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Maybe, I just think they'll just be having two sets at a time. I mean, otherwise, why not bring out Elincia this week, because of the PoR (And assummingly, RD next) Spotpass teams coming out this week/next week.

Considering that Elincia's been available since last Thursday, I don't think there's really any rush anymore. The free competition's already there, after all.

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I want Seliph's DLC in English.

The sheer amount of enemies and the Paragon skill manual make grinding a BREEZE for units that have reached the Lunatic Level cap and only get 8 exp per kill.

AI Skip + that = lololololol I'm having fun grinding for the final DLC.

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Considering that Elincia's been available since last Thursday, I don't think there's really any rush anymore. The free competition's already there, after all.

Well, I didn't actually get Elincia until today thansk to my ordering so that's where that thought came from, plus, it's a bit of free advertising. 'Here's the free version, this is what makes the DLC version that much better~' etc.

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Lost Bloodlines? I see what you did there Nintendo...

Looking forward to finding out some of the Jugdral character's official names.

...The sheer cleverness of that name is astounding.

Also, I can't wait for the localized names. Fanboy tears at them? They'll be delicious.

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Maybe, I just think they'll just be having two sets at a time. I mean, otherwise, why not bring out Elincia this week, because of the PoR (And assummingly, RD next) Spotpass teams coming out this week/next week.

The Japanese schedule peaked at three maps being released in one week. I'm sure the American schedule will reach that peak at some point.

Releasing Elincia tomorrow wouldn't make any sense because they're starting Lief's set this week; it would be too much for the two to run completely in parallel. It seems like they're starting a new set almost every week, only holding off so far on the monster set to highlight Marth/Roy and to pair it with maps that stand out more in their own right. I'm sure they'll slow down a bit towards the end, but not with the Series 1 maps.

Edited by Othin
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I was more thinking Elincia -instead- of Leif, because we have the PoR and RD spotpasses coming out, and because she's from a localised game, unlike Leif, as they seem to be holding the non-localised Spotpass teams until last. RvB has girls completely from localised games, so they're all going to be things people who don't know much about the series/people who've only played the localised games, more appealing, IMO, instead of Lost Bloodlines, which features Lords from unlocalised games, which I think would be less appealing to those people.

Of course, there's the difficulty factor that I'm not taking into account here, but yeah, I'm not personally expecting RvB to come out until Golden is done. Hell, they might even slow down if they look at the comments on their FB announcement freaking out that they're not getting the Golden Pack in its entirety before Lost Bloodlines is released.

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DLC is up, downloading something from the Golden Pack right now before I can actuall eneter the shop

EDIT: At the shop, I see Lost Bloodlines 1 and Pack, no Golden Pack update, but it made me update my content before entering? Logic!

EDIT2: EXP isn't in the shop, but I just loaded it up

Edited by Wheels
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Hrm, looks like the DLC is releasing in the order that the games they're based on were released, sort of (since Roy and Micaiah came out already). Gonna be waiting awhile for Ephraim, Ike, and Elincia. >_<

I could consider other DLC in the meantime though.

Edited by Anacybele
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