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Custom Battle Models Thread


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I might just be seeing things, but is Ricken's horse as cavalier smaller than the other horses? I had him next to troubadour Cherche, and it looked significantly smaller... Also Nowi as wyvern rider, her wyvern looks smaller than Sully's. Can anyone confirm?

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I think there are size variations that are applicable even to generic classes. An avatar size 1 will be bigger than an avatar size 2 even if they reclass out of tactician. The same thing goes to the default cast, not only avatars/DLC characters, someone like Ricken likely counts as a size 2 character, while Walhart seems to be even bigger than a size 3 avatar.That would also change their mounts.

Edited by NeonZ
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I think there are size variations that are applicable even to generic classes. An avatar size 1 will be bigger than an avatar size 2 even if they reclass out of tactician. The same thing goes to the default cast, not only avatars/DLC characters, someone like Ricken likely counts as a size 2 character, while Walhart seems to be even bigger than a size 3 avatar.That would also change their mounts.

Yep, I am pretty sure that this is how it works. I added this to the main post. We should probably start compiling size data too since that's another aspect of the character's battle model that we haven't compiled info on.

Can anyone verify Cynthia's Dark Flier as having an unique model? I don't see any differences.

It's custom. It's pretty hard to see but it's there.

Edited by Walhart
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Lissa's regular Cleric battle model has an apron which no other cleric has.

Dread Fighters also have a custom win pose and they toss their weapons in the air before a battle starts.

Edited by Naui
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I can't check Cynthia's Dark Pegasus costume right now, but the Falcon Knight one is generic.

"Gold chest plate, light blue leggings" is the default costume, also shared with Spotpass characters. I've compared her to Elincia, even using a Second Seal to get them standing outside of their pegasus and their outfits are pretty much identical.

Edited by NeonZ
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I can't check Cynthia's Dark Pegasus costume right now, but the Falcon Knight one is generic.

"Gold chest plate, light blue leggings" is the default costume, also shared with Spotpass characters. I've compared her to Elincia, even using a Second Seal to get them standing outside of their pegasus and their outfits are pretty much identical.

Ok thanks I'll fix that. It isn't too surprising. It's possible I'm even wrong about the dark flier model because it is a very minute difference.

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Lissa as a Bride does different victory poses, is missing the little dancing animation when standing still, has a different staff animation, and does significantly less twirls. It seems like her moveset is based off Clerics. Basically her Bride model is disappointing :(

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Lissa as a Bride does different victory poses, is missing the little dancing animation when standing still, has a different staff animation, and does significantly less twirls. It seems like her moveset is based off Clerics. Basically her Bride model is disappointing :(

I think Henry does this with Dread fighter, videos I've seen the Dread fighter disappears like its Gaiden animation, and such. Henry just uses the Hero animations with the Dread Fighter model :C

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Lissa as a Bride does different victory poses, is missing the little dancing animation when standing still, has a different staff animation, and does significantly less twirls. It seems like her moveset is based off Clerics. Basically her Bride model is disappointing :(

I think Henry does this with Dread fighter, videos I've seen the Dread fighter disappears like its Gaiden animation, and such. Henry just uses the Hero animations with the Dread Fighter model :C

Hmmm... these are both very interesting. I'll confirm when I have time. For now I'll just quote you guys in the original post.

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Whoa, I would've never noticed Assassin!Lon'qu's outfit details, either. o___o;;

I think Virion's Sniper model is a generic one. I switched Stahl into one for comparison and couldn't find a difference (maybe I'm not looking hard enough).

[spoiler=Stahl vs. Virion]ZOn55hE.jpgN5iATx3.jpg

edit: I probably should've clarified that the first post lists Virion with a custom Sniper model. XD;

Edited by Ekuseru
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Guyyys seriously I'm like 100% sure people only ever get custom textures/models in their default class trees and EVERYTHING else is generic, period. So this should be called Generic Battle Models since often promoted units in their own class sets get generic models.

...Actually I'm not even sure what I just said so ignore me.

Also Dread Fighter does have an attack animation where he disappears to attack.

