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Offensive name confusion


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I can see a phallic reference in that name... >_>

You're supposed to. Read this for more info:


On another note, I once forged a log and tried to name it "Morning Wood." That was my first encounter with the censorship message. I wonder if it does the same for "Wood" without the "Morning?"

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Clbuttic question: is "grape" allowed?

"Grape" has no problems.

Funny, as a joke to my earlier statement, I named an avatar "Cofagrigus" and it gave me the "offensive name" message.

Edited by Naui
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Nothig beats not being able to trade a Cofagrigus or Noespass without a nickname. Genius.

I tried to name my Vigoroth ADHD because of its pokedex data. Every time I tried to press OK it would give me an error sound.

I don't understand this, lol. There's no bad word in that at all. XD

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I remember playing my old copy of Megaman Starforce, and wrote "I love me some grape soda" in my star carrier. It got cencored.

I later tried naming my folder in Megaman Battle Network "Grape" to see if the same thing happened.

...It didnt. Strange.

I guess Nintendo picks & chooses what games/words to censor.

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You know, I'm surprised people didn't thought of one of the obvious.

Nintendo of America also takes care of the Canadian games, right? So, thinking ahead for the French-speaking people over here (me included- no, seriously, French is my mother tongue), they did that censor.

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given that the NoA region extends to french canada I can understand

also "violet" sounds like "violate"

edit ninja

Edited by Agro
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So lemme get this right. You can't name an avatar "Violet," and you can't forge a Killing Edge and keep its name? Nintendo sure has some WEIRD localization issues going on here.

I mean, really, who would look at the word "Violet" and connotate it with "rape?" Hell, violet is French for "purple." Just because it's two letters away from being translated as rape doesn't mean it shouldn't be used at all. And plus that, this game is rated T for Teen, isn't it? Teenagers play this game. What teenager would be offended by rape?

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It happens in Harvest Moon: A New Beginning as well. D8 Has someone tried "Spice"? I tried naming my chicken Spice, but its apparently offensive. I'm wondering if there is indeed a universal word-censor for all 3DS games.

Edited by Faye
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I presume Spice is banned because the censor for whatever reason doesn't see the whole word and just sees an assortment of letters that makes up a derogatory word, much like with Pokemon and Cofagrigus and Nosepass and other such mons. It makes a whole lot more sense being accidentally banned than Violet or seemingly innocuous phrases such as Killing Edge (I just can't see it).

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Do you try another names of the french weapons? This can be the name of a magic from the european translation. Anyone wants to trying? (ex: feu, épée fer, tonnerre,...).

And don't mistake viol and viole. Viol means rape, viole means in english viol.

Edited by dymew
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I remember playing my old copy of Megaman Starforce, and wrote "I love me some grape soda" in my star carrier. It got cencored.

I later tried naming my folder in Megaman Battle Network "Grape" to see if the same thing happened.

...It didnt. Strange.

I guess Nintendo picks & chooses what games/words to censor.

Perhaps it used a censor method similar to GameFAQs? (e.g., continuous. You cannot have Thunderbolt and Waterfall falling each-other without anything between them. Regardless of whether they're on new lines or not. <<; It was stupid.)

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Spice and Spic are censored, but not Spi or Sp. D: I don't get it, is "spic" the bad word here? Augh these censor things are rather confusing and dumb...

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Spice and Spic are censored, but not Spi or Sp. D: I don't get it, is "spic" the bad word here? Augh these censor things are rather confusing and dumb...

"Spic" is racist slang, though I forget which race it specifically refers to. I think Hispanics, though I'm not entirely certain.

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Wow. I never actually had any trouble with killing edges, but killer lance got me. hmm...

Perhaps the whole mechanic is flawed...

Nah, this is Nintendo. They never make mistakes(except for... yeah, never mind)!

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