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anyone else ... disappointed?


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first off, i'm a big FE fan and have played all the US games. i finished awakening the other day and have spent the last few days grinding through to get the last few children and playing the DLC maps. despite playing it obsessively, now that i've finished i feel a bit disappointed overall. i really loved the extensive support convos and the parent/children mechanics, but the lack of a ranking system and the open-endedness of it where you can grind for experience and weapons for however long you want really bothered me. i don't know why i found this to be such a problem since i loved FE8, but i think one of the big differences is that in that game you couldn't get really good items like stat boosters and brave weapons from the map shops, and also in FE8 the bulk of the extra chapters were after the epilogue. i got to like the character artwork in this game but never got into the 3-d models, which looked very final fantasy crystal chronicles to me since everyone has short bodies. also, i really don't see the point in the majority of the DLC for just a few snippets of conversation, although i prob. will get the ones that include more actual conversations.

is it just me?

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Everything you said is pretty much how I feel besides enjoying FE8(I didn't hate it just wasn't one of my favorites). I have four chapters left in the main game but am just kinda slugging through it. Mostly getting the supports are the most fun. Don't get me wrong I've had fun playing it but this isn't as good as past FE games I've played. The nostalgia factor is nice too.

Edited by Guy Starwind
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The only things that disappoint me are

-the generic Father/Child, Morgan/non-MU-Parent, and My Unit/same-gendered-unit generic endings for paired My Unit endings. After how much effort went into each possible pairing, it's so disappointing that these are all so lazily done.

-the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

-the laziness of the character models. Reclassed and promoted units should keep their unique color schemes. Like, Myrmidon!Sully should wear a red/white kimono-thing, or mage!Nowi should wear pink and light green robes. It really can't be that much effort.

That's the only real disappointments for me. The rest of the game is solid.

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Everything you said is pretty much how I feel besides enjoying FE8(I didn't hate it just wasn't one of my favorites). I have four chapters left in the main game but am just kinda slugging through it. Mostly getting the supports are the most fun. Don't get me wrong I've had fun playing it but this isn't as good as past FE games I've played. The nostalgia factor is nice too.

glad i'm not the only one! it seems odd that i would like it less than the others since it has so many features. i guess a related question is do people think this is their new favorite FE game or not?

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This is my favorite Fire Emblem as well. I've enjoyed most of the features more than I have in any other Fire Emblem game and(partially due to getting the JP release) I've put more time into it than any of the other games in the series.

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I have a few minor nitpicks but I would go far enough to say this is my favorite FE game now. I've already played it more than anything else on my 3DS, and more than some of my favorite games ever. It's pretty addicting.

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-the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

-the laziness of the character models. Reclassed and promoted units should keep their unique color schemes. Like, Myrmidon!Sully should wear a red/white kimono-thing, or mage!Nowi should wear pink and light green robes. It really can't be that much effort.

Yeah these are the only things I was disappointed in as well.

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Again, like people have said, there are nitpicks here and there.

But I'm not disappointed at all.

DLC is fanservice. That's what you're paying for. The conversations, the CGs, and the extra maps to extend gameplay. Not the character models.

Who the hell needs a ranking system when Lunatic and Lunatic+ give most players a run for their money by simply focusing on SURVIVAL.

I mean sure, people care about it, considering how this is a hardcore FE forum. But I doubt most people will care about its absence.

The only things that disappoint me are

-the generic Father/Child, Morgan/non-MU-Parent, and My Unit/same-gendered-unit generic endings for paired My Unit endings. After how much effort went into each possible pairing, it's so disappointing that these are all so lazily done.

-the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

-the laziness of the character models. Reclassed and promoted units should keep their unique color schemes. Like, Myrmidon!Sully should wear a red/white kimono-thing, or mage!Nowi should wear pink and light green robes. It really can't be that much effort.

That's the only real disappointments for me. The rest of the game is solid.

I'm seeing a theme here.

Think of it from their perspective. Think of the sheer amount of combinations of full support convos that would take for My Unit/Avatar's partner for Morgan alone.

Being practical =/= laziness.

Besides, that was addressed in the Future of Despair DLC conversations.

Again, Paid DLC = Map gameplay and fanservice. Your DLC characters are just bonuses.

As for the unique color schemes... Palettes/recoloring textures would have be fine solution. But unique clothes (from what you're saying the "red/white kimono thing" sounds like a model modification) that involve messing with the model wouldn't be. Again, imagine that with MU's kids.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Honestly, I don't care for the lack of a ranking system.

If anything, I like it MORE since it doesn't have it. I'm not that good at Fire Emblem games, despite trying really hard to be. So I'm not a huge fan of the game telling me I suck after having put so much effort into trying to do well.

I can't think of another game in this series I like better. Considering I'm well into my third playthrough of this game, while I've never even beaten 7,9, or 11.

