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I don't always mind yanderes as characters but I rarely like them as people.

Tsunderes, how okay with them I am is usually determined by how close they are to being a "stereotypical" tsundere as opposed to the sort of more broad character type outlined on TV Tropes. I tend to not like those that are just ridiculous and bipolar and needlessly angry at people almost all the time, but if a character is just usually unkind/brusque/snarky with others but is concealing a soft side, then I generally like them.

Also stop being so opposed to the words they're just names for things and it's way more convenient to just write "___dere" than it is to type out the description for the character type every single time you refer to them.

Saying them out loud (unless you're speaking Japanese where they wouldn't sound jarringly out of place) is pretty dumb though.

Edited by Starlight36
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Dude. Seriously, you don't know?

he's being sarcastic but the fact that you think this is common, everyday knowledge is hilarious

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You know, up until the release of Awakening, I never heard of words like "tsundere", "yandere", and "loli".

These crazy anime words scare and confuse me!!!

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If someone would please tell me: How is Tharja's presented in-game? Is she presented in any way that doesn't make her existence as a PC feel completely disturbing?

Edited by BrightBow
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Tharja has cost me sleep because she's so dark and disturbing, and reading Nowi's supports turned me into a pedophile. True story.

EDIT: in retrospect, this was probably uncalled for, but eh.

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Tharja has cost me sleep because she's so dark and disturbing, and reading Nowi's supports turned me into a pedophile. True story.

What exactly is your problem? You accuse me of taking the game too seriously and yet you are the one who constantly takes personal offense when I say something critical about it, resulting in you writing these passive aggressive responses. Do you think it's better to belittle a living person then a piece of software?

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Yeah, I apologize. It was kind of uncalled for. It's just that anytime I see you ask an honest question, I assume it's loaded with the intent to bash FE13 some more regardless of what the answer is, and I've been resisting taking your bait in another thread already for the sake of forum decency. ;/

To actually answer your question as a sort of penance, Tharja doesn't have too much in the form of redeeming scenes at all, but they're there.

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Yeah, I apologize. It was kind of uncalled for. It's just that anytime I see you ask an honest question, I assume it's loaded with the intent to bash FE13 some more regardless of what the answer is, and I've been resisting taking your bait in another thread already for the sake of forum decency. ;/

To actually answer your question as a sort of penance, Tharja doesn't have too much in the form of redeeming scenes at all, but they're there.

Thank you for your response.

I left your assumptions about me in the Top/Buttom thread uncommented but I think now that it might be better in the long run to respond to them.

I mean, if I just let this stand like in the other thread, it just seems like I agree with you accusing me of "baiting" you.

Do you really think that I was not genuine when I say that a Bizarre Jelly Girl is the last thing I expected to see in the series? (That's the thread you were referring to, right? I think it's pretty much the only thing I wrote about Awakening this week.) That this is just baiting?

I was insanely surprised when I compared Nowi with them. I didn't found out about them being from the same artist until later.

As for Yandere, I can't see the "cuteness" or "funny". That is joking about killing. I mean, the game isn't a dark comedy. It just has to conflict with the mood if she isn't seen as anything but vile.

And I admit that my emotions got the better of me at least a few times and I am sorry for the problems that caused.

But I deny vehemently that my post in the "Top/Bottom thread" where we already butted heads and the "Least thing you expect to see in Fire Emblem" thread count as such. Instead I claim that this is just you being incapable of dealing with the fact that someone dislikes something that you happen to like.

Heck, you reacted that, back in the pony thread, calling me a shit in the comments on my profile for supposedly overanalyzing the show (where no one can see the context). Even if I did that, at worst it counts as me being incredible stupid and not as something so vile that it equals me to human feces.

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Lemme get one assumption out of the way first:

I mean, if I just let this stand like in the other thread, it just seems like I agree with you accusing me of "baiting" you.

I don't think you're specifically out to bait people. I truly believe that you truly believe what you're saying. Just because I'm very vocal in disagreeing with you doesn't mean I think you're trolling. I'm a big enough man to accept that people don't agree with me all the time - hell, it's damn near impossible NOT to think that if you want to be a religious man on the internet and stay sane. When I say "bait" I mean there's something about your posts in particular - almost nobody else's - that just incenses me. If you cornered me and demanded a rational explanation, I would probably flounder, mumble something about how you hate everything, and ultimately fail because I don't really understand why you bother me so thoroughly.

Now that that's out of the way, don't think that I doubt your sincerity. That's not my problem with you by a nautical mile. That deals with a couple other lines you put forth, so I think I can selectively hit on the rest of the post without seeming like a quote-snipping ass.

Do you really think that I was not genuine when I say that a Bizarre Jelly Girl is the last thing I expected to see in the series? (That's the thread you were referring to, right? I think it's pretty much the only thing I wrote about Awakening this week.) That this is just baiting?

I was insanely surprised when I compared Nowi with them. I didn't found out about them being from the same artist until later.

I honestly didn't know that they were actually the same artist, but look at your wording, dude:

Above all else, it's a character based on the designs of the "Bizarre Jelly" girls from "No more Heroes".

In fact, I would have never expected to see these designs anywhere outside of actual porn or parody, let alone Fire Emblem.

I know by now that "Awakening" had the same artist as "No more Heroes" but they were deliberately designed as in-universe otaku-fap-material with the protagonist Travis even being caught masturbating while watching the show. Awakening lacks that context, so it makes no sense.

You - I'm not even being hyperbolic here - say that FE13's designs are unfit for anything outside of porn or parody. I guess my difficulty with you has a LOT to do with how you express yourself - this is a really, really shitty thing to say. It's one thing to say that you don't like a thing, and it's another to say that it's wrong to like it. Your comments VERY often trend towards the latter - see your crusade about Nowi, where as far as I've been able to tell you're convinced that actually unironically liking Nowi is something only a pedophile can do. And as for just not liking it when people disagree with me, I've had that feeling about you since long before I actually played FE13 and realized that I liked Nowi well enough.

