, he could double Fighters, so I could soften the western Merc with Fred and kill with Avatar, while Avatar distracts the Fighter from Fred and 2RKOes on 2 enemy phases. He could stand on a forest tile and heal up on Turn 2 to pull an Archer and the weakened Fighter, and tank both if only one had Luna+ (he doubles the Archer with Sully on him). Otherwise, FredxChrom soloed all units that MU can't kill. The boss could also get feed to MU. My current stats are:

Chrom 1.40 / base

Fred 1.88 / base

Sully 2.15 / base

Virion 2.30 / base

Lissa 3.75 / 18 HP / 2 Str / 5 Mag / 5 Skl / 6 Spd / 9 Lck / 4 Def / 5 Res

MU 8.66 / 25 HP / 10 Str / 9 Mag / 9 Skl / 13 Spd / 8 Lck / 8 Def / 4 Res

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