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Characters you DON'T like?


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:dry: Sully thinks feminine qualities are undesirable for herself. The only time i saw her give a side-eye to other girls in a Chrom support where she says "well they all decided to be a bunch of damn LADIES." but she goes on about how that kind of thing isnt her bag. I dont recall ever seeing Sully outright get on the case of another female character for that reason. I, for one, enjoy Sully for not wanting to conform to her gender role.

Yes this. I agree with this. Sully is probably one of the characters I can relate to so much because we're so similar. I often get called a man due to the mannerism in which i act. There is nothing wrong with being feminine and if you are feminine, masculine, a robot, or anything in between, good for you. But if you ask me to act more what society deems as feminine, I wouldn't take very well to it because it's just not in my personality to do so (and sadly people do get up in my business about my mannerisms more often than I'd like) and I feel that's the same case with Sully. It's not so much she feels that feminine women are inferior as much as what society thinks as feminine and what her personality is just don't match up. It's the same if you ask a feminine person to act more masculine. It wouldn't work with who they are.

Unless she actually bashes Sumia in their support or something since I haven't read that, but I don't think I've seen a case of which in the supports of her I have read.

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I don't outright hate any character, but I am highly bothered by some characters more than other.

Sumia I am constantly mad at myself over. I think she had a lot of potential but I feel like the developers spent more time making her the perfect wife for Chrom than developing her outside of it, and I'm sorry, but her supports with Gaius really did bug me (who throws a beehive at a person and then gets away with it for making cakes holy cow). However, I do think her supports with Frederick were one of her better ones so that did give her more brownie points. She's also a pretty good unit stat wise. So I'm constantly between being passive at best with her and being bothered. I just don't like the klutzy girl with a heart of gold archetype when the game forces on you so much that you should like her.... But I don't really hate Sumia. Just on the fence constantly and never making up my mind. And then Cynthia just... Sumia's klutzyness with Owain's flare for being overdramaticly heroish is far too much for me to handle. Lukewarm towards her but I need to get more of her supports before I have a solid opinion on her.

I can't get into Tharja at all. It really bothers me what she does to Noire and her husband and while she potentially changes after you get her A support with Noire, it doesn't change the fact that she experimented on her daughter upon first meeting her. Child abuse really bothers me and I'm not into Yandere personality types anyways. She also refuses to gain SKL for me in game so she doesn't hit well and I'm just better off using Henry. Probably the only character I'm somewhat close to hating but it's more of a mild aversion and anger that I feel.

Never not mad at Gangrel over Emmeryn, though I guess he was being played by Aversa and was mad at the last Exalt for what he did. I didn't find him as funny as other people did but eeh, I don't hate him either.


I bounce back and forth between feelings towards Severa too. On one hand I feel bad for her because her parents died and she carries baggage over it so she acts all angry to avoid being hurt again, but on the other hand she does play her dad pretty badly and throws quite the temper tantrum. I do find her entertaining though.

Lon'qu has some pretty dumb moments, and I'm on the boat that thinks he can be a little sexist. In his C support with a female Avatar I remember him refusing to spar with her and even made a comment about swordsmanship being a mans pursuit? And got rightfully pelted with figs for it. I do like him with just about everyone else though but he tends to screw me over often and never dodges low numbered hit rates.

I don't enjoy Virion all that much either though I at least think he's more sympathetic than I originally thought now that I paired him with Panne and got more backstory. I wish I understood his english voice actor more..

I think that's about it with my beefs. No one I outright hate, just some people that bother me to varying degree's. Awakening does a good job overall with it's character development even if a lot of it is trope-ish.

Edited by Saria
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I can't get into Tharja at all. It really bothers me what she does to Noire and her husband and while she potentially changes after you get her A support with Noire, it doesn't change the fact that she experimented on her daughter upon first meeting her. Child abuse really bothers me and I'm not into Yandere personality types anyways. She also refuses to gain SKL for me in game so she doesn't hit well and I'm just better off using Henry. Probably the only character I'm somewhat close to hating but it's more of a mild aversion and anger that I feel.

