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Speaking only for myself, I haven't found things just because I a) suck at scavenger hunts and b) don't know what to look for, and for the record I have clicked at a bunch of images :{

(I'm also totally Castlevania illiterate and have no idea what's going on I srry)

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Well I have plans to, as I've hinted earlier, introduce a new "stat" for Soma that measures his "secret finding" ability which, when improved, will have actual useful consequences in favour of the players finding secrets...but he has yet to return to the area where the original easter eggs were found, so he can't get his stat level ups yet. Now you guys have him off getting curry, but only like 3 people voted of something like 10 players who have participated so it's like...what's going on here? Is this too hard? Do I need to write a player's guide?

Also Castlevania literacy is irrelevant

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I didn't even know this was a game, I thought it was a playthrough

I can't read first pages I guess??

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I didn't even know this was a game, I thought it was a playthrough

I can't read first pages I guess??

I guess Castlevania literacy does matter. If you had played aria or dawn of sorrow you'd know there were things going on that don't happen in a normal playthrough (like Alucard running around with you, or fighting Rehab - speak of the devil - twice.

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It's both! It's a gamethrough!

Earlier I said "it's kind of like a choose your own adventure let's play" and that seems pretty accurate.

That's what it turned into, though. The original intent of the thread was just to have a place for civil people to discuss various things in a classy setting. The class was lost when autoplay stopped working and the civility was never there to begin with because you mooks would all rather post in shit threads like FE4 thread etc.

Think of a dinner theatre. You go there to have dinner and chat with friends, perhaps, but you have the option to enjoy the theatrics as well. They may even involve the audience.

Edited by Izayoi
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It's both! It's a gamethrough!

Earlier I said "it's kind of like a choose your own adventure let's play" and that seems pretty accurate.

That's what it turned into, though. The original intent of the thread was just to have a place for civil people to discuss various things in a classy setting. The class was lost when autoplay stopped working and the civility was never there to begin with because you mooks would all rather post in shit threads like FE4 thread etc.

Think of a dinner theatre. You go there to have dinner and chat with friends, perhaps, but you have the option to enjoy the theatrics as well. They may even involve the audience.

I almost never post in the FE4 thread! But I do post in shit threads a lot.

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For now, perhaps. I do alert when Easter Eggs have appeared, and if you click the crown you will see that it isn't one (at the moment, at least).

OooooOOOooo mysteries.

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~ Phase 28 ~

The Waiter Skeleton appears to be serving you curry, when suddenly...


He...she? They exchange the original dish for a much larger portion. They may be playing sycophant in response to your whole "I'm Dracula reincarnated" thing.


The skeletal disappointment utterly fails to serve you the curry.


After an embarrassing trip and crash into you, the Waiter Skeleton's unrefined power to serve curry becomes your own.

Hopefully you do a better job of it.


003%20-%20Yoko.png Visit Yoko ~ Visit Hammer 004%20-%20Hammer.png

[Mirror use is prohibited at this time]

Mirror%20Forbidden.png Edited by Aleph
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What do we do when we find-

Oh there we go.


Go with Yoko, we've spent enough time mooning over Hammer that she's probably feeling neglected.

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Go with Yoko, we've spent enough time mooning over Hammer that she's probably feeling neglected.

Isn't that we want?

But okay, voting for Yoko this time because I wanna get that gift that the Julius Mode trio prepared for me.

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Some people just aren't as creative as you. I am one of them.

yeah but come on, surely all of you lost your shit at "Wait master I'm coming here is your curry FUCK? IT SEEMS I HAVE TRIPPED."

The way I imagine it is Soma lets out a depressed sigh while the skeleton, nearly crying from how ashamed it is even though it has no tear ducts, falls into Soma in dramatic slow motion.

But of course Soma cbf'd to get out of his chair and move out of the way so they just kind of look at each other awkwardly while the skeleton slowly descends, dumping curry all over Soma's nice clothes.

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I've scoured through all fifteen pages. Found nothing but the crown, the ticket, and the floor crack. Are you sure there's still one more easter egg?

Also, I like how you edited all your posts, so that we can't identify which post had the easter egg edited in.

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