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The edit thing was an accidental benefit of adding phase numbers lol

edit: the link still works so yes there is definitely still an unfound easter egg

Edited by Izayoi
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~ Bonus Phase 1 ~

Hot curry still dripping from your face, contorted in futile frustration, you clear the stinging food from your eyes to see what caused the waiter to trip.


There's kind of a crown-thing staring at you. You stare back at it, startled.

Give it a bit.

Okay, you think you can handle this.


You lurch forward and kneel next to the pointy object, cautious to avoid pricking yourself on its sharper edges (which is all of them).

You foolishly speak to it for a while, asking it how its day was and if it wants to talk about whatever has it so upset that it won't participate in friendly conversation with you.

Eventually, you tire of this crap and assail the crown violently, when


It eludes you! Where has it gone? Is it going to strike back?

Is there nowhere safe from this treachery?!


Oh it's in your inventory now. You forgot that you pick things up by touching them somehow. Must be a Dracula thing.

Pretty lucky of you to find such a nice piece of jewelry so easily.

Your investigative skills seem to have improved as well (achievement unlocked).


Continue to vote and hunt for easter eggs etc.

You become inexpicably aware of the following facts:
  • There are 1 (one) secrets hidden within the phase range 0000-1000.
Edited by Izayoi
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Also, I somehow enjoyed the bonus phase even more than the already awesome normal phases. Which is motivating me to perform another easter egg hunt of the entire thread!

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Yeah your secert-finding ability is only strong enough to narrow it down to the nearest 1000 at the moment lol

In that case, Proto, just wait for the secret-finding ability to get better, there's no point looking for it now.

Yes Izayoi I'm only saying this to make you mad.

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Wait so... how many ~easter eggs~ does it take to unlock a Bonus Phase?
Or are ~easter eggs~ and ~secrets~ different things?

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No it's the same thing. I've decided "easter egg" is a weird term because it's not really supposed to just be cute things you find that possibly reference other games. Those secrets are boring. When I play a video game I want the secrets I find to be bad ass, like the Scarab Gun in Halo 2. These secrets are a bit more practical (the crown gave a luck bonus which also leveled you up if you will notice in the first post). Every secret leads to a bonus phase. The first 2 that were found haven't been reached yet, and I explained why earlier.

Edited by Izayoi
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Oh right I fail at retention, my bad.

I even remember reading your post explaining that and simply forgot.

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In that case, Proto, just wait for the secret-finding ability to get better, there's no point looking for it now.

Yes Izayoi I'm only saying this to make you mad.

I am pretty sure that secret-finding ability will only upgrade by finding more secrets. Which still means I need to hunt more.

Visit Yoko, of course.

EDIT: Found this in Phase One:


Wait, what? I could swear I checked every inch of Phase One... how the heck did I miss that???
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I found it under the red button


Pretty sure it's supposed to be the OK or Reset button. But due to restrictions on the display, images need to be rectangular and so, the link needed to be a vertical line running along the height of the image instead of just a small button.
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yeah I tried making it a square again and it failed miserably so we're stil stuck with rectangles ;/

btw it was the OK button not the floor switch

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