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So, I recently unlocked nearly all the children's paralogues. I tired two of of them, Kjelle's and Inigo's; The first was a little challenging, and the second saw me unable to fend off the first wave of fliers. So, people who have played them, could you possibly rank them in difficulty(i.e., easiest to hardest or something), so I have at least vague idea of what I'm getting into?

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From easiest to hardest:

Ones with low-level enemies

Ones with medium-level enemies

Ones with high-level enemies

Just take a look at the enemy strength and see what you're getting into. Kjelle's is one of the few with mainly unpromoted enemies, so it's one of the easiest, along with Morgan's and Laurent's. Others get harder as you go on; I remember Inigo's being one of the tougher ones, with Noire's and Nah's as probably the toughest.

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From easiest to hardest:

Ones with low-level enemies

Ones with medium-level enemies

Ones with high-level enemies

Just take a look at the enemy strength and see what you're getting into. Kjelle's is one of the few with mainly unpromoted enemies, so it's one of the easiest, along with Morgan's and Laurent's. Others get harder as you go on; I remember Inigo's being one of the tougher ones, with Noire's and Nah's as probably the toughest.

noire acutaly easy just need rescue staff and good speed anyway one i had hard time was nah becuase once past first door they raid you like madman i use my friend raiden *max state* to handle bottom solo supriseingly 2 hp came out alive some how and front i use my other character *good thing Nah had counter or she bin rip stock that one enamy =_=!

Edited by Mark
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Morgan's and Owain's are pretty easy. Nah's and Noire's are one of the hardest. Yarne's can change difficulty depending on your choices. Gerome's is medium-hard. Severa is medium, just make a magic user kill the levin sword tricksters before she walks in their range. Laurent's is easy as long as you know where the enemies that spawn after visiting the villages are. Inigo's is hard definitely one of the last ones you should do (unless you have a completely overpowered unit). Cynthia is medium-easy, just be smart. Yeah, that's about it.

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A very helpful person from GameFAQs posted this for me...

Kjelle - Level 19, non-promoted, no forged weapons

Owain - Level 20, non-promoted, no forged weapons

Cynthia - Level 3, promoted, no forged weapons

Brady - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Severa - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Yarne - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Noire - Level 7, promoted, forged weapons

Nah - Level 7, promoted, forged weapons

Jerome - Level 8, promoted, forged weapons

Inigo - Level 8, promoted, forged weapons

I don't have the data for Morgan's, but it was pretty easy for me. Non-forged, non-promoted, I'm sure.

Just keep in mind that some maps have tricks to them -- like Nah's magically breaking and repairing walls.

Urgh, those walls.

A hint for Inigo is not let the fliers come to you. I sent A-Supported Virion and My Unit above and S-Supported Olivia and Chrom below.

If you can survive them, the rest of the map is tense, yes, but much easier.

Edited by Valorous_Roland
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Kjelle - Level 19, non-promoted, no forged weapons

Owain - Level 20, non-promoted, no forged weapons

Cynthia - Level 3, promoted, no forged weapons

Brady - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Severa - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Yarne - Level 6, promoted, no forged weapons

Noire - Level 7, promoted, forged weapons

Nah - Level 7, promoted, forged weapons

Jerome - Level 8, promoted, forged weapons

Inigo - Level 8, promoted, forged weapons

huh, what about Laurent

(good thing Kjelle's is easy, barely used Sully at all)

Edited by shadykid
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Great thing that the first paralouges I did were Inigo and Nah's... >_>

Seriously, I had to restart sooo many times doing those two. Me being on an RNG-screwed streak didn't help either. Getting hit by 20~30% accuracy on a regular basis? Really?!

Aside from being shat on by the game, I found both paralouges manageable as long as you take care of the fliers first in Inigo's paralouge, and if you don't get surprised by all the moving walls and flier-effective weapons in Nah's.

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A very handy tip for determining difficulty:

Generally, the later in the game you recruit the mother, the harder the paralogue chapter for the kid. Makes a lot of sense, really.


checking out the earlier list, going in order:

Kjelle (Sully)

Owain (Lissa)-switch with Kjelle

Cynthia (Sumia)

Brady (Maribelle)

Yarne (Panne)

Severa (Cordelia)

Nah (Nowi)

Noire (Tharja)

Inigo (Olivia)

Gerome (Cherche)

.......well then

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A very handy tip for determining difficulty:

Generally, the later in the game you recruit the mother, the harder the paralogue chapter for the kid. Makes a lot of sense, really.

Well, that is handy.


