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Your Top/Bottom Fire Emblem games

Constable Reggie

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So what are you guys' favorite/hated Fe games in the series, and why?

My personal favorite/not favorite games are:

3) Seisen No Keifu: Aside from having a really interesting plot and one of the coolest twists ever, I enjoyed the different style of gameplay. Traveling and battling across the entire continent in the way Fe4 structured it (entire countries per chapter) felt grandiose and epic, something I feel no other Fe game has captured (mayyybe Radiant dawn, but that game has a load of problems that holds it back).

2) Awakening: There's just so much content to this game. The dual system is really cool and adds some new layers of strategy to the typical Fe formula. Plus, it's just cool being able to fight/recruit characters from previous games.

1) Thracia 776: The pinnacle in meshing gameplay and story seamlessly, in my opinion. The game truly does feel like you're surviving by mere threads. Your broke ass army has to resort to stealing enemy weapons, and all the little touches really add to the game (Leaf's leadership stars, for example). Everything this game does right, in my opinion, far outweighs all the little problems the game has.

3) Gaiden: level design took a hugeeeee nosedive from Fe1. A shame, since it had some pretty awesome ideas, but that level design, man.

2) Mystery of the Emblem: Book 2's level design is either a)ranging from mediocre to atrocious to b)stolen from Fe1/Book 1. It's also pretty easy and uneventful, considering the relative lack of strong enemies, and really just any enemies in general. Remaking Fe1 was pretty cool, though.

1) Sword of Seals: Terribly unbalanced, relatively dull level design, and basically just apes Fe1's story.

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Haven't done something like this in a while (I'll copy your format for the hell of it).


3. Sacred Stones? This is hard to pick, but 8 is basically the one I've played the most after the next two. Awakening could beat this, but I'm still only at the beginning of that game.

2. Blazing Sword/Fire Emblem 7. Possibly due in part to it being my introduction to the series. Many memories with this game.

1. Radiant Dawn. Better in every conceivable way than its predecessor, I've probably never before or since been so thoroughly satisfied with a game. I still don't understand how anyone can possibly find PoR superior. Maybe if they only played each once...


3. Path of Radiance. I do like the game, but those damn map animations that I can't turn off put a huge damper on its replay value, not to mention the low difficulty and extreme imbalance (yes, I realize Sacred Stones also has those last couple problems).

2. Shadow Dragon. Just dull and boring. Too classic for a modern game.

1. Sword of Seals. Frustration to the max with this thing. Horribly dull story, pointlessly big maps, etc., etc.

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Top 2:

1. Awakening. Olivia. The story, the characters, the atmosphere, and the music will just take your heart and soul and never let go. I cried to Chapter 10.

I was gonna throw a ragefit if the localization didn't live up to the game which just took my very being. Safe to say the localization is AMAZING.

2. Blazing Sword. Ninian I was honestly curious about Roy's origins after playing the Sword of Seals English Patch. I liked the concept of having three main characters. Though obviously, the whole thing that makes this emotionally involved in it was a certain Ice Dragon.

Bottom 2:

1. Sacred Stones: It just didn't hook me and involve me deep enough in the story.

2. Radiant Dawn: I just have to say... the gameplay portion was very fun. The battle animations were pretty. The story was horrendously confusing and just plain made you "wat" in the latter half of the game. Sure, I had a hell of a fun time pitting two factions of units I leveled against each other and SUCCESSFULLY killing the enemy controlled units didn't perma-death them. But man, the story just... urgh. Path of Radiance was a lot better in that department. They TRIED to plot twist it to get the player involved... but it just didn't fly with me.

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1. Blazing Sword: One of the greatest days of my life was the day when my friend came over to my house and said "Hey I found this game on my bus today. I don't have a GBA so you can have it." That sunny day in June, 7-8 years ago, is how I got into FE, and I never looked back since. I've played this game more than any other in the series. I like the plot, characters, and overall gameplay, and to me it's kind of the "standard" FE play. Also is where my love for Assassins started (yeah Jaffar!). Many memories with this game.

