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What did the seed say when he became a tree?

Gold Vanguard

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I heard this joke before. (That's why I was like, "I know what he's going to say... 'geometry.'")

And voila, I opened the page, and... GEOMETRY!

But I don't like geometry that much... Facepalm_emote_gif.gif


Gee, gee, gee, gee, baby, baby, baby...

I'm Korean, but I still don't understand most of the song. :P (And I've even lived in Korea. Sad, I know.)

EDIT: So... I actually listened to the song. Yeah, I understand it... (Not 100%, though... More like 90%)

EDIT 2: *sigh* The Korean entertainment enterprise...

I haven't listened to K-Pop in such a long time. (In, like, a few months...)

EDIT 3: Too many South Koreans undergo cosmetic surgery...

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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One day I will steal your thunder Rehab. I will wait, wreathed in shadows, until the perfect moment to strike.


You could always ask nicely and/or share.

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Nah sharing's for squares. I will visit atypical psychological warfare on his untrained mind. Like a blinding bolt of lightning I will strike, without warning or provocation.

Hey that's kind of relevant as a metaphor since I'm talking about stealing his thunder. Go me. :I

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