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[FE13]The ruleset to rule them all


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Chapter 18: 5/65

ugh Sumia has next to no durability in this map due to all of the Griffons. Fortunately Lucina is quite adept at beating everything here (naturally doubles all of the enemies ^_^), so she does lots of work.

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Chapter 20: 2/55

Lucina pairs with Raine. Raine moves up a bit. Olivia runs up and dances her. Raine then runs further with her 8 move! And ends up 3 spaces behind the general boss. Maribelle rescues olivia away from danger. Raine kills both the first bosses in EP1. Nowi and Sully were busy trying to keep everyone else alive in the bottom right hand corner. Moving up farther and into range of WAlhart Raine equips Bolganone and 2hko's him on EP2.

Lucina moves from 15 great lord to swordmaster.

Sully moves from 10 griffon to paladin.

Chapter 21: 3/58

Sully paired with Raine and killed things. I had to use dance once and then rescue my dancer. The harder issue was lucina and Nowi living against the guys at the beginning. This is probably two turnable. ;/

Chapter 22: 1/59

Got Gungir as well. Raine killed the guy with gungir using Bolganone. Sully ran forward with Nowi, maribelle rescued Olivia. Olivia dances sully. Sully kills boss on EP1.

Edited by Shinori
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Paralogue Cynthia: free/65


Chapter 19: 2/67

Reclassed Lucina to Paladin, Avatar to Dark Knight and Cynthia to Dark Flier. Lucina goes up and hits Walhart with an Aether <3

Chapter 20: 3/70

Vengance Avatar is pretty rad at breaking apart Walhart. Lucina accompanies her up to the throne room.

Chapter 21: 4/74

Reclass Chrom to Bow Knight. Everyone goes down and Lucina kills Algol. Miriel is now getting OHKOed by Berserkers >_>

Chapter 22: 1/75

Rescue up Sumia who kills Aversa with Beast Killer.

Chapter 23: 4/79

All the 1-2 range. Lucina is a boss and so is avatar whee

Chapter 24: 5/84

Avatar and Lucina can wreck this map with Forges. Oh, and Sumia too i guess.

Chapter 25: 4/88

Sumia and Frederick die and they can rot in peace for all I care. Morgan got Rally Spectrum.

Final: 2/90

[11:34:12 PM] Lucy: lucina does 42 damage to the boss.

[11:34:14 PM] Lucy: Chrom does 40.

[11:34:16 PM] Lucy: Boss has 88 HP

[11:34:44 PM] Lucy: AETHER!

[11:34:48 PM] Lucy: LUCINA SOLOS GRIMA!

[11:35:02 PM] Lucy: 63 Damage on first hit!

Edited by Doofina
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Team Comments and Stuff

Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Olivia and Lucina

Chrom was fantastic this time, since I actually tried to use him. He was a great pair up partner for Lucina when he hit Bow Knight. Kinda faltered a bit around Ch19 or so when things get really defensive, but he picked it up lategame with Exalted Falchion.

Avatar is fantastic, and I don't think we need to ban anymore reclass options. I went Tactician to Dark Mage to Sorceror to Dark Knight, and it worked out pretty well even though she was super frail.

Frederick was clutch for earlygame, then became a pair up bot for Sumia after Ch7 finished. Don't really miss him at all due to how useless he was.

Olivia... I think she danced like 5 times maybe.

I probably couldn't have beat the game without Lucina, because my team was so pathetic on the stats front after around Ch.16 that I needed someone who could do... everything. She was /never/ disappointing and I will waifu her forever.

Lucina: Sumia+Cynthia, Miriel+Laurent, Morgan, Henry, Gaius, Tiki, Inigo

Sumia was good to have for midgame, but then her lack of strength quickly became apparent, and she forever had bad durability on both ends, even with 2 robes and the naga tear. She was pretty much useless once Lucina got going, due to how amazing my Lucina turned out. Cynthia waifu'd Morgan for and let him ORKO some Generals with Thoron.

Miriel shared similar problems with Sumia and Frederick. Promoting her for the desert was a good idea, but she really struggles lategame when /everything/ takes out 90% of her HP. Because of this, I think it would be a good idea to try testing out the balance of Rescuechains without Galeforce. All of the rescue staff users lack good speed (Ricken and Libra) or good bulk (everyone else), so you can't get very far anyways without losing your chain members. Laurent did nothing of note.

Morgan was great and got Rally Spectrum right in time. Great Pick.

Henry never saw enough action for me to want to use him again. He's really slow and not particularly great.

Gaius was Miriel's husbando, and when she started sucking, so did Gaius.