But but ): Tharja! She doesn't really change upon reaching A support with Noire and is more or less the same the whole time. Things we know,

1) Avenge father(avatar in this case) by gaining more knowledge of hexes. Test on Noire. (I understand how losing somebody that close to you means you would do anything to avenge them)

2) Noire was never actually taught how to hex for various reasons even if she can cast dark magic.

3) Reasons for future Tharja's actions in Noire support.

4) Actually cares about Noire and Avatar a lot and actually cares about both of them a bit much. (aww)

5) She has the dark mage passive skills to keep enemies from avoiding. Also you can fix low skill. It is harder to fix low strength or speed/defenses. I suppose I don't really care about having lower skill since I remember Sain back in FE7 where he was all speed and str but low skill.

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But but ): Tharja! She doesn't really change upon reaching A support with Noire and is more or less the same the whole time. Things we know,

1) Avenge father(avatar in this case) by gaining more knowledge of hexes. Test on Noire. (I understand how losing somebody that close to you means you would do anything to avenge them)

2) Noire was never actually taught how to hex for various reasons even if she can cast dark magic.

3) Reasons for future Tharja's actions in Noire support.

4) Actually cares about Noire and Avatar a lot and actually cares about both of them a bit much. (aww)

5) She has the dark mage passive skills to keep enemies from avoiding. Also you can fix low skill. It is harder to fix low strength or speed/defenses. I suppose I don't really care about having lower skill since I remember Sain back in FE7 where he was all speed and str but low skill.

I know she has her reasoning but I personally don't feel like it justifies testing hexes on Noire, and in the father supports for her she mentions Tharja hexing her father if he tried to stop her from doing it? I'm just not okay with it personally. To me it reads off as an abusive relationship with both of them, and even though that doesn't mean she DOESN'T love them (there's always some degree of love in abusive relationships) it still comes off as abusive to me.

yeah her skill is easily fixable in this game but she's level 16 for me right now with 8, and two of those are from a secret book, so she only really gained it once in my file. I'm raising her enough to pair her with Gregor and get her some decent stats for Noire, but I don't really like her as a unit. And skill means a lot more to me since I like classes like Myrmidons who have high skill, but it really is a problem that I can't get Tharja to HIT anyone. (I haven't looked at the dark mage passive skills but both her and henry have missed quite a few times for me so I have no idea what's going on, Tharja just misses more than Henry hence why I prefer him)

I can see why people like Tharja, but I just personally don't sorry : (

Edited by Saria
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Yes this. I agree with this. Sully is probably one of the characters I can relate to so much because we're so similar. I often get called a man due to the mannerism in which i act. There is nothing wrong with being feminine and if you are feminine, masculine, a robot, or anything in between, good for you. But if you ask me to act more what society deems as feminine, I wouldn't take very well to it because it's just not in my personality to do so (and sadly people do get up in my business about my mannerisms more often than I'd like) and I feel that's the same case with Sully. It's not so much she feels that feminine women are inferior as much as what society thinks as feminine and what her personality is just don't match up. It's the same if you ask a feminine person to act more masculine. It wouldn't work with who they are.

Unless she actually bashes Sumia in their support or something since I haven't read that, but I don't think I've seen a case of which in the supports of her I have read.

It seems to be very common in some feminist circles that the Tomboy character is now undesirable because its construed as putting feminine women down. I really hate that kind of mindset because it basically says that if a woman does not conform to gender roles, she is somehow "doing it wrong." Like how dare a girl not want to be girly! MISOGYNY! Ugghhhhh.... So now every tomboy character who feels Real Women Dont Wear Dresses for themselves and only for themselves is a bad thing. Give me a break.

I don't enjoy Virion all that much either though I at least think he's more sympathetic than I originally thought now that I paired him with Panne and got more backstory. I wish I understood his english voice actor more..

Isnt part of Virion's deal all about the fact that his House is at risk of going extinct and he really needs a bride to keep the bloodline going? (other than the fact he knows hes pretty and can exploit it.)

