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Avatar will usually stomp, unless you have awful luck like mine. Chrom will almost always be decent, and a flying Panne/default Nowi are pretty good once they get up to speed.

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Well I'm not going to lie because I'm better than the average player but not amazing so I will be using DLC. So I was just wondering if a certain character excelled or had really good growths.

Once Avatar gets rolling, Veteran turns him/her into a small god, even on Lunatic+. An Avatar/Chrom duo can easily stomp just about anything after the first few chapters of any difficulty (but really, that's kind of boring and I suggest people to use larger armies).

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Oh, right. One-turned Chapter 16, and somehow beat 17 thanks to tonics and much Rescue abuse. Got the Boots, as well. Next up is Chapter 18. I am debating whether or not I should attempt to one-turn this sucker (I'm not too concerned about how I beat Lunatic, as long as I beat it).

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Keep in mind that the only Route chapters after Valm starts are 23 and 24, but enemies there are packing upwards of 60 atk with terrain advantages. It's probably a good idea to get at least one strong pair for those two.

Cht.21 is also very hard to 1-turn without either a Galeforce Staffbot or both pairs of Boots.

Once Avatar gets rolling, Veteran turns him/her into a small god, even on Lunatic+. An Avatar/Chrom duo can easily stomp just about anything after the first few chapters of any difficulty (but really, that's kind of boring and I suggest people to use larger armies).

No, Veteran's role is to get Avatar going. Once you've gone through a few reclasses, your exp gain will still be extremely low- the biggest difference is at the start, where it can give +10 exp per kill or so.

I do agree that larger armies is the more interesting way to play, though.

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No, Veteran's role is to get Avatar going. Once you've gone through a few reclasses, your exp gain will still be extremely low- the biggest difference is at the start, where it can give +10 exp per kill or so.

Veteran does both, really. In my experience, it helps Avatar get out of that early, low stat rut (rolling), but assuming that he/she ends up as Tactician 20 before first reclass, there comes a breaking point (steamrolling) after said reclass where Avatar gets so far ahead of the curve, that he/she is invincible to all but Counter damage (with Luna+ being chip damage). Veteran keeps Avatar there, therefore the small god status, until late Valm and even then, careful planning allows Avatar to prevail. Add in Galeforce and female Avatar can even forgo any kind of life drain or restoration skills.

Also, EXP drain may drop off late, but the sheer quantity of enemies will keep the gain somewhat high.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Finally completed Lunatic/Classic! It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot about the game. I definitely (unintentionally) made it more difficult than it needed to be though, due to some silly decisions such as:

- Deciding before the game to pair MyUnit with a character that I never actually recruited, leading me to barely use her.

- Insisting on pairing Chrom with Olivia

- Having a team consisting almost entirely of fliers for Chapter 16 (which I proceeded to abuse the heck out of)

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I'm on Classic Lunatic right now. I completed Chapter 1 after probably 25 tries (I officially hate hammers). Now I'm on Chapter 2, and thanks to Frederick paired up with Chrom, I manage to consistently get through *most* of the map before I lose someone. Mostly Robin. I probably should have made her asset Defense, what's wrong with me?

Current strategy: Pair Chrom with Frederick, send Frederick out to sponge damage and be the bait. Switch to Chrom and let him and/or my other weaklings pick off the stragglers. Preferably while standing on fort tiles. Seriously, I'm gonna make Frederick marry Sumia because she can bake pies and he deserves all of the pies and also every good thing in the whole darn world.

I'm not, though. Gen 2 stats > fictional pie. (In case you were wondering, real pie > Gen 2 stats > fictional pie. Mmm, pie. What am I talking about again?)

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Routed Chapter 18 with ease, one-turned Chapter 19 (Chrom hit with Luna then a crit with a Killer Lance and Swordmaster Sully in his saddlebags), will probably need to be more thorough for Chapter 20.

For some reason, my game is spawning a LOT of Streepass teams. . .with lots of broken weapons. Time to make Lunatic my lapdog.

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Oh, right. One-turned Chapter 16, and somehow beat 17 thanks to tonics and much Rescue abuse. Got the Boots, as well. Next up is Chapter 18. I am debating whether or not I should attempt to one-turn this sucker (I'm not too concerned about how I beat Lunatic, as long as I beat it).

whoa, nice, Eclipse! Didn't know it could be done in Lunatic. Was it Galeforce or just Rescue spam Deliverer? Also, be careful, Lunatic exp gain can be taxing if you keep 1 turning the defeat bosses.

