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Smash Brethren?


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So with the title of Smash Brethren for the Red vs. Blue DLC, do you think its just a reference to Super Smash Bros.? Or does it hint that in the new Wii U/3DS Smash Bros. we could see both Roy and Ike (and obviously Marth)?

I think it's just a funny little reference to smash brothers, I doubt it's a hint for smash 4, but eh who knows!? You could be right.

Edited by Jedi
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I think it's a hint for their next game. Smash Emblem.

It's a fighting game featuring every single Fire Emblem character ever. /sarcasm

That would be amazing and I'd throw my money at Nintendo tongue.gif

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I could definitely see that as a Smash Bros. reference, but I doubt we'll see Roy and probably not Ike. We'll most likely get Marth as returning character again along with Chrom as a new character.

You do realize that Ike is a default character, which have never been removed, and Roy was added to Melee for COMPLETELY different reasons than Ike replaced him in Brawl, right? I'm honestly sick of people saying that Ike's going to be cut just because Roy was. Just because Sakurai cut ONE FE character does not mean they're going to cut another one.

If anything, Ike will remain the default FE choice and Marth and Chrom will be in as unlockable characters.

However, I do agree that the title "Smash Brethren" is just a reference to Smash Bros. and nothing more.

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You do realize that Ike is a default character, which have never been removed, and Roy was added to Melee for COMPLETELY different reasons than Ike replaced him in Brawl, right? I'm honestly sick of people saying that Ike's going to be cut just because Roy was. Just because Sakurai cut ONE FE character does not mean they're going to cut another one.

If anything, Ike will remain the default FE choice and Marth and Chrom will be in as unlockable characters.

However, I do agree that the title "Smash Brethren" is just a reference to Smash Bros. and nothing more.

Ah, I didn't know any of that. I was going purely off of my assumptions (which are usually wrong anyways). Sorry.

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You do realize that Ike is a default character, which have never been removed, and Roy was added to Melee for COMPLETELY different reasons than Ike replaced him in Brawl, right? I'm honestly sick of people saying that Ike's going to be cut just because Roy was. Just because Sakurai cut ONE FE character does not mean they're going to cut another one.

I agree here, regardless what happened to Roy, he and Ike were added for different reasons. I see no reason why Ike would be removed to be perfectly honest, I could see Marth, Ike and Chrom as the FE reps for Smash 4 easily

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Ah, I didn't know any of that. I was going purely off of my assumptions (which are usually wrong anyways). Sorry.

Oh, okay. I'm sorry for being so harsh then. It's just that as I said, I got tired of hearing such nonsense. xP

But you see, Roy was originally added to Melee merely for advertising purposes. His game wasn't out yet, so he was included to promote it. Nothing more.

Ike replaced Roy in Brawl for several reasons, none of which were advertising (because both his games were already out, though this makes me wonder why RD Ike's model wasn't used instead of PoR Ike...). At least, reasons that would make complete sense to guess.

- Ike is far more popular than Roy

- Ike actually has games released globally

- Ike would not be and is not a Marth clone

- Ike appears in more starring roles than any other lord barring Marth, meaning he is more significant to FE than Roy

- Roy's game failed where Ike's games succeeded, as far as I know. Ike's games appear to be more popular.

Ike also works as a default character because of how important he is to FE and how popular he is around the world, as well as that his games were released internationally. It wasn't until later that Marth got Shadow Dragon, and even then, it's the only one of his games that got released globally. So as far as some FE fans know, Ike has two games while Marth only has one, despite the existence of FEs 1, 3, and 12. Fans would be confused as to why Marth had higher priority in the series, if he was the default FE character.

Just thought I'd explain this to you so you understood what I was saying. :)

EDIT: Oh, and about that "Gregor smash!" quote, I thought that was a reference to the Hulk...lol.

Edited by Anacybele
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Dunno if I'm beating a dead horse here, but Smash Brethren was "Red versus Blue" in the Japanese version. So unless Nintendo of Japan, by coincidence, predicted Roy and Ike for SSB4 and didn't bother spelling it out, I don't think the title means anything special.

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Dunno if I'm beating a dead horse here, but Smash Brethren was "Red versus Blue" in the Japanese version. So unless Nintendo of Japan, by coincidence, predicted Roy and Ike for SSB4 and didn't bother spelling it out, I don't think the title means anything special.

Again, just like the admin said, not to rain on anyone's parade, but from my perspective it's just the localization team having some fun with it.

Like Henry. Boy, I'm sure they had a lot of fun localizing him.

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The most practical way to put Lucina in the game, I'd imagine, is the Masked Marth outfit on as an alternate costume for Marth.

Other than that, I'm not expecting any of the FE Females to make an appearance.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Wouldn't Lucina, whether she could become Marth at all, be major spoilers?

Well, the Smash Bros. series doesn't particularly even try to hide major spoilers. A big example would be Lucas's Trophy Description, which spoils big plot points of Mother 3.

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