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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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You probably have me confused with someone else. People will like different things than I do. There's no reason to be annoyed over something I can't control or shouldn't be bothered with.

...Alright, I've honestly had it with you.

Will you just go the fuck away and never speak to me? I'm getting tired of you saying "shit lord" every time you mention Ike or go into a thread related to him.

On a more relevant note, I literally cannot find any art of Biraku that isn't a yaranaika parody.

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Was carbon-copying my post really necessary?

You probably have me confused with someone else. People will like different things than I do. There's no reason to be annoyed over something I can't control or shouldn't be bothered with.

I thought it might have been a good way to illustrate a point, but I guess not.

It's not that you're not allowed to dislike something that someone else likes, it's that you feel the need to express your dislike every single time you see it. Half of your posts in this thread alone are complaining about an influx of characters you dislike or this one piece having a pairing you hate in it.

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It's not that you're not allowed to dislike something that someone else likes, it's that you feel the need to express your dislike every single time you see it. Half of your posts in this thread alone are complaining about an influx of characters you dislike or this one piece having a pairing you hate in it.

...lolwut. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Show me proof, because I don't recall posting like that much at all.

And Glaceon Prince expresses dislike for Ike in every single post she mentions him in. But nobody complains about that. This is the kind of BS I'm getting tired of here. I'm getting called out on saying ONE or TWO times that I dislike a character, and usually I just say the character is boring/bland. But other people like Glaceon Prince are free to say things like "shit lord" in every single post where they mention a character that they don't like? It wouldn't matter if this person was talking about Ike, a pairing, or the Flying Purple People Eater. I don't like how I'm the only person being targeted for expressing dislikes.

Edited by Anacybele
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On the plus side, the most handsome character to ever grace FE.



... have to say that Arden is apparently the only person who looks kinda good in awakenings knight armor, he somehow even makes the shoulder-thingies look less stupid. To bad it didn't save the javelin.

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...lolwut. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Show me proof, because I don't recall posting like that much at all.

And Glaceon Prince expresses dislike for Ike in every single post she mentions him in. But nobody complains about that. This is the kind of BS I'm getting tired of here. I'm getting called out on saying ONE or TWO times that I dislike a character, and usually I just say the character is boring/bland. But other people like Glaceon Prince are free to say things like "shit lord" in every single post where they mention a character that they don't like? It wouldn't matter if this person was talking about Ike, a pairing, or the Flying Purple People Eater. I don't like how I'm the only person being targeted for expressing dislikes.

Lol, "One or Two times". If it was only just that nobody would complain.

People don't complain without reason. If these complains happen a lot, maybe you should look back at your own posts.

Edited by Jave
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Lol, "One or Two times". If it was only just that nobody would complain.

It IS only one or two times. Within a small time frame, anyway. I might have brought up a dislike more than that, but over the span of like weeks or even months. And I don't go around saying "shit lord" every time I mention Lucina, Chrom, or Micaiah, I say Lucina, Chrom, or Micaiah. I don't say "shit princess" for Peach, I say Peach. And so on.

I might say things like "boring Ninian" on occasion which I used in the post Kon carbon-copied, but I don't think that's anywhere near as bad as repeatedly saying a character is shit or a bitch or something of the sort.

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It IS only one or two times. Within a small time frame, anyway. I might have brought up a dislike more than that, but over the span of like weeks or even months. And I don't go around saying "shit lord" every time I mention Lucina, Chrom, or Micaiah, I say Lucina, Chrom, or Micaiah. I don't say "shit princess" for Peach, I say Peach. And so on.

I might say things like "boring Ninian" on occasion which I used in the post Kon carbon-copied, but I don't think that's anywhere near as bad as repeatedly saying a character is shit or a bitch or something of the sort.

I think it's just as bad, because posts like that contribute nothing to the topic at hand and come off as flamebait.

I mean, you did it right there in the post I quoted. There was no need to even bring up those characters in the discussion, yet there they are. It's like every time you have the chance to voice your hate for a character, you do it.

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I think it's just as bad, because posts like that contribute nothing to the topic at hand and come off as flamebait.

