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The only thing I'm really dreading now is Chapter 4, as that chapter has given me trouble even in Hard mode. Any tips?

Bring your best units, and be proactive about seeking out combat; don't turtle, try to kill things as quickly as possible before the late-round enemies start moving. The Fighter/Mages will move first, then the Knights, then the 1-2 range Fighters, and finally Marth.

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How should I go about feeding the units that are much weaker than the rest? I've restarted due to finding out that I'd screwed myself over, and am on Chapter 1. Chrom is lvl 2, Fred is lvl 1, Lissa is lvl 1, and MU is lvl 4.

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Taking an HP flaw tends to be a really bad idea. Survivability is already pretty iffy against those stats and -3 HP is just making it more difficult. I usually run +Def/-Luk, myself, but have also been successful with +Spd/-Luk. I've seen other people take -Skl instead, though I'd say Skl provides much more benefit than Luk.

Either one works well. I have nothing really to show for the growth rate for either. But, I do not think that skill activation or dual strikes are super important for regular Lunatic. Skill primarily counteracts the opponents stats for avoid and skill rate activation only increases marginally. I am starting to find I prefer the -skl since luck is really the only defense against critical rates. But really either works really well.

How should I go about feeding the units that are much weaker than the rest? I've restarted due to finding out that I'd screwed myself over, and am on Chapter 1. Chrom is lvl 2, Fred is lvl 1, Lissa is lvl 1, and MU is lvl 4

Well, Prologue through chapter 2, all enemies will pretty much take about 3HKOs to defeat. So, pretty much you can have the Avatar or Fredrick tank enemies while it takes about 2-3 attacks to kill them. Then, you can put a couple of units in range of the enemies that attacked Fredrick/Avatar to take the KO since the enemy targets stuff it can kill most easily. FOr example, on chapter two I had Fredrick on a wood tile with Stahl support. He would hit 4 enemies on phase when they were at a full health. Then, I put avatar just in range of two of the enemies to tank another couple of hits from the weakened ones. These enemies were basically another attack from dying and gave them to say Sully/Chrom. You pretty much do that the whole game with units to train by weakingwith something stronger.

Edited by Eri's Ire
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I finished Lunatic Classic a couple of days ago. Female Avatar, +Def -Skill, paired her with Chrom and passed down Galeforce. I didn't really use anyone besides her, Chrom, Morgan, and Lucina (apart from Frederick early on, of course). While I avoided Nosferatu, I knew I was still taking the easy route, but... I underestimated just how easy it would be. The early chapters were nightmarish, but once I got to chapter 5 or so, the game quickly became depressingly easy.

Is this a normal experience, or did I just get lucky?

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That's how I felt about Lunatic classic really

Even without lowmanning

things from chapter 3 and onward felt like a difficulty drop and I actually just used chapter 4 and 7 to train my extremely underlevelled Chrom and Sully (and Panne in 7) because I could.

And then Sully is goddess etc

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Is this a normal experience, or did I just get lucky?

This is normal; if you focus resources in a Fire Emblem game, you will quickly blow through the curve that the game is balanced for. Try raising a lot of people simultaneously if you want it to be a heavy lift. I mean, that's what's so difficult about the early chapters: everyone sucks. If you play with people only gaining a level every chapter because you're spreading EXP around, enemies can keep up with you stat-wise.

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I started Lunatic+ today, on classic mode.

I was not prepared.

I was not okay with it.

I did not pass go.

I did not collect $200.

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I am not entirely sure. Every time I've gone through Donnel's normal mode paralogue, the same tile would always give me Gaius's Confect. You don't get support event tiles if you ain't paired up, though.

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Are event tiles decided at the start or is there a way to burn rngs to change them?

From my experience, the type of event appears to be randomized when the player first starts the chapter. So saving in the battle prep screen and then loading from it should yield the same event each time. I think the parameters, like which item is dropped or how much EXP is gained is determined when a unit actually arrives at the tile, though.

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Well I reset for a tiki's tear from event tile on the first level (was going for a Kris' confect..) but it came at the cost of only having Virion's elixir to heal for 1 AND 2. (used the tear on two obviously).

but now I'm past 3 and have 22 str, 32 hp, and 18 def

Anything out of the oridinary (merc/peg) should use my renown SS for?

Edited by Tribute
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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently on Lunatic Chapter 5. I've been having MU pair up with Chrom and going up north to the fort while Lon'Qu and Frederick take and block the fort west, but usually due to a lack of space to maneuver I end up losing a unit. What should I do? Do I have to reroll since MU is way too fed?