2. Path of Radiance: I like this one a bit better than it's sequel since it's not super long but long enough, I liked the introduction of skills, bonus experience, laguz and forging. I also really liked the battle animations and little cutscenes.

3. Radiant Dawn: Also a really fun game, though it felt really long, and everyone just felt super powerful. I liked being able to give skills to whoever (so Geoffrey and Astrid weren't the only ones with Paragon, for example). Battle animations were also cool in this one. It worked off the positives of PoR which was cool.


1. Shadow Dragon (FE11): This is the only game that I actually started and was too bored to finish. From the weird character art to the boring plot/characters, I just couldn't take it. I respect that it's a classic, but it's just a little too old for me. It didn't have a lot of the things that I enjoy in FE games, and the characters didn't feel personal at all and I couldn't bond with them.

2. Sword of Seals: The big maps was cool, but it really didn't take advantage of it. Plot was super boring and predictable, and the fact that Roy didn't promote until the final chapter still annoys me. It got me through Chemistry in high school though playing it on my iPod, so it's better than FE11.

3. The only other FE games I've played are Sacred Stones and (still playing through) Awakening, and those games are good so I don't want to put them here. If I have to, I guess Sacred Stones has to be here by default.

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Top (Best is 1)

1. Awakening. This is a fantastic game from multiple angles, and I cannot recall having this much fun with a video game... ever.

2. Path of Radiance. I like the cast here. They're all pretty likable. Story isn't super amazing though.

3. Radiant Dawn. It tried to be a different game than 6-9, and it did succeed, and I give it respect for doing so. It just kinda screwed up other stuff in the process.

4. Sacred Stones. Mostly for hot-hot Marisa and the darling L'Arachel

5. New Mystery. Assassin story made this a great game just to read. Wouldn't be nearly as good of a game without it.

Bottom (Worst is 1)

1. Shadow Dragon. So recycled. It feels like a 90s game. Bringing Marth to the west was a good idea, but they could've done a much better job at it.

2. Mystery. Slow and clinky, and not really even that hard.

3. Blazing Sword. Really boring story to be quite honest, and I don't like any of the characters either.

4. Sword of Seals. Massive maps, horrible class balance, and a really boring story to boot. I use Miledy is cute and Echidna is pretty cool though.

5. Geneology. "Hey guys, let's give everyone OP mount units AND big maps!". An awesome idea on paper, but the balance was horrendous.

Have yet to beat Thracia, Gaiden or Dark Dragon to list them.

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Top :

5 : Brought a lot of fun mechanics that didn't make the cut for most later games, namely capture, item stealing, fatigue and movement stars.

13 : I've really enjoyed the pairing abilities, skills and voice acting so far. A minor complaint would be the lack of online versus.

10 : Fun game and a lot of innovation in its mechanics. Fighting a goddess and her servants is a rather interesting idea too.

Bottom :

1 : The archaic mechanics make it such a hassle to play sometimes.

7 : I probably would've liked it more if Hector was the main lord and Lyn's part was scrapped. It's not like Caelyn was even mentionned in FE6.

11 : A remake of a game that was already remade. Joy.

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Top(1 being the best)

1. FE4: I love the marriage system, the kids, the plot, the music, the giant maps( yes I loved the big maps). I love how on some maps the turn order would go you, enemy 1, enemy 2, ally and then a neutral army. I felt like I was in an actual war(or more of one). I like all the characters save Beowulf. Has amazing replay value too.

2. FE7: I've played this game over 20 times maybe even in the thirties. I like all the characters. It could be because it was my first FE so maybe it holds a special place in my heart.

3. FE 10: I was going to go with FE9 but I feel 10 built upon 9 and improved it. Save Yune I thought the plot was enjoyable enough. The music was good too. However, my favorite part was fighting my units with other units. Something is satisfying killing the Dawn Brigade with the Greil Mercenaries.


