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Do you like time travel in a story?

Gold Vanguard


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Isn't "that's the way timelines work in this universe" inherently the explanation for this?

I suppose you could say "it is implied that you go back to the timeline you came from" and just handwave it like that.

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Inspector SpaceTime absolutely masters time travel as a plot device, a narrative soliloquy, a spectacle arc, and a conflictory exposition. A shame it's crappy knockoffs like Doctor Who couldn't reach Spacetime's expert use of time travel.

Look, don't call DW a knockoff. Crappy, sure, whatever, your opinion. I'm aware it started a year later than IST, but there's something inherently different between the two franchises, mostly the fact that they have different goals in mind. Time travel was never DW's focus, it was always about education (In the start) and then the inherent good of the human spirit/hope. The time travel is a plot device.

Then again, the series did bring the best excuse for Time Travel Plot Holes in the Timey-Wimey ball, although I'd like to mention the Sands of Time trilogy as well as an argument on how to do time travel right

"Most people think Time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction but I have seen the face of time and can tell you they are wrong,. Time is like an ocean in a storm..."

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Personally, I don't like games/movies that try to explain how time travel works. Since we don't have that capability, it doesn't usually make any sense since we don't know with any certainty how time travel would function. That said, I haven't played many games with time travel and don't mind it as a feature or gimmick. Just don't try to make sense of something we know nothing about or it will end up making little-to-no sense at all.. I think the "faction from the future goes back in time and fights with the past." gimmick is a bit underused though. Someone's unhappy with how their country's doing, so they use time travel to establish and preserve their empire or pillage a scarce resource from a time period where said resource isn't so rare, etc. I think that would be an interesting concept to expand on.

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A good example of time travel in plots is like in Zelda: Ocarina of TIme. How many people around the world say it's one of the greatest Zelda games ever? Also it makes the plot seem interesting to me it depends on the setting. I'm not a fan of settings that takes place in like modern times, I'm more into midieval times.

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