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I can see why people like Tharja, but I just personally don't sorry : (

Well alright ): Agree to disagree then. Maybe I am just weird in that I don't see her as being abusive due to the Avatar supports with her, mostly B and A since S is more or less the same across all chars where "marry me! here is a ring!". Besides, talking to Tharja to remove the curse from Noire is well worth it. XD *cares for my unit's family maybe a bit too much.*

To me, swordmasters have gotten weaker over the fire emblems, while they were amazing back in FE7 I think they have gotten weaker and my preference has changed to using a few different types of units. Mages in particular, I was sad when they removed dark mages and Light mages.

Other than that, I use Great Knights instead of Generals I would have used back in 7. And work on assassins/Heroes instead of swordmasters. 7 got me interested in swordmasters, 9 changed that whole logic around and made me realize how great heroes are. Although that isn't to say I don't like chars that were swordmasters. Mia is one of my favorite female characters across all fire emblems and I was pretty bummed you couldn't A support her with Ike in 9. Luckily in Awakening you can always reclass so you don't feel stuck to a single class if you don't like their base class. Makes me able to get the skills from swordmaster (all they are good for right now) and use them on something else or on swordmaster. Astra, Counter(wrath?), Swordfaire, Zeal, Gamble + Killing edge anybody?

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Isnt part of Virion's deal all about the fact that his House is at risk of going extinct and he really needs a bride to keep the bloodline going? (other than the fact he knows hes pretty and can exploit it.)

I don't know about that part actually. In his support with Panne they talked about how his people think he abandoned them and fled for his life but really he took a risk and left thinking that enemy soldiers would follow him and leave his people alone (They all refused to turn him in and were getting slaughtered is what I remember of it). The soldiers were after him so he was hoping they'd solely focus on him and he got labeled a coward and traitor for it. Poor guy

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Me too.

I didn't like Nintendo's name change of her. She should have stayed Tiamo. Because it matches perfectly with her ancestor Tiamat/Titania of both her Japanese and English/European names and that it means "Bundle of love". =)

Nintendo should have left it alone. Oh, well.

who is tiamo and why do you keep saying you love me

We could go various directions with this. First of all, Tiamo is not a name. Secondly, it means, literally, 'I love you' - which has two problems in of itself. First and most obviously, naming your kids after a common phrase is generally considered unkind, as my brother Whatsfordinner can testify. Secondly, she doesn't love you - she loves Chrom and only Chrom. Even if she marries you, she loves Chrom. It's a terrible and ill-fitting name.

Now, I'm not sure how you're connecting Cordelia with Titania, either, since she's a blatant reference to Catria (whose name she matches fairly closely.) But if you really want there to be a connection, then good news, because there is one: Titania's English name was localized into something from a A Midsummer Night's Dream, and... oh, hey, Cordelia's from King Lear. They're both Shakespearean. Now, what does that Cordelia do? Her motto is 'love and be silent', and she loses her share of a kingdom because she can't exaggerate her love for her father (despite being the only sibling who actually feels it.) Compare Cordelia, whose silence prevents her from having Chrom despite being much more obsessed with him than his other brides. Because this is Shakespeare, she and her father are both killed at the end, but that's neither here nor there.

And not even just that, either. Cordelia comes from the word for 'heart', which is about as close to a metaphorical 'bundle of love' as you're going to get.

Cordelia is probably the best name change they've ever made and will ever make.

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I don't know about that part actually. In his support with Panne they talked about how his people think he abandoned them and fled for his life but really he took a risk and left thinking that enemy soldiers would follow him and leave his people alone (They all refused to turn him in and were getting slaughtered is what I remember of it). The soldiers were after him so he was hoping they'd solely focus on him and he got labeled a coward and traitor for it. Poor guy

Ahh yeah theres that too. That touches upon Virion's not-so-apparent intelligence. Hes actually really tactical minded. Just not on the same level as Avatar.

