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Favorite quotes


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"Well, when a mommy zombie loves a daddy zombie very much..."

Eh, pretty much anything Henry says can substitute.

Also, "You should name your next move Eternal Chastity" -> "I've got the perfect teacher right in front of me!"

Edit: "You literally traveled across time... to be popular with girls?!"

Edit2: "It should be "WHOM did you piss off," Brady".... okay, you know what, there are just too many. I'm gonna give someone else a chance.

Edited by Iridium
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Favourite quote of all video games:

それともアレですか? お父さんは幼い少女しか好きになれないのですか?


Have a Gaia Nn.

My second favourite video game quote is Micaiah's "father of Sothe's children", by the way. That one's only available in the overseas versions.

And there's another line from her:


Players familiar with the JP version know that she has a tendency to end most sentences with desu (even when it's not needed). She then took her desu-ness to a whole new level by answering Gerome's question (rank-A support) with a single desu.

There's also MU calling Frederick "Frede-niku" (Frede-meat).

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Gregor's "Stay Frosting." is pretty good. As is his line "Your jigging is up!"

Then there's Nowi's "I'm gonna crush you!"

Plus, we can't deny Basilio's line: "Now don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash."

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So far, these are my favorites. :3

"Hey there, Freddy Bear!" - Female Avatar

"My body is ready, Avatar!" - Frederick

And also Frederick's confession to the female Avatar. He vows to defend her as knight and husband! So noble. ^^ I know there are others too, I just can't think of them off the top of my head at the moment. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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"How dare you interfere with my ploys to get attention!" Oh, Morgan.

Yeah this is definitely one of the best

My favorite lines actually are some of the vocal ones rather than what they say in the text. Basilio's HELL NO and Walhart's STAND UP AND FIGHT stand out in particular.

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"I know this is matricide[...but]if you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done..."

On a more lighthearted note, GREGOR SMASH! And just about anything Henry says is golden. Cynthia's +6 stat level up cracked me up; "Look upon my might, ye wicked, and despair!" Somewhere, I think Percy Bysshe Shelley's ghost is cringing.

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Yeah this is definitely one of the best

My favorite lines actually are some of the vocal ones rather than what they say in the text. Basilio's HELL NO and Walhart's STAND UP AND FIGHT stand out in particular.


Srsly, Basilio has great lines.

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"My body is ready, Avatar!" - Frederick

LOL! He says that? When?



"Twas a thing of beauty...."

"Your every move was poetry!"


"Rest in pieces!!"

"Poor you..." (especially after Henry's "YEAH, BLOOD!")

Her snarky supports with Virion are so cute.



"Wretched beast!"

Anything and everything Henry says. Especially "Well you know, when a mommy zombie and a daddy zombie love each other very much..."


"My sword hand twitches!"



"By the red hair of Eliwood!"

"By the gods, old and new!"

Yeah game, what you did thar. I saw it.


"I'LL END THIS NOW!" The way she says that is so cute!

"Dont trip..."


"Come on, Donny..."


The adorable supports between him and Maribelle.


(support with Virion)

"I thought my femininity sufficient enough to ensure your cooperation."


"Minerva Muffykins."


"I-Im not grinning! This is my war snarl!"

(the only adorable or cool thing she ever says. Ever.)


"Your jigging is up!"

(Support with Panne)

"Why do you make with the crying and the noises?"

(also support with Panne)

"Come little bunny, jump into loving arms of Gregor!"



"You saved my race!"


"To hell with you!"

"So long, chump!"

"Hell, NO!"

"I will kill you twice!"


"Seven hells..."

:o:Again, game. What was done there. I saw it.


"I am a man..."

"Repent, sinner!"

Ugh thats not even all of them. So many great quotes.

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Tiki saying "Gomenesai" after defeating enemies sometimes and Tharja's laughter whenever she performs a critical strike.

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"I can peekture ze lamentations of ze women and ze children even now..." -Anna's quote from the EXPonential Growth dlc.

Similarly, Chrom's "Le sigh".

In fact, everything Chrom says in the gold pack. You really get the sense that it's the last place he wants to be and that he's given up on trying to make sense of things.

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"Talking to you is like dancing. It's exhausting, sweaty, and I hate it."

"Still, I'd give anything to have lasses offering me their pies all the time."

"You don't need some weed to tell you what to do, Sumia."

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LOL! He says that? When?

In his support with the Avatar, while he/she's feeding him meat. lol

I know, totally awesome Reggie reference!

EDIT: Oh, also, I forgot the battle quotes I like from Vaike. "Yeah, I rule." "It's Vaike time!" lol

And Chrom's "Now I'm angry!" :P:

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Tharja's "You're already dead." All of Tharja's critical quotes send an awesome chill through me.

A lot of the others mentioned here are also pretty good. I remember laughing at the weed one.

Oh oh, Henry's "I'm gonna kill you!" is amazing just for how excited he sounds.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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This thread needs more weeb Japanese language options. A lot of their crit voice clips are awesome. Makes me wish I knew 100% what they were actually saying so I could write some of them down. :<

My favorite quote from my favorite support, though...


Of course I noticed! My plate and weapons have never looked so good...

Why, I glittered like a lighthouse on my ride today! ...I actually felt pretty.


You are always beautiful to me, Sumia. In truth, I've eyes for no one else.

I was kinda ehh to Sumia at first, and I only paired her with Frederick because he could keep her safe while she leveled up. But this support, it really warmed my heart to Sumia. I know what it's like to feel clumsy, useless, and not-pretty, so I stopped being mean to Sumia here.

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Chrom "Le sigh..." and his whole confession to Sumia Lol

Cynthia "Pega Pony Princess" Lol


Gaius "You're as cute as a bonbon"

Henry "When a mommy zombie and a daddy zombie love each other very much..." , "Just die already!" and his "CAW" jokes

Sully "A pretty girl can stab a guy as easy as an ugly one"

That are all that I remember

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