I mean, you did it right there in the post I quoted. There was no need to even bring up those characters in the discussion, yet there they are. It's like every time you have the chance to voice your hate for a character, you do it.

We have different opinions then.

...Uh, I brought up characters featured in one of the art pieces here. It was perfectly fine to comment and I even said that the picture was cute. And before, people complained that I could only find pictures of my preferred pairings cute which I've proven to be false. Now they're complaining about ANY moment where I voice a simple little dislike. Are people just looking for things to complain about?

If I'm legitimately complaining about people liking things I dislike, then isn't complaining about me disliking something that you like just as wrong?

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We have different opinions then.

...Uh, I brought up characters featured in one of the art pieces here. It was perfectly fine to comment and I even said that the picture was cute. And before, people complained that I could only find pictures of my preferred pairings cute which I've proven to be false. Now they're complaining about ANY moment where I voice a simple little dislike. Are people just looking for things to complain about?

If I'm legitimately complaining about people liking things I dislike, then isn't complaining about me disliking something that you like just as wrong?

Nice strawman. But hey, keep telling yourself you're doing nothing wrong, because you're obviously never going to listen.

I'm done with this.

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And you keep telling yourself that I didn't bring up a good point there. But I'm done too, because it doesn't seem like anyone's going to listen to me either. I'll no longer be regularly posting in this thread. I may drop in on occasion to post an art piece, but nothing more. Because apparently I can't enjoy looking at good art and praising it without others ruining it for me.

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God damn, people, do you need to respond to everything Ana says that you disagree with? Practically a full page worth of posts was spent arguing about a post that wasn't even a big deal. Maybe she could have worded her opinion a bit better, but you all know that you can just not respond, right? Really, it's okay. And if you have to respond, you can do so calmly (it would be off topic, but better than this).

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I'm not sure how Mia qualifies as "ugly". Heck, I'm not sure how any woman in Tellius qualifies as ugly.

And now, something completely different.



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my OTP!

Sweet Gerd, this one is amazing.

You might want to choose your words more carefully, I recall you being rather annoyed by someone calling something you liked lame.

On the plus side, the most handsome character to ever grace FE.






Also Father Saul.

Ardan is the hero amongst all men.

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I don't see what everyone likes about Hector x Florina. I've seen their support and all it is is Florina trying and failing to say sorry to him. :/ That's LITERALLY all it is. Just...lame. Meanwhile, Hector and Lyn have funny interactions in the story, not just in their support, and they get a special conversation that's only seen if they have an A support. My kind of pairing. ^^ And this is coming from someone that was leaning more towards Eliwood x Lyn at first. But now I don't really like any of Eliwood's matches for him. I ship Lyn with Hector and Fiora with Sain, so that leaves boring Ninian for him. Sigh... I've learned to live with it though.

I see Hector/Florina as a version of Chrom/Olivia that didn't have as much development but are similar in support structure. The main difference between the two (besides Hector/Florina not getting as much development, but this is hardly something limited to just Hector/Florina) is that in the former case it's the shy girl trying to talk to the lord without running away from him, while in the latter case it's the lord trying to talk to the shy girl and not have her run away from him.

The appeal that Hector/Florina has for me is that they both offer the other something they need. Hector gives Florina the courage to talk to men and stand up for herself. He will protect her and take care of her, but he's not going to coddle her and let her STAY the shrinking violet even Florina herself doesn't want to be. Florina, on the other hand, can teach Hector patience and how to be gentler towards people who are not as firm, such as Florina.

I don't really like Lyn/Hector because I don't see their bickering dynamic as a sign of a good relationship, and I don't think Lyn is really in love with Hector even if he may be in love with her. The reason I prefer Lyn/Rath of all her pairings is because I think he sees her as her, and less as "Lady Lyndis". She also seems more at ease with him, when all the other men bring up the topic of protecting her, she gets kind of defensive and asks if they think she can't take care of themselves. She's perfectly fine with Rath looking after her, nor does he make a big deal about protecting her either. He just acts.

Bottom line, I like relationships in which both pairs get something from one another, something that'll make them be a better person or something that they were missing. Hector/Florina and Lyn/Rath both hit that note for me.

