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Favorite Games?


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1)Super Mario 64

2)Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest

3)Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations

4)Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations

5)Super Smash Bros. Brawl

6)Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

7)Goldeneye 007

8)Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All

9)Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

10)Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

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Games that I'm currently playing and enjoying (call them favourite if you want):


Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

Xbox 360:

Final Fantasy XIII

Farcry 3


Borderlands 2

Great games not on this list include Baten Kaitos (both of them), Bioshock, Portal, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Fallout 3

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Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Lucifer's Call

Dark Souls

The Etrian Odyssey series

Castlevania series

There are other but these are games I tend to play a lot. Especially Dark Souls. It's the only game I've been playing lately.

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Ahaha. I was kind of worried about recommending the series in case something like this happened.

Hey, it's not all bad.

Pretty much the main reason I bothered to join this website's forums was because I was talking to one of my friends about the Nayuta signature I made for another website and they asked if I heard about it from you. y;

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In no particular order:


Mount & Blade

Golden Sun

Metroid Fusion

Majora's Mask

Super Mario World

Just off the top of my head.

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Spec Ops: the Line is the best game. Nothing comes close to matching it imo.

I actually quite like Spec Ops as well, it was a bit generic in the shooting but the best storytelling in any shooter I've seen.

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It's probably one of the few, if not only, games that transcends the typical notion of a "video game". It's not fun, it's an experience.

It's like Walking Dead or Heavy Rain, they're made to be experienced, they're not good 'games' but they're made like a visual novel, or interactive television. I love games like that.

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Hrm... My top ten (in no particular order) are:

1.) Ys: The Oath in Felghana

2.) Kingdom Hearts

3.) Fire Emblem Awakening

4.) Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City

5.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl

6.) Valkyria Chronicles II

7.) Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey

8.) Ys SEVEN

9.) Angry Birds

10.) Monkey Hero

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Summon Night: Twin Age

Pokemon White

Breath of Fire III

Yoshi's Island

Pokemon Conquest

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Evolution Worlds

F-Zero GX

Samurai Warriors 3

Gran Turismo 2

Even though there are a lot of games I love.

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I'm just gonna limit myself from one game from each series (otherwise this list would stretch on for eternity)

after 1 - no particular order

1) Tales of Symphonia

2) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

3) Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (Awakening will probably beat it soon)

4) The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past

5) Kingdom Hearts 2

6) Super Smash Brothers Brawl

7) Dark Cloud 2

8) Soul Calibur V (cuz creation mode)

9) Startropics

10) Megaman Zero

making these lists is always way too difficult

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I'm just gonna limit myself from one game from each series (otherwise this list would stretch on for eternity)

after 1 - no particular order

1) Tales of Symphonia

2) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

3) Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (Awakening will probably beat it soon)

4) The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past

5) Kingdom Hearts 2

6) Super Smash Brothers Brawl

7) Dark Cloud 2

8) Soul Calibur V (cuz creation mode)

9) Startropics

10) Megaman Zero

making these lists is always way too difficult

Your username pleases me to no end ^_^ And the fact you have Tactics Advance on your list makes me even happier.

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Freakin Legend of Zelda for the win, all night all day. Especially Ocarina of Time. The game of Legends.

Other series hmmmmmmmm, Soul Calibur II, Paper Mario TTYD, Samurai Warriors Chronicles, Kid Icarus: Uprising,

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My avvy says it all (i.e I'm an FF6 fanboiiiiii)

Also all the Ace Attorney games. Pokemon games from time to time, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Also I am playing FF9 atm its kinda neat. :3

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My avvy says it all (i.e I'm an FF6 fanboiiiiii)

Also all the Ace Attorney games. Pokemon games from time to time, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Also I am playing FF9 atm its kinda neat. :3

As well you should be, other than the Tactics series I think FF6 is the best of the lot. Kefka FTW

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Freakin Legend of Zelda for the win, all night all day. Especially Ocarina of Time. The game of Legends.

Meh, I always thought OoT was extremely overrated. Not that I think it's a bad game, it's just not as good as people say. But that's just me.

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Master of Magic is literally the greatest game of all time.

Mechwarrior 3 is pretty classic and definitely top 5.

I do ever so dreadfully miss the glory days of Enemy Territory.


More will come to me in time.

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Meh, I always thought OoT was extremely overrated. Not that I think it's a bad game, it's just not as good as people say. But that's just me.

It was amazing for its time, considering that even now it seems modern, but I think Skyward Sword is better IMO.

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Everything after 2-ish is in no particular order.

1. Baten Kaitos: Origins

2. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

3. Xenoblade

4. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

6. Super Mario 64

7. Monster Hunter Tri

8. Eternal Sonata

9. Chrono Trigger

10. Persona 3

Hello, new friend.

As for mine, I also don't like making big lists (same as the second poster) because when I remember a game I REALLY like, yet did include it, I always want to change the list, but it becomes too late. >.> So I'll just settle with five:

1. Mega Man [The entire franchise]

2. Tales of the Abyss

3. Eternal Sonata

4. Ninja Gaiden

5. Fire Emblem

Edited by Magnus Blade
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I guess looking through my Backloggery shouldn't take too much time.

Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow- Because Kirby didn't have enough different abilities for me, also Metroidvania is the best genre.

Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue- Got me through High School, the innovative battle system and just everything about it just worked.

Mega Man Zero- Because beating Phantom without taking any damage and going through his stage and getting the S rank made me feel like a badasss.

Pokemon Red- Obligatory childhood message here.

Super Smash Bros. Melee- 4 player matches every day at lunch time, for an hour or two. I can't not love this game after that.

Chrono Trigger- Because time travel is my favorite story element, oh, and it didn't hurt that it's one of the best SNES (even though I played it on the DS) games out there.

The World Ends With You- The only game I immediately started playing again (NG+ is my favorite mechanic except when Tales fucked it up) after I finished it for the first time. Also, dat music.

Cave Story- The story about caves.

Final Fantasy Tactics- Has an actually compelling narrative unlike it's...I hesitate to call them sequels, so I'll go with progeny. Also great artstyle, the best music (again, way better than its progeny), and the gameplay was great too also it has Ramza and Delita and Reis and Agrias (who looks a lot like Saber, come to think of it...hmmmm....) and motherfucking Thunder God Cid.

Shining Force- I hope you had more than one obligatory childhood message for this list.

Also I guess Metal Slug X but I'm too lazy to write anything about that so uh...Big guns, big explosions, I love it or something to that effect.

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