Didn't get Tiki or Inigo.

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Nah's Paralogue: Free/59


Tiki's Paralogue: Free/59

Let tiki die. Just extra training.

Chapter 23: 3/62

She pairs up with fred and gets to Validar on turn 2. Avatar killed validar during EP1. Lucina and Nowi killed things at the front. Sully killed everything else. I used a forged javelin on Sully to kill validar faster.

Chapter 24: 3/65


Chapter 25: 2/67

I made Sully go from 11 paladin to a Wyvern Lord. Sully pairs with Fred and runs straight to the boss.

Final: 1/68

Raine pairs with sully. Moves up 11 spaces to kill general. Maribelle then rescues Sully. Olivia dances Sully and sully runs back to beside the boss. Gungir equipped and swaps to Raine who uses Thoron. Attack Ignis hit Sully hits. Then Raine Ignis crits to kill the boss. Pretty sure I woulda been fine without the crit BUT WHATEVER.

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Nah's Paralogue: Free/59


Tiki's Paralogue: Free/59

Let tiki die. Just extra training.

Chapter 23: 3/62

She pairs up with fred and gets to Validar on turn 2. Avatar killed validar during EP1. Lucina and Nowi killed things at the front. Sully killed everything else. I used a forged javelin on Sully to kill validar faster.

Chapter 24: 3/65


Chapter 25: 2/67

I made Sully go from 11 paladin to a Wyvern Lord. Sully pairs with Fred and runs straight to the boss.

Final: 1/68

Raine pairs with sully. Moves up 11 spaces to kill general. Maribelle then rescues Sully. Olivia dances Sully and sully runs back to beside the boss. Gungir equipped and swaps to Raine who uses Thoron. Attack Ignis hit Sully hits. Then Raine Ignis crits to kill the boss. Pretty sure I woulda been fine without the crit BUT WHATEVER.

You didnt get boots? Judging by your TCs in the endgame chapters and mine, I think boots does save turns :o

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Boots only saves from what I can tell, 2 turns. 23 and 24 are both two turnable without boots. 25 could probably be 1 turned with boots. And boots could save a turn on 21 and 18. So they save 3 turns I would say.

I think my C23 2 turn was more the fact that I had Flavia. But yeah, those turnshaves seem correct. I'll post my log when I get back home later this week.

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Premonition 2/2

Prologue 3/5

Fred + Lissa go to boss. Avatar+Chrom get exp.

Chapter 1 3/8

Fred and Avatar stomp the place. Virion got a kill.

Chapter 2 3/11

Fred+Virion full move every turn. Avatar+Chrom train.

Chapter 3 4/15

Fred goes for the boss. Chrom gets a kill. Avvy opens the door.

Chapter 4 2/17

Chrom and Avatar kill things after Fred lures Marth.

Donnel Paralogue 18 free turns

Trained Chrom and Virion as much as I could. Virion got pretty useless levels...

Chapter 5 3/20

Avatar KOS a barbarian in the way up north. Fred Silver Lances a Dark Mage with full move. Chrom

KEs a barbarian on the left.

Ricken goes up and suicides. Maribelle also lures a myrm out of the way in EP and gets killed.

Ricken's move lures every enemy to move. Avatar pairs up now with Fred and Fred full moves left to the trees

and switches to Avatar. Chrom kills the Dark Mage. In EP, stuff dies to Avatar+Fred.

Turn 3, Undrafted Sumia blocks a fort. Avatar goes up a bit (still in range of the hand axe reinforcement)

Lissa rescues Chrom+virion, who move up to lure an enemy to them that wont reach Avatar. In EP,

Avatar kills the reinforcements. Chrom KEs the last enemy.

Chapter 6 4/24

Avatar+Virion go through the right side and handle Validar.

Frederick takes the left by himself. Panne+Chrom and Lissa take the center and help out marth.

Chapter 7 3/27

Fred rushes to the left with Chrom paired up pretty much. Panne gets a bunch of kills and she gets beast

levels (c wut i did thar?)

Chapter 8 6/33

Gregor gets the Second Seal village. Lissa virion and Panne handle enemies in the beginning of the map.

Lissa gets the Rescue village afterwards. Fred+Avatar kill stuff down there then split up so that

fred can kill boss and Avatar can get the other seal.

Paralogues 2 and 3

Training for Wyvern Panne. Got to Hand Axes in Paralogue 3.

Chapter 9 4/37

Wyvern Panne goes for the boss with Fred paired up. Chrom and Avatar recruit Libra.