To me, swordmasters have gotten weaker over the fire emblems, while they were amazing back in FE7 I think they have gotten weaker and my preference has changed to using a few different types of units. Mages in particular, I was sad when they removed dark mages and Light mages.

You clearly havent met high leveled Swordie Owain. <3333

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Ahh yeah theres that too. That touches upon Virion's not-so-apparent intelligence. Hes actually really tactical minded. Just not on the same level as Avatar.

I really loved Virion's and MU's support convos. I thought the dynamics of their strategic prowess was really interesting and puts a whole new light on Virion's initial character.

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Sully is terrible characterwise because she's a total caricature, not a character and that caricature isn't even done well. I don't think anyone actually dislikes Sully for being masculine or anything (I certainly don't anyway), but one can be a strong independent woman without going "I am a LIBERATED WOMAN DAMMIT" constantly. Also Sully is an asshole and it kind of shows in her supports. For example, how she bullies Kellam around. Really she's basically Cecile 2.0 except not lesbian and nobody ever calls her out on her bullshit.

There are well-written tomboys and badly written tomboys and Sully is in the latter category, particularly in comparison to other tomboyish characters in this game such as Lucina, Kjelle, and Flavia.

On another subject Virion is basically Sain. And everyone loves Sain so I don't get the hate towards Virion.

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My least favorite character, as a person, not a unit (although I have to admit I've never used her), has to be Severa as well. I don't like her personality type.

Lon'qu never really appealed to me, but I wouldn't say I dislike him. I just overlooked him a lot. He was also Severa's father, so...

Miriel's really, really bland, too. I don't like her. Her supports only enforce that rather than change it, too.

But I don't really hate anyone, I guess.

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There are well-written tomboys and badly written tomboys and Sully is in the latter category, particularly in comparison to other tomboyish characters in this game such as Lucina, Kjelle, and Flavia.

...are you sure about this?

I'm not *terribly* fond of Sully, but I think she's much better about it than Kjelle, who mentions how much better she is than men approximately every 2.8 seconds.

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As far as i know Sully does not think shes better than men.

On another subject Virion is basically Sain. And everyone loves Sain so I don't get the hate towards Virion.

Whats even weirder is that Virion is classier than Sain. They have the same quirk but Sain comes off as much more of a lech and kind of a perv.

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I dislike Sain, but only because he does nothing but hit on girls. That's all there is to his character, seriously.

I hope Virion isn't that shallow of a character, but I guess I'll see once Awakening hits Australia.

And I remember why Cordelia annoys me - she's too unrealistically...perfect. It's as if she was designed solely for otakus to pleasure themselves. She also steals characterization from multiple other Pegasus Knights in the series, such as Catria and Fiora. She's like a borderline Mary Sue.

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And I remember why Cordelia annoys me - she's too unrealistically...perfect. It's as if she was designed solely for otakus to pleasure themselves. She also steals characterization from multiple other Pegasus Knights in the series, such as Catria and Fiora. She's like a borderline Mary Sue.

Hmm, she's more like The Ace than Mary Sue.

Also, she was supposed to be the 2nd Catria since Ylisse is the 2nd Archanea. Just a running gag.

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I also find Tharja to be completely abhorrent. I think they were going for "hilariously sinister" with her character, but she's just this creepy girl who's just...there. Henry totally overshadows her (geddit?) in the "Black Comedy" department, and I hate the fact that she's popular because she plays to people's fetishes. And let's not forget her relationship with her own daughter.

I think I'll pair her with Vaike because I don't want a character I actually like to be stuck with her.

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As a character:

  • Say'ri - I'm mostly upset that they didn't flesh her out more; she's rather dull.
  • Gerome - Probably my least favorite. Just get over it and make use of the opportunity you have.
  • Brady - I guess I just don't get him. I don't hate him, but while I understand him trying to be different from Maribelle, I don't like their direction.

