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Which character are you most like (Why?)?


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I guess I'm kind of like Brady in some ways...

I don't have a scary face, but I am really sensitive like he is, and get pretty defensive. He's also a bit of a momma's boy and so am I! xD

Edited by DancingDanny
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Hm, dunno if this is accurate. Olivia, Stahl and Kellam.

Olivia: While I don't get embarrased around strangers or anything like that, I keep to myself. But I'm a little more open around friends.

Stahl: I like to eat, I'm laid back about things and I'm sort of lazy. Aww yeah.

Kellam: I sometimes feel that I'm forgotten, real life and the internet. Funsies.

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I supposes it'a cross between Tharja and FMU in male body.

Intelligent and can comes up with multiple strategies to a game, but SUPER obsessed when something catches my attention.

For example... Lunatic Chapter 2.

Already have many strategies/throws at it, still can't beat it, and I'm not letting it go. >.>

Oh yeah, I could be Lucina in term of stubbornness and Kellem in invisibility.

Nowi could counts for playfulness.



I can be related to every characters in game.







(Evil Bosses included)


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I guess I'm a cross between Libra and Kellam. I'm still mistaken for being female sometimes and I'm also a large guy that everyone seems to have a blind spot for.

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FIRST, enough with the invisible colors guys. It has nothing to do with the topic (as TC rightfully pointed out).

SECOND, I'd say Miriel. I can get logical to the point where it throws people off (my mom and I get into the strangest religious debates). My methods of getting to the bottom of things can be rather odd, too.

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I'm similar to Stahl, I love to eat, I'm lazy, nice and like to help my friends (or anyone else). The guy who doesn't really stand out, but is always there.

The Avatar, minus the tactical genius. I actually do find the Avatar and Stahl to be similar.

A bit of Olivia shyness, more so around girls.

And finally some Noire, I get depressed fairly often. I also don't think much of myself.

Edit: Some more Olivia, I hate being put in the spotlight or attracting attention from people. I get embarrassed/nervous.

Edited by Slyfox
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I'm like so many characters that I'm almost schizophrenic.

I am like:

- Kellam (people at high school tended to ignore me, although it wasn't that bad. I'm also really tall.)

- Henry (random hi-jinks and inappropriate insanity amuses me. I'm also a twig.)

- Stahl (I like eating.)

- Olivia (I'm shy and I worry about people watching and judging me.)

- Cordelia (I'm a perfectionist like you wouldn't believe.)

- Maribelle (I have a slightly low opinion of others and a slight superiority complex. Probably why I made few friends - just like Maribelle.)

- among others...

If I had to narrow it down to one or two, probably Henry or Olivia.

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From what I've played so far:

I am a lot like the female Avatar, I think, just less "genius" (though I am pretty smart! lol ok?). She's pretty level-headed and can be sarcastic and tough if she needs.

And maybe some Lissa. She's fun and snarky and calls people jerkfaces. It's great!

And unfortunately (lol), a bit like Sumia since I'm clumsy and can end up in randomness. I'm not as "nice/kind" as she is though.

I'd like to say that I'm somewhat like Cordelia because I tend to be a jack-of-many-trades type, I don't know how to handle compliments well and instead try to deflect it into something more constructive, and I'm always a little unsatisfied, but her pining on Chrom that is such a strong part of her character is totally not my style. NO PINING, WOMAN! YOU GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT AND IF IT DOESN'T WORK, MOVE ON!

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Mostly some sort of strange mix of Inigo and Severa, with some Owain and Tharja thrown in for seasoning. Or something. I guess I'm like Stahl as well from what I've heard, but I don't have a whole lot of personal experience with him yet.

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Oh, which character are you most like. I misread that as which character do you like most.

Well, umm.... yeah, who indeed. I'm usually like the Jeigan position guy, being that I was great at first, but now I'm now behind others. But this isn't what recent prepromotes (Seth, Titania, Frederick) are about, so...

I don't know. Series-overall, I'm probably most like FE6's Marcus, but in FE13 alone, there's no one I can really relate to.

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I'm most like DLC Ike.

I dont talk much, I like doing stuff, but I dont actually do anything, I dont support other people at all, and you have to pay for my services.

But honestly, Im most like Chrom. I think of myself as a straightforward, dependable guy.

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I am like Olivia, except I can't dance. I do the opposite of dancing. I flop around hopelessly. But when people comment on my artwork, I sometimes get really shy and go "well it isn't that good at all" even though I know I had a lot of confidence before.

Around my friends, I am more like Sully or Flavia.

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Hm, I'm most like a mix of Sumia and Olivia. Like Olivia, I enjoy dancing, but I can't dance in front of anyone or I get too embarrassed. Wish I had half the talent or grace Olivia had though. 8D; I'm painfully shy and timid, too. And like Sumia, I'm terribly clumsy and accident prone, I drop at least 3 things a day without even trying. I also lack confidence and berate myself when I make a mistake, and sometimes I feel like I just can't do anything right and only get in the way. And like both of them, I'm generally a nice and friendly person, with a kind heart.

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I'm not sure if this has been made before, so I'll go ahead and make it.

I'm most like Lon'qu, since I have shaggy hair, like swords, and separate myself from girls as much as possible (Not because a girl when I was younger died, but because they moved away).

So, which character are you most like and why?

I think that can describe most people on the internet...

Myself, I'm most like Professor Marth. Why? Because Professor Marth don't give a fuck.

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Cordelia, mostly. I'm a neat freak, and a perfectionist. I'm always doing some sort of work, I am pretty talented in multiple areas, and I do have a crush who never notices me. Except, I'm not that humble, which is the main difference. I'm also a bit like Maribelle regarding her obsession with proper speech/grammar and reading, and I'm also judgmental.

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Errrr... Ricken? I have a hard time being taken seriously because I can seem a little childish, and my looks doesn't help -I'm 4 months away from turning 25 and yet I still look like I'm in high school, and like him I'm pretty short, not to mention a magic class would seem like my idea of choice.

But then I'm also like Morgan, because although my past shaped me, I don't let it being my main focus and I'm always enthusiastic, and I have waaaaaay too many talents, a nod to the ability to reclass to almost everything.

...Hmmmm... I guess I'm kinda like Nowi, too, if you add those together...

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I'm also like Priam too. I like every meat in the world except one or two, I am confident to the point in which I get done anything I want to do, and I don't let anything hold me back

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