1. FE5: I don't know I just can't get into this game despite it taking place in the same world and story as FE4. I'm on the chapter where you get Xavier and I have little interest in finishing it. I might give it another go after I finish Awakening.

2. FE11: Yes I know it's a remake but like most said I felt they could do more with it.

3. FE8: I couldn't get into the characters and I felt it was too easy with being able to go back to areas and refighting in them. I think Awakening has the same problem but I'm thankful somewhat to them due to it allows me to build support with characters.

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Top: 1) Blazing sword(FE7): This game just had it all. Great story, great characters, great villains, great music, supports and of course

my favourite(and most hilarious) cavalier duo in all fe. It misssed skills but you can't have it all in life.

It also helped that was my first fe and the reason I am a fan of the series.

2) Sacred stones: In short FE7 with less chapters , a few skills , and of course a world map.

3) Genealogy of the holy war(Fe4): Loved the pairing system, great story(the darkest of FE), had skills and it also had Sety.

If it had less incest and more playable holy weapon users(looking at you Areone and Ishtar) it might be my favourite FE ever.

Bottom: 1) Thracia 776(FE5): The game was just trolling you at times. Limitless reinforcements with some insane recruitment

requirements(never been able to recruit Xavier), all characters must escape the map and fatigue!

The story was also not great but it was a midquel of FE4 so I think it can't be helped. I liked the capture system,

movement and constitution growths and of course the greatest gotoh in all FE though so don't get me wrong I liked the game

but it was not as good as other FE's.

2) Shadow dragon(FE11): It was a good game but considering the gba Fe's I think IS was a little bit lazy here. The portraits were

meh, the gaiden requirements were insane( you had to sacrifice more than half your army to get them) and no supports

or skills!! Well they might wanted to make it feel more like the original but still they could have done more. Also was

never a fan of magic under one category. FE12 fixed some of the mistakes but still it could be much better.

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I'll just list all that I've played starting from my least favorite leading up to my favorite at the end.

Shadow Dragon: I like the strategy, but honestly the story and characters are dull. The whole thing is pretty dull.

Sword of Seals: This was actually the last GBA FE I played, and I was extremely disappointed. Still a decent game, but dull in comparison to 7/8.

Sacred Stones: Very fun, I really like the branched promotions and the few skills it had, but it was too short and too easy.

Radiant Dawn: Story was a little whack, but otherwise everything about this game was great.

Path of Radiance: This game is AWESOME. Very engaging, I liked nearly all the changes between 8 and this one.

Blazing Sword: It was the first one I played. My parents bought me it on accident when I was 11 (I asked for Golden Sun lol) and so the addiction began. I've probably beaten this game more than 50 times, no joke, as has my brother. I STILL read every single dialogue (except sometimes the stuff in Lyn mode) to the point where I can point out most dialogue changes between Eliwood and Hector modes, that's how great I think the story is. Characters (even minor ones) are actually very well-developed if you're willing to spend hours on supports (which I am). Hands down, my favorite game of all time, on any system.

Also, Sain taught me how to get women.

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3. Radiant Dawn. First FE game i played. Animations were nice

2. Thracia 776. I've completed this game over 15 times i think. Capture~ I love everything about this game.

1. Awakening. Love the pairing abilities, the story, and being able to get characters from past FE games. really fun


3. Geneology. I use to find this game fun, but now it's extremely boring to me. :/

2. Shadow Dragon. Dull. I couldn't get into it. like most said they could've done a much better job at it.

1. Sword of Seals. I hate this game. Story sucked, really boring etc

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3) Shadow Dragon: There's something I can't explain about why I like it so much.

2) Path of Radiance: A really fun game with great characters

1) Sacred Stones: First game bias but I like the characters a lot.

Least Favourite:

3) Genealogy: Don't get me wrong. The Fist Gen is amazing. But the second gen is sinfully boring and uniteresting.

