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Demon Guest House


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~ Bonus Phase 2 ~


You're suddenly compelled to finish solving the Demon Guest House's sliding room puzzle.


You notice there are a few rooms which can only be entered and exited from one direction. Using your no-longer-as-limited intelligence, you arrange the puzzle so that each of these rooms are accessible.

You succeed, albeit with a bit of difficulty.

You begin to inspect the various rooms you've made accessible to plunder any treasures they may house.


One of the rooms houses a new killing tool, which improves your strength.


The coat you find in another room turns out to be functionally inferior to your tunic.

It occurs to you, however, that it at least looks fairly nice. Your tunic doesn't look so bad, either, now that you think about it.

Perhaps you can select between the two as appropriate for the occasion.


It seems you've located the numberless room. SpoooOOOooky.

No, not really. It is convenient, though, what with opening in all directions. Why didn't they just build all of the rooms like this?


Some iron knuckles you find on the ground improve your killing power a bit as well.


You find a stud in the third dead-end room. You're not sure what to do with it yet, but you hold onto it for now.


The last room you investigate has a knife on the floor. It is inferior to yours and useless in every way. Too bad.


You suppose you should solve the puzzle again to connect all of the exits.


It is intuitive for you when you realize the rooms are meant to be ordered numerically.

You feel a bit stupid that you didn't realize this before, but as you well know, feeling stupid usually leads to being less stupid.


You review the scrap paper you worked out this astoundingly difficult puzzle on and are satisfied to continue. Edited by Izayoi
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It is intuitive for you when you realize the rooms are meant to be ordered numerically.




Are you serious???

I've gone through that part so many times, in at least three playthroughs. I never even thought of doing that!

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I never even thought of doing that!

[...]as you well know, feeling stupid usually leads to being less stupid.

Edited by Izayoi
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at the moment no they've all been found

I cbf'd to add more or continue the story just yet because a) it feels like we're low on activity and b) I have tons of other shit to do

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yeah I know but I need to study for an exam 8 days from now plus I haven't done my taxes yet and am a fucker

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  • 2 weeks later...

~ Phase 29 ~

On your way to visit Yoko, you notice a mysterious piece of paper on the ground.


It looks familiar, even.


You inspect it from a distance, at first,


then more acutely once you've collected it.

On the face of the paper is an elaborate image of various mythological entities together in an unlikely ensemble.

On the reverse, however, is this curious note:

"Wield this charm and you shall be where you will yourself to so long as the full path to there is in your mind."

The awkward grammar and tacky font cause you to dismiss the line in a huff, stowing the paper in your pocket and continue hastily to Yoko.


She greets you, and you respond politely.


She invites you near to avoid further odd banter from across the wide room,


and you begin to tell her about the strange paper you found.


Before you truly begin to explain the queer occurrence, she pre-empts you.


It seems the ditz dropped your gift on the ground and did a poor job of searching for it.


You acknowledge her explanation without indicating your disappointment, when you begin to ponder the description on the back of the paper again.

Surely it must have some truthful meaning? Why would they gift you a useless trinket?

You ponder the path to where you found the ticket, just a short distance away, to test its integrity...


...and you're whisked away.


It worked, precisely as it claimed it would.

It seems you can now go all sorts of places quickly (achievement unlocked).


All untraveled paths in the "Dawn of Sorrow" world are permanently available for selection.

Hall of Mirrors


FWLiCc6.png Edited by Izayoi
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Can we go fight a bonus boss yet

I don't remember dick all about Dawn of Sorrow so idk if there's anything cool we've missed

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You know exactly what you missed

all of the untraveled paths have the default font colour

there's untraveled paths in the most recent post and the very first phase on page 1 even

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