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Tronsform into a peanut to deceive them for a while.

With your clever sense of clever cleverness, you decide to transform into a peanut-- the perfect guise for distracting the PEANUT GODS. Except... not so perfect since they can plainly see you transforming into an unfamiliar peanut. Oh well! At the very least, you made all three of the PEANUT GODS skip their turns by causing to laugh so hard at you.

Triceps believes in you, though, Your powers are limitless!

Meanwhile, the rustling of the White Fairy's bush settles down. Did... did she leave?

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Transform into a Hazelnut proof bunker.

You transform into a hazelnut-proof bunker. You're humungous and can take any nutty attack no matter how powerful! Nutella throws her Hazelnut Bomb towards you. It explodes with a tremendous amount of force! Since you're a bunker, the attack does very little to you. Triceps decided to hind behind you at the last moment so she's safe too. Y'know... for PEANUT GODS these guys are kinda lame. They need to step it up!

Nutella cries in shame and disappears. Nut and Nutters are still incapacitated. Quick! this is your chance to KO and get EPIC LOOTZ and EXP!

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Transform into a gun and shoot Nut and Nutters!

You transform into a crazy badass gun and put end to Nut and Nutters. You gain 100 EXP points and a jar of Peanut Butter. The distasteful pentagrams on the ground begin to vanish and the nasty crack in the ground seals itself up.

100 EXP points = LEVEL UP! You now have the pleasure to transform into Austin Powers. Yeah, baby! Consider this to be your grand-slam special. Also, try putting that jar of peanut butter to use when you feel the time is right.

Triceps seems impressed at your flamboyant transformation powers. Go you! However... the White Fairy seems to have vanished. Where on earth could she have gone?

1. Look for the White Fairy.

2. Go on towards the crater.

3. Open up your jar of Peanut Butter.

*i put on my robe and wizard hat*


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3. Peanut Butter time.

You feel the uncontrollable urge to open your jar of peanut butter. Mmm, it smells fantastic! ...However it doesn't really benefit you in any other way. Too bad.

Triceps seems tired of your antics and moves on towards the crater without you. Damn, Macho Guy, you're losing your mojo! It's alright, though, you've got tons of other chances to impress her further.

As you approach the crater you begin to smell something funky. Like 70's disco funky. Eventually, smell becomes hearing, and you can't help but to start shaking your hips to the beat! You shake them harder and harder, eventually this begins to hurt. Oh no, you're taking damage! Act quickly!

1. Resist the beats.


3. Sing a song of Earth, Wind, and Fire.

4. Open your jar of Peanut Butter.

5. Use your transformation powers.

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2, and 3 at the same time if I can.

You decide to let the beats consume you. As your ships shake with the thunderous force of 1000 walking Americans, you begin to sing a glorious song passed down through the ages by many legendary bards.





The beats push and squeeze themselves into every crack and crevice of your body. They embed themselves into your very being.

You are the beats.

You are the Earth.

The Wind.

And the Fire.

There is nothing else.

There never was anything else but the beats and the 21st of September.

Nothing else.

You wake up in a breezy field of long grass with no memory, no recollection of anything that has happened to you. All you see is long grass, flowers, and a jar of peanut butter. You decide to get up and take a better look at your surroundings. You look to the:

1. Left.

2. Right.

3. Direction in front of you.

4. Direction in back of you.

5. Open the jar of peanut butter beside you.

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You look behind you and notice a great mountain looming over a forest of tall pines. What a gorgeous sight.

A hideous lady is flying in the distance. She... seems to be flying with a broom. That's totally not weird.

She spots you and swerves towards your direction. Oh god, what's she gonna do to you?! She could be a terrible witch! Act quickly!

1. Run away.

2. Embrace the flying-broom lady.

3. Open the jar of peanut butter.

4. Duck!!!

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You duck and the broom-lady zooms right over your head. She crashes into a nearby tree and falls to the ground. She looks hurt...

1. Check on the lady.

2. Take her fabulous red shoes.

3. Take her broom.

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Who cares about the lady! She could've cursed you or something...

Anyway, you grab her broom and decide to take it for a ride. You soar right over the meadow and over the forest. You're up pretty high-- it's almost scary! However, the scenery is amazing so you don't really mind. Eventually you make it over the mountain and see a city in the distance. Near the city is a humongous tree and to the east of it lies the coast.

1. Visit the city.

2. Visit the tree.

3. Visit the coast.

4. "Look at me, Ma! No hands!"

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2. Tree!

Your interest immediately peaks at the sight of the tree. Gosh, what a beautiful erection! You slowly turn your broom towards its direction.

As you get closer to the tree, you notice houses scattered along its humongous branches. The tree actually houses a small city! How wondrous and fairytale-like. You begin to survey the houses, they're really eco-chic. As time goes by you suddenly hear an alarm.


...Oh boy.


2. Pfft, I can take 'em!

3. Jihad me at first site, Valentine! (Suicide)

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(You're sane! Thank goodness.)

You quickly swerve in a southward direction towards the coastline, safely avoiding whatever the security dispatch was. Gee, for such a nice place the SECURITY DISPATCH sure is awfully mean. As you reach the coast you see a gorgeous white beach, a boat with balloons and banners labeled "LOVE BOAT", and a small amusement park on the nearby pier.

1. Head for the land and take a walk on the beach.

2. Visit the LOVE BOAT.

3. Visit the amusement park.

4. Look behind you.

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