2) Sword of Seals: Boring characters, boring supports, boring story

1) Thracia 776: Uninteresting characters, gameplay that is luck based more so than any other FE game, unstrategic fog of war (memorizing the map before hand is not strategy, its just memory)

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Thracia: Both the player and the computer are given lots of toys to play with. The difficulty is created through clever map and scenario design as opposed to obscene enemy stats. And as a late SNES game, it looks and sound as good as possible on the hardware. There will probably never be another game like Thracia, but I only need the one.

Sword of Seals: I'm not surprised that a lot of folks are down on this game, but I do strongly disagree. FE6 HM is a game with teeth, it introduced the support system (with some really good supports. Treck/Gonzales and Noah/Trek are still the best they've ever done), and it gives the player a large cast from almost every unit type. It makes games like Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones seem anemic in comparison, and they are. Few games in the series ever ask of the players what FE6 asks in its chapters 4 and 7, and that's to be commended.

Dark Dragon/Shadow Dragon: There are reasons to like both. FE1 has the 8 bit look/sound that I love so much, while Shadow Dragon has the fun reclassing system. The cast is huge and the maps are solid.


Geneology: Gigantic, empty maps. The good presentation (I love the music, and Sigurd's story is really strong) is marred by consistently frustrating design choices. Nonmounted units are worthless. The enemy has strength only in numbers, and they're really easy to exploit and set up on.

Mystery of the Emblem: The first half removed several characters, and that is enough to make me unwilling to play it. The second half is alright but, as the OP noted, not designed as well as the stuff from FE1.

Gaiden: Empty maps. Haphazard enemy placement, super annoying (random) summoning enemies, and an unrewarding magic system easily make it the worst in the series. There's are several good reasons why no one plays it.

I'm not sure where Awakening falls yet, though I suspect it'll land somewhere in the top half.

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1.Radiant dawn: i'll summarise it into two points..

Gamewise, so many enemies and sometimes troublesome terrains. you need to be very careful here on this game. Attacking is one simple thing, but if you're not keen enough on predicting the enemy phase, you screwed up (never dared to go to Hard mode, i screw Save chapter so much). Especially on Dawn brigade chapters, you had so many unfully trained units against a promoted enemies (Chapter 3-12...). as for Greil mercernaries side, they all kick ass. Laguz kings is da best.

story wise, i like the way how each sides (dawn brigade, laguz alliance) fight each other for what they believe, the delusions of begnion, Pelleas death, Conflicts rising to climax ,and finally, great conclusion of story. Memorable musics (Greil mercenaries map theme,Final chapter map, Ending song).

oh one more thing: HEART ATTACK on enemy phase

2.Blazing sword:as my first Game, this game had so many things for FE beginners and had the most "classic" story which is why i like it. It's pretty balanced and had a good story (lyn: retaking castle, main story: chasing and kicking darin's ass, fulfilling destiny and slaughtering four fangs in the meanwhile and showdown). Maybe that's all...

HHM are kinda hard on beginning (that early chapter of defending throne... oh god) but it became so easy on later chapters.

3.Sword of seals: unbalanced RNG (miss miss miss miss hit miss miss hit miss....), painstaking bosses (Leygeance, Gale for being a clever bastard), Annoying handicaps (boltings, Ballistas, etc..), crappy lord (thanksfully he did well with Angel robes) , reinforcements (everyone know what happens on that chapter....15 dracoknights, 15 Paladins/cavaliers, and this happens like for 10 turns) and finally, the gaiden chapters... these all makes this game very worth it..

Least favourite:

1.FE4: aside from Crappy RNG, the tactics of this game is too obvious: "A 15-20 Enemies march against you, KIll them!, Now seize the Damned castle! do this 3-4 times and you cleared the chapter" the story is A bit whelming but it turns well..

2.FE5: totally unexpected RNG's, Many overwhelming chapters (everytime you need to escape), cheating bastard enemies (General on thrones with master weapons), Clever enemies. The story is good as a midquel, and had so many Heart attacks during enemy phase.