Edited by PKL
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Gah, I was THIS CLOSE to defeating Chapter 2! (I realize I have no visual aid. Picture someone almost pinching their fingers together, preferably while shaking their other hand in an enraged fist.) I tried to get Miriel some exp and miscalculated how much damage she would take. Mages must be made of confectioner's sugar.

I really didn't want to have to use the EXPonential Growth and Golden Gaffe DLC, but I'm thinking they may be my only chance at this thing.

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Veteran does both, really. In my experience, it helps Avatar get out of that early, low stat rut (rolling), but assuming that he/she ends up as Tactician 20 before first reclass, there comes a breaking point (steamrolling) after said reclass where Avatar gets so far ahead of the curve, that he/she is invincible to all but Counter damage (with Luna+ being chip damage). Veteran keeps Avatar there, therefore the small god status, until late Valm and even then, careful planning allows Avatar to prevail. Add in Galeforce and female Avatar can even forgo any kind of life drain or restoration skills.

Also, EXP drain may drop off late, but the sheer quantity of enemies will keep the gain somewhat high.

Well almost everyone can steamroll Lunatic after getting out of the early rut and if allowed to grow properly. I’ve done Gaius, Donnel, Ricken, etc. Avatar just gets there (by far) the fastest. The exp floor + Veteran + high enemy density does make it easier to maintain momentum later on.

However, when I first started playing Lunatic, I had Avatar fall somewhat behind the team, despite Veteran, since I did an early promotion and lots of reclassing. The base/growth difference does matter when comparing to units like Panne or units with always accelerated leveling like Nowi/Tiki. Exp gain, even with Veteran, generally tanks after a promoted reclass (so it’s typically better to get as many levels as possible before then).

Gah, I was THIS CLOSE to defeating Chapter 2! (I realize I have no visual aid. Picture someone almost pinching their fingers together, preferably while shaking their other hand in an enraged fist.) I tried to get Miriel some exp and miscalculated how much damage she would take. Mages must be made of confectioner's sugar.

I really didn't want to have to use the EXPonential Growth and Golden Gaffe DLC, but I'm thinking they may be my only chance at this thing.

If you allocate exp and reclass wisely, you should find that the early chapters are by far the most challenging ones, particularly Chapter 2. It gets a lot easier once more and more members of your team become competent fighters. If you can beat the earlygame on your own (i.e. get to DLC access), you should be fine as long as you don't overuse units with low growth potential like Frederick.

Edited by XeKr
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whoa, nice, Eclipse! Didn't know it could be done in Lunatic. Was it Galeforce or just Rescue spam Deliverer? Also, be careful, Lunatic exp gain can be taxing if you keep 1 turning the defeat bosses.

It had to do with the fact that everyone in party was. . .well, who they were. And Rescue spam played a part, as well. :P:

Sumia uses Rally Movement on a bunch of people, including Frederick and Panne (both of who are Griffon Riders). Frederick is necessary to clear a path to the boss, and Panne/Ricken killed the boss (suck it, Pavise!). Didn't have Galeforce at the time, and even if I did, it wouldn't have mattered, because Sumia's offense is amazingly bad.

I don't care how I beat Lunatic. Everything is fair game, including Streetpass abuse and farming.

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...I just had the most unlucky load of Ambivalence ever.

Ever. Single. Enemy [Except Holland]. Had. Counter.

Most of them had Hawkeye [All of the ones in Severa's "corridor"]

The rest had shields.

Yeah, even with charged LBs, **** that.

...My answer: Murder. [And trolling the Femslash community]

Swept up to the top with a Gale/Rescue rush. Popped Holland with Mire.

Turned around, Sent Lucina over to Nuke Severa before resetting.

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FINISHED. Stuff that happened:

- One-turned Chapter 21 without the Boots. It requires serious overleveling (a Falcoknight with Galeforce and something on the order of 38 Magic is part of the equation), so meh.

- Chapter 23 can die in a fire. Chapter 24 wasn't as bad, as I had more terrain to stick my foot units on.

- One-turned Endgame by using my BFFs Cynthia/Lucina and Avatar/Chrom.

- Rally Movement is awesome.

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Woo! Congrats, eclipse! :D:

Ahem. I beat Chapter 2. Yay! I've also got a plan for Chapter 3. So far, it goes like this: send everybody to the left. More specifically, have Frederick weaken the guys on the left, and then send in the others to kill them off and get exp. Heal Frederick and repeat on the right. Awesome points go to Miriel - paired with Robin, she can double-strike the knights for serious but not lethal damage. Not bad for a level 2 Mage.

