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anyone else ... disappointed?


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Some skirmishes are hard even on Normal.

oh come on now, that's BS

regular Lunatic definitely doesn't need grinding

Lunatic+ doesn't need grinding either, but does need some luck on enemy skills

Edited by shadykid
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My problem is not I can not beat Lunatic in my 1st play. My problem is: we all have to grind, and pay money, anytime we need to beat Lunatic.

No. You don't.

Your expectation is that "I SHOULD be able to beat Lunatic without DLC grinding" on your FIRST playthough.

That's a stupid expectation. Which is why you set yourself up for disappointment.

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Do we though? Im not exactly sure that its necessary to use the DLC for that on any mode. Lunatic+ is another story because thats Lunatic on steroids.... Because if you really WANT to grind but dont wanna pay for the DLC, you could use reeking boxes/skirmishes and spotpass stuff.

Those are impossible to beat. I'm at chapter 5 and stucked with the main story. I can not beat the Risen skirmish too. I can not beat the Spotpass as well.

The only thing I can do now is grinding the DLC map. After doing some grinds, Lunatic will become my CAKE! I sound like a jerk but to stop anyone from saying: "oh little man, Lunatic is too difficult for you, Play Normal first."

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Those are impossible to beat. I'm at chapter 5 and stucked with the main story. I can not beat the Risen skirmish too. I can not beat the Spotpass as well.

The only thing I can do now is grinding the DLC map. After doing some grinds, Lunatic will become my CAKE! I sound like a jerk but to stop anyone from saying: "oh little man, Lunatic is too difficult for you, Play Normal first."

That's EXACTLY what you're doing.

Lunatic Classic is perfectly beatable without grinding. You are only complaining and being disappointed because you were expecting to beat it on your first playthrough.

It didn't work out that way. Too bad. But it isn't a legit reason to be disappointed about the game's design. That's entirely YOUR fault. And your mindset that Lunatic is IMPOSSIBLE without grinding is nothing but being thickheaded and refusing to listen to what other people have been saying.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Those are impossible to beat. I'm at chapter 5 and stucked with the main story. I can not beat the Risen skirmish too. I can not beat the Spotpass as well.

The only thing I can do now is grinding the DLC map. After doing some grinds, Lunatic will become my CAKE! I sound like a jerk but to stop anyone from saying: "oh little man, Lunatic is too difficult for you, Play Normal first."

Gah, I give up! >.<

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That's EXACTLY what you're doing.

Lunatic Classic is perfectly beatable without grinding. You are only complaining and being disappointed because you were expecting to beat it on your first playthrough.

It didn't work out that way. Too bad. But it isn't a legit reason to be disappointed about the game's design. That's entirely YOUR fault. And your mindset that Lunatic is IMPOSSIBLE without grinding is nothing but being thickheaded and refusing to listen to what other people have been saying.

I'm open to all critiques. Don't be unfair to me by saying "thickheaded" or "refusing". I said very clearly from the start, I'm new to the game, I might be a noob, but if anyone can prove me wrong, I'm happy.

Question: do you yourselves buy the DLC, grind in whatever early playthroughs, gain some advantages, and use those advantages when you start playing your "Lunatic without grind"? That's number 1st playthrough or 1290th is not the point here.

If No - ok, so the game's highest difficulty can be beaten without spending any money. I have been a noob. But I'm happy for the "able" challenges and big thanks to you for pointing that out.

If Yes - well, you pay to win. Don't hide it by delaying it to 2nd playthrough or 2520th playthrough.

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I've seen and talked to people who have played and beaten the game on lunatic before the DLC was released, so I'm pretty sure it's possible. Will it be enjoyable? Ahahahahahahahaha.

Cool! That's all the answer & info I seek.

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For the record, i did not buy the DLC until after my initial run through the game. In fact, it was actually in the latter part of my second run did i purchase the DLC. And i dont even have the third wave of DLC released.


