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I hope you both are joking. If not, then I no longer want to play this game. Because that's just outright disgusting. I thought the incest only existed in the marriage system and was completely optional.

And sorry, but even if IS remade this game, I don't see it being localized if any plot point incest exists.

You know the picture I posted? They're half-siblings.

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You know the picture I posted? They're half-siblings.

Yeah, I still find it gross. xP

The setting of Fire Emblem: Medieval

European nobility obviously never cared about bloodlines and NEVER committed such acts, right?

That doesn't make it okay and not disgusting. There's a reason it's pretty much not done anymore. It's the same thing with adults marrying children. And besides, these games are being released in cultures that have just about never done such things, like North America.

Edited by Anacybele
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I hope you both are joking. If not, then I no longer want to play this game. Because that's just outright disgusting. I thought the incest only existed in the marriage system and was completely optional.

And sorry, but even if IS remade this game, I don't see it being localized if any plot point incest exists.

that's...well, I'm not really sure what to say without being rude so I just won't say anything save this: FE4 is one of the best games in the series, and so much fun to play (it's like Awakening, but good). Besides, the plot of FE4 is generally considered to be the best or one of the best plots in FE. It's very in depth, and shows political corruption better than any other game.

tl;dr: play it, it's the best in the series

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Iirc, neither were really aware until much later because they were sorta tricked by the big bad? Might be wrong on that.

Really, though, Ana, it's like a one-note thing. Important to the plot, maybe, but not in your face about it. (Also, I am almost 100% positive that there are places in North America that have had brother-sister incest at some point, so...)

http://c2ii.tumblr.com/post/96397791819/pebbles-my-first-married-units Frederick-Sumia cute comic

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Iirc, neither were really aware until much later because they were sorta tricked by the big bad? Might be wrong on that.

Really, though, Ana, it's like a one-note thing. Important to the plot, maybe, but not in your face about it. (Also, I am almost 100% positive that there are places in North America that have had brother-sister incest at some point, so...)

http://c2ii.tumblr.com/post/96397791819/pebbles-my-first-married-units Frederick-Sumia cute comic

yeah, creepy as it is, Alvis did truly love Diadora and the whole thing was an eeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiillllll plan by Manfroy. That's why Manfroy had Alvis killed. Alvis was basically just a giant prick about rubbing it in our boy's face

Edited by Reshiram
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Time for some NTR.


It's almost hard to imagine all the fucked up stuff that went on because of and to get to this marriage when you see them this happy.

One thing I wouldn't mind them clearing up is whether Alvis really did know Diedre was Sigurd's wife. It was pretty hazy from what I recall and could have gone either way pretty easily.

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To be fair,

the incest in FE4 is treated very lightly, as in, the game doesn't really make a huge deal about it. Some people may not even realize that Arvis and Deidre are related when they first play the game, since I don't think it's flat out stated. It's the sort of thing the player deduces after putting several pieces together.

I honestly think FE4 could be translated as it is and released in the west without much hassle, even with a T-rating.

Edited by Jave
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Yeah, I still find it gross. xP

That doesn't make it okay and not disgusting. There's a reason it's pretty much not done anymore. It's the same thing with adults marrying children. And besides, these games are being released in cultures that have just about never done such things, like North America.

Ya, inscest is pretty gross, but it's not in your face about it. I only found out after digging around about the game. Plus it's not like they saying it's a good thing, we can handle serious themes in fiction and leave it at that. Don't let it stop you from playing FE4 though.

On that note, sure can't remember what hasn't been posted before after slowly going through all the pages, but here is some Ishtar and Julius.


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Wondering out loud, maybe I've forgotten a tidbit that explained this but just how does major holy blood even get passed down if not for routine cousin incest

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Didn't Kaga already do that in a Q&A when he debunked the game's hints that Sylvia and Claude were siblings?

I was just talking about incest in games in general so if they were to remake it, NOA might pursue that route. Personally, I couldn't care less because at the end of the day, it's a game and as long as the units can get the job done then I don't care who they share a bed with at night as long as they both consent to it. Sure, I might find it weird at first but I'll get use to it eventually because I'm more of a game play person. .

I never played FE4/5 so I just made a general suggestion. Which means I probably shouldn't be talking about FE4/5

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Wondering out loud, maybe I've forgotten a tidbit that explained this but just how does major holy blood even get passed down if not for routine cousin incest

Based on lore, random luck. That's why Eltshan is the only person with major Hezul in Augustria, even though he's not the "first" descendent. But only one child, if any, gets it a generation, IIRC, excluding both parents having the blood. Based on gameplay, the first child of the same gender as the major-blood-having parent gets it; the rest get minor.

Anyway, Ayra and Holyn are a good example of the distant cousins thing, too. There's no meaningful relation between the two, but their kids have major.

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Oh yeah, good point. Though I do remember that they were friends as kids, in lieu of actually remembering that dialogue it makes me wonder if they were, uh, brought up in similar circles

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Oh yeah, good point. Though I do remember that they were friends as kids, in lieu of actually remembering that dialogue it makes me wonder if they were, uh, brought up in similar circles

I think there's a conversation in Chapter 5 where it's revealed they knew each other as children, but I'm not entirely certain.

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45849874 little lon'qu comic thing.

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