3.Sacred stones: short story (attack some kind of castle, save the Dessert/Kill the Emperor , And charge the "demon king"), weak but overwhelming numbers of enemies, World map and a very frustating valni tower , but i had good moments there (especially eirika's side, her map theme is just the best)

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3:GBA FEs-

They were fun, and all three were decently done.


Haven't exactly aged well, but the Jugdral ones have nice stories and gameplay innovations. fe3 was kinda fun with the 2 games thing.

1.TRS Uhhh, Would be fe12 if I could get DSMUME to run the thing faster, but is it ok if I say TRS?



Feels kinda generic and fails to capture my awe.


Everything is great except for the map animations, could we just turn them off?


Asdf long game with confusing story.

The three tiers and multiple armies you could control was fun, but it felt a little unbalanced.

0:fe14, I'll bet the game is made of fanservice!

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I have yet to beat FE5, FE2 and FE4 (Although i'll probably never touch this FE again...)

Not gonna bother with FE3 & FE1.

Best 3 FE Games:

#1 - Awakening: This game right here is amazing. It has a nice storyline and a big variety when it comes to gameplay. The Pair up feature takes strategy to a new level. My one gripe with this game is that they could of added in a Maniac mode since i found Hard to be a bit easy and finding Lunatic to be quite difficult so far. Asides from that though, This game is great and I'm gonna be playing this for a good while with DLC, Spotpass and whatnot.

#2 - New Mystery of the Emblem: I like this game since it requires you to strategize differently (along with Awakening at some points) compared to your average fire emblem game. You can't really rush your units through hoards of enemies if you wanna get villages, items from thieves and what-not, especially on the harder difficulties. I especially liked Maniac and Lunatic mode!

#3 - Blazing Sword: Quite a classic, honestly. The storyline and gameplay isn't the best out there but i think it's still pretty good. Don't really have much to say about this game, honestly... It's just fun to play, all day, every day.

Worst 3 FE Games (1 Being the worst):

#1 - Radiant Dawn: This game's quite easy and the storyline just seems to be all over the place. I especially hate the fact that they make you play as the dawn brigade again after a long hiatus. If you don't prepare yourself for those chapters, your just going to have a miserable time. Pt. 4 Endgame is pretty fun though. Don't get me wrong though, This game is still good but it just so happens to be on the bottom of my list as of late.

#2 - Sword of Seals: This game's RNG and lack of hit rates makes actual strategizing a bit of a pain (This game's the first time ever that i missed with a 98%). It especially gets to the point where one miss can screw you over entirely. A lot of characters become unusable on Hard Mode. It's a shame too, because it's nice to have character variety, in which most characters can actually be used. This game's still fun to play if you can get past some of the tediously hard chapters

#3 - Path of Radiance: This game's so easy... even on hard mode. I really liked the music and the design of this game though, it was quite well done. This game's quite good for people starting the FE series and for people who just wanna mess around with FE, too. It's a nice game and all but the difficulty factor is my big gripe here.

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3. New Mystery of the Emblem

2. The Blazing Sword

1. Genealogy of the Holy War


3. Shadow Dragon

2. Thracia 776

1. Sword of Seals

My reasoning will come later, and I'm sure Awakening would get a spot on the top 3. But after I play FE13, I'll compose my reasoning in another post.

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1. Awakening, just so much to do, and the characters are really well written. My only complaint is that normal isn't any harder, still, really fun.

2. Genealogy of the Holy War, I love the fact that it is unbalanced, and it plays completely differently than other Fire Emblems. The story is probably the darkest and most realistic (as far as Nintendo games go).Great soundtrack, my only complaint is I didn't get to know enough of my soldiers, I wish it could be remade with perhaps the barracks function, supports, or implement the characters more into the story.

3. Blazing Sword, I loved this game, it felt almost as real as FE4, and it had a much simpler concept: stop dragons from coming back. You weren't taking over countries as teenagers, in fact there was not a country out there who would help you, it was Lycia vs. the world.

I love all games, so I couldn't bare to make a three worst list, but I do have one.

