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Avatar Pairing in a Sequel?


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There's definitely been talk of a potential sequel in the future, and from a business standpoint, it would be strange not to have one.

But this was the first game that combined MU and marriage, so what of the next? I'm sure a lot of people would be unwilling to leave their spouses, so that would... Well, yeah.

So how do you think IS should handle it, then? Maybe using a lot of the same characters through some Outrealm portal or something? Or some kind of file transfer? Or...Well, anything?

Edited by 47948201
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I thought it'd be more sense to have prequel honestly, since in Awakening, you can kill off Grima. So unless Naga goes batshit insane in the sequel, there're almost no potential villains to use.

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Second generation with a customizable Morgan, perhaps?

Ooh, this. :D

Otherwise, perhaps a method related to Golden Sun 2's password system, which ported over names and crap? It might have to be a wii u game for all the many possibilities.

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They could do a data transfer, but I personally would prefer for a sequel to move on to a(n almost) completely new cast, with some characters from Awakening appearing, but not all of them.

As for children/pairings, they could have all the kids present have the hair colors of the parents to whom they're attached and simply not mention the fathers unless you transferred data.

I just would really like IS to get into the habit of having the casts of new FE games be primarily new, especially after being disappointed by Radiant Dawn in that regard.

I thought it'd be more sense to have prequel honestly, since in Awakening, you can kill off Grima. So unless Naga goes batshit insane in the sequel, there're almost no potential villains to use.

Or they could always, you know, make a new character to be the villain. There's no reason the villain would HAVE to be a returning character.

Also, regarding a sequel, I'd love it if they explored the continents visible to the North, South and Southwest of Archanea and Valentia.

Oh wow, I just realized:

Valm = Valentia + Alm.

It actually totally makes sense, although this reference isn't present in the Japanese version and I am unsure as to whether or not it's intentional. Still, props to the localization team if indeed it is intentional.

Edited by Starlight36
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Importing saves would be awesome, but realistically I think they would only have a few recurring characters...

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Unless the 3DS saves game data to the SD card that can be loaded by the cartridge of the sequel game, importing is pretty impossible.

I'm sure they could probably have a free file transfer app available in the eShop, which would have you insert Awakening, load the transfer app, then switch to FE14, and have it load the files.

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There hath been speak of a sequel? I clearly hast not seen any of it. To me, Slyfox speaks the most sense. With an avatar, sequels would be quite difficult to create if one was to create continuity for the avatar by including it.

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Just have a menu. Like, select spouse. There's not that many oh wait.


Uhm. I guess a file transfer could work? I mean it's not like there's as many variables as Mass Effect had, it's literally just the pairings and the ending. As far as villains go, just use Medeus. He's still missing. Or, like, skip the doomsday plot and just have it be a straight-out war between two nations.

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Noooooo, guys, it's gonna be a prequel with Chrom/Emmeryn/Lissa's father as the main character. And it will be heartbreaking because he's actually a good guy. Fate toys with him and makes everything he does go wrong. D: Or some super-spy manages to muck things up, like killing important people and framing others, etc. He's not actually a bad person, but shit keeps happening and from an outsider's perspective he's a terrible person. That, and history as we know it isn't always correct. And then IS pulls a Crisis Core move and the main character dies at the end of the game because, well, plot. ;-;

Or maybe CHROM time travels!

....I'm sorry. D: I'm obsessing over their father since there's like no firsthand accounts of his personality whatsoever. Making stuff up is too easy...

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Noooooo, guys, it's gonna be a prequel with Chrom/Emmeryn/Lissa's father as the main character. And it will be heartbreaking because he's actually a good guy. Fate toys with him and makes everything he does go wrong. D: Or some super-spy manages to muck things up, like killing important people and framing others, etc. He's not actually a bad person, but shit keeps happening and from an outsider's perspective he's a terrible person. That, and history as we know it isn't always correct. And then IS pulls a Crisis Core move and the main character dies at the end of the game because, well, plot. ;-;

Or maybe CHROM time travels!

....I'm sorry. D: I'm obsessing over their father since there's like no firsthand accounts of his personality whatsoever. Making stuff up is too easy...

Why would they ruin one of the better parts of the story? Having Chrom's father be a bit of a scumbag is refreshing compared to all the Lords with their great and honorable fathers.

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Watch there be a guy that has the Brand of the Exalt and the Mark of Grima.

More likely is a war with the remaining Grimleal trying to bring back Grima if hes dead/alive. Or trying to kill Naga. I don't know.

Morgan could potentially have both.

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Morgan could potentially have both.

If they make a sequel based on that, they'd have to make it so FeMU has an alternate-dimension version of herself where she married Chrom (if you didn't).

Her real husband will probably not take LoveChild!Morgan well.

MMU has an alternate-dimension female version of himself... Who married Chrom. Awkward.

Really awkward if you married Lucina... Morgan's her step-child and step-sibling.

...That can't go well.

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If they make a sequel based on that, they'd have to make it so FeMU has an alternate-dimension version of herself where she married Chrom (if you didn't).

Her real husband will probably not take LoveChild!Morgan well.

MMU has an alternate-dimension female version of himself... Who married Chrom. Awkward.

Really awkward if you married Lucina... Morgan's her step-child and step-sibling.

...That can't go well.

In my headcanon, my male and female avatars are brother and sister (female married Chrom and male married Tiki) so its all good on my end; we have one happy extended family that has weird bloodline combinations, namely Exalt and Grima bloodlines combined in Lucina and Male Morgan, and Naga and Grima bloodlines combined in their cousin Female Morgan. Interesting family indeed... XD

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(Just for the people going, "wait who said anything about a sequel?", I'm not talking about an announcement about a sequel or anything, moreso the large amount of speculation that's going on about sequel bait here and there in this game)

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Why would they ruin one of the better parts of the story? Having Chrom's father be a bit of a scumbag is refreshing compared to all the Lords with their great and honorable fathers.

if they go this route, they could potentially make him misguided, a bit like Walhart. like maybe he heard of the Plegian Breeding Program and wanted to stop it, so that's why he invaded and destroyed the country.

it would be very refreshing to play a morally ambiguous character for once.

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if they go this route, they could potentially make him misguided, a bit like Walhart. like maybe he heard of the Plegian Breeding Program and wanted to stop it, so that's why he invaded and destroyed the country.

it would be very refreshing to play a morally ambiguous character for once.

It would an interesting idea, but I;d rather see a prequel about the first Exalt OR one that takes place during the first Plegian War full of fan service (IE Merc Paris, Robin's Mother, and a young Lon'qu).

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