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lol Mia's kind of ugly, imo. That's an awesome art of Lucia, who is indeed very pretty. :o

I think Karla is the best-looking female Swordmaster though. I've never recruited her since she only appears in Hector's story, but I've seen her art and her mug and always thought she beat out Lucia in pretty-ness by just a little bit.

Oh, c'mon, Mia is far from ugly. I don't think anyone is in Tellius.

I can agree with your opinion on Karla and Lucia, though. They're both pretty. :o

EDIT: Just saw RFOF's post.

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I see Hector/Florina as a version of Chrom/Olivia that didn't have as much development but are similar in support structure. The main difference between the two (besides Hector/Florina not getting as much development, but this is hardly something limited to just Hector/Florina) is that in the former case it's the shy girl trying to talk to the lord without running away from him, while in the latter case it's the lord trying to talk to the shy girl and not have her run away from him.

The appeal that Hector/Florina has for me is that they both offer the other something they need. Hector gives Florina the courage to talk to men and stand up for herself. He will protect her and take care of her, but he's not going to coddle her and let her STAY the shrinking violet even Florina herself doesn't want to be. Florina, on the other hand, can teach Hector patience and how to be gentler towards people who are not as firm, such as Florina.

I don't really like Lyn/Hector because I don't see their bickering dynamic as a sign of a good relationship, and I don't think Lyn is really in love with Hector even if he may be in love with her. The reason I prefer Lyn/Rath of all her pairings is because I think he sees her as her, and less as "Lady Lyndis". She also seems more at ease with him, when all the other men bring up the topic of protecting her, she gets kind of defensive and asks if they think she can't take care of themselves. She's perfectly fine with Rath looking after her, nor does he make a big deal about protecting her either. He just acts.

Bottom line, I like relationships in which both pairs get something from one another, something that'll make them be a better person or something that they were missing. Hector/Florina and Lyn/Rath both hit that note for me.

Now this was a much nicer response to me. You have a point, and now I understand this better.

I myself just found that Hector and Lyn's bickering just helped make them grow closer despite a rocky start. They say that when you bicker like that, you really care for the person, ya know. And a relationship isn't all fields of pretty flowers, you're gonna argue and disagree with your lover sometimes. I was glad to see some of this dynamic in Hector x Lyn. Lyn also comforts Hector over the death of his brother, which is very sweet.

And I'm a sucker for pairings that start off rocky and later develop into love (a reason I love Frederick x Avatar in Awakening. Freddy is cold to the Avatar at first, lol). :P

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I myself just found that Hector and Lyn's bickering just helped make them grow closer despite a rocky start. They say that when you bicker like that, you really care for the person, ya know. And a relationship isn't all fields of pretty flowers, you're gonna argue and disagree with your lover sometimes. I was glad to see some of this dynamic in Hector x Lyn. Lyn also comforts Hector over the death of his brother, which is very sweet.

I can see how some people like relationships in which people bicker, because bickering may be a sign of people growing closer. But I think there's also a type of bickering that's more "petty" (for the lack of a better word) and isn't really a sign of anything other than two people not getting along. Hector and Lyn's banter felt less "friendly" to me, and I just don't see Lyn as being in love with Hector even if he may be with her. Although to be fair, it says that each of Hector's options comforted him over Uther in their endings even if only Lyn did so in-story (this may or may not be a result of both being unkillable).

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*SQUEE* that Freddy is SEXY.


That Stahl and Gaius are really awesome too. :o

I know I said I wasn't going to comment on art here anymore, but I couldn't resist this one time. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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lol Mia's kind of ugly, imo. That's an awesome art of Lucia, who is indeed very pretty. :o

I think Karla is the best-looking female Swordmaster though. I've never recruited her since she only appears in Hector's story, but I've seen her art and her mug and always thought she beat out Lucia in pretty-ness by just a little bit.

Thems some fightin words here! :smug: Lol. I think Mia is very pretty and yes I'm kinda a fan of what if Ike and Mia got together but it is what it is. But yes Lucia is very pretty too up there with Karla and Lyn.

Then again pretty much all the female swordmasters/trueblades in the series are pretty.

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