Paralogue 4 Free

Trained Gregor, Lissa, Libra and Virion a lot more. Panne rushed to get the arms scroll and got a bunch of exp

Unit		Class		Lv		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons			Supports
Chrom		Lord		12.62		30	15	1	14	17	14	12	3	Sword B			Louise S Lissa C Fred C
Louise		Grandmaster	20/3.11		42	21	19	19	25	15	15	15	Sword E Tome A		Chrom S Fred B Virion C
Frederick	Great Knight	8.50		35	18	4	18	16	7	18	4	Sword C Lance A Axe B	Virion A Louise B Chrom C Lissa C Panne C
Virion		Archer		10.12		27	11	2	15+2	7	9	9	4	Bow C			Fred A Louise C Lissa C
Lissa		Cleric		13.81		23	4	12	10	11	17	4	13	Staff C			Chrom C Fred C
Panne		Wyvern Rider	10/13.42	50*	21+2	5	26	25	15	20	7	Axe C			Fred C Virion C
Gregor		Mercenary	13.25		33	14	0	14	13	11	11	3	Sword C			
Libra		War Monk	3.24		40	15	17	14	15	11	12	18	Axe C Staff C		

Chapter 10 2/39

Lissa rescues Panne who is carrying libra. Libra is dropped in front of Panne. Turn 2,

Avatar kills the Master Seal thief and Libra rescues Panne, who ORKO'd boss.

Chapter 11 2/41

Libra rescues Panne down and she KOs things with Fred as partner. Then in turn 2 Libra rescues Avatar+Chrom and they KO

the other side. Panne killed the thief with her Player Phase move.

Chapter 12 2/43

Panne reaches Deliverer. Fred pairs up into her and they go up and she kills things with Hand axe.

Chrom and Avatar take the left side. Cherche paired up with Gregor takes on armors.

Chapter 13 1/44

Libra rescued Panne up and she ORKO'd boss. Everyone attacked/killed something to get exp.

Morgan Paralogue Free 18 turns

Trained Cherche a bit as a Griffon. Decided Virion sucks and wont bother anymore. Trained Lucina to promotion.

Chapter 14 1/45

Hammer Cherche KO'd boss.

Chapter 15 2/47

Cherche goes up. Say'ri is rescued by Libra, who is danced to go left through the beach.

Panne takes the boss area. Avatar+Libra take the beach.

Chapter 16 2/49

Rescue then Deliverer Panne delivered the Hammer to the boss.

Yarne Paralogue 7? free turns

Got Yarne. Killed stuff. got villages.

Chapter 17 3/52

This is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy hard to explain. But Ill try.

Lucina KOs a War Monk on the right side of the map. Gregor pairs up with Libra.

Virion, who was a bow knight and started on the center, paired up with Cherche.

Cherche KO'd a Sniper with Killer Axe. Fred who also started in the center,

paired up into Panne. Libra full moved up and rescued Panne+Fred and she killed

a sniper with Hand axe. Chrom hides. Lissa moves to the right. Avatar, who was

on the left side of the map, paired up into Yarne, activating Deliverer and he

went right. Olivia dances for him and he moves in range of all the center enemies

and switched to Avatar, who has an Arcthunder forge. In EP, stuff dies to Lucina,

Panne and Avatar. In Turn 2, Panne full moves left and KOs a Hero with a Hand axe

from 1 range. Libra moved and rescued Cherche, who moved up and left in range of the boss room's

Valkyries, she also used Pure Water. Avatar finishes off a war monk and is now in range of a valkyrie.

Olivia and Lissa heal Avatar and Lucina with Physicx2. In turn 3, Avatar moves up

and switches to Yarne. Lissa uses Physic on Libra. Olivia dances for Yarne.

Libra rescues Yarne+avatar. Cherche full moves and opens the door. Panne full moves

and barely gets the boots with a chest key. Yarne goes up, switches to Avatar and

Avatar uses her new Arcthunder forge to KO the boss from 2 range. Thanks Ignis <3.

Chapter 18 1/53

Glad I got the boots. This was only possible thanks to 13 move. Basically, Fred paired up into Panne, who

full moved down. Libra then paired up into Cherche who also full moved down and switched into

Libra, who rescued Olivia down so she could dance Panne. Panne full moved down again and ORKO'd

Yen'fay with Killer Axe. Lucina got a kill and the others tried to get one.

Tiki's paralogue free 8 turns

Had to expose Tiki to survive >_> yeah my team sucks. Got Rally Spectrum and 14 exp from Lucina's

Rightful King.

Chapter 19 1/54

Libra is danced by Olivia and he rescues Panne, who ORKOs Walmart with Killer Axe.