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Honestly, I don't care for the lack of a ranking system.

If anything, I like it MORE since it doesn't have it. I'm not that good at Fire Emblem games, despite trying really hard to be. So I'm not a huge fan of the game telling me I suck after having put so much effort into trying to do well.

If anything, I think they took it out because of the newcomers attracted via casual mode.

...not to mention FE7's highest title for "Mark" the tactician (神軍師) is actually the Grandmaster class... I wonder what they would call you if you did manage to get the highest ranking if the ranking system existed.

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shadowofchaos you actually make a good point. I do understand the practicality for the things they didn't include and with that the only thing I would still be consider as a disappointment is the lack of color palette. And even still I'm not THAT disappointed by it. I love the game. Hell I even love the sprites and models despite people complaining about their feet!

On a side note: I'm actually also disappointed in a number of people that complained about the feet.

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The only things that disappoint me are

-the generic Father/Child, Morgan/non-MU-Parent, and My Unit/same-gendered-unit generic endings for paired My Unit endings. After how much effort went into each possible pairing, it's so disappointing that these are all so lazily done.

-the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

-the laziness of the character models. Reclassed and promoted units should keep their unique color schemes. Like, Myrmidon!Sully should wear a red/white kimono-thing, or mage!Nowi should wear pink and light green robes. It really can't be that much effort.

That's the only real disappointments for me. The rest of the game is solid.

This is it for me as well, although I'm in the camp of 'As good as (Maybe better?) than FE4/5'. I just really like it. I've sunk 50 hours into it already, so...can't complain. I view purchasing a game as 1$ = 1 Hour, so if I get more hours than $ spent I'm happy. Since I grabbed the bundle, I think I've already passed the amount I spent on the actual game, and I'm well on the way to the amount spent on the damn console and I haven't even gotten another 3DS game yet (Although Luigi's Mansion 2 is coming out soon...)

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Overall I think it's one of the best in series, and definitely the best localized game. I have a few nitpicks about things where maybe they could've done more, but the game's so massive that it's hard to justify.

I think the presence of DLC, skirmishes and the like would make rankings harder to implement than the more linear games like FE5 or 7. Not impossible, but probably not a priority for the developers. I don't give a damn about rankings anyway, so I'm not bothered.

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-the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

I do feel this to be a legitimate gripe. In all honestly, i do agree with this. However, i do try to look past the DLC characters' bland models and look at their badass skills and stuff and all the fanservice that comes with it. Like shadowofchaos said, we really ARE paying for the fanservice, lulz, bonus skills, and map nostalgia. The characters are just a bonus.

As for disappointment, not really feeling any. Im only mildly disappointed in some of the main story moments (like the Valm arc) but overall, this game rocks my smallclothes. I adore it. And its even trying to knock Blazing Sword off the lofty pedestal i put that game on.

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There are a few minor nitpicks I have with the game but Im definitely not disappointed with it. In fact, Im going to change it to my favorite right now...

FE 10 on the other hand really disappointed me.

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first off, i'm a big FE fan and have played all the US games. i finished awakening the other day and have spent the last few days grinding through to get the last few children and playing the DLC maps. despite playing it obsessively, now that i've finished i feel a bit disappointed overall. i really loved the extensive support convos and the parent/children mechanics, but the lack of a ranking system and the open-endedness of it where you can grind for experience and weapons for however long you want really bothered me. i don't know why i found this to be such a problem since i loved FE8, but i think one of the big differences is that in that game you couldn't get really good items like stat boosters and brave weapons from the map shops, and also in FE8 the bulk of the extra chapters were after the epilogue. i got to like the character artwork in this game but never got into the 3-d models, which looked very final fantasy crystal chronicles to me since everyone has short bodies. also, i really don't see the point in the majority of the DLC for just a few snippets of conversation, although i prob. will get the ones that include more actual conversations.

is it just me?

Yeah this has been a pretty mediocre for me, story is extremely barebones for a modern Fire Emblem, maps are almost all level fields filled with nothing interesting visually or gameplay-wise my heart would skip a beat everytime I saw something that vaguely looked like a chokepoint, the world map shops are insanely broken and devalue just about every item in the game, it's missing a ton of interesting features from the previous games like elevation, shove, canto, magic triangle, ballista, etc, and Dual Attack and Dual Guard combined with skills make battles too chaotic/impossible to really predict but that doesn't matter because Nosferatu completely breaks the game even on Lunatic. The game ends up devolving into the bloated number porn that plagues most strategy games because you can't just engage one guy; he always has at least two buddies with him, and the rest are probably a turn away from zerg rushing you anyway, and odds are they're packing bows and tomes so anyone without the raw numbers to render their threat insignificant just winds up dead or badly wounded. All Fire Emblems have horrible balance issues, but it feels like most of the problems with this game actively diminish or dilute the kind of gameplay a Fire Emblem should have.

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