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Woo! Congrats, eclipse! :D:

Ahem. I beat Chapter 2. Yay! I've also got a plan for Chapter 3. So far, it goes like this: send everybody to the left. More specifically, have Frederick weaken the guys on the left, and then send in the others to kill them off and get exp. Heal Frederick and repeat on the right. Awesome points go to Miriel - paired with Robin, she can double-strike the knights for serious but not lethal damage. Not bad for a level 2 Mage.


Chapter 3 is one of the easier ones, IIRC. Don't be afraid to take your time!

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Ugh chapter 2 sucks.

I think I figured out lunatic+. You find a sort of strategy and then play it over and over until you get RNG belessed and win.

It's a lot like this in the early game. I mean, you can continue doing this during the mid-late game too, but with the exception of maybe a handful of opening turns, as options open up, the mode becomes much more manageable (especially so if one starts tapping into DLC, the Bonus Box and the Spotpass menu).

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I figured out Chapter 3 and then beat Chapter 4! WOO!

3 wasn't too bad once I got the hang of it. After killing everyone south of the wall, I bottle-necked one of the doors and rotated between Frederick, paired Chrom/Sumia, and Kellam with a Javelin. Chapter 4 was a close call. I had Frederick, Miriel/Robin, and Chrom/Sumia all an inch from death when I finally managed to beat Marth. Lissa's already at level 8 from spamming Heal and Rescue. I've got myself a Master Seal with her name on it.

Since I plan to marry Miriel and Lon'qu, I'm gonna pair them up in the next round and give him a Levin Sword. :B):

By the way, should I do the paralogue and get Donnel or take care of the next chapter first? On the one hand, I could use the chance to level up my guys and get Donnel (who REALLY needs to level up!), but on the other, it's REALLY HARD YOU GUYS

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Do Par.1, but don't do it for Donnel (skip him or bench him, he's not worth it)- do it for the Rescue in the chest. It's very difficult (moreso on Lunatic+) to save Ricken/Maribelle without it.

Save that Master Seal for Avatar, they're rare earlygame unless you get lucky with a Merchant and he needs it far more than a staffbot.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Do Par.1, but don't do it for Donnel (skip him or bench him, he's not worth it)- do it for the Rescue in the chest. It's very difficult (moreso on Lunatic+) to save Ricken/Maribelle without it.

Save that Master Seal for Avatar, they're rare earlygame unless you get lucky with a Merchant and he needs it far more than a staffbot.

Thanks for the tip, but I think I want Donnel to marry Sully. Also, regarding that Master Seal... Hm. I also have a Second Seal. And I want my healer to be able to attack, so I want Lissa to become a Sage (which would make Rescue more effective as well). Maybe I should use the Second Seal on Robin, assuming I don't find another Master Seal soon? But then, what class to switch to?

Hooray for posting my inner monologue on a public forum

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Thanks for the tip, but I think I want Donnel to marry Sully. Also, regarding that Master Seal... Hm. I also have a Second Seal. And I want my healer to be able to attack, so I want Lissa to become a Sage (which would make Rescue more effective as well). Maybe I should use the Second Seal on Robin, assuming I don't find another Master Seal soon? But then, what class to switch to?

Hooray for posting my inner monologue on a public forum

The best use of that Second Seal is to reclass Avatar to Merc or Dark Mage (I prefer Merc). You'll get a MS in Cht.8, another in Cht.10 and then a bunch (and a shop) soon after that.

If you have any intentions of doing postgame, save Donnel x Sully for then; get him now and bench him if you want the Rescue. Even if you finally get him to reclass, he'll just lose all his Wexp and be stuck as a unit with Bronze and below average stats, after all that work. If you somehow manage to get him through that as well, he'll finally start pulling his weight around the time where the game becomes a lot easier- basically using him makes the game harder.

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The best use of that Second Seal is to reclass Avatar to Merc or Dark Mage (I prefer Merc). You'll get a MS in Cht.8, another in Cht.10 and then a bunch (and a shop) soon after that.

If you have any intentions of doing postgame, save Donnel x Sully for then; get him now and bench him if you want the Rescue. Even if you finally get him to reclass, he'll just lose all his Wexp and be stuck as a unit with Bronze and below average stats, after all that work. If you somehow manage to get him through that as well, he'll finally start pulling his weight around the time where the game becomes a lot easier- basically using him makes the game harder.

You know, that sounds fine to me. Thanks!

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