1. Sword of Seals, it was just a poorly made game, it's like they didn't play test it once it was done. Roy was a terrible character, he's even more of a robot than Marth, and the balance of the game was way off in a non-good way, it was like they thought they knew what they were doing, but then some guy was hit by a train.

Am I the only one who likes Shadow Dragon?

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3. Blazing Sword, I loved this game, it felt almost as real as FE4, and it had a much simpler concept: stop dragons from coming back. You weren't taking over countries as teenagers, in fact there was not a country out there who would help you, it was Lycia vs. the world.

I'm sorry but what are you referring to? You do conquer Laus and Caelin. The latter actually twice.

Edit: And there is the awkward fight in Santaruz. You are specifically fighting Black Fang troops. But what were the Santaruz soldiers doing in the meantime?

They can hardly just have stood around idling, so they would have to fight either Eliwood or the Black Fang. If the former, this makes three countries.

And a group of assassins can hardly take on a whole country by themselves anyway.

Edit2: And they would have no reason to, since all they had to do was to kill the marquis which can't be that hard. Afterwards, they had no reason to stay.

Edit3: Nevermind. I shouldn't have brought Santaruz up. I don't think that the whole scenario makes enough sense to draw any conclusions from. For all I know, the soldiers had their free day but left the key to the castle below the doormat so that Eliwood could enter after duking it out with the Black Fang. But the issue with Caelin and Laus is a lot easier.

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Not rating Awakening since I'm still around the halfway point.


2. Path of Radiance. Great story, and I had tons of fun with my first playthrough. The easiness and lack of options for the first 9 chapters takes away some of the replayability though.

1. Blazing Sword. Great characters, HHM was a respectable challenge, and nostalgia helps too. It's main flaw is that it's showing its age.


2. Sword of Seals. I've had mixed opinions about it over the years. It doesn't have any design decisions as awful as some of FE4's and FE10's, but it isn't nearly as fun either. Overall it's just kind of boring, which isn't a good quality for a game to have.

1. Shadow Dragon. Take Sword of Seals, remove supports, add incentives to kill off most of your army, make Warp broken, and release it 6 years later and you have this abomination. In its defense it did have some cool ideas (reclassing and online battles), but they were poorly implemented so they don't count for much.

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Top (1 being the best)

1. Awakening: Tons of content, great characters and gameplay, and finally an amazing soundtrack are just a few of the things that make this my all time favorite game.

2. Thracia 776: The main character was the only second generation character I liked in FE4, (I liked Finn as well, just I consider him a first generation character) and it felt immensely satisfying to beat the harder parts of the game. To bad it ended where it did, because I honestly would have liked to see it go up to Julius' defeat.

3. Heroes of Light and Shadow (FE12): I felt it was a great step back in the right direction (Shadow Dragon was a huge step in the wrong direction) and the return of supports like in the GBA was great as it finally gave the Archanea characters personality.

Bottom (1 being the worst)

1. Sacred Stones: Pathetically easy even on hard mode, and I didn't like the characters or story.

2. Shadow Dragon: A remake of an NES game that feels like just an updated NES game. They should've done more with this remake.

3. Genealogy of the Holy War: This used to be my favorite in the series until trying to replay it I just couldn't get interested in it. To much time is wasted moving your units around (While not fighting), and it's pathetically easy for the most part. (Game breaking Holy weapon users come to mind) The only character introduced in the second generation that I liked was Leif so I felt completely unmotivated to keep anyone alive aside from Leif and Finn. I feel it could use a remake to fix what was wrong with it. (With some fine tuning, adding of supports and whatnot I feel this could be one of the best Fire Emblem games)

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1) FE4: I love this game. I love the writing, I love the characters, I love the classes, I love everything about this game. My only problem is the fact that there's so many classes that never get used.

2) FE10: I hate the writing, but the gameplay is awesome, as is the music. Mastery skills are really broken, but it's still a well-done game.

3) FE7: I just loved FE7 and it was my first Fire Emblem game.


1) FE8: I didn't like the characters, I didn't like the story, I didn't like... much of this game.