*crushed by own stupidity*

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Owain (without Missiletainn)


Owain (with Missiletainn)




Brady (if you don't care about villagers)


Yarne (against Green or Red)


Brady (if you want to save all villagers...so many bows :wacko: )

Yarne (against Green And Red)

Edit : I did all of them with the same team between chapter 15 and 16 (Normal mode) : Say'ri(Swordmaster)&Avatar(Grandmaster), Chrom(Greatlord)&Sumia(Pegasus not Falcon), Lon'qu(Swordmaster)&Olivia(Dancer), Henry(Sorcerer)&Maribelle(Troubadour) for those who were fighting (my promoted units were lvl 1-7) + Liz&Gaius (for Rescue Staff and Physic) + the parents of the child.

Edited by Tharne
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I just know Noire's was difficult, because her chapter was the first I played in between the earlier chapters of the game. I saved the rest of the kiddies to recruit right before the endgame, so all of the remaining paralogues were fairly easy for me to complete. Even Yarne's was ridiculously easy, when I chose to fight both teams.

Not sure if saving the kids to recruit right before the endgame is the best idea, though (no time to use them during main chapters to level them up).

A very handy tip for determining difficulty:

Generally, the later in the game you recruit the mother, the harder the paralogue chapter for the kid. Makes a lot of sense, really.

That is interesting...

Edited by Lauren
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That rule of thumb is handy, but the problem I have with it is a bunch of paralogues open up and you're just sort of expected to guess which ones are which. The chapter names and numbers don't seem to be sufficient to give you any idea, so you have to go into the mission itself to figure it out... and in a couple of cases, it doesn't actually show you what kid you're supposed to get from it or what the hell is going on.

I just think they kinda dropped the ball on making that clear.

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A hint for Inigo is not let the fliers come to you. I sent A-Supported Virion and My Unit above and S-Supported Olivia and Chrom below.

If you can survive them, the rest of the map is tense, yes, but much easier.

That's kind of what I did too, except I was too low level for the map, so I couldn't make do with just two units. I sent the entire squad south, cleaned that group up in one turn, then moved north to do the same to the next. Then I was able to slowly proceed through the maze.

Though, out of Inigo, Severa, Kjelle, and Owain's maps, I definitely found Severa's to be the hardest. She kept running right into the attack range of a trickster with a levin sword and getting blasted to oblivion. Had to just leave Lissa back at the beginning of the stage and rescue staff Severa whenever she acted stupid.

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That rule of thumb is handy, but the problem I have with it is a bunch of paralogues open up and you're just sort of expected to guess which ones are which. The chapter names and numbers don't seem to be sufficient to give you any idea, so you have to go into the mission itself to figure it out... and in a couple of cases, it doesn't actually show you what kid you're supposed to get from it or what the hell is going on.

I just think they kinda dropped the ball on making that clear.



"oh it's so hard to go into a map, look at the enemy levels, and retreat if they're too high"


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"oh it's so hard to go into a map, look at the enemy levels, and retreat if they're too high"





And I care. For the abovementioned reasons. So screw you.

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You care about... what? Not having to spend ten seconds and the slightest amount of thought? What reason would the game ever have to spell it out for you any more clearly than that?

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You care about... what? Not having to spend ten seconds and the slightest amount of thought? What reason would the game ever have to spell it out for you any more clearly than that?

Did you have multiple marriages before Chapter 13? It opens all the paralogues at once with absolutely no clue what's in them or which one you should check out first. Some have informative cutscenes when entered which at least explain which kid you're looking at in the map and so forth. Some don't give important information until you actually start the map, and in at least one case (Desert Oasis I believe) you aren't told anything until you actually start playing, other than that enemies exist.

But it would be nice to have slightly more information than Lucina going "I dunno, they're probably out there... somewhere or other" and to get some idea of which children you can recruit where and roughly how difficult it's going to be to do so, given that there's no real firm association between where the paralogue appears on the world map and what its content will necessarily be. Even a tutorial hint suggesting you look for the kids in the order you met their moms would be a decent yardstick... although you'd still be left somewhat clueless as to which missions associate with which child.

Yes, you can try every single one of them and look at the enemy levels (or just go to SF and look that up, which would be much easier), but that doesn't mean you should have to check half a dozen to a dozen vaguely-named paralogue spots just to get a handle on what order to tackle them in or indeed what they even are. It's quite different from the non-child paralogues, which at least open up in line with story progression to the point that you recognize that Paralogue 1 is easier than Paralogue 3.

You're making an awfully big deal out of ripping into someone for a perfectly valid and admittedly reasonably minor gripe, honestly.

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I had 7 marriages before ch15 and had no idea Laurent came in Desert Oasis. Therefore until completing it, I had no idea that Miriel's marraige unlocked it b

In fact I didn't even deploy her in that map because I was given no indication as to how it was unlocked. I beat it on try 1 and recruited with Chrom, but that's not the point

Just saiyan. It's a gripe at an information gap. It happens

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I don't have the data for Morgan's, but it was pretty easy for me. Non-forged, non-promoted, I'm sure.

Morgan's chapter has Gryffons Riders with low level (Lv3 if I remember) and... like 2 Swordmasters, some enemies with Silver Weapons and some reinforcements

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