Do you not see a problem here?

Heck, you reacted that, back in the pony thread, calling me a shit in the comments on my profile for supposedly overanalyzing the show (where no one can see the context). Even if I did that, at worst it counts as me being incredible stupid and not as something so vile that it equals me to human feces.

I recall a conversation I had with another member of SF wherein were were arguing about criticism. The fact is, certain aspects of things are not meant to be criticized - to tackle a really fringe example, writing an essay about how shoddily put-together the story of Gradius is means that you totally missed the point of Gradius. The story is only there to frame the fact that you're a thing flying around shooting other things until they blow up. Your bit in the MLP thread was analyzing the trans-episode consistency (and three-dimensional characterization? or am i misremembering?) of a children's cartoon, if I recall. When you're writing a show about cartoon ponies for children, that isn't a concern, so picking at it as a "flaw" is the same as picking at Gradius's story as a "flaw" - yeah, you can do it, but would the show really be improved for its target audience if it had better episodic consistency?

EDIT: As for calling you a shit, I have two excuses. The first is that you can't take insults literally - seriously, yes, integrity said a mean thing to you - but not literally. The second is that I oughtn't need an excuse for using harsh language against somebody with whom I was rather annoyed at the time.

I hope this outlines my feelings towards you more clearly.

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Lemme get one assumption out of the way first:

I don't think you're specifically out to bait people. I truly believe that you truly believe what you're saying. Just because I'm very vocal in disagreeing with you doesn't mean I think you're trolling. I'm a big enough man to accept that people don't agree with me all the time - hell, it's damn near impossible NOT to think that if you want to be a religious man on the internet and stay sane. When I say "bait" I mean there's something about your posts in particular - almost nobody else's - that just incenses me. If you cornered me and demanded a rational explanation, I would probably flounder, mumble something about how you hate everything, and ultimately fail because I don't really understand why you bother me so thoroughly.

Yes, you are probably right with all of that. I am really bad with people, though mostly in the sense of never actually about anything. So when I actually do talk, I am not really surprised to turn out to be one of those kind of shitheads that are so dreaded on the Internet.

There is probably all kinds of passive aggressiveness, condensation and whatever else, in my posts. I don't really have much of a sense on how my actions or words are perceived by others. I hope to get better by practice. Feedback like this is very helpful in that regard. Thank you for all of this.

You - I'm not even being hyperbolic here - say that FE13's designs are unfit for anything outside of porn or parody. I guess my difficulty with you has a LOT to do with how you express yourself - this is a really, really shitty thing to say. It's one thing to say that you don't like a thing, and it's another to say that it's wrong to like it. Your comments VERY often trend towards the latter - see your crusade about Nowi, where as far as I've been able to tell you're convinced that actually unironically liking Nowi is something only a pedophile can do. And as for just not liking it when people disagree with me, I've had that feeling about you since long before I actually played FE13 and realized that I liked Nowi well enough.

Do you not see a problem here?

For now I don't, to be honest. These days, I actually like Nowi myself. I mean, her writing and her design are two entirely different things.

And as far as her design is concerned, your interpretation of my words is pretty much spot on. And as long as I didn't mixed those two things up, I am behind what I wrote above there.

I recall a conversation I had with another member of SF wherein were were arguing about criticism. The fact is, certain aspects of things are not meant to be criticized - to tackle a really fringe example, writing an essay about how shoddily put-together the story of Gradius is means that you totally missed the point of Gradius. The story is only there to frame the fact that you're a thing flying around shooting other things until they blow up. Your bit in the MLP thread was analyzing the trans-episode consistency (and three-dimensional characterization? or am i misremembering?) of a children's cartoon, if I recall. When you're writing a show about cartoon ponies for children, that isn't a concern, so picking at it as a "flaw" is the same as picking at Gradius's story as a "flaw" - yeah, you can do it, but would the show really be improved for its target audience if it had better episodic consistency?

The thing is, that I merely wanted to say why I personally didn't like it and tried to illustrate why. That wasn't intended as a criticism of the show or an insult of anyones tastes. I still don't get how that post could even have been interpreted as "the show sucks because of a continuity error". I might be a lot wiser if I did understand why. But for now, it just irritates me.

Here is the post btw, in case of my perception being rather selective about that issue: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=36463&view=findpost&p=2212642

EDIT: As for calling you a shit, I have two excuses. The first is that you can't take insults literally - seriously, yes, integrity said a mean thing to you - but not literally. The second is that I oughtn't need an excuse for using harsh language against somebody with whom I was rather annoyed at the time.

If the second reason would justify that sort of language, then nobody would ever have to excuse themselves for any insult. I mean, who isn't at least annoyed when they insult someone?

I hope this outlines my feelings towards you more clearly.

Yes, it does. That is some very valuable feedback. I appreciate your massive effort as well. Thank you a lot.

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I mean, they can be violent. It's not necessary, though.

And as far as her design is concerned, your interpretation of my words is pretty much spot on. And as long as I didn't mixed those two things up, I am behind what I wrote above there.

Don't you think it's a bit exaggerated to say it's straight out of a porno? I mean yeah, she doesn't wear much clothing, but that doesn't mean it's from a porno.

It's a bit skimpy, but I think a lot of the design could be attributed to the whimsical character style. Though I could definitely see it as highly sexualized as well.

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First name that comes to my mind from the word "yandere" is Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki. Yeah, okay, that is going WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too far. As shadowofchaos pointed out, you can have eternal love and devotion without having to resort to such extremes.

Tsunderes are cool though

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