Edited by 47948201
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Lissa's Bride class seems to have the same win animation as her Sage class, so I'd say those with unique infantry poses (Lissa, Henry, Nowi, Nah, Panne, Yarne, etc) cancels out the DLC animations. Bride!Nowi also doesn't have the flair of the normal bride, and I remember it being mentioned that someone's Maribelle wasn't twirling like a bride should.

Also, I've noticed this with Chrom as a dual partner, but, a Dread Fighter's sword idle (Where you're in battle, but that unit isn't attacking) animation is actually the same as a Hero. I just checked it out with Lon'qu, and he's the same as well. I don't know the Hero's axe idle animation well enough to say the same for axe wielding Dread Fighters

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Whoa, I would've never noticed Assassin!Lon'qu's outfit details, either. o___o;;

I think Virion's Sniper model is a generic one. I switched Stahl into one for comparison and couldn't find a difference (maybe I'm not looking hard enough).

[spoiler=Stahl vs. Virion]

edit: I probably should've clarified that the first post lists Virion with a custom Sniper model. XD;

Thanks, I fixed that. I'm almost positive there are no differences but wheels has surprised me before XD .

Lissa's Bride class seems to have the same win animation as her Sage class, so I'd say those with unique infantry poses (Lissa, Henry, Nowi, Nah, Panne, Yarne, etc) cancels out the DLC animations. Bride!Nowi also doesn't have the flair of the normal bride, and I remember it being mentioned that someone's Maribelle wasn't twirling like a bride should.

Also, I've noticed this with Chrom as a dual partner, but, a Dread Fighter's sword idle (Where you're in battle, but that unit isn't attacking) animation is actually the same as a Hero. I just checked it out with Lon'qu, and he's the same as well. I don't know the Hero's axe idle animation well enough to say the same for axe wielding Dread Fighters

Ok, this seems right so I added it to the original post. I am pretty sure that Owain Dark was talking about the actual attack animations rather than victory poses with regards to Lissa, but I'm not sure so I'll leave both until someone can confirm something.

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Whoa, I would've never noticed Assassin!Lon'qu's outfit details, either. o___o;;

It's the opposite for me, kinda. I've always noticed the red on his sleeves, but I didn't know that they were custom until I promoted Gaius and was looking for them, haha.

I still think that it's odd only his assassin outfit is custom and not swordmaster though.

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Oh, Lissa definitely doesn't twirl as much, I've got her as a Bride right now, basically, what it seems to be to me is, if they have a unique win pose as an infantry unit, it seems to completely cancel out the DLC animations. I can't actually test this as I have a digital copy, but, I'd say those with unique infantry poses use the DLC Class animations (When you take out the card with your DLC and check the unit that's a Bride or a Dread Fighter, they take the appearance of the Tactician class, but with the weapons of their respective classes) while those without use the actual animations.

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I'm not sure, I can't actually see the DLC Class, because my copy is a digital copy, and the way to see a DLC Class is either through streetpassing (I'm in Australia, I imported, only person I know with the game in my whole state) or by taking the card with the DLC out but have the game card in (Obviously, impossible for me with my digital copy)

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Just tried it myself, it uses the animation for that base class. Mercenary for swords, fighter for axes, soldier for lances, archer for bows, and cleric for staves. Haven't tried out victory poses yet.

Seems like it uses default victory poses. also the music sometimes cuts when battle animations are on.

Edited by Perrfersser FerrtSperrkle
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And I can confirm Nowi and Lissa as Brides use the Archer animations when they use a bow, so, I guess my theory worked out? (They do that jumping thing archers do on their second shot, which looks really funny XD)

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Ok, I added a new section in the OP explaining this phenomenon. What I am looking for now (although custom models is still the priority and I am sure new info will surface about that as time goes on) is data on the size variations. Are there a set number of sizes 1,2,3 that correspond to the avatar like someone suggested or are there more possibilities (like were all the classes designed for a specific size call it 100% and each character has a number corresponding to their relative size)? I know this is hard to determine conclusively since we can't hack the game but I am curious as to the theories and observations.

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What kind of clothing/uniform does Morgan(F) wear as a Manakete?

Default tactician or something?

She wears Nowi's outfit IIRC. So does Spotpass!Tiki, again IIRC.

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