Lucina got to Rightful King.

Chapter 20 2/56

Avatar rally spectrums. Fred pairs up into Panne, who goes up and is danced by Olivia.

Libra rescues Olivia. Lucina, Cherche and Avatar form a wall to protect squishies. Then,

Panne KOs Walmart with Killer Axe.

Gerome Free

Gerome get.

Chapter 21 3/59

Panne got rescued and she just kinda went down and KO'd boss.

Chapter 22 1/60

Panne goes up.

Chapter 23 2/62

Chrom pairs up into Avatar, she full moves left, switches to Chrom and Chrom drops her in range

of Validar. Cherche+Gregor, who are married, go right. Cherche has a hand axe forge with max MT.

Panne+Fred full move right into the boss area with another Hand Axe forge with max MT. Lucina, who was

given an Arms Scroll for Javelins, goes up with Javelin equipped and Yarne support. In EP, Validar KOs

himself on Avatar. Flavia appears etc. Stuff dies to Panne and Cherche and Lucina. In turn 2, Avatar pairs up into

Flavia (SHE SAVES A TURN GUYS HYPE) and flavia moves down, still in range of a general that went for them and

other enemies and switches to Valflame Avatar. Panne attacks Validar with her Hand Axe forge from 2 range. Cherche KOs random

enemy that survived and Lucina KOs an assasin with Sol sword. In EP, stuff dies to Avatar, Cherche, Panne

and Lucina.

Chapter 24 2/64

Olivia dances for Panne+Frederick and she full moves to the boss area. Cherche takes on the enemies

in the bottom. Avatar takes the north and Lucina takes the middle.

Chapter 25 1/65

Chrom paired up with Lucina and she killed a Swordmaster on the left. Avatar uses Rally Spectrum.

Frederick pairs up with Panne. Libra pairs up with Cherche and she goes up and kills a general with hammer.

Olivia dances for Cherche and cherche goes up and switches into Libra, who uses Rescue on Panne. Panne ORKOs


Endgame Grima 1/66

Rally Spectrum then Lucina pairs up into Panne. Gregor into Cherche. Libra rescues Cherche and she KOs a warrior in the way.

Panne moves up and Olivia dances her. Then panne switched into Lucina and Lucina Aether'd the fuck out of Grima, with Brave Axe Panne

helping with dual attacks.

Lissa Battles 1 Victories 0

She was, quite frankly a Physic bot. She never did anything but that. I guess she helped 3 turn ch5 with the rescue charge

on Chrom but I bet even that was unneeded if the barbarian had behaved >_>. Once Libra joined, she WAS useless.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Sage		17/3.59		31	6	20	14	17	22	8	16	Tome E Staff B			Chrom C Fred C

Skills: Miracle, Healtouch

Frederick Battles 70 Victories 50

Clutch in earlygame, even though I didnt use him much then started to fall off and became Panne's husband. Made him a Griffon Rider later on, which I dont

regret because I needed 8 move from him Ch17 to 3 turn with boots. (he needed to start in the center and Panne in the right and

he could only reach as griffon)

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Griffon Rider	10/3.02		36	19	4	24	21	9	14	7	Axe A				Panne S Virion A Louise B Chrom C Lissa C Yarne C

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna

Gold Panne Battles 266 Victories 215

This girl is amazing o_O. I never expected her to be this BEAST (get it?). But yeah, I guess reclassing into flight with 70s

in both str and spd growths does that for you. Heck, she was even a good bases unit. I honestly think she's first round material and

Im starting to think Galeforce might not be that OP. After all, I only lost by like 3 turns to my Galeforce Cordelia team. I guess Deliverer is pretty good.

Its more available than Galeforce, which is nice.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Wyvern Lord	10/15/15/10.81	79	39	3	40	41	23	36	12	Lance E Axe A			Fred S Virion C Olivia C Yarne C

Skills: Strength+2, Tantivy, Deliverer, Lancebreaker, Quick Burn

Virion Battles 42 Victories 20

Saved a turn with his str boosts in C4 and made the c17 3 turn possible by being another bow knight. As a combat unit, he blowed.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Bow Knight	10/1.82		35	14	2	17	11	9	10	6	Sword E Bow C			Fred A Louise B Panne C Cherche C

Skills: Skill+2, Prescience

Gregor Battles 39 Victories 14

Surprisingly good. Whenever he got a level, he got like, str spd def which is really cool. He was Cherche's husband and

they made a great team together.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Bow Knight	4.17		43	20	0	18	19	13	12	6	Sword A Bow E			Cherche S Gerome C

