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Lunatic midgame advice?


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I never thought I'd go asking for advice on the midgame of an FE, of all things, but here we are.

I've just hit chapter 17? Whichever one is the one right after the tree. I've run into the distinct difficulty that everybody who isn't part of the Genealogy of FIGHT is doubled and sometimes also 1hko'd. This means that each map boils down to "how do i leverage cynthia against this problem" and it's starting to wear on me. About half the children paralogues are impossible, and skirmishes are just no.

Is this normal? Should I just go grind Marth to pieces until I have another family of destroy? what do guize :(

EDIT: the Genealogy of FIGHT, it should be said, does consistently 1rko shit and only dies to mass attacks if Sol doesn't proc enough, so shit isn't impossible, just sort of tedious

Edited by Integrity
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I can't wait. There are three save slots, I won't scuttle this game, the second is our Normal Mode Postgame DLC slot, and my sister has claim on the third save slot. :(

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I can't wait. There are three save slots, I won't scuttle this game, the second is our Normal Mode Postgame DLC slot, and my sister has claim on the third save slot. :(

Won't EXPonential Growth be out today though?

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Is this normal? Should I just go grind Marth to pieces until I have another family of destroy? what do guize :(

EDIT: the Genealogy of FIGHT, it should be said, does consistently 1rko shit and only dies to mass attacks if Sol doesn't proc enough, so shit isn't impossible, just sort of tedious

It's normal, you pretty much have kill the enemies near the start and then at full pace head to the boss and defeat her or(more difficult but gives you an opportunity to get the Boots) the turn after the reinforcements show up. Forging the Beast Killer lances help here since at least some characters should be able to one shot the Valkyries who are the most dangerous enemies in that chapter in my opinion.

Edited by arvilino
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If your team isn't really tanky, hit-and-run tactics should be pretty useful from here on out: I only had four or five capable combat units, so often what I would do is have someone like Cordelia take out one enemy in a group of units she couldn't handle by herself, then use Rescue to get her back. Avatar would often be able to dodge-tank the remainder of the enemies. By the end of the game, I was using multiple Rescue charges every turn in order to wear down the enemy without risk of dying and to allow my units some breathing room.

Edited by Redwall
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Yeah, you need to be spamming Rescue from this point to survive against the promoted enemies. You're also going to have a lot of units that just don't be helpful, and they aren't likely to get more effective without grinding.

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This chapter isn't the specific chapter that's giving me shit. I haven't even started it. This thread was in-general advice.

Oh right. One thing I found extremely useful is bringing characters who get Rally skills(Speed,Strength and Defense) they're extremely useful and even more so combined when MU also gets Rally Spectrum. Since these let your characters get boosted well past their normal stats or even stat caps.

Marrying characters off who have these is really effective as well since even if the kids aren't that combat effective, you've still got someone with two Rally Skills who you can just keep safe out of combat(since the 3 square radius and Rescue Staves give you a little leeway).

Edited by arvilino
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I never thought I'd go asking for advice on the midgame of an FE, of all things, but here we are.

I've just hit chapter 17? Whichever one is the one right after the tree. I've run into the distinct difficulty that everybody who isn't part of the Genealogy of FIGHT is doubled and sometimes also 1hko'd. This means that each map boils down to "how do i leverage cynthia against this problem" and it's starting to wear on me. About half the children paralogues are impossible, and skirmishes are just no.

Is this normal? Should I just go grind Marth to pieces until I have another family of destroy? what do guize :(

EDIT: the Genealogy of FIGHT, it should be said, does consistently 1rko shit and only dies to mass attacks if Sol doesn't proc enough, so shit isn't impossible, just sort of tedious

Yes, this is normal, at least, you have run into my exact experience. I had to try and try and try, and then finally completed Nah's Paralogue, then I managed after a few struggles to do Noire's, then in comparison Severa's and Kjelle's were downright easy. Now instead of a bunch of lv 1 promoted duded (Sully, Stahl, Lucina, etc.) I'll be going into the volcano with people at or around lv 10 promoted, which I hope will be a huge difference in difficulty.

Don't get me wrong, I still lean way too heavily on Avatar/whoevershepairsupwiththismapforsupportgrinding, but my other units can now competently handle a small detachment of like, 3 enemies, all by themselves, or successfully choke a point.

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Yeah, the volcano map was also where I broke from my "story mode only" plan on my first run and decided to play once through each DLC map in reach. My team still wasn't diverse at all, and I never really got any children Paralogues until postgame, but at least I had Lucina combat-ready, Cordelia ready to use Speed Cry, and Lief and Alm for backup stuff, still better than most of my previous team.

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Rally Spectrum spam, keep in mind the unit that uses it (Avatar or their child, likely) doesn't get effected so make sure they don't die. Rescue staves are key especially if you're doing the various paralogues where you're trying to protect NPC's. Buying fortify staves from L'Arachel's SpotPass team is useful. Idk if you have Morgan yet but the Naga's Tear is clutch lol. Tonics are also really useful IMO, if you don't have a ton of money not that you can't get more at least get speed, defense, and resistance tonics to increase survivability a good amount (though the rest are still useful, but that's another 600 gold per character per chapter so it can get costly).

Just some small generic advice for now, didn't really read the whole topic so sorry if some of it was mentioned already... I did spot the word "chokepoint" in my skim though, and lolchokepoints, those don't work in Lunatic+ because of the pass skill so enjoy them while you can

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