As a unit (assuming base class):

  • Ricken - Aside from starting C in magic, he just feels inferior in every way to Miriel. So useless.
  • Brady - Unless you make Donnel his father for Aptitude (which I guess is the "correct" pairing given his manner of speech), he seems to be the worst child in the game - by a lot. Doesn't excel at anything.
  • Stahl & Sully - They just seem lackluster compared to some of the cavaliers of the past. Or maybe it's just that specialized units feel more powerful in this game than in the others.

Edited by Sykil
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Let's see here,

Sully: Her personality kills the character for me, I liked her at first but as I got more and more supports the more her personality got to me.

Kjelle: I liked her at first, until she described my army as a bunch of newborn kittens, her personality is way worse than Sully's though, at least her mother doesn't call everyone in the army weaklings.

Sumia: I don't like pegasus knights in general, I don't like klutzy characters that much either, she also feels pretty daft to me.

Cynthia: Pretty much Sumia, but combined with Owain's heroisms? Way too much for me.

Olivia: Shyest person in the army, wears the skimpiest clothing, also I have a bias towards dancers.

Miriel: The same as a textbook, very little personality at all, also hates fireworks.

Say'ri: I find her to be pretty boring and too Japanese for my taste.

Yarne: The last member of a proud, warriorlike species, also the biggest coward in the army. Anyone else see the issue here?

Tharja: ... *shivers*

Gaius: Not a big fan of him, not sure why, possibly his obsession with candy.

Vaike: Already covered well enough earlier in the thread.

However, I love Laurent since he's different enough from his mother and I also love Severa, I can understand why people dislike her though.

Brady and Maribelle are also among my favorite characters as well. Spouse bias, ftw?

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I don't really dislike Chrom, but I don't like the fact that he has the generic "leader" personality of pretty much every FE Lord. There's a reason why Leonardo is considered the most boring Ninja Turtle.

I don't like Validar, either. Not because he's the bad guy, but because he's such a poorly done bad guy in a game where pretty much all of the other villains have credible motivations (Gangrel, Walhart, Aversa... pretty much everyone else has a reason why they do evil things). He's just the Generic Doomsday Villain who wants to destroy the world because he's "SO EEVUL".

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Lon'qu apparently had a female friend as a youngun and was falling for her. And then she died and he hated himself for not protecting her. He's also afraid of women because that incident hurt him so bad that he couldnt stand to see it happen again with another girl.

Yeah not sexist.

Saves me the trouble of having to support him with Cherche.

I know she has her reasoning but I personally don't feel like it justifies testing hexes on Noire, and in the father supports for her she mentions Tharja hexing her father if he tried to stop her from doing it? I'm just not okay with it personally. To me it reads off as an abusive relationship with both of them, and even though that doesn't mean she DOESN'T love them (there's always some degree of love in abusive relationships) it still comes off as abusive to me.

yeah her skill is easily fixable in this game but she's level 16 for me right now with 8, and two of those are from a secret book, so she only really gained it once in my file. I'm raising her enough to pair her with Gregor and get her some decent stats for Noire, but I don't really like her as a unit. And skill means a lot more to me since I like classes like Myrmidons who have high skill, but it really is a problem that I can't get Tharja to HIT anyone. (I haven't looked at the dark mage passive skills but both her and henry have missed quite a few times for me so I have no idea what's going on, Tharja just misses more than Henry hence why I prefer him)

I can see why people like Tharja, but I just personally don't sorry : (

Your Tharja got screwed.

Curse youuuuu RNG. D=

Tharja LV20/18 EXP87

Class: Dark Knight


HP 64/64

Power 22

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 21

Speed 36

Luck 22

Def 29

Res 14

Sword B Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start, Life Absorb


-Thunder Sword

-Alm's Sword


-Katarina's Lightning

-Katarina's Lightning

Hope you get a Tharja like this. =)

Well alright ): Agree to disagree then. Maybe I am just weird in that I don't see her as being abusive due to the Avatar supports with her, mostly B and A since S is more or less the same across all chars where "marry me! here is a ring!". Besides, talking to Tharja to remove the curse from Noire is well worth it. XD *cares for my unit's family maybe a bit too much.*


who is tiamo and why do you keep saying you love me

We could go various directions with this. First of all, Tiamo is not a name. Secondly, it means, literally, 'I love you' - which has two problems in of itself. First and most obviously, naming your kids after a common phrase is generally considered unkind, as my brother Whatsfordinner can testify. Secondly, she doesn't love you - she loves Chrom and only Chrom. Even if she marries you, she loves Chrom. It's a terrible and ill-fitting name.