Im doing a hard mode run because i wanted to see what hard mode was like in this game. Turns out its not that hard even without the DLC/skirmishes/spotpass.

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Yeah, like what others have been saying, Lunatic doesn't require grinding. I and plenty of other people have beaten Lunatic without grinding, DLC, etc (well, I did have Morgan on my team, which made the game a bit easier towards the end than it otherwise would have been). As long as you're distributing experience to people not named Frederick, every stage can be beaten reliably without needing to grind.

Skirmishes at the Longfort stage (Chapter 3) are pretty beatable as long as you plop Frederick (early in the game) or Avatar (late in the game) on the one Gate panel.

back to the original topic: yeah, slightly disappointed in the lazy gameplay design, but it's still a fun game.

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Cool! That's all the answer & info I seek.

I've been saying that from the START.

That's what the Lunatic Club thread was for. If you're stuck, ask help there.

I was calling you thickheaded because you weren't listening to the fact that I've said people have beaten Lunatic without the need for any grinding and you being disappointed saying that it was IMPOSSIBLE to beat Lunatic Classic without grinding from YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE.

If you're a newbie, the best way to learn is to start listening instead of simply saying "I'm a noob".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Lunatic is beatable without any grinding/DLC and pretty much any character is usable without grinding/DLC. It is incredibly easy to break if you're smart (Protip: Sol is good, stacking -breaker and other +avoid skills is good, Nosferatu is good), and the stat scaling in the game + Pair Up means you can do stupid things like Avatar solo and get to+beat Grima in 3 hours real time.

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Lunatic is beatable without any grinding/DLC and pretty much any character is usable without grinding/DLC. It is incredibly easy to break if you're smart (Protip: Sol is good, stacking -breaker and other +avoid skills is good, Nosferatu is good), and the stat scaling in the game + Pair Up means you can do stupid things like Avatar solo and get to+beat Grima in 3 hours real time.

speedruns of this game will be very interesting, to say the least

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Again, someone please yells to me: "you are a noob. I can beat Lunatic without paying real money".

We've been yelling this at you from the start. wtf is the point if you're just going to protest "I know what I'm doing, even though I've never played even halfway through the game before"?

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The only things that have really bugged me are all story-related. Why introduce the Taguel if they have no plot relevance? What was the point of the Valm arc, and why are the children chapters 10X more compelling? (opinon of course) Why did they make a shit ton of supports for most of the characters, but then just fizzle out with the last 5 or so?

Outside of that there's a crap ton of replay value with solid play mechanics. Outside of a few skill imbalances I have no problems anywhere else.

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The only things that have really bugged me are all story-related. Why introduce the Taguel if they have no plot relevance? What was the point of the Valm arc, and why are the children chapters 10X more compelling? (opinon of course) Why did they make a shit ton of supports for most of the characters, but then just fizzle out with the last 5 or so?

Outside of that there's a crap ton of replay value with solid play mechanics. Outside of a few skill imbalances I have no problems anywhere else.

i totally agree with you about the taguel. that always bugged me about the hatari in FE10 as well.

i def. agree w/ you about some of the skills just being ridiculous, e.g. counter.

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i totally agree with you about the taguel. that always bugged me about the hatari in FE10 as well.

i def. agree w/ you about some of the skills just being ridiculous, e.g. counter.


counter is only effective on the enemy, so idk

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Cool! That's all the answer & info I seek.

That's also only what you WANTED to hear.

Honestly, why do stubborn people ask people to tell them what they want to hear?

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what do you mean? enemies can have counter and activate against you also.

He means counter being on the enemies is a hell of a lot more useful for them than you having it.

They can walk up to you and suicide and take you down with them.

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There were some storyline problems (Felt the Gangrel arc went too fast and Grima being too underdeveloped) and some of the class options bugged me, but this was a fine game all the same.

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I finally got around to finishing it. I thought the supports, the pairing, and the children were all really fun. However, as others have said the story was lacking. Everything felt rushed to me when dealing with story.

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