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Little Graphical Nitpicks

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You know, I love the localization. It's completely solid save for a few nitpicks.

This is one of them:


What the heck happened to make that MAX graphics look... just plain ugly?

Another is the "Stage Complete" you see at the end of a level. You know that sound effect that you get after you see it?

The "Stage Clear" in the Japanese version fades out with the sound effect instead of just abruptly disappearing.


Just seriously something that just bothered me... not ANYWHERE near enough to ruin the game... but it's just little nitpicks.

It's also not as obvious, and not at all annoying in any form... but I noticed it after I first started playing the English copy.

The Phase font is slightly thicker for the English one:


Hey look, more nitpicks:


Man, that "Fin" looks more stylistic.

"The End" text looks bland.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's also not as obvious, and not at all annoying in any form... but I noticed it after I first started playing the English copy.

The Phase font is slightly thicker for the English one:


Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think the reason the Phase font is thicker is because they want it to pop out in 3D

nice gifs

Edited by Kramgnauh
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Also, not really a graphical nitpick... but a nitpick nonetheless.

[spoiler=Grima voicelip]

The male version apparently doesn't say ANYTHING in English. While the Female version says "Daaaamn Youuuu!" once you kill them.

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No clue why the "Max" text changed.

For the "Stage Clear" animation, maybe they didn't want it too dynamic, in case it hurts people's eyes in 3D mode? Maybe my eyes suck, but some of Capcom's animation text makes my eyes freak out o__O

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I find it a shame that the jaggies in this game are soooooo visible. A huge example would be the two huge swords in the background of some throne rooms. Yes I know this is more of a system problem than anything else because this is a problem for most 3DS games.



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I think the font for Stage Complete and Player Phase look better in English, but by a negligible margin. The Japanese font for Max is clearer and easier to read, though. As for Fin vs The End... the Fin looks a little out of place, but the font for The End is pretty blah too. My biggest pet peeve with the English box is the wtf bland font for Awakening. The Fire Emblem part is this cool stylized font and then Awakening is the blandest font they could find in Photoshop. It's not that bad a font for in-game text but it just seems pretty low budget for the cover logo font.

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My biggest pet peeve with the English box is the wtf bland font for Awakening. The Fire Emblem part is this cool stylized font and then Awakening is the blandest font they could find in Photoshop. It's not that bad a font for in-game text but it just seems pretty low budget for the cover logo font.

I still don't understand what happened here. Like, when the English logo first popped up months ago I assumed it was a placeholder pending a finalised logo design. That it ended up as the final logo is just downright baffling. Europe's attempt (assuming it's also not tentative) is marginally better, but still very bland.

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That one isnt a glitch. That's Lissa's "panic" face. Kinda like Henry actually opening his eyes slightly in his "panic" face.

Really? I feel confused then, cause her eyes were literally the whites and whatever shade of brown they are, no pupils or any light reflecting off of them. Again, I'll try to screencap after classes tomorrow. Not to mention it didn't look similar to what I assume is her panic face from her support convos about her phobias. Either way I'll get a cap tomorrow.

I don't think it happens in the japanese version, unless I'm remembering SoCs LP wrong. Compare it to his recording of the demo video.

Hey look, another nitpick to add to that "Little Graphical Nitpicks thread".



Even as a panic face, it doesn't make sense.


While some people believe this is a design choice... if it is, I think it's a poor one. That doesn't scream "panic" to me... that screams "mind controlled" like Ninian.

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Both versions are weird.

In the Japanese version, Lissa looks too calm when just moments ago a crazed zombie man almost shoved an axe into her face.

But in the English version, she looks crazy and possessed.

Eh, they should have used the face on the right but kept the pupils in. Oh well, at least I can laugh at it.

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I know for sure he said "Damn you!" when I killed him. I was using Male Voice 1.


I've never understood why many stories end with 'Fin'. What? Is plain old 'The End' not fancy enough?

Apparently not? I do remember the first time I saw a game end with Fin though. I think it was FE8. And I was like "What the heck kind of word is THAT?" lol, I had so much to learn back then. XD

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I think it was intended as a "omg i almost just died" face, whereas the Japanese face has zero hint of panic. Notice the eyebrow is also more distressed. The lack of pupils is weird but it was a conscious decision on the designer's part.

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I think it was intended as a "omg i almost just died" face, whereas the Japanese face has zero hint of panic. Notice the eyebrow is also more distressed. The lack of pupils is weird but it was a conscious decision on the designer's part.

Or they could have just used an unused portrait too that was as close to the intended emotion as possible.

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