PARTY INFO: Chrom and Miriel are level 4, Freddy and Sumia 3, Kellam and Lon'Qu at level 5. Lissa is level 8, but My Unit is level 20 with 18 points in Defence. I need a Second Seal ASAP.

PS: Only have 1340 funds at the moment. Regearing + tonics butchered my war funds a little.

EDIT: Managed to get a lucky and get through Chapter 5. Having problems defending Emmy on Chapter 6 now while trying to recruit Gaius.

Edited by noelclover89
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That Second Seal you're looking for is also called 100 Renown.

For recruiting Gaius, have Chrom (unpaired) run up and talk to him, then pair up with him, and then move Gaius back out of enemy range and either drop Chrom or give him to Avatar/Sumia.

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Heh, just spent 260 turns grinding olivia in Morgans recruitment chapter. She got 17 str, hope this will be enough for her to maybe do damage in the next few chapters :l With some grinding of supports and weapon levels, maybe it's possible. No grind run on Lunatic the first time I've ever done it, if only I had DLC :'(

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Go summon the weakest spotpass team around (Wolt) on Cht.3, then have your strongest sword user sit on the gate and tank until they're all dead. You won't get any exp, but you will get 50 Renown which will bump you up to the amount you need for the Second Seal.

If you need a boost for a tricky boss kill, you have two options: That Glass Sword from 50 Renown (only 3 uses, but E rank and 11 mt), and the legendary weapons from the bonus box, which for some odd reason are free. You'll need an A rank to use most of them, but Frederick can wield the 14-mt Luna right off the bat.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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To explain how to do this:

[if you have a Physical Copy, you need a Save Dongle. I'll explain for Digital Copies of the game, but with the Save Dongle the process is fundamentally the same [with more tedium].]

Step 1:

Get whatever it is that you want to save. Basically, you want to be at the point in the game where on Casual Mode, you'd be using a Battle Save.

Step 2:

Hit the Menu and then "bookmark".

Step 3:

Press the Home Button.

Step 4:

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Create

This creates the save.

Returning to the game will tell you your Bookmark has been deleted, but the Back Up remains. If you need to reload, Hit the Home button and...

Go to System Settings -> Data Management -> 3DS -> Save Data Back Up. -> Restore.

You can then load that Bookmark again.

Yes, this is tedious. But, for all intents and purposes, Classic has Battle Saves.

Kinda late on this. But just noticed this post and tried it myself to see if I can manipulate my levels enough to make a Lunatic LTC run viable. Whenever I load the bookmark, Fred still misses a Silver Lance and the Avatar gets str spd only in the EP. Is there any way to manipulate this further?

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Kinda late on this. But just noticed this post and tried it myself to see if I can manipulate my levels enough to make a Lunatic LTC run viable. Whenever I load the bookmark, Fred still misses a Silver Lance and the Avatar gets str spd only in the EP. Is there any way to manipulate this further?

You need to find a way to waste RNs. (Which considering Arrow trick doesn't appear to work [at least I don't think], means you have to change actions, or order there of.)

Same deal applies to Casual Mode battle saves.

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Kinda late on this. But just noticed this post and tried it myself to see if I can manipulate my levels enough to make a Lunatic LTC run viable. Whenever I load the bookmark, Fred still misses a Silver Lance and the Avatar gets str spd only in the EP. Is there any way to manipulate this further?

You need to find a way to waste RNs. (Which considering Arrow trick doesn't appear to work [at least I don't think], means you have to change actions, or order there of.)

Same deal applies to Casual Mode battle saves.

Changing the RNG via unit arrow path has been changed since Radiant Dawn.

Battle Saves for Radiant Dawn changes RNGs when reloading, but if you used savestates with Dolphin you'd see it is handled differently. Unlike Path of Radiance where it still worked.

As a note, you can use the Save Dongle for your former physical copy into your digital copy (which is pretty much only useful for my videos).

By using the "Physical ---> Digital Copy Save transfer app" or whatever you call it from the eShop. It deletes the physical copy's save when it copies it into the digital, but WHO CARES IF YOU HAVE A SAVE DONGLE.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Fred's lance hits far more often than it misses, so in this case you'd just keep trying from the start until you get a good RNG. You won't be able to change it much in an LTC other than changing the order your units attack in, and that's not enough freedom to make all levels be perfect.

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