Skills: Armsthrift, Patience

Bronze Cherche Battles 112 Victories 79

Very underrated. Easily a 2nd round pick. Deliverer is pretty nice and shes got some pretty damn nice bases.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Griffon Rider	14/19.65	59	34	6	31	30	25	33	9	Axe A				Gregor S Louise C Virion C Libra C Gerome C

Skills: Strength+2, Tantivy, Deliverer, Lancebreaker

Libra Battles 35 Victories 11

Made up the turn he cost for sure. A surprisingly good pick. His bulk and nice mag allowed me to get away

with leaving him in the frontlines, whereas other rescuers cant really afford that. A bro.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Sage		11/11.68	52	18	28	27	27	22	19	27	Tome D Staff A			Louise B Olivia C Cherche C

Skills: Healtouch, Miracle, Rally Luck, Rally Magic

Olivia Battles 0 Victories 0

Never battled of course. Dancer though. saved a bunch of turns/10

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Dancer		10.84		26	6	4	13	16	12	5	4	Sword D				Panne C Libra C

Skills: Luck+4

Flavia Battles 1 Victories 0

Much to my surprise, she SAVES a turn in Ch23, Basilio probably does too. By allowing avatar to reach some enemies that are too far

from the Validar killer (because they need to lure a General in the bottom right of the map). Worth it. She also helped Avatar in C24 as a

pairup bot :D.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Hero		10.50		53	28	6	32	30	24	25	13	Sword A Axe B			Louise C

Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Sol

Lucina Battles 104 Victories 76

Couldnt have beaten Grima without her 10/10. Made her a Paladin after she got Rightful King and she was practically invincible, especially

when she equipped the Sol sword and Defender :D.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Paladin		17/15/7.81	64	32	10	34	35	30	22	15	Sword A Lance D			Chrom A Yarne B Louise C

Skills: Veteran, Dual Strike+, Aether, Rightful King, Defender

Gerome Battles 3 Victories 1

Pretty useless.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Wyvern Rider	10.90		39	20	1	16	16	12	18	2	Axe C				Gregor C Cherche C

Skills: Strength+2, Tantivy, Patience, Deliverer

Yarne Battles 0 Victories 0

Oh, so dual attacks dont count for battles/victories huh? He saved me a turn in C17 (part of

the 3 turn with boots) and then became a supportbot for Lucina.

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Wyvern Rider	10/2.15		45	21	3	22	19	15	18	5	Axe D				Lucina B Fred C Panne C

Skills: Even Rhythm, Deliverer, Luna, Strength+2

Chrom Battles 52 Victories 38

I tried, I really did. But he just falls off in LTC too much. :/

Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Great Lord	14/5.81		38	21	2	19	20	18	18	7	Sword A Lance E			Louise S Lucina A Lissa C Fred C

Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether

Silver Louise (Avatar) Battles 155 Victories 133

Wasnt nearly as valuable as when she could be a Dark Flier, which is nice. She was mostly

support after awhile, which is how it should be imo. I'd say Cherche and Panne were better

(dont let the silver fool you, she had earlygame unlike Cherche , cherche killed more stuff in later


Class		Levels		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons				Supports
Dark Knight	20/15/6.21	61	27	27	34	35	25	29	19	Sword E Tome A			Chrom S Fred B Virion B Libra B Cherche C Lucina C Flavia C

Skills: Ignis, Solidarity, Veteran, Rally Spectrum, Slow Burn

Closing comments: Really liked the rules. Considering banning every mounted Avatar next time or just using a Second Seal on him/her.

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C7 3/27 turns

I tried to 2 turns this but I don't think I could and also I would not get Cordelia, which would be terrible

Para 3 free/27 turns

Training for all everyone except Fred and Violet. Don't save any villagers

C8 5/32 turns

beating PKL up to this point aww yeah

This took a fuckton of resets because Cordelia could not into dodging and I also had a strategy that didn't 5 turn it at first so I had to fix that. The level ups I got in trial runs were ridiculous but they were pretty average here, which is kinda lame but whatever.

Promote Violet to Grandmaster. Nothing with the change seal yet.

C9 4/36 turns

I'm fairly certain I could've 3 turned this because there were only 2 enemies remaining after turn 3 enemy phase and Tharja was recruited, so I'm going to try and do that if I can

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You get cordelia automatically after chapter 7 even if you two turn it. It's funny.

Frankly I could have beat PKL in this draft as I was like 5 turns ahead of him by like chapter 8 which is what mattered. But I didn't think he was actually going to catch up and pass me in turn counts so I think I didn't try as hard as it progressed.

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