2) FE9: It's ridiculously easy, and it's easy to break the game early on. Just use Titania.

3) FE6: The gameplay balance is horrendous. The story needed polishing but it's actually got one of the best storylines. Unfortunately half of the cast is shit.

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1. Fire Emblem Awakening: This game wowed me. The music, characters and gameplay entertained me like no FE has ever done before. The pair up system is pretty cool and the gameplay is really fun. My only gripe is that lunatic mode makes everyone unviable except for Avatar, Chrom, Fred, Sayri, Anna and Libra if you dont grind.

2. Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow: The gameplay was really fun. The difficulty was pretty awesome and a lot of things about it made me go "That was intentional". A true masterpiece when it comes to difficulty and gameplay imo. I also liked the story and the OST.

3. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn an underrated game. The gameplay was really solid as was the OST. The story might be stupid if you look at it too closely (like some people here do) though.


1. Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: One of the weaker entries in the series to me. Lacked difficulty and I find the characters very bland.

2. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon: Story is bland. Characters have no personality. Gameplay is poorly balanced. The OST is mostly unremarkable.

3. Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War: bored me to no end.

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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Am I the only one who likes Shadow Dragon?

I actually enjoyed Shadow Dragon. I thought the art design was incredibly unique in a cool way, the interface was really smooth and quick, the reclass system was interesting to use (it wasn't forced or required so it's not a negative in any way), and it had online play. There's a bunch of things SD added that I think doesn't get enough credit for, like the map health bars and enemy turn quick ends. Admittedly though, it sacrificed a lot of things expected out of a Fire Emblem game.

I have yet to beat FE5, FE2 and FE4 (Although i'll probably never touch this FE again...)

You're missing out. Love it or hate it, those three entries introduced a lot of interesting mechanics that aren't seen in most recent Fe's.

1.TRS Uhhh, Would be fe12 if I could get DSMUME to run the thing faster, but is it ok if I say TRS?

Mind if I ask what makes TRS your favorite? I felt the ost was really grating and the gameplay was below expectations for an Fe-like game, with bad/boring level design and ridiculous unit movement (3 move knights, oh you..).

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I'm sorry but what are you referring to? You do conquer Laus and Caelin. The latter actually twice.

Edit: And there is the awkward fight in Santaruz. You are specifically fighting Black Fang troops. But what were the Santaruz soldiers doing in the meantime?

They can hardly just have stood around idling, so they would have to fight either Eliwood or the Black Fang. If the former, this makes three countries.

And a group of assassins can hardly take on a whole country by themselves anyway.

Edit2: And they would have no reason to, since all they had to do was to kill the marquis which can't be that hard. Afterwards, they had no reason to stay.

Edit3: Nevermind. I shouldn't have brought Santaruz up. I don't think that the whole scenario makes enough sense to draw any conclusions from. For all I know, the soldiers had their free day but left the key to the castle below the doormat so that Eliwood could enter after duking it out with the Black Fang. But the issue with Caelin and Laus is a lot easier.

To my understanding, they were just smaller territories of Lycia, and it's not like they stayed there for long periods of time. Laus eventually returns to Erik, and Caelin is still ruled by its Marquess until after the events of the main story. Santaruz, I'm lost there as well.

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I actually enjoyed Shadow Dragon. I thought the art design was incredibly unique in a cool way, the interface was really smooth and quick, the reclass system was interesting to use (it wasn't forced or required so it's not a negative in any way), and it had online play. There's a bunch of things SD added that I think doesn't get enough credit for, like the map health bars and enemy turn quick ends. Admittedly though, it sacrificed a lot of things expected out of a Fire Emblem game.

You're missing out. Love it or hate it, those three entries introduced a lot of interesting mechanics that aren't seen in most recent Fe's.

I did try FE5 though and it's quite decent, albeit a bit unfair with RNG and whatnot.

I'm indifferent to FE2 and with what i heard about FE4, It doesn't seem that i'll like that game.

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