Now, I'm not sure how you're connecting Cordelia with Titania, either, since she's a blatant reference to Catria (whose name she matches fairly closely.) But if you really want there to be a connection, then good news, because there is one: Titania's English name was localized into something from a A Midsummer Night's Dream, and... oh, hey, Cordelia's from King Lear. They're both Shakespearean. Now, what does that Cordelia do? Her motto is 'love and be silent', and she loses her share of a kingdom because she can't exaggerate her love for her father (despite being the only sibling who actually feels it.) Compare Cordelia, whose silence prevents her from having Chrom despite being much more obsessed with him than his other brides. Because this is Shakespeare, she and her father are both killed at the end, but that's neither here nor there.

And not even just that, either. Cordelia comes from the word for 'heart', which is about as close to a metaphorical 'bundle of love' as you're going to get.

Cordelia is probably the best name change they've ever made and will ever make.

"I love you" makes Japanese men want to collect all of her artwork. Although her obsessing over Chrom ruins that.


Cordelia is actually based on the queen of hearts in shakesphere. This name change isn't so bad, actually. But it bites that it doesn't match Titania at all wordwise. But look at here...


But it actually does match Cordelia as she was queen of the fairies which also tells that she was also daughter of the Titans which that was taken from folkore. Titania is actually releated to this story as a Persona was named after her in Personas 3/FES and 4. She can also turn her lovers into animals. Titania is a mortal woman who ruled the fairy land and it fits perfectly with Titania's characteristics. As she is at that personality-wise connecting it along with Cordelia. Cordelia matches perfectly with her ancestors name as they both relate to shakesphere. I didn't want Nintendo to butcher their relations completely in any way. But how does it connect with Cordelia's own name when she only loves one man? Tiamo relating to being "I love you" actually when she only loves Chrom does not connect with her Japanese name either. So both of her names aren't actually flawless either way.


Tiamo by the way actually means "I love you" in Italian/Spaniah.

But how does this relate to the queen of hearts when it actually relates to her only wanting you..erm Chrom?

Heh heh...this is magnificent. Like in S.T.A.R.S being in the R.P.D department in Resident Evil two along with those beautiful paintings making Cordelia relate to that! Cordelia is good! I just didn't want Nintendo to destroy all relations to her ancestor Titania. I thought Titania related to "Titan" like the strength of Tiamat which that also was a possibility when it was actually relating to a shakesphere philosophy. This is great. It's like seeing the Picture of a lovely lady in the owners mansion in Final Fantasy 6 which are actually two Dahling/Misty enemies, Cherry, Barb-e, Villa etc. Their names actually relates much to these gals too. ^^












LV80 Magic















YES! You sir have got me to wanting to go on hours and hours about! YES! Her name along with Titania's came from an artistic sense like this. Nintendo has done it again! But how could Tiamo/Cordelia match up to her name when she only loves one man, Chrom even with marriage?

As far as i know Sully does not think shes better than men.

Whats even weirder is that Virion is classier than Sain. They have the same quirk but Sain comes off as much more of a lech and kind of a perv.

It's funny that in her character description, she has lots of fan mail from men.

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YES! You sir have got me to wanting to go on hours and hours about! YES! Her name came from an artistic sense like this. Nintendo has done it again! But how could Tiamo/Cordelia match up to her name when she only loves one man, Chrom even with marriage?

It was stated in her S support with Lon'qu that she used to love Chrom but now she changed her mind(and Lon'qu reading her mind). Well, about some of her battle quotes...I'm changing my PoV so she's actually referring to her husband, not Chrom.

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